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6104765 No.6104765 [Reply] [Original]

Any OC lately?

>> No.6104778

You disgust me.
3C flour
1tsp salt
1tsp yeast
1tbsp olive oil
1.25C water

Easiest fucking pizza dough you ever made.

>> No.6104781
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>> No.6104807

>3C flour
How many ounces? Or you could give me grams, I can work with that.

>> No.6104818

volume is better than weight for most things in baking

>> No.6104821
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>> No.6104828

Really? I like to measure my ingredients with inches.

>> No.6104833

I measure volume by rods of hectare.

>> No.6104890

I know you're trying to trole me but it's 400g and you didn't contest the teaspoons and tablespoon.

>> No.6104897

That person may be "trolling" you, but you're the faggot complaining about having someone else make your dough for you. faggot.

>> No.6104901

If you like HFCS that's on you buddy.

>> No.6104935

With what sauce?

>> No.6105077


Haven't really made anything spectacular...getting used to making food for my boyfriend.

I tried making brownies for the first time, they were overcooked or something...

>> No.6105230

OC? That? Really, OP?

>> No.6105303

There's been lots of OC threads recently. Not all got collected as vertical/screen caps. Those that did are, for the most part, on the booru.

>> No.6105309

>the dish is so tasteless that the only way to eat it is dipping into overpowering sause because it's just bread in the end.

>> No.6105324

Why can't yurps into cups? My measuring cups have multiple units on them. It's not like I'm gonna try to eyeball it

>or something
That's the weed.
Would you stfu about your hummingbird though

>> No.6105327

why would you do this with parsley and not basil? I dont understand

>> No.6105332

>With what sauce?
Looks like whatever people typically have for their pizza sauce. Ragu sells something in a jar labelled as such, or you could use marinara. I'd warm it up. I don't even think it's necessary for pepperoni rolls, but maybe you're a dipper!

>> No.6105341

Because yurps love parsley.

>You add heat to parsley
Don't do this ever.

>> No.6105342

Cups, for flour, are insane and can lead to 50% variation. For baking, this is worthless.

>> No.6105346

Measure flour by mass, you blithering idiot. Don't measure highly compressible things by volume.

>> No.6105347

I'm not a Baker myself. Is it only flour that does that?

>> No.6105351

You can heat parsley but you're not supposed to reheat it later.
Source; I'm a "yurp" and have eaten countess chickens and pig's hearts stuffed with parsley before cooking.
And of course parsley sauce, which is just a basic white sauce with chopped parsley in it.

>> No.6105354



>> No.6105356


fried parsley is actually pretty good. basil comes out way worse after you heat it though.

>> No.6105359


I admit to exaggerating, but you really do lose a lot of the flavor when cooking it for more than ~5-10 mins.

>> No.6105403

Why the fuck do you guys use cups as a measuring unit anyway? Does your country only allow one size of cups, or what?

>> No.6105407

real bakers dont use cups or grams or ounces
they use baker percentages you noobs

>> No.6105432

Measuring cups are standard. 1 cup is 250 ml.


>> No.6105437

> implying percentage can be used absent a unit

>> No.6105439

I feel bad for you if you're not trolling.
Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.6105441

Idk what turdburger started it but it gets hella annoying when your talking about cups but it'd the wrong kind of cup, but your cups aren't glass so you don't want to say glass. I bet it was a jew

>> No.6105445

As far as my baker told me, they use Grams as a unit. And they have been awarded Germany's Best Baker recently.

>> No.6105449
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>> No.6105452
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McJew, wtf us this abortion?

>> No.6105453

A cup is just like a liter, right? So its a volume, not a weight. How don't you people fuck shit up all of the time? The very second I use another type of flour, the whole thing is going to waste. I don't really care if one is for or against the metric system, but it seems to be better suited for cooking.

>> No.6105460

I hate McDonalds, not for it's food, but for the fact that it rippes off their customers like no other. For something like that I would like to pay at least four bucks, and that shit won't go as a full meal.

>> No.6105461

That appears to be a McRib. Gross.

>> No.6105462

It went in the bin.

>> No.6105467

They are pretty much pig fat on a bun.

