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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 620x460, olive-oil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6111873 No.6111873 [Reply] [Original]

Adding oil to foods just adds unnecessary calories. Calling certain oils as "healthy" is all a marketing scam. Whether it's olive oil, coconut, or canola (I have no idea how this highly refined oil gets labeled as "healthy") you definitely don't need to add them to a healthy diet.

Oils are just pure fat, due to being refined from oil rich whole foods, most of the nutrients are not extracted, and as such you're left with something that's pretty much 100% pure fat. Our bodies actually have a tiny requirement for fats, one that is easily fulfilled by eating a plant and grain based diet. If you add meat to the equation you'll definitely go over the required necessary amount.

Don't be brainwashed by Jaime Oliveoil and think that you need to add it to your cooking. Oil is a scam and you should eliminate it from your diet.

>> No.6111878

You understand that dietary fat is something our body utilizes right?

>> No.6111881

Where are your sources?

>> No.6111896

>Adding oil to foods just adds unnecessary calories.
But I need calories and sometimes I'm eating food that needs more fat.

>Oils are just pure fat
Well yeah, people bred plants for their oils. Oil is good for your skin, people use it after using soap which dries your skin out. Adding oil to your salad will let you absorb more vitamins and minerals, because some are more soluble in oil.

>Our bodies actually have a tiny requirement for fats
You could eat hardtack, drink water, and take vitamins without dying but you probably won't do that.

>Oil is a scam and you should eliminate it from your diet.
You're a scam and I'm going to eliminate you from my diet.

>> No.6111910

"Hurrrrr I love sucking cocks"


>> No.6111914

Which you get from eating plants. Fish oils or "healthy" oils to help with heart disease etc. are all just a marketing ploy to make you, the uneducated consumer, buy more of them. So little oil is needed for a healthy diet that it can all be attained from just eating a lot of vegetables.

Just google "no oil diet" and you'll get a million sources.

>But I need calories and sometimes I'm eating food that needs more fat.
What? When does a food need more fat in it?
>Adding oil to your salad will let you absorb more vitamins and minerals, because some are more soluble in oil.
So will adding nuts, olives or avocados. Plus they have a lot more nutrients already in them as opposed to refined oils which provide no value outside of fat. But even that is unnecessary as the amount of oil needed is miniscule.

>> No.6111918

Copypasta much? b8.

>> No.6111922

>implying I give even one percent as much of a damn about health as I do about taste
Very nearly everything I cook uses butter in some way, I eat meat with every single meal, I have some kind of chocolate after every meal. Eventually, something's going to kill me, whether it's today, tomorrow, one year in the future, or 60 years from now. When it happens, either there's no God and I don't have to worry about it, or there is a God and I'm going to Hell no matter what, so I might as well focus on the taste of food. And while taste is subjective, the fact is that things cooked with oil often do taste good, at least to me. I fry my hot wings in a combination of bacon grease and peanut oil, thank you very much.

>> No.6111925

No disagreeing with you that oil does make foods taste good. However if you switched to a plant based diet, with some healthy meats if you preferred to keep it as such, and you stopped using oil, you would not be disappointed in the flavor you can create with healthy ingredients. It takes a few weeks to fully adjust, as with any dietary adjustment but eventually you don't miss it at all.

>> No.6111927


>So little oil is needed for a healthy diet that it can all be attained from just eating a lot of vegetables.

I guess if you mean eating shitloads of avocado

anyway you sound like me in high school when I had an eating disorder, except more retarded because I didn't think it was a marketing scam or anything I was just neurotic and didn't want more calories in anything

>> No.6111934

you sound like one of the people who think "healthy" means "low in calories"

yes you absolutely can make food that is surprisingly low in calories but still extremely tasty, in that sense I absolutely agree because I am a dancer and have to maintain a certain weight but don't want to be miserable

however that doesn't mean fat is bad for you

>> No.6111937


Do you even macro's bro?

>> No.6111940

how the fuck am I supposed to deep fry or make mayo without oil?

