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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 332 KB, 1280x1546, MK-CR474A_WEIGH_16U_20141216183010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6079687 No.6079687 [Reply] [Original]

I am going into one of the fatso professions :(

What can I eat in the truck to stay thin?

Also what is your profession and how fat are you?

>> No.6079694

>Health Aids

Fucking HAES.

>> No.6079712

Just don't eat in the truck, future fatty

>> No.6079718

>obese firefighters
Where the fuck...

Are they basing this on weight vs height = BMI? Cause that's flawed as fuck. I've lived in four states and I haven't seen a fat firefighter yet, let alone an obese one. I've actually knew an overweight EMT, but he was a goddamned gorilla. The rest were all body-builder level physique or skinny.

>> No.6079719

>tfw scientist
>tfw one of least obese professions
fuck yeah fuck the police

>> No.6079721

The only cops I ever see that don't have huge man titties and a gut are the ones that look 15 fresh out of the academy.

>> No.6079722

Why are economists, psychologists and scientists lower than athlets?

>> No.6079725

I've known some volunteer firefighters who were fat as fuck. Small town police forces get fat as well.
The stat might be swayed heavily by counting security guards though.

>> No.6079728

Because of sports like billiards and bowling.

>> No.6079730

Same here friend.
Fuck the po-leece and the fat fuck engies who scoff at the S in STEM.

>> No.6079732

Cant eat if you're too poor and can't afford food.

>> No.6079733


>> No.6079925

Three days out of the week eat only fruit and nuts.
No way you will get fat.

>> No.6081486

And vidya

>> No.6081524
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>> No.6081561

if u sit all day ur gonna get fat

>> No.6081562

Not true. I sit all day and I'm 97 lbs.

>> No.6081567

My brother is a truck driver. He has gained some weight since he started but is getting better. Mostly eats subway and the sandwich makers can wrap it up for him in a way that he was eat while driving with little to no mess. He also works out after work and on his days off so no excuses.

>> No.6081569

Firefighters have a lot of down time. Most firehouses don't have a gym, just a big ass kitchen and recliners. Great cooks, though.

>> No.6081616

Jokes on you, I'm a geoscientist. One of the fittest scientists out there brah. I spend my days in the wilderness hiking and drinking beer.

>> No.6081626

wait, why are artists and athletes the same category?

>> No.6081629
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And working on my bow hunting skills

>> No.6081653

Real artist that make a living must be ultra cool or very attractive to weave thier bullshit and sell you a retarded pile of sticks for 35 thousand dollars.
Would not do for them to be fat.

>> No.6081657

>Real artist that make a living
all 10 of them

>> No.6081689

they're all public performers

>> No.6081709

Your obesity rate has less to do with your actual job as your economic background. If you suddenly have funds to eat, and aren't from a gourmand and health conscious family (ie class ranking), you will lose all common sense, and eat to excess because you can. On the flipside, if you are from such a poor economic background, you will overindulge in starch and fat (hispanic diets), and the processed foods on sale at the local big market, as you "treat" yourself and your children. Also, your obesity has to do with your past fat cell padding, such as from football pasts, or just obese parents/childhood. Anyone abused is higher risk, as well.

I don't think these stats are correctly including those factors, as to who is drawn to these jobs from economic backgrounds (such as physicians). Nor are they making the correlation to sedentary work, to overwork and little time for aerobic exercise, or commuting distances. Fit cities include a lot of walking, like D.C and Manhattan. Obese cities are spread out like Houston, and have long hours in cars. High stress jobs, like trial attorneys, have that cortisol level and poor sleep issue which affects fat.

If you are going to be in a truck, you need to maintain a habit of strict mealtimes, I'd say. You need to have an exercise regimen pre-shower each day, even if it's situps on the carpet in your hotel room, or jumping jacks outside of your truck. Mental fitness and alertness will follow. Ice chest in car. For snacks, I'd nuke and chill down edamame. Bagged carrot sticks. Low sodium beef jerky. Dried fruit and unsalted nuts (take it easy). All water, all the time. Forget soft drinks, coffee, tea, and the rest with sugar and artificial sweeteners. Water is your friend. Buy at groceries, not convenience stores, by the gallon. Pop in for salad kits, and add the dressing to the bag, shake and pour out onto a plate or cup. Unsweetened tea vs coffee (less acidic on the heartburn profession of trucking).

>> No.6082661

People who had a higher education and are placed near the top of the social-economic ladder tend to live healthier. The poor and less educated have always had more problems regarding being overweight.

>> No.6082666

>low obesity rate


>> No.6082675

I don't do over the road trucking, but I work with guys that do.

