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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-hands-of-woman-in-white-clothes-cut-pizza-with-knife-and-fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6103730 No.6103730 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do people eat pizza with a fork and knife?

>> No.6103740

You do know understand civility, don't you? Well, to judge your casual and needless use of profanity, I might guess not. Neanderthal.

>> No.6103747

>Live in MA
>Gf is visiting for the holidays
>She's from NY
>We get pizza for supper
>Sit down, pizza is good
>Eat my pizza with a knife and fork just about up to the crust, then eat with hands
>Gf looks at me strange
>Makes thread on /ck/ about it
>She's looking at me right now...

>> No.6103757

I do at restaurants so my hands and lips don't get all greasy. But at home I don't care.

>> No.6103769

I eat fries with a fork as well. I wasn't aware that this was something abnormal.

>> No.6103772

it's gay

>> No.6103794

ur gay

>> No.6103797

cuz I live in chitown you little fggt with your limp dicked crust and pin'er pies

>> No.6103881

So do I. Nothing like going to a diner and getting home made gravy on your fries, and using your fork to eat.

>> No.6104282

I eat like a pig at restaurants because the people who work there get paid to clean it up. At home Im civil because I don't wanna clean up too much

>> No.6104325

>on 4chan
>having a gf

pick one.

>> No.6104339

I do just to start. some times the crust isn't thick or crisp enough to hold up against gravity. some times the cheese and toppings will want to slide right off. sometimes it is hotter then a thousand sun. so I eat a little off with a knife and fork till those conditions are gone.

>> No.6104342

I eat almost everything with a fork and knife.

Had to take etiquette school as a kid. It stuck.

>> No.6104361

>yfw I'm currently posting from my wife's computer while she's in the shower and doesn't have any reaction pics to use as yfw.

>> No.6104367

>yfw im in the shower with your wife
>yfw im in your wife

>> No.6104384

My father never let me eat bacon with my hands...

I'm now a serial killer.

>> No.6104455

You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife?
That doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. I say again: did you fuck my wife?
>Alright, YES! I fucked your wife! I am your wife and I fucked her.
Eh, and the fucking matches, err...
I'm gonna drive around town and put babies on spikes.
You know, Janeane, I love you. Really. Even though you fucked my wife.

>> No.6104545
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How do you eat it? With your HANDS?

>> No.6104573

> Not having a limitless supply of surgical gloves

>> No.6104625


My Gf and I met on /v/ in a vocaroo thread, of all places.

>> No.6105862

got to love that fabulous man.
no homo.

>> No.6105864

they don't

>> No.6105865

It usually takes me a fork-knife to eat a pizza.

>> No.6105961

I even eat sandwiches with knife and fork.

Feels good to be civilised.

>> No.6105963

Because some people are civillised.

>> No.6105969

I eat it with scissors.

>> No.6105976

Fuck you all.
I take a knife and fork to sushi restaurants.
>feels good to know I'm above nips on the evolutionary scale.

>> No.6105998

to not get handy dirty, for example if you eat in front of PC and dont want to get your keyboard messed up.

I recently discovered that cheat too.

>> No.6106005

>Italians invent pizza
>Italians eat pizza with port and starboard scran spanners
And you actually think you are right?
Ignorant plebeian.

>> No.6106145
File: 2.37 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITA here, eating pizza with a fork and knife it's gay and retarded

>> No.6106149
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Stay away from me filthy Ita, can't you see from the way I walk that I am Avout? I must preserve The Discipline even outside the walls of the concent!

>> No.6106154

they have autism and think certain normal feelings are disgusting on their hands

>> No.6107093

This nigga gets it

>> No.6107108
File: 63 KB, 500x489, tmp_6624-14193343155281540464399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people look at me weird because I eat bacon with a fork

Shit is like 60% fat, I'd rather not drench my hands in grease from eating breakfast.

>> No.6107492

There is no sensible answer to this question because there is no valid reason for ordering a pizza in a place where consuming said pizza with your hands is not expected.

