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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6108746 No.6108746 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a fucking retard who spaced out for about an hour and left my groceries in my car.

It's not a huge $ amount so I don't mind throwing it all away but I want to know how long food can stay out of the freezer/fridge before it goes bad.

I will throw it all away anyway just to be safe but I also don't want to look like a retard since it goes in a public dumpster. although i guess it will rot and shit that's probably typical for dumpsters(?)

I mean how do people throw away good food without it rotting and attracting a ton of pests?

>> No.6108748

1/8 b8 m8 got me to reply

>> No.6108755

Considering that most of the US is in a state of deep freeze (assuming you are in the US), I'd say that an hour is fine...

>> No.6108760

I live in Florida..

>> No.6108763

Can we get a back story on this?

I would throw away the meat and dairy. You can probably keep the rest.

Now if it's below-freezing like it is where I am, then you could probably safely keep it all.

As for throwing it away, if you have a dumpster, then just put it in there. That's what a dumpster is for.

By the way, "good food" rots the same as old food and every other kind of food.

>> No.6108770

This actually happened though, I'm just an idiot who got too focused on other shit and forgot I had came from the grocery store.

Backstory? I put my groceries all in my trunk and forgot that I came from the grocery store.

Normally I put something in my passanger seat and i see that which triggers in my mind to remember to take groceries in.

It's just a frozen pizza, a frozen dinner, ground beef and some popsicles

>> No.6108780

What's the temp today? Are the popsicles melted?

I would go ahead and cook the pizza and dinner, and toss the beef.

>> No.6108783

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Literally nothing that could have been in there is spoiled.

>> No.6108784

I used to live out in the desert where it was an hour trip to the grocery store. Even at the height of summer, nothing ever went bad in an hour...

>> No.6108787

75 degrees.

No, I put them in the freezer about 15 minutes ago and they're solid now

I'm really fucking ignorant about cooking and how food spoils, and paranoid about getting food poisoning or severely sick/dead from undercooked or bad food.

>> No.6108792

The pizza and dinner are both fully-cooked. They would have merely thawed a little.

The beef on the other hand... I wouldn't risk it. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.6108794

But I bet your ice cream would melt

>> No.6108795

Yeah the beef is 100 billion percent out. It's the frozen ones I'm wondering about

So basically there's no real risk to the frozen dinners is what i'm reading here and online, they just dethawed a bit.

>> No.6108800

I don't understand what makes one thing 'perishable' but another not 'perishable'

Refridgerated things like milk, beef, eggs seem to be 'perishable' but I don't know why

Thermodynamically they are kept closer to room temperature than frozen things so they more quickly reach a 'bad' temperature, I guess.

>> No.6108804

>>610879Stop. Just stop it. You are telling this person to throw away meat that has been at 75 degrees for 1 hour. I let my beef come to that temp (room temperature) over a few hours before even cooking it!!

I shudder to think how much food you weak-willed pansies have thrown out over your lifetimes.

>I'm really fucking ignorant about cooking and how food spoils

OP, you will only need to throw your food out if dairy or meat goes unrefrigerated for several hours or becomes hotter at room temp (your car beef is not going to reach 75 through and through after 1 hour.

>> No.6108807

I would consider throwing the food out ONLY if all three of these conditions are true, and even then I would only consider it:

It's swelteringly hot outside.

You already drove an hour or two in the car, so they've been in the car more like a couple hours.

The food in question is shellfish or something prone to getting sketchy that you got cheap because it was near or just past expiration but technically still good.

If those were all true I'd throw it out if I was cooking for others, but probably keep it if it was just for me (because I'm ok with accidental self poisoning, but not manslaughter).

>> No.6108811

No, it didn't. It softened up a bit, but it did not melt.

>> No.6108817

nailed it. I'm gonna guess you live in the Gulf South.

>> No.6108818

I already threw the meat out anyway.

