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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6112132 No.6112132 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone remember when that one guy said he was going to make that free pdf cookbook thing for everyone here?

Yeah, I'm that guy, and I remembered too. Sorry I had a lot of stuff happen during 2014 that really prevented me from getting it done, but for Christmas 2015 you might get a few presents in your stockings.

RIP Hearts advent calendar, tho.

I love you crazy bastards. This being said, how would you like the recipes split? Chicken/Beef/Pork/Soups/Desserts? Ideas plox. Or not. Just letting you know you've not been forgotten.

>> No.6112138

Divide the recipes into meals that can be eaten with:
> knife and fork
> spoon
> hands

Don't fuck this up. It's critical.
Also, what are your qualifications?

>> No.6112141

A love for the craft and a desire to help everyone here. I have a mountain of saved recipes from everything that has been posted here and just am willing to organize them to benefit everyone.

>> No.6112144

How fitting. A PDF full of copypasta

I'm keen to see it, tbh, so I guess beef/chicken/lamb/pork/whatever would be good.
Also, entree/main/dessert/sex lube...

>> No.6112146

how big is the ramen section

>> No.6112147

With the sheer amount of recipes I have, I could easily do multiple 'volumes'.

Also definitely going to do one for all those damn HOW DO I COOK THESE BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS I BOUGHT FOR NO REASON threads that always pop up.

>> No.6112154

Looking forward to it, m8.

I came to /ck/ a few months ago looking for inspiration and all I've learned is that some people eat pizza with a knife and fork and McDonald's is a major food group.

Keep us posted!

>> No.6112157

>dead things
Triggered. /ck/ is NOT a fucking carnist board. There are vegans here you prick.

>> No.6112161

>/ck/ is NOT a fucking carnist board.
Speak for yourself, honey. Most people eat meat.

>> No.6112165

Can you call the book Wa La ?

>> No.6112166

The secret book of hammy down recipes. Wa La!

>> No.6112171


That would be great as I've only seen one recipe on here in awhile.

Here's a suggestion:

1. Appetizers
2. Beef
3. Chicken
4. Pork
5. Seafood
6. Vegetarian
7. Dessert

Add or subtract as you see fit.

>> No.6112182

>downloading a .pdf from a guy on 4chan

Oh boy that virus sure sounds tasty

>> No.6112287


> knife and fork
> spoon
> hands

>implying there's a single dish that can't be eaten with your hands

>> No.6112291

if you have enough material have appetisers and dessert subcategorised further, chocolate, fruit, caramel etc

>> No.6112301

but why though OP?
when we have an entire internet of recipes at our fingertips?
I'd rather get together and share youtube cooking shows that we've found especially helpful.
Anna Olson has an incredible strudel recipe
it absolutely made my Christmas
Also this guy is so irritating I can't stand him but his recipes are all ripped off from Thomas Keller and damn if they aren't spot on, clever actually.

>> No.6112302

Spend some time on the Index (and consider having more than one). It's long and annoying to do but the best thing to have... So people can lookup recipe by ingredient/spice/cuisine no matter where they are in the book itself.

>> No.6112317

Section it according to meme type

>> No.6112337

Hot soup.

>> No.6112338

>muh body's not a graveyard
But it is a compost heap. Either way, you're still eating dead things. And I know you're not vegan, Anon, ya big ol' silly, you.

>> No.6112378


>he can't ladle hot soup with his hands

You just need to train

>> No.6112392

Fucking this, OP.

>> No.6112709
File: 135 KB, 1920x1122, aaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6113169

this looks like something guy fiery would tattoo on his cheek

>> No.6113181


The slogan is missing

>> No.6113209

Will there be a section of "cooking for newfriends"?
I'm new to cooking, and would love a few simple recipes, before trying to complicate things.

>> No.6113354

>free pdf cookbook thing
You mean a recipe book? There's this new thing called the internet. I hear you can find recipes on it.

What I'd really love to see is a /ck/ wiki (like what /fit/ or /fa/ have) with some recipes, but also stuff like an overview of different cooking methods, techniques, cookware info, pots and pans care and maintenance, etc. Like stuff you would actually learn in a culinary school.

>> No.6113388

you mean a culinary school? theres this new thing called real life i hear you can learn new skills in it

(read: fk off faggot)

>> No.6113427

>you mean a culinary school?
Yes! Just like stuff you would learn in culinary school!

Also, a wiki page has the added benefit that everyone can pitch in what knowledge they have. So if one anon has tips and tricks they've picked up over years of cooking, say, potatoes, we can utilize that knowledge for everyone's benefit.

The current project is just one anon making a recipe compilation then putting it into pdf form. Kinda pointless if you ask me.

>> No.6113436

Make sure there's a section on meme dishes that include Sriracha, bacon and pink himalayan salt

>> No.6113541

>a wiki page has the added benefit that everyone can pitch in what knowledge they have
I can't wait to teach you all my secrets to achieving perfect microwave Ramen!

>> No.6113676

Don't forget the Sogwich, a submersible sandwich!

>> No.6113773

Yes plox

>> No.6114011
File: 44 KB, 560x560, ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is joke

>> No.6114048
File: 3.28 MB, 1346x4986, ramensundae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait like actual food or shit like pic related

>> No.6114053

The slogan is reddit-tier.

>> No.6114082

thanks anon

>> No.6114089
File: 996 KB, 500x294, 1357625216334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, its just old.

Somewhere out there somebody has a /ck/ wikia he was working on.

OP, pls pls pls make a definitive how to on cooking steak in a skillet.

>> No.6114090

Are you a drag queen?

>> No.6114091

but we have this


>> No.6114098

also, there is the booru if you are looking exclusively for recipes

>> No.6114102

get a heavy bottomed skillet
turn the heat on high
put a little oil in the pan
start searing the meat
add butter to the pan
flip the steak
spoon butter over
when a good crust has formed on the bottom
put it right into a hot oven and finish it
the whole process should take maybe 15 minutes

>> No.6114107
File: 79 KB, 600x774, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post gave me cancer

>> No.6114115
File: 32 KB, 488x379, 1357248880092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this version is only a little bit better than OP's

>> No.6114121

Hammy down recipes that will make you say wa la!

>> No.6114413

>not appreciating the constant Chipotle shilling
patrician detected

>> No.6114415

>not running Linux
What's a computer virus, mommy?

>> No.6114470

Is that from that autistic chef video? Because if so I fully support this.

Heh. My captcha was Bookv

>> No.6114529

Are you implying that you live with your mommy?

>> No.6114547

Whatever you do, don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.6115144

>linux is immune to virus

>confirmed for not running linux
>confirmed for wannabe black hat

>> No.6115154


>what is topical joke based on current threads?
lurk moar

>> No.6115771


What is the joke here?