>> No.6105494

>Why can't yurps into cups
Because the standardized metric system is better in every aspect

>> No.6105627

Yes, so they can easily scale the recipe. They convert those percentages to a sane unit like grams or even, if they must be fucking americans, ounces, when they are actually making the recipe. They don't use volume.

>> No.6105632

No, it's anything vaguely compressible. Baking's just pretty sensitive to measurement and flour's the big thing it causes problems with.

>> No.6105636

Hand it off to a homeless. They'd appreciate it much more than you do, I'm sure.

>> No.6105665


Former clapistani pro baker here. I use pro loosely, though -- I was paid to bake, but I wasn't like an "artisan" or anything.

Anyways, I would have fucking loved to use metric measurements, as that is what I use at home. Unfortunately our recipes were based around using entire sacks of flour, which were 50 lbs a piece.

>> No.6106324
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>> No.6108230
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>> No.6108233

Mind blown

>> No.6108295


>> No.6108878

>foodNEETs mad people have the ability and desire to trade miniscule amounts of money for time saving


>> No.6109458

> Added yeast
> Not self raised yeast

No anon, t'is you who is disgusting.

>> No.6109459

Our measuring cups show deciliters and normal cups for coffee and such vary in size.

>> No.6109500

Not hard to do when all the good ovens are used for non culinary purposes.

>> No.6109513

... both you and the other guy aren't very well-knowledged in baking. Using baker's percentages does not mean you're not using grams or ounces.

Here, lemme give you a basic recipe for so-called 'peasant's bread,' k?

SF 100
Water 75
Active Dry Yeast 2.66
Salt 2

These means that for every 100X of strong flour (SF, also called 'bread flour' or 'high gluten flour'), a baker adds 75X of water, 2.66X of yeast and 2X of salt.
X can be any unit of weight or mass you want, be it ounces, grams, pounds, kilos or whatever.

In any given recipe, the flour will /always/ be 100, the other quantities will vary. This means that the other recipes are measured relative to the flour or, to word it in another way, as a percentage of the total weight/mass of flour in the recipe.

If you want to yield about 1lb (16oz) of dough, using the recipe above, you'd use about 9oz of flour and 7oz of water (the actual quantities are closer to 9.something ounces and 6.8something ounces, respectively; using 9 and 7 instead will yield a softer, more difficult to work with dough, but more on why I rounded those numbers later).

Notice that I said "mass" and "weight" above. Not "volume." These seven ounces of water are weight ounces, not fluid ounces. The yeast and salt quantities will be about a scant quarter ounce and a little less than that for each, respectively (0.23something and 0.18, respectively). To avoid all the decimals, many bakers, even in the United States, prefer to use the metric system rather than ounces or pounds. Some American amateur bakers, rather than use grams, still use ounces but round their numbers out as much as they can for sake of relative ease (even though grams would be easier... but whatever).

Anyway, I hope that explained it a bit. The practical upshot of baker's percentages is that they make recipes infinitely scalable.

>> No.6109950

In volume:
Onions (10%)
Tomato (10%)
Avocado (80%)
A bit of Spicy powder + a lot of salt.

(1) Cutting board A
(2) Cutting board B
(3) Knife A
(4) Knife B
(5) Knife C
(6) Spoon (breakfast-tier size)
(7) Fork (normal size, not very small or very big, this is IMPORTANT)
(8) Big bowl to mix shit in

NOTE: Numbers on the left are IDs, for reference in the "Process", It is n

- Slice onion(s) with a hot metal knife(1)(3)(=3 1 means knife A + cutting board A). You can heat the knife in water
- Slice tomato(es) like you normally would(2)(4), in slices no bigger than 1/2 cm^3 (a quarter of a 1 euro coin, for reference)
- Cut the avocado in half(5), and then with the SPOON(6) take all the shit out and put it in the BIG BOWL(8). Leave the nuts of all the avocados you used inside the bowl (8), so it doesn't oxidize and become black in color.
- Pour the tomato(es), onion(s), in the bowl(8), where the avocado should already /b/
- Start crushing everything together with the fork(7). Remember, it MUST NOT be smooth, make it lumpy.
- Put salt and spicy shit in it (use powders, NEVER USE SAUCES WITH GUACAMOLE)

That's it fuckers.

>> No.6109959


>> No.6109970


A cup is about a quarter of a liter