>Frozen Pizza
>Frozen "Fully Cooked" Popcorn Chicken
>Frozen Lasanga meal
>Frozen Chicken Alfredo Meal

I think.. I will keep

>> No.6108826

North central FL. It's nice weather but not `hot`, about 72 with 80% humidity, heat index 71

>> No.6108833

it's 64 and overcast here in south central Louisiana. I guessed bc you used "sweltering"

>> No.6108836

K, hopefully you will remember this thread next time your milk starts sweating and you feel compelled to throw it away. Manchildren, all of you

>> No.6108837

Oh nevermind you were talking to the guy that made those 3 conditions,

>> No.6108840

>being cautious is being a manchild

>> No.6108888 [DELETED] 

>being cautious
>being an ultrasterilized paranoid consumerbot

your parents let you down.

>> No.6108893

could you please pack more buzzwords into one line? one of them lacked a buzzprefix/buzzsuffix

>> No.6108898

>being cautious
>being an ultrasterilized paranoid consumerbot

your parents let you down.

sorry, had to repost since I misreplied. To your question, how about "hand-wringing ninny"

>> No.6108899

Remember, people ate foods like butter and meat for thousands of years before the refrigerator was invented. You could leave it out all day and it'd be more or less fine. Especially because it's winter and thus colder than usual and less buggy.

>> No.6108902

People didn't live very long back then though

>> No.6108907

Actually, they lived about as long. The average-lifespan figures of like 30 years are just because a whole shitload of dead babies were dragging down the average age of death. If you survived childhood, you would likely make it to sixty.

>> No.6108919

Why are people falling for this b8?

>> No.6108930

It's not fucking bait I'm just inexperienced with food and extremely cautious.

Yesterday I opened a can of beans which had beans and liquid inside. It said to cook 2-5 minutes. I dumped the water out and cooked for 5 minutes. The beans were burnt to a crisp and I threw them away.

>> No.6108937

you're doing great though. gotta learn somewhere. I''d eat at your place.

>> No.6108940

oy vey, Did you realize you should have kept the liquid in and 5 minutes was probably too long?

>> No.6108948

yes sir i did

it was 80cents and i bought 3, I decided to use the experimental way to figure out how it was meant to be cooked (it didn't specify detailed enough steps) and sacraficed the first one.

always start from the most cautious approach and work from there

>> No.6108952

>the most cautious approach
That would have been leaving the liquid in a microwaving for 2 minutes.

FYI canned goods do not need to be cooked. They're just usually better that way

>> No.6108958

>That would have been

Actually, that would have been ANY method, just pay attention to what you're doing. Setting the microwave for 2 min and walking away is just as stupid as putting it in a pan and leaving it alone.

Pay attention to what's happening when you're cooking. Use your senses.

>> No.6108966

I don't know what 'cooking' in terms of physics / chemistry / biology actually fundamentally is or entails so I have to figure it out empirically.

Not really, 2 mintues is only 40% as long as 5 minutes, and adding liquid = less heat gets into beans = get less cooked

Beans alone @ 5 minutes is the maximum possible amount of energy that could be put into them, and therefore is the most cautious.

Since I know it is too much, I will go to the next highest, which is 5 minutes with liquid. If that is good, or overcooked, i will reduce further.

>> No.6108976

>maximum possible amount of energy that could be put into them
>the most cautious
Um no

>FYI canned goods do not need to be cooked.
You're just heating them

>> No.6108983

What? That is the most energy that could be put into the beans.

There's two variables

>With or Without Liquid
>Cooking time

keeping microwave wattage out of it

more time = more power
without liquid = all power into beans

>> No.6108985


>> No.6108987

Stuff that's in a can is already cooked.

And if you don't know what you're doing, for God's sake keep an eye on it and look/taste periodically. Don't repeat don't walk away.

>> No.6108989

But I don't fundamentally understand what "cooking" means.

Same thing with "going bad" or "overcooking" or "undercooking"

Generally speaking you have to put heat into food to "cook" it, at which point it is edible and will not make you sick, but then if you do not eat it within a certain time period, it goes bad.

Refrigeration/Freezing can make this last longer

Everything that's canned has already been cooked?

Also taking a taste of something that might be undercooked sounds like a way to get ill from food poisoning

>> No.6108997

Oh man, you're way far behind. You need to get some help from someone in real life

>> No.6108999

I learn shit very quickly, I'm just cautious and hadn't made that food before.

I don't need help because based on my methodology I will never get food poisoning.

