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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.61 MB, 3008x2000, Fairy_Bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6088396 No.6088396 [Reply] [Original]

So I just heard about something called "fairy bread". It's apparently white bread with margarine and topped with... candy sprinkles.

Is this shit for real? Please tell me this isn't real.

>> No.6088425

yes, Danish people invented it and lards around the world now eat it

>Danish people are not fat
>but people that eat Danish food are fat

>> No.6088461

It's not Danish, it's Australian in origin and usually only served to kids.


>> No.6088494


you are wrong and you used wikipedo so double haha to you


>> No.6088510

Good lord. And here I thought only Amerifats ate shitty white bread. But with sprinkles? That's disgusting.

>> No.6088514

ha ha MERKIH right guys

>> No.6088539

What sort of lame ass birthday parties did you go to as a kid if you didn't have mountains of fairy bread.

>> No.6088544

do you also have second breakfast

>> No.6088545

I've ate this as kid. Can't see me eat it now though. Thats in Austria.

>> No.6088546

I knew somebody who made ghost toast,

>Butter toast
>Add powdered toast
>that's ghost toast

>> No.6088549

It's an Australian thing...

>> No.6088552

sounds like a t shirt slogan

>> No.6088553

At my birthday parties as a kid we ate real cake and ice cream because we're not niggers.

>> No.6088565

when fat people say "fairy bread" 3 times in thew bathroom mirror with the lights off, this is what appears.

>> No.6088567

Srsly, is fairy bread an abbo thing?

>> No.6088570

some say you instantly get a blood sugar spike and in exactly 2 months time type 2 diabetes will appear

>> No.6088580

>Toast sandwiches
>Fairy bread
>Chip Sandwiches

My UK niggas, what the fuck?

>> No.6088584

>chip sandwiches
is that chip butty or whatever

>> No.6088590

And just look at your waistline now.

Fairy bread doesn't discriminate. Anyone can eat it.

>> No.6088658

I ate it for the first time in Venezuela. I didn't understand it at first but then had a bite and it was amazing. But I stopped eating them at like 12 when I moved.

>> No.6088660

damn my nigga is really rooting for danish ppl

>> No.6088683

There's nothing factual in that blog post full of advertising. It's a self-appointed food critic blogger who writes about her Danish friends showing her how to eat Danish candy on bread. It's more about that Danish brand of candy (hagelslag).
Fairy bread isn't just about the cany. Like a cake isn't just about the flour.

Basically, it's one opinion from a blogger. You won't get far in life if that how you collect your 'facts'.

>> No.6088687

White bread is so sweet, we Australians wonder why you would use it as anything else besides like premade sponge cake base.

>> No.6088693

Wait so is it literally just white bread? Or is it sweetened like banana bread or cake?

>> No.6088694

I only saw it at white kid parties

But I never been to an aboriginal one. I think those kinds of things gets celebrated with family only.

Yeah it was good back as a kid
Too bad I lost my sweet tastebuds or something. Bought a bag of sour cola bottles and could only enjoy two. As a kid I would of tried to finish it

>> No.6088699

white bread is also awful, as in shouldn't be eaten

>> No.6088701

It's just plain white bread that you can get from any supermarket. Spread with butter, and sprinkle on the 'hundreds & thousands' candy.

It's one of the simplest childrens snacks that you could make. Not very nutricious, though. More of a treat.

>> No.6088705

>Spread with butter
Sorry I meant margarine.

>> No.6088753


>> No.6088897

There are tastier ways to put sugary shit and butter on bread and feed it to kids, though.

Mix up some sugar and some cinnamon, spread that shit on buttered bread, put it in the oven to get it all crispy and toasted.

>> No.6088901

Sounds like white people food.

>> No.6088902

white people don't have food or culture just like americans

>> No.6088904

If my Mom served this to me when I was ten, I'd honestly be disappointed even then. Like, did you even try?

Even in the sub-sub-category of Sugary Shit: For Kids: Toast-Based , there are better options.

>> No.6088906

>white bread

Have you people never had a proper nice light, fluffy, crusty white bread? Proper white bread shouldn't be sweet in the slightest. I assume your only experience with "white bread" is shitty American "wonderbread". I can eat a good white bread plain with nothing else and go through an entire loaf in a day, shit's so morish.

>> No.6088916


>> No.6088917

>white people don't have food or culture just like americans
leave these threads on /lit/, not here. you're just gonna spark some retarded ass debate and derail this thread

>> No.6088924

Sure they do, for example skettis.

>> No.6088930
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Just leaving this here

>> No.6088931
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>> No.6088933

Is that a shrimp and muscle pizza?

>> No.6088935

Why are the smaller boxes more expensive?

>> No.6088936


You're thinking of french bread. White bread never ends up fluffy, it's very dense.

>> No.6088958

Special taste which is more expensive due to less production ?

>> No.6088961
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>> No.6088996

>>Danish people are not fat

You are statistically worse than the muricans.

>> No.6089000
File: 48 KB, 408x407, scooby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One would argue that there is less sugar in a layer of sprinkles than smothering the toast in jam, nutella or jelly.

>> No.6089004
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>using jam, nutella or jelly
>not simply butter and marmite

>> No.6089356

Then the slogan needs to be

>> No.6089993
File: 16 KB, 350x479, 13882863347635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeast on top of bread
>fairy bread
>sugar on top of bread

Thank god you're all on an island together.

Hagel is top tier tho.

>> No.6090038

Dutch and danish is not the same thing you fucking idiots
t. dane

>> No.6090058

Common breakfast in the netherlands.
My dad is half dutch, and used to buy it all the time.

>> No.6090068

B-b-but murrifats!!! MURRIFATS!!!

>> No.6090087

Theres nothing wrong with Wikipedia. Theres literally two sources for the Australia quote.

>> No.6090192

Dutch isn't the same as Danish at all you uncultured swine.

>> No.6090218
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>double haha to you

>> No.6090413

This kid I was friends with (I was his only friend in class, everyone else thought he was weird) invited me over to stay the night. His house was awesome, he really liked Star Wars and episode 1 had just come out so there was some Star Wars games that got made.

We played Jedi Power Battles a lot and I forget what else, but the one time i stayed the night like I said, his mom made us some fairy bread in the morning. This was Washington State, United States. It was toasted bread with chocolate jimmies (chocolate sprinkles) on it. Just what the hell.
He was lame but I feel bad for not being friends with him but man he had to learn to make new friends later, social skills are important.

>> No.6090427
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>> No.6090430

bullshit cunt we Australians invented it. Twat.