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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6115720 No.6115720 [Reply] [Original]

>for the price of this shitty sandwich, you can buy 1 dozen ORGANIC EGGS.

decisions, decisions. Its 2015. what do you do?

>> No.6115779

R u just b8ing for organic h8ers?


>> No.6115781

An eggamuffin costs 4:50?

>> No.6115782

>for the price of an item that contains at least 4 ingredients, you can buy multiple of one of those ingredients

great thread op

>> No.6115796


As opposed to inorganic eggs?

>> No.6115810

Or you could buy three dozen eggs that aren't marketed for yuppies.

>> No.6116009

If I wanted my eggs from ill-health, mangy battery hens that shit on top of each other and their eggs all day long, I'd buy poorfag eggs. Luckily, I'm not a poorfag, so I buy free range local organic eggs, which honestly don't really cost that much in comparison to other foods. Even if I was a poorfag, hell, even back when I WAS a poorfag, I bought my eggs free range and local. As my grandfather-in-law once said to me, "it doesn't cost much more to go first class" by which he meant buying quality items, instead of crap.

>> No.6116023

Yeah, for the price of two or three eggmcmuffins, you could buy good quality eggs, good quality muffins, good quality canadian bacon, (and frankly, you could just skip the cheese, it's not really necessary anyway), and have egg muffins at home all week long.

>> No.6116025

>for the price of four sandwiches you could make a dozen of them yourself
think with the big head, anon

>> No.6116032


I agree with you gentlemen. The sheeple of this world claim to care, but if they don't buy organic, they are terrorists. We are so much better than those people, how can they not understand the truth behind eating organic. It's healthier and better for the environment.

Wake up America.

>> No.6116039

Organic doesn't mean good quality, it's just a label they use just to charge more for their products.

>> No.6116043

Are you implying that we didn't already know that? Did you just realize it yourself?

Fast food exists for convenience though. It's not better for you and nor is it cheaper, but it's made for you and then you're all set.

An eggmcmuffin also contains the english muffin, cheese and ham, which of course, you can buy, but you'll spend more than you intended to spend on one thing buying all the ingredients.

cost vs convenience vs price is something to consider.

>> No.6116047

This is true in many cases, yes, but if you know the company (or farm in my case) that you are buying from, then you can make that informed decision. We live in the information age, why is it so hard for people to take an active interest in the quality of the food they shovel in their gaping maws? Also, besides the organic issue, it's also important that the hens are free range (so they get their due supply of insects and fresh plant matter, and "scratch"), and any feed that is given to them is vegetarian.

>> No.6116050
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Or spend even less money to get something that's actually good for you

>> No.6116055 [DELETED] 

>found the vegan

Just go away, this isn't your horse to whip.

>> No.6116065


It's not vegans that decided beans are good for you and that eggs should at best be heavily limited in the diet. The tone of OP's post is "you can either eat THIS shitty food or eat this ORGANIC healthy food!" but the food he suggested isn't necessarily that great either, organic or not. Why not go out of the comfort zone and suggest something healthy then?

>> No.6116080

>but muh cholesterol

all of the anti egg science has been debunked. My relative ate 2 every day for breakfast since she was 4 and she's now 87.

until beans give you a glassful of milks worth of calcium you can keep 'em in Mexico.

>> No.6116090

Beans aren't any healthier, other than the fact that they have fiber.
All those minerals (iron, magnesium, etc) are mostly blocked from absorption by the large amount of Phytates beans contain. Phytates not only prevent the absorption of those minerals, but also prevent (or inhibit is a better word) the production of the enzymes pepsin and amylase, which are necessary for proper digestion. Not only that, but they also contain lectins, which over time can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome. The only good part about that is that most lectins are rendered inactive by the cooking process, so it decreases that risk, but if you already have IBS or any sort of digestive or intestinal issues, it's best to stay clear of kidney beans in particular.
Eggs are nutritional powerhouses, and while I certainly don't recommend eating eggs every single day for breakfast on a muffin with ham, they are very much part of a healthy diet. Everything in moderation, including beans/legumes.

>> No.6116091

Beans ARE pretty amazing and the variety is endless, but I can make meat taste better with nearly zero effort.