2 paramount points to follow
Don't eat junk. Don't snack. At all. Bring your own home cooked meals or visit a grocery store every day. Vegetables will stay good in your truck for the day and night.
Second is to exercise. Run every night. If you're an otr guy you can bring a bike with you. If not go for a run in the morning or at night near your home terminal as you get off work.

Follow both of these and you will be fine. You do not want to end up like some of the otr guys. Go sit at a truck stop for an hour or so and watch some of these fat fucking pieces of human garbage waddle in for their gallon of coke, bag of chips and pack of smokes while their stomach hangs out beneath the lip of their shirt. It will make you want to vomit.

And the smell.......

>> No.6082692

Me again. I travel a lot in my car and stay in hotels. Most of which don't have fridges. If you're in the same boat with a truck I strongly suggest going to a grocery and building meals that you can make with any appliances.

My go to is a Nalgene bottle filled with oats, nuts, seeds, whatever. I can pack a few of them for the week. The night before I plan to consume it I just add water and let it sit over night. Add more water in the morning and you can basically drink it. I munch on carrots and broccoli all day. Maybe buy a small bag of spinach and make a small salad. You can get creative.

>> No.6082694

I'm a geosci as well my BMI is 23 but I'm trying to get it down to 21

>> No.6082751

21 is still pretty chunky monkey.
You dont start to get six pack abs till you well into the teens

>> No.6082754

It's not though.

>> No.6082760

When I cook for large amounts of people I usually never actually eat what I cook.

>> No.6083076

trucker here. make sure you snack constantly, eat lots of fast food and drink soda. that's what i do and i'm 147 lbs at 6'2. i've actually lost weight since going otr.

>> No.6083087

IT's a flawed study. Nurses are notoriously obese when they should know better. Long hours, stress, working on one's feet causing post-work fatigue, etc. This study isn't accurate geographically, that's for sure. The demographic varies by city. Some workplaces promote wellness within, better than others, with gyms, other activities, and incentives that save on insurance deductions. Flight attendants lose their jobs if they tip over a given allowable amount.

>> No.6083138


Working at night isn't healthy for you and yes, you will get fatter.

>> No.6083243

Sysadmin / hungry skellington
Everyone in this profession seems to either be like me or a 400lb neckbear

>> No.6083254

>What can I eat in the truck to stay thin?
Water and amphetamines.

>> No.6083397

But there so filling :(

>> No.6083424


>> No.6084098

Why would that possibly be the case?

>> No.6084126

Why are artists, athletes, actors, and reporters grouped together?

>> No.6084134


Probably because they have similar obesity rates.

>> No.6084190

I'm a student currently on break. Not phat at all but hopefully I don't put on a few pounds during the break since all I do is nothing

>> No.6084213

just eat a smaller amount of food, with lots of vegetables etc. to keep you healthy and alert

>> No.6084243

Smokes and speed

>> No.6084299


The blurb at the bottom says it's decided on BMI, so a lot of those 'obese' athletes and firefighters etc may be muscular fuckers.

>> No.6084326

Don't fucking even. You need to be competing for Mr. Olympia or Ronnie Fucking Coleman himself for the BMI to not apply to you.

>> No.6084338

I dont think you understand how bmi works.
Bodybuilders have extremely low bmi

>> No.6084352


I don't know much about it at all. But I'd always heard that it was accepted to be misleading for athletes?

>BMI is particularly inaccurate for people who are very fit or athletic, as their high muscle mass can classify them in the overweight category by BMI, even though their body fat percentages frequently fall in the 10–15% category, which is below that of a more sedentary person of average build who has a normal BMI number.

>> No.6084353

BMI is a flawed system and is almost univerely discredited. I have a friend who is ripped, competes in triathalons and an all round healthy living guy.
According to his BMI he's obese.

>> No.6084387

No anon.
What's discredited is the online calculator where you put in your weight and height.
For a real calculation you have to measure displacement.

>> No.6084401

He's in the military, they include displacement. He gets it done annually.

>> No.6084483

If you go for the dunk and your BMI comes back high, you are a fattington bear.

>> No.6084532

Anyone got those retard posts about a kid and his sister getting fat tanked

>> No.6084541


Nobody gives a fuck about BMI except tards. It's not even supposed to be a health metric, its for studying populations.

its very simple. if you can pinch an inch, you're fat.

if you have folds, you're a ham

lose weight, fatty

>> No.6084732
File: 82 KB, 265x222, 12093238-can-you-pinch-an-inch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinch an inch
I have never understood this .
All the people they show pinching are not fat get the pinch way more than an inch.
What the wtf ?

>> No.6084868


Let me put it this way: That guy is not skinny. he's not a fucking ambulocetus, but he is somewhat overweight.

If you don't see that, you might want to re-evaluate your standards for healthy being

>> No.6084933

>not a sham
One only.