The "downside" is I waste a few <1$ items of food learning to cook them

>> No.6109012

>I don't need help
You don't know how to heat up canned food....

>> No.6109016

One of my NY Resolutions was to cook more, I hadn't opened a can in probably a decade.

As I said, the instructions were unclear so I went with the safest route, next iteration will be different.

>> No.6109042

>throwing away ground beef after an hour
ayy faggots

>> No.6109047

>worrying about 5$ of food

>> No.6109058

good point,

but if that's all i had to eat i wouldn't go back to the store to get more

>> No.6109070

You cook things to raise their internal temperature. Food is generally considered safe to consume ("cooked") when it's internal temperature reaches a certain temp. This is the temperature in which bacteria cannot survive. Bacteria in unspoiled food is what makes you sick. For instance chicken needs to hit 70 degrees C for it to be considered safe. Chicken meat has bacteria throughout the whole cut, which is why it needs to be cooked thoroughly. Beef on the other hand only has bacteria on the outside of the cut. That is why you can eat steak rare.

TL,DR: Cook your food to kill bacteria.

>> No.6109072

right, bacteria and parasites -- i mean I know about pathogens, but surely there's more to it, right?

like, pasta i presume doesn't have any real bacteria in it like meat, but you still have to cook it

Also what about vegetables?

Is bacteria that can cause food borne illness exclusive to meat?

>> No.6109084

>But I don't fundamentally understand what "cooking" means.

The pizza and frozen dinner have already been cooked by the manufacturers. You could leave them in the sun all day and then eat them and they would still be safe to eat.

The beef is also fine to eat. The only unsafe thing is if you want to refreeze it if it thawed. if it is still pretty cold put it in your freezer and you will be fine. If the meat has thawed then you should put it in your fridge and eat it within the next two days.

You should learn more about food and cooking. As a robot good food is one of the few pleasures you have.

>> No.6109085

>but you still have to cook it
no, you can eat pasta raw. it's really up to personal preference. same thing with vegetables

>> No.6109089

Holy fuck, this thread. OP is either a high functioning retard or le mastre trole 2013

>> No.6109100

Generally meat has bacteria because it gets handled in giant packing facilities. It gets left in packages for days, allowing bacteria to grow. Certain meats have a chance of having dangerous bacteria in them to begin with, like chicken with salmonella. Most meat you can eat raw though if you take a slice right after killing the creature. Sushi, beef etc. Super fresh pork is safe to eat raw except for the chance of parasitic worms in the flesh.

We cook vegetables to make their nutrients more accessible. Our digestive systems evolved with the use of fire (basically became weaker), which is why we can't eat certain raw vegetables (ie. grass) unlike other creatures. Cooking in that sense is less to kill germs and more to break down the tough cell walls allowing access to nutrients. Same thing with pasta. It has no bacteria in it because it is completely dry. Cooking is just to hydrate the the starches and break them down. That's why it goes from being hard and inedible to being soft and tasty.

>> No.6109114

It's the former, I never had time in the last 25 years to cook and am just starting out, I always had someone else that cooked.

I'm pretty damn well off in life otherwise though

>> No.6109119

>The pizza and frozen dinner have already been cooked by the manufacturers. You could leave them in the sun all day and then eat them and they would still be safe to eat.

This actually isn't true for most frozen pizza/frozen dinners, they get processed in facilities that might introduce bacteria. They generally expect you to cook the product to make it safe. Letting it thaw on the counter then eating it "raw" would probably make you sick. Especially frozen pizza, a lot of the time it isn't cooked at all. That's why it takes like 20 minutes in the oven at 400F.

>> No.6109130

The exact response le mastre trole would write. I don't trust you.

>> No.6109142

I really don't understand why you think I can't exist.

>> No.6109145

Honestly even if he is trolling, there are probably a bunch of kids out there without this knowledge so it's not so bad.

>> No.6109158

Your ground beef is perfectly safe if left out for an hour. You could easily fridge it and cook it a day or 2 later with 0 problems. If you are still paranoid and want to be extra safe then cook it right away. Either cook it how you would and eat it, or just brown it in a pan (medium-high heat) until completely cooked through. Then put that cooked ground beef into a sealed container and that will last in the fridge for at least a week. You can put that in pasta sauces or whatever down the road.