Meat + oil + heat + time = delicious crispy meat

>> No.6116093


Wicked sick, bro. I'll let the American Heart Association know right away

>> No.6116099

>eggs are the lone ingredient

>> No.6116110
File: 180 KB, 1099x1003, beans, not even once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, so where's the data that proves this theory you have that cooked legumes will cause anything but lower risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, alzheimer's, cancer, etc?

The difference between the theories people who aren't part of the greater medical community have about why legumes could be bad and the theories of the world's top scientists about why eggs can be bad is that there's no real evidence of beans being bad but plenty of evidence against eggs. This is why when the World Health Organization for example gives diet guidelines, it looks like this


>increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, and legumes, whole grains and nuts

Not "increase consumption of eggs," which is a phrase you would only hear coming from the egg industry itself

>> No.6116111

Not in Hong Kong, for the price of that, I could probably buy 2 organic eggs and they aren't sold in pairs.

>> No.6116131

Yeah, given that they're part funded by The Legume Growers of America, I'm sure that the AHA are an entirely impartial commentator.

>> No.6116134

To be fair to the Hong Kong hens, even a talented one can only pass one egg at a time.

>> No.6116140
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>for the price of a meager bag of groceries you can get 30 cans of natty ice

decisions indeed

>> No.6116141


>The Legume Growers of America

That doesn't even exist

>> No.6116144

Ninja you need to re-read the post. He/She isn't saying beans cause issues (apart from in the case of IBS, which is understandable due to: ) but rather that beans are hard to digest.

Most things that are hard to digest are "healthy".
Why? Because you burn off fucktons of calories attempting to digest it anyway. The body isn't smart enough to know what it can and can't digest, it'll try regardless and get pissed off when it can't.

>> No.6116158
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He also said all of the minerals in beans are blocked from absorption, which is of course stupid. Phytic acid can bind to a small fraction of minerals, is decreased by soaking and cooking, and is actually considered one of the healthy compounds responsible for decreasing cancer risk from eating whole grains and legumes


The "eggs are a nutritional powerhouse" quote is also bullshit, and the few nutrients eggs do contain are outweighed by the negatives. Most health institutions allow no more than 1 egg a day due to the cholesterol concentration, so how much nutrition is that going to get you? A little boost to your riboflavin intake?

>> No.6116164

>searched google once, can't find them

Check the income section of the last published accounts of the American Heart Association.

>> No.6116165

I don't know who to believe anymore when it comes to eggs

>> No.6116166

>increase consumption of eggs

When did I ever say people should increase their consumption of eggs? You're one of those idiots who only reads what will verify their own beliefs (aka - cherrypicking). Also, those lowered risks from beans are mainly due to the fiber involved. You can get more iron, potassium and magnesium from other sources. I never said people shouldn't eat beans OR eggs, you fucking fucktard. Go back to your vegan hippie den and smog out some more while you daydream about your superiority complex. You can easily find all those facts about beans that I listed, as well as the positive attributes of eating eggs, but you won't because you're a huge faggot.

>> No.6116169

most health institutions allow 1 egg a day, you say?

Thanks for proving my point, retard.

>> No.6116180

Most health institutions also recommend no more than 1 cup of cooked beans a day, so your point is....what? What is so hard for people to understand about "everything in moderation"?

>> No.6116183


>those lowered risks from beans are mainly due to the fiber involved


>There is an inverse association between risk for these two cancers and foods high in fiber content. But studies show that the type of fibrous food makes a difference. The reduction in cancer risk may be due to another component besides fiber. Phytic acid is one possibility. Some research suggests that the low incidence of breast cancer among Asian women may be due to soybeans that are high in phytic acid as well as fiber. Some scientists also believe that the lower cancer rates among people who eat a lot of unrefined cereal grains may be due to phytic acid, not the fiber content

>you can easily create my argument for me
>f-fucking smug... w-with your fucking... dumb science....

I guess we're done here. In closing, for the new year, spend your money on wholesome foods like legumes and whole grains. Leave the eggs in the henhouse

>> No.6116190


Where'd you hear "no more than" 1 cup? The World Cancer Research Fund says to include whole grains and legumes in every meal


>> No.6116191

My uncle had to get by on welfare and ate beans as a staple for a couple of weeks. End of week two, his asshole prolapsed while pooping.

Noone tells you that at the healthfood shop.