>> No.6111941

no wonder you're so stupid, you're brain's not getting its necessary fats and oils

>> No.6111948

>What? When does a food need more fat in it?
When I make lean homemade bread.

>So will adding nuts, olives or avocados.
I eat them too.

The problem is that you think of food as each individual item instead of thinking about everything you eat together.

>> No.6111952

>citing google as a source

>> No.6111953

>you're left with something that's pretty much 100% pure fat.
>he doesn't know oil isn't already just pure fat

>> No.6111957


holy hell this evangelizing shill

>le plant based diet
what are you some grass eater?

>> No.6111959

See, you've been brainwashed into believing that you need a lot of oil in a healthy diet but this is not the case. We only need about 2-5% of our calories to be fat and that is easily derived from eating less than a handful of nuts.

Low calories is part of the equation. Look at the obesity rates. You don't think that people in general should consider lower calorie diets?

Yeah, that's a buzz word you're using there.

Switch to steaming instead of frying. Make mayo alternatives with tofu or nuts.

>The problem is that you think of food as each individual item instead of thinking about everything you eat together.
How so?

>> No.6111961

Google is not a source faggot. You can't even justify the reasoning behind your half-assed conclusion.

I don't think anybody here legitimately refers to Jamie Oliver as a reliable cooking mentor.

Go hang yourself faggot.

>> No.6111964

Google leads you to legit sources. Maybe if you put those greasy fingers of yours onto your keyboards and searched for no oil diets you'd find what you're looking for.

>> No.6111965

i do lol

>> No.6111967

>steaming instead of deepfrying
>make mayo with tofu

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 10/10 would lol again. Please tell me more about how oil is bad.

>> No.6111974
File: 3.53 MB, 3029x2021, At_the_beach_-_male_abdominal_obesity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this male specimen consumes a large amount of refined oils in his diet

>> No.6111980

>How so?
Because you think oil is completely devoid of nutrition without thinking that you can mix oil with herbs, garlic, onions, spices, etc.

Because you think that saying "eat nuts and avocado instead" is a completely viable alternative for everybody.

Because you think everybody has the resources available to have a constant supply of the best foods.

Because you think that nothing bad will ever happen to the food supply and that eliminating large portions of food from our food supply is a good thing.

Because you think that all land everywhere is able to grow the crop you think is healthiest.

Because you think you've figured out all of human evolution and our food supply and biological needs and environmental impacts and long-term food supply needs and risks.

Because you think that oils have no nutrition, while not realizing that having fat as a dietary need and having fat as an available food source means it's nutritious.

>> No.6111984


>The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). MUFAs are actually considered a healthy dietary fat. If your diet replaces saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats such as MUFAs and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), you may gain certain health benefits.

>MUFAs and PUFAs may help lower your risk of heart disease by improving related risk factors. For instance, MUFAs have been found to lower your total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. MUFAs may also help normalize blood clotting. And some research shows that MUFAs may also benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be especially helpful if you have type 2 diabetes.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6111985


lovvvvvvvvvve it

>> No.6111988

>See, you've been brainwashed into believing that you need a lot of oil in a healthy diet but this is not the case. We only need about 2-5% of our calories to be fat and that is easily derived from eating less than a handful of nuts.

actually 20% of cal's should be fats. Also why would anyone brainwash us into eating oil? The wealthy olive oil barrons who secretly rule the media? Please explain more, I'd love to see how batshit crazy you can get.


>Google leads you to legit sources. Maybe if you put those greasy fingers of yours onto your keyboards and searched for no oil diets you'd find what you're looking for.
>starts thread telling you what to eat. when asked for sorce - "find it yourself"

THIS JUST IN ALL POTATO'S ARE BAD FOR YOU (what are my sources ummmm just google it yourself)

>> No.6111990

>We only need about 2-5% of our calories to be fat

citation needed


>Low calories is part of the equation. Look at the obesity rates. You don't think that people in general should consider lower calorie diets?

