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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 748x338, Golden_Corral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6103578 No.6103578 [Reply] [Original]


>The baby weighed 2.75kg when she was born on 1 December, but only 1.84kg, less than two bags of sugar, when she died.
>The child’s weight was around half that of a healthy child of that age.

What does /ck/ think about this? Also, Golden Corral General.

>> No.6103584



>> No.6103585


Not surprised and don't care about the degenerates that populate the shittiest of states.

>> No.6103600

>going to uk newspaper for florida news

>> No.6103656

what the fuck, Florida

>> No.6103667

Starve the parents to death. Justice is done.

>> No.6103684

If anyone bothered to read they would find that the couple is from indiana and they were just visiting family in florida

>> No.6103708

If this is a golden corral thread, you're gonna be needing this.


>> No.6103717
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-09-07 16.57.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those people. Poor little feller.

Pic related is from my most recent visit to Golden Corral. The steak guy actually knew what he was doing and the vegetables were good. It was a new location that just opened so I think they were trying a little harder. Plus the staff was all hispanics, which is usually a great sign as they tend to give somewhat of a fuck compared to black or white employees at these types of establishments. It really hit the spot after a 4 day drugs and alcohol binge during spring break.

>> No.6103804

Much kek! Worth the read. Thank you for posting!

>> No.6103820

>Found to have eaten 6 hours before it died
>Had been dead for 3 hours before they called Police
>Died of starvation

Seems unlikely.

Still I'm sure that dead baby is glad the damn Gubermint kept its nose out of it's like and gave the parents the freedumb to starve it.

>> No.6103870

>What does /ck/ think about this? Also, Golden Corral General.
I think the story is misconstrued from fact. The mother had a 1 and 2 year old, and this baby, and was married to someone creepy twice her age....she is low IQ, I assure you...and didn't practice safe sex and only breastfed (ie poor as shit). This baby, if it had gone for checkups to the doctor after birth, and wasn't gaining weight on breastfeeding, would have been supplemented with formula or checked for issues sucking. It's called failure to thrive, and can have a host of developmental reasons to be like that. It's not necessarily "STARVATION" though that makes a good headline. The other reason I know the mother has low IQ is that you don't leave a highly valuable baby out in a car for it to get stolen. And, in Florida, the sun is too intense to leave a dog 5 minutes in a car, in the shade. Dumb. But, criminally negligent and maliciously trying to kill a baby? I doubt that.

>> No.6103886

If you read the story carefully they don't seem to have left the baby in the car, they were "on their way", which implies driving.

I agree though that "starvation" seem unlikely and a medical condition coupled with an inability to recognise it was more likely the issue.

>> No.6103887


Oh thank god I thought this happened in a normal place.

>> No.6103888

>It's ok for dumb poors to commit crimes! They can't help it!

>> No.6103910

"Starvation" isn't right though; even the coroner said the baby was fed at least 6 hours before it died.

Their "crime" appears to be that they didn't recognise a medical condition. If America had some real medical care perhaps they'd have taken the poor kid to a doctors and got some help, or had a health worker visit and notice the problem first.

Still, gotta keep the damn gubermint out of yer lives so you can starve yer kids to death if yer want, amirite?

>> No.6103915
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>> No.6103941
File: 116 KB, 660x495, golden corral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I used to wash dishes at Golden Corral. Worst job of my life, easily. Images like pic related have apparently made the rounds on the internet and are considered shocking, but this is what the dish room looked like almost every night during dinner rush. The location I worked at underwent a few changes in management when I was there and the quality of work and food spiraled from standard shit to post-apocalyptic mutant shit before I left. At the end of every shift I absolutely felt sub-human, it was awful.

The only thing about this that isn't 100% correct is that the waitresses don't make any money. They do pretty good, maybe the best of any non-management staff, because even though people may tip like shit there (or often not at all), the fact that it's a buffet cuts down on the servers' workload and so they can take care of a much higher number of tables at once. Like every position in the restaurant though, it's still miserable work.

>> No.6103946

The headline also implies that they left the baby in the car to die while they went inside to eat, but the article says they noticed the baby was cold and unresponsive upon arrival and called the police.

>> No.6103988

I see that now. Funny how slippery the news in in the wrong source. A person in a car trip not noticing a child isn't just sleeping for 3 hours is hardly a bad parent, and that's if the coroner estimated time of death accurately.

>> No.6103989

that ugly old freak did pretty well for himself. too bad they're both going to jail.

