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File: 77 KB, 169x468, Tabasco_bottle_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6106929 No.6106929 [Reply] [Original]

Can we start a campaign to make the producers of Tabasco sauce put a warning label on the bottle? I put just a few drops on a sandwich and it resulted in extreme discomfort for quite some time. How anyone could enjoy something this hot I will never know
I've already rang the supermarket and they say they'll stop stocking it if they get more complaints about the excessive heat, so there's some progress being made already

>> No.6106937

It wasn't funny when you made this about Taco Bell either.

>> No.6106959

I didn't

>> No.6107128


It's not that bad really, it's barely hot and I don't like hot food. Then again I live in Louisiana so I'm used to tabasco in a lot of things.

I love tabasco soy sauce.

>> No.6107152

Stop being a pansy and a whinny bastard.
You bought tobacco where it says it's hot sauce. I know this is bait but your unfathomable stupidity is abundantly clear that you deserve the discomfort of eating low spice condiment. You deserve fire mud shits

>> No.6107160

Yes you did

>> No.6107294


Maybe you should just stop being a gigantic pussy about everything.

>> No.6107316

Nah I'm with OP, I tried hotsauce for the first time about a week ago, I was sucking on cucumber slices for an hour. It hurt pretty bad, it was OP's stuff. Here's what I cam up with:

>put special metal slip inside of wrapper
>when someone checks out, an alarm is sounded if they have anything hotter than probably an onion on them (all hotsauces)
>they get special tasters and legal papers ready for you to sign upon having the hotsauce rung up by the cashier
>the people they hire take exactly 3 drops of hotsauce on their tounges
>they must be in the presence of the customer buying it for a minimum of 5 minutes after consumption to be analyzed by the customer
>they now make an informed decision whether to purchase the sauce or not

>> No.6107323

I hate the faggots who think hot sauce goes on everything like most people do but lol Tobasco is not unbearably hot. Chill out newfagtrollson

>> No.6108162

fuck off op tobaski isnt hot

>> No.6108173

Tobasco has a distinctive flavor that I sometimes want in beans, but I live on the Mexico border so I don't find it spicy at all.

If I want heat in a soup or something I reach for the ghost pepper sauce.

>> No.6108177

man i love putting some tabisco on pizza to spice it up a notch
you just gotta be careful with the amount if youre not used to spicy food

>> No.6108181

Frankly the vinegaryness of tabasco is more offensive than its heat. The smell overpowers flavour before the heat does.

>> No.6108185

What kinda faggot doesn't like vinegar

>> No.6108189

Harden the fuck up, sunshine.

It's Tabasco. It's hot. EVERYONE knows this! My infant cousin knows it! My gut fauna knows this!
If you were really completely in the dark about this fact then you're forgiven... Your ignorance is astounding, but you're forgiven nonetheless.

That aside, it's hot, but it's not THAT hot. It's a very subtle burn.... just because you can't handle your hot sauce, stop petitioning to have it removed or whatever your little SJW crusade is about.

Fuck off back to whatever backwater you crawled from... And I'm saying that as an Australian.

>> No.6108191

thas why you get the habanero one.

if you are used to hot sauces the original tobasco is going to taste too vinegary.

>> No.6108192

Vinegar doesn't go well with everything.
I don't like vinegar on my eggs

>> No.6108193

>Taking this shitty bait

>> No.6108232

>>the people they hire take exactly 3 drops of hotsauce on their tounges

top kek

>> No.6108236

Is this a new meme I'm not aware of? Tabasco sauce isn't even that hot

>> No.6108270

>not being able to finish off about 8 oz of any hot sauce in a week, no sweat
Seriously, even the first time I had hot sauce (which was when I was 9), I didn't bitch out this hard.

>> No.6108288


you're not even trying

>> No.6109638 [DELETED] 


>> No.6109699


>Excessive heat

Pick one you stupid faggot

>> No.6109703

>i don't like this
>so nebody else likes it either
fuck off op

>> No.6109749

tabasco sauce is not fucking hot unless you use a really large fucking amount which there is no fucking reason to do

>> No.6109755


>I don't like something so now I need to make sure everybody that likes it knows I don't like it by complaining about how much I don't like things other people like!

>> No.6109772

Speaking of hot sauce
Anyone know a hot sauce that's tasty like Cholula. More spicy than Tabasco but not as spicy as a habanero sauce

>> No.6109789

>acting like youre in pain over entry-level hot sauce


I was using loads of it even when I was a kid

>> No.6109806

tobasco is marketed all around the world, you should stop being such a whiny puss

>> No.6109931

>i get trolled extremely easily because i am on the autistic spectrum

>> No.6110777

>hot tabasco pepper sauce
>it's hot
They should put a warning label on you, dumbos.

>> No.6113144
File: 230 KB, 572x768, 09dab535-669c-425b-9553-27b23bb7b246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i love tobasco

>> No.6113151



>> No.6113158

I don't know where it is on this scale but my brother loves Tapatío.

>> No.6113165
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 0009733900006_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga
this shit goes on everything

>> No.6115518


This is honestly one of the best hot sauces I've come across. I like it better than Cholula or Tapatio. It's got a wonderful smoky-citrus kind of flavor and it's absurdly cheap. Both the hot and extra hot are good but the extra hot's the only one with any heat.

>> No.6115553
File: 51 KB, 340x480, 1386249872213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warning: Hot sauce is hot.

>> No.6115968

You guys must be really fucking bored.

>> No.6115987
File: 26 KB, 400x533, tbsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol who doesnt like tabosco?

>> No.6115992

tabasco is pepper spray for homeopathists

>> No.6116029

This, if you don't need tons of heat, just lots of flavor.

>> No.6116576

Boycott Tobasco! Why is Tobasco hot? It isn't even a pepper!

>> No.6118343

Dude what are ya talking about?, I'm not even a spicy food lover but I still enjoy the tabasco old sauce on everything.

>> No.6118344

this on potato chips is god tier

>> No.6118709

>falling for an obvious b8

>> No.6118714
File: 30 KB, 500x500, TK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring bait thread, I love when I have my friend over from MO and almost everything I eat is apparently really spicy (it's really not).

I'm sure he'd die if I fed him some Tabasco, but damn who don't like that spicy vinegar stuff. I'd spoon some Ice Cream in to his mouth to make the burning stop, and then kiss it better at least. Mmm...

Oh, err, here, have best condiment.

>> No.6118721

I prefer the Heinz pepper sauce. Has a better flavor imo.

But I also prefer Crystal, Frank's, and Texas Pete (in that order) over Tabasco...

>> No.6118728

They tasted pretty similar to me, really, but then again I've been getting the Heinz one for a few years so hell if I remember correctly.

My old college had a "Spicy Ketchup" dispenser in one of their food courts. I have no idea what they put in it, but that shit was the best I've ever had. Probably some foodservice brand bulk crap or something, but mmm.

>> No.6118737

Yeah, they are similar and my aversion to Tabasco might have grown the differences in my nice, but I remember the acidity in the Heinz version as better balanced...

If we're talking pepper sauces, you have to include Arby's 3 Pepper sauce. God I love that stuff. I especially love finding the rare Arby's that has it in packets too.