Of course fat people should. That doesn't mean that foods that are calorie dense are inherently unhealthy. They are unideal for raging fatasses to consume in excess (which is how they typically consume everything), but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.6111993
File: 102 KB, 408x320, utalk2much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The wealthy olive oil barrons who secretly rule the media?

>> No.6111999

that dude consumes a large amount of everything in his diet. I think cutting out carbs and going lean keto would do him good too.

>> No.6112003

>potatoes are bad for you
I've seen people post that before. Maybe they are confusing potato chips and fries with potatoes themselves.

>> No.6112005
File: 15 KB, 216x233, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding carbs to foods just adds unnecessary calories. Calling certain carbs as "healthy" is all a marketing scam. Whether it's potatos, rice, or bread (I have no idea how this highly refined carbs gets labeled as "healthy") you definitely don't need to add them to a healthy diet.

Carbs are just pure calories, due to being refined from oil rich whole foods, most of the nutrients are not extracted, and as such you're left with something that's pretty much 100% pure carbs. Our bodies actually have a tiny requirement for carbs, one that is easily fulfilled by eating a plant and grain based diet. If you add bread to the equation you'll definitely go over the required necessary amount.

Don't be brainwashed by Jaime Potato and think that you need to add it to your cooking. Oil is a scam and you should eliminate it from your diet

>> No.6112010

its true dude, just ask op, we are being brain washed and its all a scam.

>> No.6112015

>thousands of years ago people were brainwashed into thinking they should breed plants for oil and then find uses for that oil
how do we stop it

>> No.6112016

As I've written above, you are brainwashed by people telling you that you need fat, and large amounts of it in your diet. When the truth is that you need so little you don't ever have to buy a bottle of oil or a stick of butter for the rest of your life. You can keep adding herbs and spices to your foods, oil is not necessary for them. I've never heard of such extreme conditions as to not allow you to purchase nuts (especially for people on 4chan). You don't have to eat organic or expensive, you'd probably eat cheaper by limiting the amount of greasy food you eat. Land is currently being taken up by crops used to produce oils when instead they could be used to grow vegetables (in some cases they wouldn't but my point still stands). I didn't figure this out, others did, folks with education and experience in the nutritional field. And in your last point, are you saying that people are consuming so few calories that they need to supplement their diet by eating pure fat? I find that very hard to believe.

Healthy compared to the unhealthy ones. Of course it's better if you switch from eating lard to eating olive oil. But neither is necessary for your diet.

Those wealthy oil barons are already adding vegetable oils to your olive oils.

As long as it's a whole food that also gives you additional nutrients I agree, however oils just add fat and calories.

>> No.6112018

A certain amount of carbs is necessary for a balanced diet. Just like a certain amount of fat. Except the amount of fat can be an extremely low amount while you need to maintain a certain amount of carbs or your body starts eating itself (good for fat people, not so good for people who don't want to lose their muscles).

>> No.6112026

>people evolve and domesticate animals and crops and have different animals and crops for different purposes

>wants to go backwards to give everyone their daily lettuce and water rations because it's healthier

>> No.6112027


Adding Aspergers to the DSM just adds unnecessary made up illnesses. Calling certain mental disorders "Aspergers" is all a marketing scam. Whether it's Autism, homosexuality, or schizophrenia (I have no idea how this highly refined homosexuality gets labeled as "born that way") you definitely don't need to add them to DSM.

Aspergers are just pure degenerates, due to being selfish cunts devoid of empathy, and as such you're left with something that's pretty much 100% pure psychopath. Our bodies actually have a tiny requirement for mercury, one that is easily fulfilled by getting vaccinated and eating fish. If you add lobster and shrimp to the equation you'll definitely go over the required necessary amount.

Don't be brainwashed by Barack Obama and think that you need to add him to your Facebook. Facebook is a scam and you should eliminate it from your life.

>> No.6112030

Have you ever even had an ass burger?

