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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 600x450, pizza in rabbit mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6079003 No.6079003 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: comfort foods

I'll start. Pizza.

>> No.6079024

your mum

>> No.6079053


>> No.6079113

So many cannibals on here

>> No.6079734

bacron, spreads, dips, salted food

>> No.6079739

>comfort food
Such a fucking annoying term.

>> No.6079742


>> No.6079743

Because my mother didn't love me.

>> No.6079746

hes a foodie who thinks food should always be a culinary endeavour and adventure through the lands of earth.

also, he thinks soylent green is delicious.

fage yogurt with honey

>> No.6079747
File: 3.00 MB, 625x938, anigif_enhanced-buzz-9933-1396396314-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me if some depressed cow sucking down mashed potatoes and watching shitty romcoms .

>> No.6079760

big ass plate of salsbury steak, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy and some bread with butter

>> No.6079767

more pics of squirrels with pizza

>> No.6079780
File: 92 KB, 600x799, Bat eating pizza in tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6079794
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An order of Wonton soup on a snowy day

>> No.6079799

beans on toast

>> No.6079806
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Grilled cheese with a bowl of tomato soup

>> No.6079811
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Chunky Monkey

>> No.6079815
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A big slice of cheesecake with a cup of coffee

>> No.6079823
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A bowl of Pho followed by small serving of matcha ice cream

>> No.6079833
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>> No.6079842

Why are there so many pictures of squirrels eating pizza

>> No.6079845


>> No.6079873
File: 92 KB, 500x375, RsZM3xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slice of warm apple pie with some sharp cheddar on the side

>> No.6079876

Those little fuckers love the stuff. There's a whole website devoted to collecting these pics, but I forget the url.

On topic, mashed potatoes and corn bread. Just that. A bite of potatoes, bite of cornbread, you're in heaven.

>> No.6080172

>liver and onions
>chinese takeout, namely pork fried rice and general tso
>fried chicken
>garlic mashed potatoes
>fish fry
>loaded nachos

Basically anything not good for me but gives me lots of feely feels.

>> No.6080426

Squirrels, what the hell is their real agenda?

>> No.6080463

>climb trees
>eat pizza
>disregard bitches

seems obvious enough to me

>> No.6080467
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more squirrels with pizza pls

>> No.6080481

Macaroni and Cheese.

>> No.6080492
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>> No.6080496
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I am currently fapping to this

>> No.6080500
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>> No.6080504

I completely agree anon. I've always hated the term comfort food.

It makes me think of a fat woman eating a whole tub of ice cream while she simultaneously cries and says "mmmm"

I didn't know what comfort food was for the longest time, since all food is "comforting" to me, in that I'm not starving after I eat. I don't seek out any particular food based on emotions, so the term comfort threw me off.

Comfort food is "simple/classic food you grew up with", but the term Comfort isn't the best descriptor, in my opinion.

>> No.6080507
File: 212 KB, 1200x800, img_3658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6080512
File: 208 KB, 1400x1050, beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6080521
File: 1.32 MB, 4836x3006, greens-black-eyed-peas-cornbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6080527

You're clearly using the term a lot so you don't dislike is so much. University hasn't done you well.

>> No.6080528
File: 329 KB, 1024x683, 1265111123056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6080538


comfort food isn't just about what you ate as a kid, it's about food that eases discomfort - of the emotional variety. assuaging hunger is probably a necessary but not sufficient condition.

>> No.6080541

Is 'comfort food' just another way to say 'junk food'?

It all seems heavy and unhealthy.

>> No.6080549


nah, stuff like chicken soup is comforting. a lot of junk food is comfort food but not all of it.

>> No.6080552
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 1402571679902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double chocolate stout with a hot meat pie on a rainy day

>> No.6080565

Hmm. So basically it's just anything that slides down the throat easily.

I know that sounds rude and opens up the potential for all sorts of innuendo, but it the observation I've made.

Could it also be an attempt by marketers to get people to eat more.
>food is comforting
>you're depressed so eating will make you happy

I've never felt comforted by food.

>> No.6080570

>I've never felt comforted by food.

You've been eating the wrong food. Comfort food is what makes you orgasm on a bad day. Like a nice hot bowl of gooey cheese in noodles, it's satisfying in the mouth to eat as well as tastes good. You don't get that feeling from eating bran flakes.