>> No.6109161

An hour? I can't really give expert advice on this topic but speaking as a retard who does shit like this all the time if it were me I would eat all of it unless it's blazing hot where you live and you got raw poultry or seafood or something and even then I would probably just make sure to cook it straight away. Dairy could go bad faster but the worst thing that'll happen there is that you'll have to throw it out and buy more sooner.

As for your other question - maybe try a "garbage bag" (with any luck they will sell a product like this in your area, maybe even at your grocery store!) rather than just throwing the individual items in the bin. That's what I usually do.

>> No.6109171

>leaves food out for an hour
>thinks he has to throw it all away

Please, go ahead and swallow the marbles so you don't grow up to breed, for the love of fuck.

>> No.6109283

perishable = it can go bad if you just leave it on the counter for a while, for example, when donating to a food pantry.

refridgerated things are perishable. fruits and veggies are perishable. frozen foods are perishable.

pasta is not perishable. neither are dry beans or canned peas or processed foods like hamburger helper or dehydrated shredded potatoes.

>> No.6109296

but perishable things will also go bad/perish if you leave them in the fridge/freezer for a sufficiently long time, right?

cold only slows the bacteria but they eventually consume it?

>> No.6109306

The concept of 'refrigerate after opening' doesn't make sense

Does that mean bacteria gets in after opening but not before?

>> No.6109315
File: 72 KB, 335x1024, fucking pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a starting chart. good rule of thumb.

freezing food doesn't kill bacteria, it just puts it in stasis. cooking to appropriate, googlable temperatures is what kills bacteria. what we're more worried about with keeping food in the freezer for a while is "freezer burn", which happens when you food has some air in the packaging. the food, lets say beef, loses water because the water in the meat LEAVES the meat to form ice crystals in the empty air space.

things go bad in the fridge more quickly, yes, because bacteria is just slowed down there, not paused. see: milk, cheese.

>> No.6109321


What kind of fucking stupid comparison chart is that

Just, Jesus Christ, Tumblr or whatever the shit, get your fucks together you stupid people.

>> No.6109323

but freezer burn just tastes bad it can't make you sick.. right?

>> No.6109325


>> No.6109326

I throw out anything the day it passes the date listed on the package

I don't care if it's `sell by`

It's out

This happens to bread a lot

>> No.6109329

Please tell us your level of education.

All of my lol

>> No.6109339

You wouldn't believe me if I told you

>> No.6109341

i literally googled "how long does food last" and there you have it. probably should have read more into it... lawl

sure. but if you're going to put forth the effort to learn to cook, why not learn to cook well? to cook food that tastes good?
why should you main concern be "i'm going to cook a meal that won't make me sick."
what in the fuck, i'm now convinced that you're trolling because no one can be this retarded

my general rule is "does it smell ok?"
if yes, follow to "does it look ok?"
if yes, it's good.

>> No.6109347

What else changes between before opening and after opening?

Better safe than sorry. I don't really like eating or food, I eat because I have to. If it means it's less `tasty` but I'm safer against foodborne illness, so be it

>> No.6109356


Are you one of these people who have an almost unsurpassed knowledge in an extremely specific subject that only about 0.0001% of people can understand but yet cant tie your own shoelaces otherwise?
If so then the plebs in this thread should give him a break.

>> No.6109359

see: soylent.me

if you are seriously this hopeless when it comes to anything having to do with the kitchen, food, cooking, food prep, or anything else, just give up and drink the meal of the future.

>> No.6109360

Anything you get from the freezer of a grocery store has been sitting out on a pallet for upwards of 45 minutes between being pulled and stocked.
There's a good chance its also bee sitting in a go-back cart for the same time frame.

>> No.6109363

>What else changes between before opening and after opening?
Exposure to the environment?
>If so then the plebs in this thread should give him a break.
Not a chance. This is toddler level incompetence

>> No.6109364

You could say that yes, medical imaging.

I can tie my shoes ok though, It's just cooking which I have been ignorant of for a while.

I'm not worried, I'll pick it up fast.

>> No.6109367

>You wouldn't believe me if I told you
Please tell me you haven't taken grade 4 science during your academic quest.