>> No.6084940

> visible abs
> unhealthy

>> No.6084942

That woman is clearly not fat anon.

>> No.6084976

he's a gay pedo

he likes women being stick thin and looking as boyishly as possible

>> No.6084981
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Have you heard about the 5:2 diet?
It could help you shed some of the weight that is making you so bitter.

>> No.6085354


>thinks muscle lumps under fat are "visible abs"

That's a fucking gut, m80. it's a small one and it's not a huge turn off but that is a dude with a fucking belly on him.

fit is when you

>> No.6085365

>What can I eat in the truck to stay thin?
You calculate your bmr so you know how much calories you can eat before gaining weight.
If you stay hungry the whole time you start going vegetarian, if you still eat too much you become a vegan.

>> No.6085446

>vegan trucker

They would ass rape you at the truck stop.

>> No.6085466
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>mfw i'm in school for economics

i'm a pound or so away from being overweight in terms of BMI but i used to be twenty pounds heavier. i'm trying to lose more but i'm not going to freak out about it.

>> No.6085468


It's only because they're adding in the methed-speeded out bartenders and servers.

>> No.6085491

>lowest obesity
I don't believe it, I do not.

>> No.6085540

20.1% of athletes are obese?
I think your chart might be a little off

>> No.6085552

Thats for long haul box truckers. Be a pipe yard or flatbed trucker. Its very physical because you have to jump up and down to secure your load. The food part does suck because all you get is fast food but opt for salads and make sure to stay hydrated and chew gum or seeds to keep you from munching all the time.

>> No.6085559



fucking hippies get a job that contributes to society. No better than the dindu nuffins

>> No.6085594

Its all dem mopping.

>> No.6085598

Thats atheletes, artists, actors, and reporters all together. The other 3 profesions probably bring the average up.

>> No.6085627

So in that statistic, they're adding a 0% (athletic by definition is not at all obese) to the others, throwing the number off by a fourth.

>> No.6085639

I'm a cook and we only have one obese guy on our staff.

You're on your feet all the time on the kitchen and sometimes you don't get a lunch break. Lit the only food you get a chance to eat is whatever you're making and taste testing it.

>> No.6085652

>No IT or sysadmin on chart
yeah it's bullshit alright

>> No.6085815

Check your sys privilege

>> No.6086990

This person is not even joking >>6079732
Also, we use our brains a lot and it burns energy.

>> No.6086992

>average : 27%
>lowest can't go under 14%

holy shit.

>> No.6086998

Yes but take a look at the obesity chart here.
The picture of the 30% guy is what obesity looks like.

I definitely know athletes that look like this.
Most football players are obese .


>> No.6087001

That's because they don't consider anorexia err I mean modeling an occupation.

>> No.6087016
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Can it miss tubby mcfattington .

>> No.6087092
File: 68 KB, 815x612, 10389512_1490738767856123_6471858538266344631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Replace the seat of your truck with an exercise ball.

>> No.6087096


One of my coworkers actually lost weight in his new trucking job because he worried so much about being near somewhere he could poop. So I guess if that's something you could give a shit about (honhonhon) then maybe you could keep that on your mind.

>> No.6088443

He should just bring a shovel and toilet paper with him .

>> No.6088467

I'm surprised by the "Cooks/food servers" score being in the low, since I am a server and I am fat, and most of my coworkers are fat, and all of the cooks except one are fat.

maybe it's just my restaurant though, it's pretty delicious.

>> No.6089067

I have seen fat cooks but rarely a fat server except when I spent time in Nebraska.

>> No.6089328


I live in california and there are plenty of fat servers, there are fat cooks too but most of the ones I've worked with haven't been

>> No.6089999

Usually they hire girls you would want to lay on purpose.

>> No.6090230

>girls you would want to lay

Dude are you still in the 80s?

>> No.6090232

nah hes just a pua

>> No.6090270

probably because most servers are young and people generally get fatter as they stop being young

>> No.6090272

Do people say "lay" like that anymore?
Its like "making a porn"
just hits the ear wrong .

>> No.6090277

Body Mass Index is a poor metric for determining obesity. It doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle.

>> No.6090286


it's fairly accurate for the general population though

>> No.6090308

Being massive from excess fat or muscle is not healthy either way.

>> No.6090366

Both are essentially society-approved whoring. Being a professional athlete is being an entertainer.

>> No.6090369

I would think the grill jockeys at shitholes like Denny's would balance this out, but if you've ever looked in a higher-class kitchen you won't see many fatasses. It's too demanding, too sweaty and physical, to put on a lot of weight. Plus, they have a better knowledge of how to make food taste good, unlike the average American that craves only sugar and fat.