>> No.6112036



>> No.6112046

>unnecessary made up illnesses
you literally described the entirety of the DSM and psychiatry in general

>> No.6112060

Op has never been an athlete I guess. Fat is required for testosterone production among other things you skinnyfat faggot

>> No.6112068

>Those wealthy oil barons are already adding vegetable oils to your olive oils.
BAHAHAHA he actually thinks there are olive oil barrons!

>> No.6112074

itt some dude that took "don't eat too much fat" advice too far and then a bunch of people teasing him.

>> No.6112075

I was an e-sports athlete, how come I've never heard about this?

>> No.6112077


yeah some people just want to be batshit insane, it clearly isn't some sort of psychiatric issue, and none of psychiatric issues have been clearly found to be legitimate based on physiological indicators


>> No.6112078

Olive oil is good for you it has oxidants

>> No.6112088

>I've never heard of such extreme conditions as to not allow you to purchase nuts
Ever heard of allergies, dumbfuck? Some people can't eat nuts. Once more you seem to believe what is true for you also applies to the whole world.

>> No.6112108

wtf is oxidants anyway? have you ever seen a oxidants? calling bullshit

>> No.6112111

>doesn't know about oxidants

>> No.6112117

Then how do you explain the quite good health of mediterranean folks (yeah the old, fat ones)? Good olive oil is sth like a national dish in italy, spain greece etc. They even take shoots of olive oil. Dudes are perfectly healthy!

>> No.6112119

By now i wonder if he even knows the earth is round...

>> No.6112120

Lel I know. What a pleb

>> No.6112121

Have you ever seen a oxidants! Lmao

>> No.6112134
File: 735 KB, 640x360, tips animefedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polyunsaturated oil is safe
>eating saturated fat will give you a heart attack

>> No.6113263

God I hate your way of thinking, OP. With a single sweep of your palm you're disregarding thousands of years of culinary creation. Loving food should be about loving all kinds of foods, not restricting yourself to only veggies, nuts, and grains. I love vegan dishes, I make vegan dishes, I enjoy a healthy diet, but I love dishes that use oil in many varying ways and amounts because I love cooking, all kinds of cooking.

Variety is the spice of life, man. You strike me as someone who wouldn't enjoy a good film because it didn't agree with you on some irrelevant political issue. Grow up.

>> No.6113276

correct. If I want flavor I add salt. salt doesn't affect healthy people.

>> No.6113287

OP why are you on a cooking board if you seem to reject a good deal of cooking forms, not to mention a great deal of food? Why don't you go to the steaming & veggies board?

>> No.6113295

>britbongs still going apeshit over olive oil

It's amazing, you guys are so close to spain and france, and you still can't handle the idea of oils that aren't from pigs and cows

>> No.6113299

Found the psych student.

>> No.6113303

>Loving food
The hell with loving food all that matters at times is eating healthy.

>> No.6113315

Well most actual food, as in whole ingredients, are healthy. So it's easy (at least it is for me) to love food and still eat healthy. Certain food making techniques are unhealthy but of course those should be enjoyed in moderation.

I just can't imagine OP even likes food. What approach to food can bring joy if it mostly shows itself as suppression? I love trying new things, veggies, fruits, meats, new anything, and I can't imagine a love of food worth anything if it's not experimental and broad.

I think OP and people like OP get more enjoyment (if even that) from talking about the foods they don't eat than the foods they do it, the few and far foods between.

>> No.6113331


lol no I'd never major in psych, I've just known enough crazy people and have read enough literature on psychiatric conditions to know that they're not fake. That is not to say that many people do not claim to have issues that they don't actually have, as that clearly is the case.

>> No.6113342

I only use oil to cook. Olive and vegetable oil are better four making generally everything. Make some steak or pork wit butter and tell me if it taste the same

>> No.6113360

I think your post and a few others clearly show how /ck/ doesn't have competent cooks. How many threads are about fucking ramen or some other bullshit. When someone brings up a different view of cooking, one that could potentially be a healthier option, it's dismissed because it doesn't allow for deep frying. Plenty of people the world over don't fry their food and somehow still live a happy life.

