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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 400x266, the-worlds-end-drinking-beer-pub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6079813 No.6079813 [Reply] [Original]

What are good starter beers? Here's a list I got from asking /ck/. Any more to choose from?

Natural Ice
Coor's Light
Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale or Oatmeal Stout
Anchor Christmas
Sierra Nevada
Guiness Extra Stout
Samuel Adam's Winter Sampler
Blue Moon

>> No.6079819
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>> No.6079825

Why would you ever start with a stout? Guinness is fine because it doesn't taste like anything, but SS oatmeal a starter beer? No.

>> No.6079832
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>> No.6079836
File: 170 KB, 850x730, duvel-4-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favorites, tasty, refreshing, light, great session beer.

Duvel might be my all time favorite, kind of like Hoegaarden+

>> No.6079840
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>> No.6079846
File: 156 KB, 677x900, Tripel_Karmeliet_beer_Bosteels900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off, you need a GOOD beer to give you an idea of what beer is.
>tripel karmeliet
just do the one time $$$ sink, get a couple mailed to you. i promise youll enjoy it and it sby far the best beer ive ever had. a good starting point for identifying good characteristics.

after that, yeungling is buttholes if its not what youre craving but its all you have. yuengling kills the man.
natty ice is party beer, stay away

>coors light

the extra stout guiness...no, just go standard. the extra you dont need.

blue moon is a food beer. drink with orange.

where are you geographically? if youre in virginia, i got you on some local beers, but i dont wanna waste my breath yet

>> No.6079890

Anchor Steam
Fat Tire
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

>> No.6079922

man that movie was terrible OP.

it just kept going and the entire time i didnt know what or why the fuck anything was happening.

i could have done something else with those 2 hours.

>> No.6079946

fat tire +1

you have shite taste in movies

>> No.6079952

>Guiness Extra Stout

If you want a stout on your list, I'd go Young's Double Chocolate.

Recently I have been immensely enjoying Slavutych (ukranian beer, if you can find it). Regular Guiness is solid and sold everywhere, as well as Harp, and Kilkenny.

If you can get it, Granville Island makes a variety of great beers.

Crabbies makes a few flavours of great ginger beers.

>> No.6080313

>Natural Ice
They must really hate you.

Get Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Also get a Red Hook ESB. If you can find it, a Pyramid Hefeweizen.

>> No.6080320

Shock top
Dogfish head
Shipyard waterfront ale

>> No.6080391

IS Samuel Adams' seasonal beer any good? I'm restricted to buying from liquor stores and grocery stores

>> No.6080397

If they don't have pale ale, should I get sierra Nevada Tumbler Autumn Brown?

>> No.6080434
File: 44 KB, 374x496, leffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly decent

>> No.6080437


Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

Most of the beer on that list is shit OP. I mean really, fucking Coor's light?

>> No.6080556


Tumbler isn't offered as a separate offering anymore I don't think.

>> No.6080564

Piss off shill, sam adams sucks and you know it. I shit out better tasting beer than sam adams, go shill it out somewhere else.

>> No.6080578
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>> No.6080588

Slow down there Mr beeradvocate.

>> No.6080598


Sam Adams gets a surprising amount of respect on beer advocate, probably because of their historical role in American craft beer.

>> No.6080605

That was my second beer, hated it.

I remember when I first had that I hated it, it's not a beginners belgian beer. I'd start with duvel for the belgian yeasty flavour

>orval goblet

>> No.6080726


>> No.6081163

Celebration is winter. The tumbler is amazing, I don't think they sell it anymore thou