>> No.6109370

Define 'exposure to environment'

WHAT in the environment triggers it

What triggers an ice9 esque reaction that causes food to go from 'will last years' to 'will last a week'

Are they canned/sealed under vacuum / in a clean room or something?

I figure it has to be bacteria

>> No.6109372


The guy has put all his brain power into something you could probably never understand and now he is trying to gather up the rest of the basics, its not that uncommon.

>> No.6109373

Bachelors in a STEM field working on masters

Between work and side income I almost made 6 figures last year.

If I learned any of the fundamentals of the physical processing of cooking during grade school I pushed it out for more important stuff.

>> No.6109374

I'd figure that a tech would at least know about the fallacies of spontaneous generation.

I guess if it wasn't in your textbook you wouldn't know lol

>> No.6109378

>If I learned any of the fundamentals of the physical processing of cooking during grade school I pushed it out for more important stuff.
Understanding about microbial contamination is more related to science than food prep. You sound really, really dumb.

>> No.6109381

OP here, I just oversteeped my tea by 7 minutes. I can't win today.

Guess ill dump it and make another cup

>> No.6109382

You're giving the autismo a little too much credit.

>> No.6109383


You dont like strong tea? I put two bags in there and let them sit for 20 minutes

>> No.6109385

Cooking is just applying heat to food

>> No.6109387

>20 minutes
That's called bitter

>> No.6109389


I think you are jealous of the autismo

>> No.6109391

I thought tea was `bad` if oversteeped

not like make you sick bad but objectively bad tasting.

I'll try two bags for 2 minutes though

>> No.6109393

>toddler level incompetence
>unwillingness to google FDA regulations on internal temperatures
>says he doesn't particularly like food but has to eat it

i am done. have fun with you lean cuisines and stouffer's meals, OP. chopping up some onions and bell pepper and keeping chicken below 40 degrees F and reading "best by" dates is just too damn difficult.

consider my jimmies rustled.

>> No.6109395

Considering he can't heat up canned beans, not a chance in hell.

>> No.6109400

There was no sufficiently detailed specification so I erred on the side of caution.

>> No.6109404


I dont know, I like the strong caffeine rush from a turbo cup of tea.


I have an iq of 140 and when I first went to college it took me 7 months to figure out how to use the can opener. I used to just use the opener to bash the can until it split open.
Am I retarded? No.

>> No.6109410

>Am I retarded?
Quite. And considering you spouted your IQ, you're an antisocial idiot as well.

>> No.6109412

>I have an iq of 140 and when I first went to college it took me 7 months to figure out how to use the can opener. I used to just use the opener to bash the can until it split open.
Sure buddy, sure.

>> No.6109418

ITT retards.
Just because something has gone past it's sell by date does not mean you have to throw it.
Also, I wouldn't have worried too much about the beef in a car for an hour (as long as it wasn't sitting DIRECTLY in sunlight or whatever.) Just cook it well, there and then.

>> No.6109423

Shit, I made pasta yesterday and put it in the frige with tinfoil over it in a bowl

Now i warm it up and it's hard in pieces. Guess i gotta throw it out and make some new.

>> No.6109425

It's not like people selling you a product would have any incentive to get you to waste said product and buy more...

>> No.6109426


Angry dishwashers detected

My knowledge spans a breath and depth you can never hope to even momentarily gaze upon, let alone aquire. I'm sure its easy to feel smart when your whole world is just the basic grind of staying alive.

>> No.6109428



>> No.6109431

>Just because something has gone past it's sell by date does not mean you have to throw it.

Read that as "Just because somebody has gone past their sell by date" and thought I was in that /adv/ thread about the hooker that wants a bf

>> No.6109432

if you have to mention that you have an IQ to counter the fact that you're incredibly stupid, it doesn't count.

it's like boasting to everyone, "i'm so modest. i'm the most modest person i know!"

...abandon hope, all ye who enter. i'm going to watch the road to el dorado. see yaaaaa

>> No.6109433


Would give you an 8/10 but you wrote, "breath" and "aquire".