>> No.6116206

>Wanting salmonella

>> No.6116210

>this is what vegans actually believe

Fucking vegans always having to preach their pseudo-religious bullshit in every thread. That doesn't prove that you should eat more beans and less eggs, per se. See >>6116169
and >>6116180
Oh, and let's throw >>6116191 in there just for personal flair.
Now, like I said before, go back to your delusions of grandeur and fuck right off.

>> No.6116224


>Fucking vegans

Can't stress enough that it's not "fucking vegans" who create this science and make these decisions. The World Cancer Research Fund, American Heart Association, World Health Organization, etc are not vegan puppet organizations run by PETA. They unanimously agree that a decrease in saturated fat and cholesterol and an increase in beans and whole grains greatly benefits health.

>See >>6116169
and >>6116180

The first backs up the point that egg need to be highy limited in the diet, the second is just made up

>Oh, and let's throw >>6116191 in there just for personal flair.

A random implausible anecdote just makes the argument look worse.

>delusions of grandeur

Why you feel so insecure about science-based diet recommendations, I have no idea. I don't know your history or your mental afflictions, but it would help both of us and anyone trying to learn how to form a healthy diet if you could stop acting oppressed and be a little reasonable and receptive to the diet advice given by the world's nutrition experts.

>> No.6116227

>are mainly due to the fiber
That's unlikely, as isolated fiber supplements aren't nearly as potent as whole food sources of fiber. Fiber may just be a marker for minimally processed plant foods, although it has some benefits on its own.

We've known for a while that phytates have potent anti-carcinogenic properties. So some of the benefits of beans may actually come from the antinutrient that people are bashing in this thread based on stale information from the paleo blogosphere, not the fiber.

>> No.6116235

Because dietary science isn't very well cemented. While there are obvious agreed upon negatives and pluses, there are also very ambiguous foods that we're not sure whether the benefits outweigh the risk.
Eggs, for example, are only really a problem to women as they increase the risk of cervical cancers.
Beans....apparently prolapse your anus.

Point is, we need a wider cohorts to study before we start saying what IS and what ISN'T good for you.
And that study needs to be in the millions rather than hundreds, since people are different and diet =/= lifestyle, etc etc.

>> No.6116256


>Eggs, for example, are only really a problem to women as they increase the risk of cervical cancers.

The leading cause of death in the western world, and growing quickly in the east, is heart disease. Egg consumption can increase risk, which is the main reason why they're discouraged. Beans on the other hand lower risk of heart disease. The basic science of nutrition is pretty well cemented, the main struggle is getting people to accept it. As you can see from this thread, people would rather get angry and irrational and call you an asshole than think about the bad effects some food they have an emotional attachment to might have on their heath

>> No.6116299

Seems like something you made up.

>> No.6116312

>sounds like you found the truth and can't admit it

>> No.6116315

Then where is it? I can't find anything about it. You don't have to resort to making up fictitious organizations.

>> No.6116316

>A random implausible anecdote just makes the argument look worse

Are you calling my uncle's anus a liar?

>> No.6116317

Are you sure it wasn't from taking dicks up the ass?

>> No.6116318

Or you could buy something healthy

>> No.6116324

Post the full list of the AHA's donors for the last financial year. If the Legume Growers of America aren't shown, I'll eat something vegan.

>> No.6116328

No. He's a strict top. We're a Mormon family.

>> No.6116331

Produce the list yourself. Why are you asking me to do it when the burden of proof isn't on me?

>> No.6116339

You sound like you feel very threatened and quite frankly it's unbelievably funny.

>> No.6116346

ITT: fat people getting mad that their shit diet is killing them

>> No.6116347

>>for the price of this shitty sandwich, you can buy 1 dozen ORGANIC EGGS.

Can I buy a sausage McMuffin and go home and add my own egg? Or just make my own breakfast sandwich at home?

>> No.6116355

>say something isn't true
>it's not for me to prove that it's not true

I stated a truth. You questioned it.

It's down to you to prove that I'm acting in bad faith, not the other way round.

>> No.6116359
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>> No.6116371

Good one, what an epic ruse.

>> No.6116391

Not them. I didn't follow the whole comment thread, but if you're the one with the claim, then the onus is on you to substantiate it. If you can't or are unwilling then you have to concede/drop it.

>> No.6116412


please don't bully.

