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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6113950 No.6113950 [Reply] [Original]

Who roasts their own coffee? I'm preheating my roaster now to roast some Peruvian goodness

>> No.6113952

Use a smoker or grill, you pleb.

>> No.6113955

>what looks like a several hundred dollar, single purpose machine

You are all kinds of jelly.

>> No.6113963

How the fuck do you people find time for this shit?!
Fuck, I barely have enough time in the morning to brew my own coffee, let alone in the evening to roast it myself.

Do you consider this a hobby, or is it some hipster shit?

>> No.6113970

>or is it some hipster shit
This is the answer.

>> No.6113975

It's a bit pricy, but it does its purpose. A grill with a coffee roasting attachment would be able to roast more at once at the cost of programmability and convenience. That's my next step

>> No.6113981

I wonder, can a coffee roaster be used to roast malt?

>> No.6113983

>Getting the most out of something you enjoy on a regular basis is hipster

That specific machine does it all for you. All you gotta do is program it, dump your beans in, and come back later to put the roasted beans in a jar.
You can get a week's worth of fresh coffee beans out of a single batch, it's not that much effort at all.

>> No.6113985

It's a hipster shit hobby. And girls like that I roast my own coffee. I try to keep a bit roasted for when I have company over

>> No.6114005

What's the difference between the ones you can make, and the literally hundreds, if not thousands of varieties of coffee roasts you can buy?
Unless this is some sort of money saving idea. Which I honestly can't grasp how buying what looks like $500+ machinery to save on what literally costs a few cents to make at home yourself from pre-rosated store bought coffee is saving money.

If it's a hobby, though, whatever floats your boat. It just sounds like some next level hipster shit.

>> No.6114017

You don't understand. You can't even begin to fathom the amount of pussy this gets him. Women flock to his windows when he turns on the roaster.

>> No.6114024

lol @ this assmad

>> No.6114029
File: 165 KB, 620x463, WF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because unless you're buying coffee with a roast date on it it's not fresh. Coffee peaks within a week of it's roast then it begins to fall off. Plus, if you buy your coffee from some fancy coffee roaster where everyone dons dark thick rimmed glasses chances are you'll save a few dollars every pound.

>tfw third world Africans are hipster as fuck

>> No.6114035

Have you ever use anything else besides your mostly automated machine? I know someone who just does some roasting with a cast iron skillet, not sure if it's on the stove or in the oven.

>> No.6114042

>Fuck, I barely have enough time in the morning to brew my own coffee

not everyone are wage slaves ;^)

>> No.6114049

Yeah, some of us are salary house niggas.

>> No.6114051

It's called having a career. You know, when your time is actually worth money?

>> No.6114069

I heard good things about using a popcorn air popper as a cheap way to roast beans

>> No.6114074

Roasting your beans, before you grind, before you brew will give it a huge difference in taste

>> No.6114075

Nah, I get pussy through sheer force of personality. The coffee is just a perk

>> No.6114079
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>some fancy coffee roaster where everyone dons dark thick rimmed glasses

Every last discount glasses shop at every mall across the globe has had nothing but what you call "hipster glasses" for at least 7 years now. Third world taxi drivers wear them now. Try crawling out from under that rock.

If you want to see what actually hip people wear, look at stuff like IC Berlin and Mykita. Every frame company worth a shit has been swinging back to the wireframe aesthetic for some time now. Heavy black frames are as conventional as humanly possible.

>> No.6114083

Even eaten fresh baked bread vs the same bread that sat there for a week?

>> No.6114093

Bread is bread, coffee is coffee, wine is wine, cheese is cheese.

>> No.6114101


>> No.6114104

Get get the prize!

>> No.6114110
File: 29 KB, 640x430, bilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I didn't get out from under my rock how would I know that the people that run the coffee shop down the street have dark rimmed glasses, dumb dumb?

Would you feel better if I said "tattooed" instead or would that set you off too?

>> No.6114118


It's not the fact that they're wearing them. It's the fact that you think that it makes them "hip". You might as well say they're hip because of their cool iPods, or because they know what the sushi is.

Tattooed would be a better thing to call attention to. It's not that people working "square" jobs don't have tattoos, but in general they're more prone to covering them up.

>> No.6114122

>Who roasts their own coffee?
Literally not a single person. Not even OP

>> No.6114195

>I try to keep a bit roasted for when I have company over

You're a gigantic faggot you know that.

>> No.6114216

Goddamn, whodatbitch? I'd give her an Alabama hotpocket

>> No.6115305

dumbass peruvian coffee is shitsauce.