>> No.6107526

>eddie izzard

My nigga

>> No.6108020

>there's no valid reason for ordering a pizza in Italy

>> No.6110203

You have to use a knife and fork unless its because you dumb faggots from Chicago made tomato soup in a bread bowl that you can't pick up and you ultra thin crust faggots made it so everything slides off the second you try to pick it up from its flimsy base.

>> No.6110208

what a weird thing to be bothered about

>> No.6110326
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Because when eating non-shit pizza, it's easier to use a fork and knife.

>> No.6110348

bullshit, both quality and cheap pizza are best eaten like pizza

Why would you possibly think the pizza you posted would require silverware?

>> No.6110397


>> No.6110618

Improper grammar, chun.

>> No.6110622
File: 1010 KB, 576x853, tas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger detected.

>> No.6110623

>>6103730 you've never been to chicago have you?

>> No.6110625

If you cant eat it with your hands its not pizza

>> No.6110628

You're ingesting it anyhow, gentile.

>> No.6110631
File: 61 KB, 500x333, bison burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat hamburgers with my hands.

>> No.6110635

Hamburgers dont claim to be pizza though

>> No.6110833

>You do know/understand civility, don't you? Well, to judge your casual and needless use of profanity, I might guess not. Neanderthal.
Fix'd, faggot.

>> No.6110894
File: 52 KB, 634x389, Queen Elizabeth eating humble pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commandment No. 12(c):
>Thou shalt eat any savoury bread-based food item with thy hands.

Examples include; pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, doughnuts, cookies, bicuits, baguettes, crumpets, scones, tacos, souvlakis and kebabs...

>> No.6110904
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You forgot cockmeat sandwiches

>> No.6110917
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There are lots, lots more examples too, but meh.

I also believe that delicious cake should be eaten with your hands.

>> No.6110996

>tried eating pizza with knife fork a few times
>pro: clean hands
>con: detracts from pizza eating experience and makes me look like a fag

>> No.6111008
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that shits raw

>> No.6111053
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Nothing wrong with some freshly ground rare meat.

>> No.6111065

Not eating meat medium rare

>> No.6111066


>> No.6111096

I go to a place in Seattle that does authentic Italian American style pizza which is big and floppy and they give you a knife and fork to eat it and everyone does. Bitch

>> No.6111120
File: 44 KB, 624x400, Jesus breaking pizza bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's good enough for Jesus then it's good enough for me.

Check mate athiests.

>> No.6111139
File: 187 KB, 640x800, 1440296059386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not going to fall apart (burgers, tall sandwiches) I usually use a fork and knife.

But I'm also the kind of person who eats trailmix with a spoon.

I just don't understand why you would bother. Does the food taste better with greasy hands?

>> No.6111148

Hands are far more dextrous than utensils. Call me when your fork develops three joints per prong and an opposable thumb.

>> No.6111174

Dude, you just need to poke the food and put it in your face. It's not a contest.

>Hurr, my utensils are made of steel. Call me when you can stir boiling soup with your fingers.

>> No.6111412

why the fuck do you care?

>> No.6112308

because it's gay you retarded faggot. would you eat soup with your hands?

>> No.6112312

Sorry, not Kevin. But, it warms my heart that others have also benefitted from /v/'s shenanigans.

>> No.6112320

When eating at home or at friends, I just eat pizza with hands like everyone else in the room
On restaurant or somewhere more formal I use knife and fork.

>> No.6112324

soup is very hot and is also a liquid

you massive idiot

>> No.6112334
File: 10 KB, 320x240, invisiblemanrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you eat soup with your hands?

not again

>> No.6112348

The food will just fall apart if you use a knife and fork. I tried it when I first started eating sushi.

>> No.6112367

I'm like these 2 guys. If I don't have a fork I fold it taco style.
And if I'm alone or with someone I care about/am comfortable with I use a fork and scrape all the cheese and toppings off, set it aside, use hand to eat saucy bread, use fork to eat delicious cheesy pizza remains, and ignore odd looks from strangers. I have no idea why I do this but I've done it since childhood and it gets me twice as full. I am a monster.