>> No.6080574

You should look to Phoebe Cates and her carrot manuvers.

>> No.6080577


i'm sure to someone whole artichokes with butter are comfort food. or cracking a lobster with little hammers. it's about ritual and rejuvenation.

>> No.6080586
File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mashed potato, swiss cheese and cornichons

>> No.6080593

Mom's cooking.

She wasn't a classically trained chef, but her spinach and cheese stuffed manicotti, delicately beaten swiss steak with new potatoes, fried pork chops and mac n cheese, are among her few dishes that make me feel so content, safe and satisfied and that someone in this world loves me.

For me, waking up to blueberry muffins or having her scramble me some eggs when I come into town to help around the house, fresh baked bread, that my friend is comfort. It has nothing to do with being depressed, but all to do with the memories and joys that you've experienced with good food and good company throughout many, many years.

Food that comes from love and family are the best and only comfort foods.

>> No.6080594

This is simple...
Chicken broth or just plain chicken noodle soup.

Miso soup too.

I like mixing the two as a good hangover cure.

I'm a weirdo and I know it.

>> No.6080608

I know what you mean, my mum used to make cinnimon bread and egg in the holes to me. That was a good reason to wake up so I could go to school.


>> No.6080619

+1, delicious always

>> No.6080623

I'm glad that someone agrees and that I'm not alone in thinking that miso is really good.

>> No.6080628

miso tasty!?

>> No.6080633

Heck yeah, 1:1 with chicken broth and that's the bestest hangover cure.

>> No.6080644

It's not about what you eat. It's about the poop.

There's nothing more comforting than dropping a big turd that reaches the water before it breaks off.

>> No.6080646

>being this assblasted autismal over a word
Hide the thread you deranged faggot. Nobody cares about how emasculated you feel while picturing a fat woman eating unhealthy food.

>> No.6080650

So by that rationale, milk would be the ultimate comfort food.

>> No.6080652

I often drop some obamas out
Those are good healthy droppings.

>> No.6080653


i don't follow, but yes milk is definitely a comfort food.

>> No.6080654

milk is my comfort food. sometimes, its the only "food" i have...

>> No.6080657

Chocolate milk

>> No.6080660

>i don't follow,
It was probably the first meal that your mother gave you.

>> No.6080665

>that make me feel so content, safe and satisfied and that someone in this world loves me

Well damn, I've never experienced this feeling from food. What a shame.

Then again, I grew up cooking all my own food. My parents never wanted to cook and we didn't really eat together. I just cooked what I wanted, when I wanted.

Sure I'm great cook now because of it, but this thread saddens me a little. I'll probably never know that comforting feeling from food.

>> No.6080704

Aren't you so special, like a special snowflake. GTFO!!

>> No.6080727

this might help

>> No.6080735 [DELETED] 

At this stage I'd I'd like to point out that >>6080665 is not >>6080565

> thought provoking observation
> blog post

>> No.6080759

Cheese Sandwich with Chocolate Milk

comfiest food in existence

>> No.6080764


oh lord
thats my fetish

>> No.6080771

>not getting a spiritual experience from eating food
>discarding centuries of experimentation for getting those flavors and textures that connect you with the most deep experiences and elate the soul

why do you eat, people? to gain nutrients?
way to fuck it up

>> No.6080785

I'll always think of pot roast hash - heavy on the sage and garlic, and bean and ham hock soup with chili vinegar and cornbread first when thinking about comfort food. Next up would be overly sweet maple pecan or creamy oatmeal with peaches.

>> No.6080796
File: 149 KB, 965x649, yin - yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is comfort food, then there must be discomfort food.

>indian food

>> No.6080820

>mashed potatoes with gravy


>> No.6080823
File: 103 KB, 500x332, chili marinated salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salmon seared in soy sauce and lime juice served with some white rice and greens is a meal my pop's been making since I can remember.

The flavor is so rich, and while simple the whole dinner blends together. It's the most comfy dinner I could ever have. Pic not entirely related, but I couldn't find anything similar to my family's recipe.

>> No.6080907
File: 63 KB, 640x360, shanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comfy video about lamb shanks

>> No.6080959

Beef stew with mushrooms and garlic bread.

>> No.6080975
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, pizza7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll finish. Pizza.


>> No.6080981

Making this tomorrow for lunch, thank you.