>> No.6103997

That looks like a pretty typical scene at the Dining Hall I worked at in College. Huge state school, busiest Dining Hall on campus, kids don't give a shit about wasting food so near-full plates were common.

Good times.

>> No.6103999

guess that would b 1 few fun things about prison fucking up somebody like that

>> No.6104012


finally someone you can feel superior to, eh bbq?

>> No.6104014

>implying California isn't worse

>> No.6104019

why are they giving the kid's weight in bags of sugar?

is that another hilarious British unit like stones?

>> No.6104021

Really? Because she looks like a slightly above average looking woman who happens to be a sociopath that would never put out unless she got as much as possible from it.

Not all whores want money.

>> No.6104023


That guy.

That guy gets a much younger, vaguely qt wife with whom he procreates and I'm sitting at home alone for new years.

Happy 2015

>> No.6104026
File: 455 KB, 4656x5424, deng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly above average

>> No.6104027
File: 30 KB, 345x337, 72483815815e2b8401d2c0cf6db614b06585aca70f290bb2f6fcaaaaee123ec5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly above average

That's a pretty damm good score compared to him.

>> No.6104029

According to the article, that's actually not his baby. It belongs to some other guy.

>> No.6104030


They both look like they have FAS.

>> No.6104329

I did a gig like that too. Yeah it was horrendous how much food college students would waste.

>> No.6104348

>kids don't give a shit about wasting food

>parents don't give a shit about teaching their kids to give a shit about wasting food

Let's not avoid the real problem here.

>> No.6104358

child molesters like you get whats coming to them in prison.

>> No.6104360

He's talking about college kids, people who're old enough that you can't really blame their parents for behavior like that anymore. The rationale is just "I payed out the ass for this meal plan, so I'm going to get my money's worth no matter how much I waste."

>> No.6104855

Fuck off you racist.

>> No.6105028

What did they have to eat?

>> No.6105033

Do I hear a Florida or Germany coming?

When anyone hears of stupid shit it's generally Florida or Germany, the fun part is which one is it?

>> No.6105035

>Poor little feller
he was just a boy

>> No.6105036

If it was a nigger or a paki or indian it would be top of the news.

>> No.6105104


>> No.6105112

>kids don't give a shit about wasting food so near-full plates were common.
Although is seems like it's purely wasteful behavior, the real problem is that food in a cafeteria can look delicious, but tastes bland as crap, isn't cooked properly, or ended up being deceptive somehow. That sandwich that ended up have gristly low quality water packed ham, for instance, or the fries that were so dry and mealy inside that you drank your entire iced tea choking the first one down. Or the salad that you so much really wanted, but there wasn't any good dressing, just some oily rancid stuff that made you think, ugh, or that slice of cake that looked alright, but then you got that film of shortening that coated the roof of your mouth, and thought, oh man, that can't be good for you, or that soft serve that looked so good, but then you realized it was some kind of funky fake vanilla flavor that couldn't eat beyond two bites.

And, if this kind of shit happens often, you will routinely fill up your tray with choices, hoping one of them will work out and you won't leave hungry. I guarantee you that when people encounter truly delicious food, all-you-can-eat or not, plates are finished.

>> No.6105113

>He's talking about college kids, people who're old enough that you can't really blame their parents for behavior like that anymore.
There's not much difference between parental influence high school to college. It's not real life yet until people work and support a partner on their own.

>> No.6105117

yewww shudna dun dat eh was jus a boy

>> No.6105652


Mexicans are just better cooks bro. 85% of the chinese resturants around here are gook FOH, Mexican BOH

>> No.6105657


chop off your dick you have failed at heterosex that freak is a straight up mong

>> No.6105663

What are you on about, that bitch is shit ugly.

>> No.6105670

Yeah but if she was your sister you'd totally pork her amirite m8?

>> No.6105891

> 2015
> Not weighing your baby every day and documenting weight differences in the first 3 weeks of life

You brits are all douchbags. Does it really make you feel uppity and that much better about yourself to try to make news out of nonsense like this?

>> No.6105900

>less than two bags of sugar

Was she also three apples tall?

>> No.6105904

At least we have niggers and immigrants as a result of our trash, the fuck is your excuse?

>> No.6105915

the crablegs were all you can eat
I longed for crustaceans feet
but the way was blockaded
the obstruction most hated
a landwhale in old country heat

>> No.6105941



Paid my $10.99 at the door
Half the food was on the floor
The waitress, an amputee
And no doubt a parolee
Damnit I hate being poor

>> No.6106228

Goddammit /pol/ just let some things be.

