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6095680 No.6095680 [Reply] [Original]

Show me a better deal at $4

>> No.6095685

Are Vietnamese sandwiches really just rabbit food in a hoagie roll?

>> No.6095689

I used to live in San Jose. Believe it or not there are actually snobs who hate that place passionately. To them it's like Chipotle but for vietnamese sandwiches.

>> No.6095690

Not unless you count pate and cold cuts as rabbit food. What rock do you live under?

>> No.6095692

Lee's bread is flavorless and dry. If you live near real Vietnamese (westminster or san jose or even oakland) you can get a superior sandwich at any local independent banh mi shop.

Lee's is OK if there are no other sandwich alternatives.

>> No.6095695

since when are vietnamese famous for their sandwiches?

>> No.6095696


Just because the blogosphere had taught children in flyover land that there is a thing called banh mi doesn't mean they've tried it.

You'd be amazed what kinds of things pass for banh mi when no one in the area knows any better.

It's like a cronut from jim bob mcslavestater's corner bakery in jesustown alabama. It may be called a "cronut" but it doesn't taste anything like you expect.

>> No.6095700
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I love exotic sanwiches

>> No.6095701 [DELETED] 
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oh shit I just realized I'm gonna get banned for saying the mean word that upsets the rustics

sorry guys :( not

>> No.6095702

>since when are vietnamese famous for their sandwiches?

You been living under a rock the last few years? Banh Mi have been a major craze.

>> No.6095705

4 dikkars? 2 Mcdoubles. Mcchicken, dollar fry. Better value

>> No.6095709

Lee's is the McGookwich.

>> No.6095712
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How could i ? Whats that we weed on it?

>> No.6095713

In multicult hell holes they are because of hipsterfags.

>> No.6095715


I haven't been there since the early 90s so maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't recall it being flavorless or dry. Maybe they've declined in quality because they expanded or something?

>> No.6095720
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Amen my white brother! Every time a cool hipster tries to shove the jewbutter plant down my throat I tell him that no I will NOT pay $2 extra in fiat money. Why won't they let me eat my crustless wonder bread topped with ranch dressing in peace?

>> No.6095721

There is a viet sandwhich shop that doubles as a bakery in my area that has a large selection but only their most expensive sandwhiches are over $4, and the average cost is around $2. They're pretty good.

>> No.6095730

>Why won't they let me eat my crustless wonder bread topped with ranch dressing in peace?

>> No.6095734

The French taught them to make baguettes, the Americans introduced them to the submarine sandwich, they used their own locally available ingredients. If you can find a good place they are delicious and more or less healthy.

>> No.6095737

>can't fix his own sandwich
>pretends others are the problem

>> No.6095957
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Mr Baguette. Only $3.

>> No.6095965

It's Italian not French.

>> No.6095972

What Americans call Italian bread is an Italian take on the French baguette which was very trendy in the early 20th Century.

>> No.6095977
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>americans introduced them to the submarine sandwich


>> No.6095982

Introduced them to Napalm.
>overcooked food

>> No.6096088

East bay here, Lee's is fucking good.

>> No.6096103
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>Lee's Sandwiches just opened its first location down the street

>> No.6096131


>the Americans introduced them to the submarine sandwich

Top kek. Banh mi are a Vietnamese take on the French classic of a baguette stuffed with pate and cornichons, they didn't need any Americans to introduce them to the concept.

>> No.6096288
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Lee's Sandwich is for people who don't know any better. I don't know any Vietnamese that chooses Lee's for taste, as opposed to convenience.
>pic related is better and cheaper

>> No.6096361

Neither of these statements is true.
Baguette is French.
There are many 'Italian breads' and baguette is not one of them.
The breads Americans call 'Italian bread' are Americanised forms of sfilatino napoletano or sfilatino palermitano.
Sfilatino napoletano is a shorter, fatter loaf of sourdough slashed two or three times (twice on the top always but sometimes also once along the base of one side) and baked until quite dark and crunchy.
Sfilatino palermitano is about as long as a ficelle but has a few differences. One, it's crunchier, two it's often (not always) coated in seeds, three, it's leavened with sourdough rather than baker's yeast and four, it's halfway in thickness between ficelle and baguette. It is also often slashed in a zigzag, snake-like pattern rather than several parallel diagonal slashes, though neither of these two slash patterns is uncommon.
American versions of these breads tend to be softer crusted than their European originals, made so by adding lecithin or other dough conditioners.

>> No.6096548


This nigga just got BTFO.

>> No.6096560


Dude I live in South America and there is no way that is cheap. Before you say its the meat price, Argentina exports it at low prices, but any fastfood would sell for more than $5 easily.

>> No.6096580

Ba Le, 1909 International Boulevard, Oakland
I would drive from here in LA for their thit nuong banh mi.

>> No.6096582

There was a little place on clement street in SF called 'little paris' that sold Vietnamese sandwiches for 2.50 a pop. Best price, and I have not found equally delicious Vietnamese sandwiches anywhere.

>> No.6096587

You need to cross the bridge and go to Ba Le as well.

>> No.6096591

sadly little paris went out of business like 12 years ago. I dont find myself in eastbay that much anymore though.

>> No.6096840

>rabbit food
Confirmed retard lard ass.

Also never heard of this place but chain restaurant bahn mis look fucking shit tier you asshole. People like you are why we have a bullshit Starbucks everywhere instead of a regular coffee shop. Fuck.

>> No.6096850

>wanting an expensive ass hipster infested shit show thats slow to deliver and prides itself on being full of snobbish ass holes
fuck, at least know what youre talking about before you open your mouth.
if there werent a starbucks label on all the coffee shops in this city, itd be fucking overflowing with ass holes

>> No.6096869

not understanding what I said. Are you really that stupid?

>> No.6096894

>they are delicious and more or less healthy


>> No.6096920
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The place was built up by local Vietnamese scammers and hated by its own Viet community.

Another thing I know of plenty of places that serve better sammich at better prices only I wont share my hot spots, only because who needs longer lines in times like these.

>> No.6096924

3 McDoubles

>> No.6096925

flavorless and dry my ass. Is your neighborhood Lee's so shitty that you don't get hot, fresh, MOIST baguettes straight out of the oven?

>> No.6096959

Fresh out of the oven or not, the bread lacks flavor. It's a poor recipe. Know who else bakes shitty bread on-site? Subway. Lee's is the Viet Subway and I don't go there because I am fortunate enough to have alternatives.

>> No.6096964

subway wasnt always shitty. im not him, but i think you might just be a dumb person

>> No.6096988

fuck off numbnuts
I fully agree this other anon
Your taste must be fairly shit to not distinguish between the failed taste of both lee's and subway 's lousy bread.

>> No.6097143


starbucks is the king of overpriced coffee and snobbish assholes/hipsters.

>> No.6097157

suck my dick since you like gourmet meats so much

>> No.6097164
File: 152 KB, 800x616, real hot dog - don't mind the burned bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less than $30 pesos which is like $1.97 usd.

>> No.6097207

I am friends with several large vietnamese families and I have never heard of these things. Something tells me its just something they sell to stupid american hipsters.

>> No.6097215

Your whiteness is showing.

>> No.6097219

>throw away meat

Just fucking have a salad

>> No.6097225

Kill yourself

>> No.6097230

that doesn't even have real meat man

>> No.6097282

Maybe you're not close enough friends.

My non-Asian friends love banh mi, pho, and eggrolls (Viet style).