>> No.6109434

this isn't OP btw

>> No.6109438


This is true dont blame op for my outburst, I just had to shit on a nigga

>> No.6109439

people regularly grocery shop and get frozen/refrigerated stuff, and drive for over an hous without an icechest or anything and shit's fine

>> No.6109441

Is cooking an art or a science

>> No.6109445

Cooking is an art. Baking is a science.

>> No.6109447


Its a trade, like plumbing

>> No.6109448

>something is a science if it involves rough measurements and instructions
uh okay

>> No.6109449

>rough measurements
uh okay

>> No.6109450

Baking only means things cooked in an oven, right?

>> No.6109478

Jesus Christ this whole thread.

>I have to work out cooking empirically from first principles.
>Sure is a pain that no one else has cooked things before or written about it.

>> No.6109701

Sorry I'm an empiricist at heart

And I do follow the canonical directions if provided and specific enough

>> No.6109710

>Bachelors in a STEM field working on masters
You haven't lived yet. That's all. A job of study is a different kind of job that doesn't get you into the home economics of taking care of yourself, planning shopping and recipes. You're behind the curve, esp if no one you lived with taught you anything.

If I leave anything in my car, I cook it faster than I wanted. or pitch it to be safe. For the ground meat? I'd physically check the temperature, and think for how long. Was it cool to the touch? Or room temp? Cook it right away, like make your pizza tomorrow, chicken today, beef today, and consume the beef tomorrow from the fridge. Brown it well, like sauce.

For the ground meat, the problem is that even your local Publix isn't grinding it the first time on the premises nowadays. Publix and WinnDixie were some of the last true butchering kind of grociers, but now this stuff is from a packing warehouse, and simply ground a third and final time in store, so it looks all red and pretty, but if it had contamination, it's had a long time to bloom. What is the issue with ground meat is any surface e.coli is spread through a meat when ground (e.coli is from a meat packing plant that nicked the intestines during slaughter). This is why recalls are most often things like preformed frozen hamburgers/restaurant/institutional/school lunch supply, or those prepackaged ground meat tubes stores without butchers stock, like an Aldi or even some Wal-mart. If there is no butcher, be a little suspicious of raw meats.

>> No.6109714

Why are Ameriburgers deathly afraid of germs, but will drink 750 ml sodas and eat quadruple bacon cheeseburgers as a light snack?

>> No.6109718

Today my morning cooking goal is to cook at least 1 egg in an edible fashion

I currently have 6, the first will be intentionally sacrificed to intently observe the nature of how an egg cooks, and overcooks.

>> No.6109757


Because they spend their whole childhood being washed in Lysol along with their houses and everything around them, so they get sick if you look at them cross eyed.

>> No.6109770

I'm underweight. I'm the kind of nerd who didn't eat, instead of eating a lot.

I rarely if ever get sick. The only time I've been sick enough to miss a day of school/work in the last 10 years was because I got H1N1 at a scientific conference thanks to being stuck around people from the other side of the world

>> No.6109793

>this entire thread

There are really people this stupid

>> No.6109800

We all have to start somewhere, anon.

>> No.6109807

I accidentally dropped a small cut piece of cantalope onto my counter (which is by all accounts clean of any debris, albeit I hadn't wiped it with disinfectant since about 2 days ago)

I of course threw it away instantly. I'm guessing /ck/ thinks I shouldn't have done that. Should I have just washed it off?

>> No.6109813

Cooking at its basest level is denaturing organic compounds inside food. That is all. Most organic compounds will be denatured at 70-80C. Foods that are naturally low in internal bacteria like beef do not have to be heated all the way through. Examples of foods unsafe to eat raw, but fine cooked are; chicken, which can contain salmonella, certain mushrooms which need the toxins cooked out of them and kidney beans.
Going bad is when bacteria/fungi start to eat your food before you do and either they then infect you, or secret toxins as part of their metabolism which make food unsafe to eat.
Overcooking generally means with meat it has been cooked to the point of dehydration/toughness or burnt where the outer layer carbonises.
Refrigeration, freezing and dehydrating preserve food because they make it inhospitable to harmful microbes whilst preserving calorific value.

>> No.6109821

Thanks, that makes sense and I knew that 'denaturing' was fundamentally the cooking process, as well as killing bacteria and low temperature keeps them from replicating (but does not kill them and, given enough time, the food will still spoil, right?)