>> No.6106236
File: 12 KB, 438x512, 1416518854346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than two bags of sugar

>> No.6106244

>less than two bags of sugar
Well that kind of depends on how big the bags are

What a silly way to describe weight, are bags of sugar some sort of standardized weight in euroland?

>> No.6106283

>are bags of sugar some sort of standardized weight in euroland?

A bag of sugar is 1kg, so in a way, yes.

>> No.6106293

Guys, this isn't about Florida it's about Indiana.

That said it's still not surprising.

>> No.6106303

>"Starvation" isn't right though; even the coroner said the baby was fed at least 6 hours before it died.
Just because you can't understand how it works doesn't allow you to magically change the meaning of words at your convenience.

>> No.6106318

>but then you got that film of shortening that coated the roof of your mouth

>find out that when you lose body fat, you actually lose it through your longs
>shortening doesn't melt at body temperature, so it builds up in your lungs
shortening is horrifying

>> No.6106320



>> No.6106332

>less than two bags of sugar
Is this a normal comparison in Bongistan. Oi, m8 I weigh 32 stones, me newborn son is growing up to be just like his old man, already weighs nine bags of sugar.

>> No.6106338

>Daily Mail

Yeah nah

>> No.6107472
File: 40 KB, 900x520, Steven_clown_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides were obliterated thank you good /co/ck.

>> No.6107537


>> No.6107565
File: 156 KB, 640x340, slitherh6407ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6107581

>slightly above average
Do you drive? Clearly, you shouldn't be driving if from a foot or so away from your face, you see that female and think she's 'slightly above average'.

>> No.6107677

Thirded. There was tons of waste and sometimes immense volume, but getting backed up like the pic in >>6103941 was very rare. Granted, we had equipment designed for that kind of throughput and adequate staffing most of the time.

I can't tell what's in the pic, but it doesn't look like the right equipment for that job. Trying to get through that with a typical restaurant dishwashing setup (or even 2-3 of them) sounds hellish.

While I've not tried Golden Corral and won't try to dispute that it's horrible, that sort of industrial-buffet kind of operation can produce surprisingly decent food when managed right. Not on par with fine dining, of course, but decent.

>> No.6107694

I didn't realize it was a thing that Golden Corral was hilariously fucked up.

I went for the first time a few years ago and one of the things that stuck with me was there was a 5-7 year old girl eating food with her hands and getting it all over her face a table away.

Unfortunately her mom caught me looking at her with most likely a disgusted face (I don't remember doing it but I probably had one without thinking) and gave me the stink eye the rest of the fucking time I was there. I don't even remember what I ate.

>> No.6107712

To all you folk knocking Florida, it could be worse, it could be Detroit.

>> No.6109212

Except that Detroit is just a shitty city, while Florida is an entire shitty state, with multiple shitty cities (even if no one of them is as bad as Detroit) and a general population of white trash and fucking old people. And it's the 4th largest state in the US.

The Wang of America deserves all the shit that it gets. Even New Jersey doesn't suck as much as Florida.

>> No.6109217

lmao florida

>> No.6109453


is just as relevant

>> No.6109477

"Starvation" implies a deliberate act. The word you & the hyperbolic article are looking for is "mal-nutrition".

>> No.6109720

I used to make fun of Floridians

After moving down here, I realize everyone else is just jelly of the weather, no state income tax, and stuff to do here

Granted I live in based North Florida.

South Florida is a shithole.

>> No.6109725

I was born in Miami, I don't spend much time there, the place is too easy to make fun of.

Nobody speaks English in Miami anymore.

It's a fucking joke hence the Germany or Florida jokes.

>> No.6109728

>no state income tax

This is basically a sign you live in a third world place. Maybe it's good if you're operating a spam gang or a collections agency call center or a bail bonds company or some typically florida-tier occupation, but you never run into this in places where decent people make their homes.

>> No.6109731

>There are no professional jobs in Florida, the third largest state in the US
>There are no professional jobs in Texas, the second largest state in the US

It's one of the main reasons business is leaving CA and going to TX.

>> No.6109734

>"Starvation" implies a deliberate act
no. Are you fucking retarded? Starvation is a biological state.

>> No.6109735

it's both

>> No.6109738


Spam gangs are a professional job, I find your anti-spam-gang bias to be personally offensive.