>> No.6116424

Don't get into a debate if you don't want to follow basic rules of discourse. You're wasting everyone's time (including yours).

>> No.6116436


please don't join the bullies

>> No.6116438
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>Don't get into a debate if you don't want to follow basic rules of discourse.

>> No.6116504
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Yeah, I'm really threatened by an ignorant vegan fucktard on 4chan. Nigga, please.

>> No.6116519

>Don't get into a debate if you don't want to follow basic rules of discourse.

>tips fedora

>> No.6116524

I've worked with some of the world's nutrition experts, which is why I think you're a fucking idiot. I'm not the one who jumped into an egg thread to start the "MUH CHOLESTEROL" "MUH BEANS" bullshit. Many, many, many of the "world's nutritional experts" think eggs are perfectly fine in moderation, which I've already mentioned many times before in this thread. Beans are also good, in moderation. You (and everyone else) should eat a widely varied diet that YES, should include eggs (assuming you're not allergic to them). Grow the fuck up. And, just BTW, you fucking cherrypicking what you choose to believe again.

>> No.6116545

This. You can eat up to a couple of eggs a day and be fine. A Jap might eat a boiled egg in his ramen or raw one in his rice and that's it. Meanwhile in American, you'll get some meathead or fat ass eating some 8 egg omelette every day. Then they wonder why they had their first heart attack at 35.

>> No.6116555

>implying egg mcmuffins have real egg in them

>> No.6116977

Buy sausage mcmuffin
Sub canadian bacon instead of sausage
Add a fresh egg for $0.90
Save $1

>> No.6117029
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Getting nutrition advice from a retarded fuccboi on /ck/


>> No.6118099

No sir, you are wrong. Skipping the cheese is unacceptable.

>> No.6118105

anyone giving dietary advice beyond this point must provide proof of phd / related education

>> No.6118119

Meh...I don't care about the cheese either way. It wouldn't bother me if it didn't have it, but if it's there, I'll use it. Sometimes when I make them at home, I happen to be out of cheese, and it still tastes great. I also put a little horseradish on the muffin, because it goes great with the egg and ham.

>> No.6118124

> anti-egg shills vs anti-bean shills
This thread is great

>> No.6118125


More anons would take you seriously if you took off your trip.

>> No.6118332

Look at this time-traveler that pays for things with time.

>> No.6118466

>for the price of this shitty sandwich, you can buy 1 dozen ORGANIC EGGS.
no i can't. that shit costs less than 1 dozen shitty factory farmed store brand eggs at the cheapest grocery store near me.

>> No.6118476
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My moment of clarity was that the McGriddle is so much better than the McMuffin

The omelette style egg is FAR superior than the other, and the sausage patty is far greater than the ham . And to be honest...I typically have eggs and english muffins in my home, what I don't have is pancake buns. Now that's value.

>> No.6118491
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>> No.6118497


Eggs aren't bad for your heart.

>> No.6118500

What's funny is that free range eggs have less cholesterol than factory farm eggs, even though they taste much richer.

I think if you have high cholesterol or your family has a history of heart disease it'd be best to avoid foods with cholesterol in general. But if you, say, make an omelet, you can use two eggs and use only one yolk or no yolk. Admittedly they're much less tasty that way, but if you throw out the yolk there's virtually no fat or cholesterol and it's similar to something like tofu in that it's not much other than protein. I'd say that could be considered something healthy in a diet.

Also, for people who have heart disease or who will probably develop it due to genetics, it's not only your cholesterol intake you need to worry about. Eating tons of saturated fat and such can cause you to have elevated cholesterol even if you avoid foods with cholesterol entirely (i.e. animal products). It really all depends on more than what you eat... Your weight and genetics play a large part in all this. Some people can eat eggs everyday of their lives and live to 95, while others are vegan and still have a heart attack (admittedly the latter is less likely.)

>> No.6118503

You know you can order McMuffins with the folded egg instead of the regular egg, yes?

>> No.6118515

Cholestrol in foods does not affect a persons cholesterol levels in any way

>> No.6118802


under8ed post

>> No.6119021

>We live in the information age, why is it so hard for people to take an active interest in X
...said every opinionated person about every subject ever

>> No.6119182

Forgot to take it off from a /vg/ thread i was in.

>> No.6119190

the folded egg is frozen and heated up in a steamer tray.