I wonder what proportion of /ck/ users are obese.

>> No.6113364


we have competent cooks, they're just dispersed among a sea of shitposting retards

I'm a sous chef at a fine dining restaurant and I'm not fat. I only come here typically to answer peoples questions, but this board has been shit for over a year.

>> No.6113365

Think of it differently. You know those people who only enjoy a certain cuisine? We all know folks like that. They might be surrounded by restaurants and food options from all over the world but they always eat something that's more "familiar" to them. How is this different? Except that this diet implies a healthy aspect which I guess doesn't go over too well on /ck/.

>> No.6113367

Yes OP I agree because fat makes you fat.
You should eat a diet that is low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables and healthy whole grains.

>> No.6113368
File: 8 KB, 160x160, 10430494_1418858161708115_7798917623556305930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an irrational phobia of an entire macronutrient class means you're joey from the 90s nostalgia thread

This is what orthorexics ACTUALLY believe

>> No.6113392
File: 709 KB, 1192x540, esselstyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like OP is referring to a Caldwell Esselstyn style low fat plant-based diet


He's one of the doctors who influenced President Clinton's diet after his surgery and helped to treat his heart disease. He was also in the documentary Forks Over Knives. Samuel L. Jackson recently started following that kind of diet too


While most health authorities tend to agree with his message and he has had convincing success in treating patients with that diet, it may be unrealistic to expect most people to change their diets so dramatically, especially Americans, and especially when most peoples' basic understanding of food and nutrition is pretty poor. Everybody has their own opinion on what's healthy and what isn't and it's based on what that individual person personally enjoys eating. Progress can't be made this way

>> No.6113393

I would be equally dismissive of that person. It's just such a sign of an uninteresting person. I don't want to stereotype but my experience with unadventurous eaters is that they're equally unadventurous intellectually with no real exposure to the arts.

And I've emphasized I myself eat healthy and I think that should be everyone's goal but not to such an extent it precludes a lot of life experiences, like OP is shilling for.

>> No.6113396

>unadventurous intellectually with no real exposure to the arts
Let me go look for a fedora to tip

>> No.6113398

Oil is used for many things aside from deep frying. I cook every day and I'm slender. My point is that OP's attitude against oil is on the equally retarded opposite side of the scale of MUH DEEP FRYIN'. Neither are good attitudes and both are ignoring a lot of cooking and food styles.

>> No.6113414

So true. Le novels and le films should come with complimentary free fedoras, as should le dishes at le restaurants (that are not mcdonalds), as should any le college le degree.

*fedora tip*

>> No.6113438

You could also look at it that we currently use too much oil in general and the same dishes could be reproduced without using any oil. Sure you won't get certain textures but a lot of dishes that are stir fried or even pan fried could be cooked the same way but with some water instead of oil. When was the last time you ate a steamed fish for example? There's plenty of great ways to cook fish without adding any oil but most fish is eaten either deep fried or pan fried.

>> No.6113458

I agree. But the OP's intention is the elimination of oil.

>> No.6113633

How do you keep foods from sticking to the pan OP?

>> No.6113659
File: 160 KB, 500x435, 4e2086e3-b4e6-4548-9d56-ad6aa7aa667c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat and proteine is fine bro

carbs are the devil

>> No.6113662

OP confirmed for tubby bastard.
Fat is fine in moderation.

>> No.6113688
File: 163 KB, 773x1000, 1672534-hakan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olive oil barons

>> No.6113729

water, stock

>> No.6113754

>Just a marketing ploy
Literally fucking everything is a marketing ploy, from sports equipment to food and car washes and even civic services it's up to you to judge whether or not you want to buy that shit or pay for that service based on what it does for you rather than basing everything on some kind of paranoia or jealousy or whatever you've got going on there.

>> No.6113763

You're not going to convince people of anything by commanding them to go find out why you're right.