Also, why anyone would intentionally move to a gun-infested violent shit hole is beyond me. If the state has to explicitly state that you're allowed to shoot a stranger in a squabble over a parking spot, that's already a sign things are too far gone.

>> No.6109739

So are you from CA or Europe?

>> No.6109740


>> No.6109741

just shoot them first, you pussy.

>> No.6109743

>>The baby weighed 2.75kg when she was born on 1 December, but only 1.84kg, less than two bags of sugar
I'm mostly concerned about this new "bags of sugar" unit of measurement for baby weight.

>> No.6109744


Neither, why?

You understand that your "alternative lifestyle" is not the norm, right?

>> No.6109746

Typically only yuros, californians, or other hyperliberals hate Castle Doctrine / Stand Your Ground

Nice hyperbole btw, it's about being able to defend the home you own.

>> No.6109747

>some typically florida-tier occupation, but you never run into this in places where decent people make their homes.

That's silly. The taxes are simply made up in property taxes, sales. gas, etc. The benefit of no income tax is retirees can live on a fixed income without worry when coming here, and people who made it rich early, athletes for instance, aren't overtaxed in their little window of youthful stardom.

>> No.6109748

oh if you mean SYG, that's only if you are threatened, which is 100% logical

Income tax penalizes saving.
Sales, gas, etc tax does not.

Income tax is the worst form of tax.

>> No.6109753

>not being in favor of the state encouraging civilians to get into gun battles = you can't defend your home

Maybe you've been reading too much daily mail. For the most part americans have never had a problem defending themselves. All these laws do is encourage escalation. Some woman in florida got 20 years in prison because she fired a warning shot instead of killing the guy who was attacking her.

SYG is redundant and just gives the stupids license to act like aggressive assholes instead of de-escalating their road rage

>> No.6109766

What law are you referring to

>> No.6109841

Nice ad hominem, assuming only "one of THOSE people" would find a problem with the "kill your only witness" law.

In theory the idea of defending your property by force seems legit but since Americans assume they own everything this means nowhere is safe.

>> No.6109878

Bourbon street chicken is the only thing good, but it's good enough to make it worth it

>> No.6109885

Woe to he who plays at Yellowish Roundup


>> No.6110371

>but only 1.84kg, less than two bags of sugar
>Britbongs weigh babies as bags of sugar

>> No.6110385

You're retarded. How do the lack of laws restricting home defense encourage escalation of protecting ones own property?

Are you some socialist retard?

You've really missed the plot. We don't need laws to allow us to protect our own property, the need the lack of laws preventing us from doing so.

>> No.6110388

useful equivalent, most ppl know the feel of a bag of sugar, but prob wouldnt know what 1kg felt like if asked

>> No.6110405

even better, cuff their hands behind their back and take them to Golden Corral everyday, with their mouths taped shut. force feed them mush every few days, or anal feeding like the CIA did, make them watch people eating until they're about to pop, smelling the cooking steak and apple pies. do this until they kill themselves. that would be justice.

>> No.6110415

>Starvation is a biological state.

No. Under-nourishment or mal-nutrition is a biological state. "Starvation" (I.e. a lack of food) is one possible reason for those conditions.

In this case, the baby had food (even the coroner said so), so she couldn't be "starved".

>> No.6110426

yeah, but look at the guy, that's a 9/10 for him, compared to the shit he probably tried for in the dank dark taverns he crawled into looking for a wet hole.

>> No.6110431
File: 169 KB, 382x346, Arino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you know what your standard unit of weight approximately feels like?

>> No.6110446

Because I very seldom pick up something that weighs exactly 1 lb? I have to actually imagine picking up a 1 lb bag of beans to get any real sense of the heft.

>> No.6110448

most people can't read, and you expect them to measure things in numbers? i heard a guy explaining to someone how his son was as tall as 3 subway sandwiches, it's a dark world out there anon.... very dark.

>> No.6110477


>> No.6110489

You've never picked up a 1 pound weight?
Do you not workout, ever measure anything, or go to school?

>> No.6110492

Like it would have been preferable had the baby died when the mongoloid mother shoved the kid's head into the chocolate fountain to feed it and it drowned.

>> No.6110506

No, I don't work out (and if I did, 1 lb?), I can't recall the last time I tried to measure out an exact pound of something, and I'm 10 years out of school.

A bag of beans is the only 1 lb thing I can think of that I pick up with any regularity.

>> No.6110516

You should really measure by weight.
Its way more accurate for some ingredients.