>> No.6119317

Don't be stupid.

>> No.6119769

right back at ya pal

>> No.6119789

I was surprised this shit was almost 3 dollars. Never will get one again.

>> No.6119803

>Not putting jelly on your McMuffins

Stay pleb /ck/

>> No.6119807

>calling jam jelly

Stay fat m8

>> No.6119841

>Not using superior jelly


>> No.6119845


People think all humans are the same and so all dietary recommendations are the same. A Scandinavian whose ancestors ate shitloads of cheese and butter could very well benefit from a diet high in those foods, but telling an African to eat like that could kill them.

>inb4 racism, I'm black

>> No.6119858


In most cases it does though, but unfortunately cholesterol can do other things as well


>A focus on fasting LDL and dietary cholesterol levels per se has obscured three important issues. The first is that dietary cholesterol increased susceptibility of LDL to oxidation by 37% (21) in one study and by 39% in another (22). The latter study was performed with cooked egg yolks fed for periods of 32 days. The second issue is that the consumption of more than 140 mg dietary cholesterol in a single meal markedly increases postprandial lipemia (23). Third, dietary cholesterol potentiates the adverse effects of dietary saturated fat (the bacon and egg effect)

The National Academies of Science also says

>While increased serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and therefore risk of coronary heart disease, may increase at high intakes of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, or cholesterol, a UL is not set for these fats because the level at which risk begins to increase is very low
>It is thus recommended that saturated fatty acid, trans fatty acid, and cholesterol consumption be as low as possible


This article was written in 2006, and it still gives a message of "don't eat more than one egg a day" which is hard to use as a reference to say that eggs aren't bad for you. It's a bit like saying "ice cream is fine, just don't eat more than a quarter cup a day." It doesn't really give the message that it's actually good for you if you're hardly allowed to eat it. More recently, Harvard's own Physicians Health Study found that higher consumption of eggs, as little as 1 or 2 a day (typical American breakfast) was significantly associated with heart failure


And their Nurses Health Study found that every 105mg of dietary cholesterol per 1,000 calories (eggs contain around 210mg) associated with an extra 17% risk of death

>> No.6119888
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u put actual jelly on it? if so props man

>> No.6119912

That's jello anon


>> No.6119918

>not making egg bread and egg ham
you some kind of pleb?

>> No.6119919


>for the price of this shitty sandwich, you can buy 1 dozen organic eggs that you'll have to go to the store to purchase, bring them home, cook an egg, warm up the canadian bacon, get the cheese square, toast the muffin and then clean up


>you can buy this shitty sandwich and be done with it all

To some people faggot, time matters.

>> No.6119952

>time matters.

It's funny. Most of the people whom I know that hold that opinion are also the ones who waste the most time on silly shit like facebook and vidya.

>> No.6120089


>superiority complex
>thread is about OP implying he's better than everyone who would buy a cheap and convenient egg mcmuffin instead of his expensive hippie eggs

>> No.6120114

I was thinking this the other day, m8. what in the ever living fuck happened to McDonald's?

I used to go as a kid and get the BE&C McBiscuit and it was like $2.79. I ain't that old.

Now it's like fuckin' $4.39.

>> No.6120128

I got baited into buying an egg mc muffin meal and it came to almost 8 bucks!!! WTF fuck you mcds!!!!!!

I'm going to stick with mcdoubles from now on

>> No.6120129

stick to ur american words fucker

>> No.6120152


>> No.6120242

>what do you do?
Save my money. I have no use for a shitty sandwich or a dozen organic eggs.

>> No.6120294

So since everyone in this thread is apparently a medical genius when it comes to food, how about telling me how unhealthy it is that I eat only one meal a day?

>> No.6120317
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that is what I like to do

pretty much just pile up like 1000 cals in the morning and let it ride for the rest of the day

>> No.6120336

Is it just me or does that look awful?

>> No.6120344

the thing on the left was a left over bloomin' onion that I made

>> No.6120686

I'm sorry but everything but the corn on the cob

>> No.6122072

My mcDonalds wouldnt accept that because we don't substitute products on dollar sandwiches

>> No.6122079


They arrive frozen, thawed, have a shelf life of 2 days, and are heated on the grill in some water and "steamed"

Unlike the regular egg which is just made in a circular ring on the grill and cooked