However what happens for food that normally is 'good' for say 2 years, if you just let it sit for years and years on end? Is it because bacteria in it is very, very slow to destroy the food, or does it spoil in some other manner?

Also overcooking obviously makes something taste like shit, but it can't make you ill, right?

>> No.6109829

Did you not have any parental figures? Were you literally raised by wolves or born in a barn?

Also, thanks for putting a trip on so I know who I'm dealing with, you fucking faggot.

>> No.6109845

Sure thing. I figured some people would want to filter me and it makes me easier to find my posts. Maybe some would even find my misadventures funny

My parents were very nice and raised me well, and I've had above average success in life I'd say, I just never really spent any time in the kitchen/cooking until 2 days ago.

I don't think this kind of thing is that uncommon

>> No.6109848

You should call your parents right now and ask them why they let you leave the house without knowing how to feed yourself.

>> No.6109849

> I live in America's Wang
You have bigger problems.

>> No.6109852

I can make enough meals to sustain myself easily, it's just the new things that can throw me for a loop

>> No.6109862

your immune system must be weak as fuck. give it a challenge every once in a while

>> No.6109864


>> No.6109865

Seriously. Unless it has hair on it that you can't get off, fuck it, eat the son of a bitch.

>> No.6109869

Wow I'm going to get really used to converting imperial measurements to real units of measure very quickly I can tell.

>> No.6109893

what meals do you make that are not heated, stirred, and heated again in a microwave? cold cut sandwiches and salads don't count.

did your parents never cook in the house? your experience is not normal. not at all. don't fool yourself.

>> No.6109903

Food can typically be in the 'food danger zone' for 4 hours total (so even if you fridge it then take it out again) before being dangerous to consume.


>> No.6109908

I've eaten primarily pasta, sandwiches, cereal, waffles, frozen pizza, frozen dinners, eating out, etc (i could list everything but that's absurd)

You can make a shit ton of food without having to really `cook`

Cooking is like a manual transmission car
You can live your whole life in an auto if you want

>> No.6109913

My parents cooked I just never paid attention or learned from them

I perfer to learn and do things my own way anyway

>> No.6109916

Yeah, when you live in a bubble and don't eat something that touched your counter for 2 seconds, you tend to be germ free. But someday you'll touch a doorknob or the ground or some other stupid shit and forget to wash your hands and then you'll die.
Also, being so germ and disinfectant crazy actually makes germs and biotics stronger. Of course you know the slogan "kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria~!" well, that .1% that was immune just went off and had tons of immune babies. You're the reason antibiotics don't work as well any more.

>> No.6109918

Overcooking can't make you immediately ill, but consistently burning meat to the point that it blackens creates acrylamide which is carcinogenic.
Im no expert but when long term dry food goes off it is normally due to it absorbing water over time which allows bacteria to grow on it. Keep dry pasta in a cold cellar and over the years it will have collected quite a bit of condensation. Same goes for dry grains and ergot. If you managed to keep all bacteria away from food, say in a double walled vacuum can, packed in a sterile environment and then irradiated it would last indefinitely.

>> No.6109925

Oh shit that makes me wonder, why don't we irradiate food to kill bacteria. After all, it's the other practical way besides heat to kill them, and it's decoupled from cooking in that way

I guess we do? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_irradiation

>> No.6109933

>actually educated response that doesn't include the word faggot.
You make me cry anon.

>> No.6109943

get off 4chan faggot

>> No.6109960

Ladies and gentlemen, we got Mr. Science Man over here that can't fucking tie his own shoes.

>> No.6109966

The hell kind of food are you buying that goes bad in one hour? Throw away anything that came from an animal, anything else should be fine

>> No.6109974

An hour? Don't worry about it.

>> No.6110133

its all probably fine. Popsicles might've melted.

>> No.6110142

>less heat gets into beans = get less cooked
actually microwaves heat liquids way quicker than solids. So adding liquid would probably make it cook faster.

>> No.6110150

Do you repeat this same post every month you retard frog poster?

Your posts are boring.

>> No.6110771

I hadn't posted a single thread on /ck/ prior to this one