>> No.6081108

butter and vegemite toast and apple slices, australian tradition

>> No.6081115

those things are cute, what are they?

>> No.6081116

I've only heard fat people use the term, "comfort food" with a far off, nostalgic look in their eyes.

>> No.6081117

Canadian land beavers

>> No.6081120

I dunno, my mom cooked for me and I don't get those feely feels from food. Those anons are probably fatties justifying eating food when they're not hungry.

>> No.6081415


So one of those pies are like $11 USA monaey?

...that's way expensive no?

>> No.6081418


>> No.6081419

Food's way cheaper in the US than in the UK. Plus the ingredients are pretty "exotic", chicken and ham excluded, obviously.

>> No.6081421

It's probably because they're made with boar vs. beef or something

>> No.6081425


not really expensive for the uk unfortunately.

>> No.6081442

I enjoy food but I don't take comfort in it.

>> No.6081444

those are sold at a foodie market so the prices are higher than standard tier pies

>> No.6081445


GTFO you fun-hating pricks.

>> No.6081446

a big dirty kebab

>> No.6081502

I dont have the url...but I do have a folder with about 400 pictures of em...

>> No.6082264

Looks like it's a tumblr.
Squirrels Holding Pizza

>> No.6082276

thats not a bat thats an owl

>> No.6082282

gordon ramsay pls

>> No.6082299

>ITT: comfort foods

Rosarita refried beans. In a can.

>> No.6082390

Miso ramen. Also, chicken paprikash.

>> No.6082434
File: 47 KB, 512x384, sweetandsourmeatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

What my mom always made me on my birthday because I loved them so much.

>> No.6083882
File: 222 KB, 2020x1484, Chicken&Dumplings_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken & dumplings.

>> No.6083905

I like this

>> No.6083936
File: 64 KB, 500x334, comfortfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



all food is comfort food because it means I'm not going to die of starvation

>> No.6083937

what is comfort food? like do people really eat for emotional reasons?

>> No.6083945

afaik it is basically a food that is a nostalgia bomb that instead of having an intense wow factor it makes you remember cozier times and imparts a sense of calm and peace. I've never had a food give me this sensation.

>> No.6083949

>Cold rainy day
>Wrapped up in a blanket
>Comfy TV shows and movies
>A warm chicken pot pie
I'm looking foward to it.

>> No.6083952

Are people really have brains ??

>> No.6083960
File: 2 KB, 125x119, wellimaguyso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are people really have brains ??

i couldn't said better then this

>> No.6083968

Pure and simple marketing, my man.

> hey you
> yes you!
> are you feeling lonely?
> has life got you down?
> Do you often feel tired when you wake up in the morning?
> are you currently reading this greentext
> well if you answered yes to any of those questions then listen up because what I'm about to tell you will change your life
> why don't you come down to McDonald's and get yourself some lovely comforting food
> we've got two all beef patties
> special sauce
> lettuce, cheese
> pickles, onions
> all on a sesame seed bun
> it'll cheer you right up on no time
> and if that isn't enough you should try our world famous fries
> they've been scientifically proven to make you feel happy


>> No.6083984

>stew with a puff pastry lid

Fuck these establishments, If I order a pie I expect a pull pastry crust.

>> No.6083991

yu got it m8 a few xanax and a litre of wine is pretty good tooo

>> No.6084086
File: 313 KB, 900x600, IMG_5982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A traditional (lol) swedish kebab plate.
Delicious as fuck, best hang over food.

>> No.6085190

>All food is comforting in that it keeps me from starving to death.

I can't tell if that means you're enjoying every little moment of your life, or if you're just generally numb to everything.

Regardless, most people enjoy certain foods more than others. A lot of people also choose their meals for reasons beyond avoiding starvation. Kinda like how people consider more than just the utility of wearing clothes to protect themselves from exposure when they dress.

>> No.6085711

ser ut som gyros

>> No.6086220


>> No.6086271

Fuck kinda' gyros you been eatin?

>> No.6086277

Squirrels that live near my house are huge, and I think they're getting bigger every year.

Some of them are as large as a small cat.

>> No.6087185
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>> No.6088292
File: 87 KB, 1137x318, troy mclure bd pasta 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that in Troy McLure's voice and achieved a rock hard erection. 10/10

No homo.