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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6077753 No.6077753 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to a special Saturday holiday edition of Pleb's Kitchen (and drinking!) No, I'm not dead, btw.
Brought to you by Jack and Coke.

Tonight, we're going to try making peanut brittle!

>> No.6077758


b-b-but I dont like peanut brittle >,<

>> No.6077760
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I have
>corn syrup (had to go all over town for this, 2 places were out)
>baking soda
Water will also be needed

What do you like then, fggt?

>> No.6077767
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3tbsp of the butter will go into the brittle. I'm using the rest to grease the pans, which I'll put in a 200-degree oven for now.

And to the anon here >>/ck/thread/S5832230
I'm still alive, but my SD card reader broke, then I moved, then school started and so on. But now I can spend the holidays with here because i have time again

>> No.6077772

Anon, I work 7 days a week, 15 hours a day at the mill to afford these ingredients so your autistic brother, Pleb, can perform his amazing, pedestrian cooking slideshow on this Bahrainian webserver hosted Oriental animation gastronomy wordpress, and I have to say you are just like your fucking mother. Your fucking mother who burns the goddamn roast, and doesn't fuck me anymore. Your fucking whore mother who leaves Legos on the floor, and doesn't put the lid back on the toothpaste. Your fucking blockhead whore mother who took my mint condition Kenner Aliens Action Figures out of their boxes, and doesn't flush the goddamn toilet. Anon, go to your fucking room, you will not be having any peanut brittle and boiled carpet tonight. Get me a beer first, you little booty butt cyber slut. Daddy needs to get a load on before going back to the mill.

Pleb, you were my favorite. Always my favorite. I like peanut brittle. Proceed.

>> No.6077776
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lurking m80 go go

>> No.6077781
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When I first came to /ck/ and started posting my "Let's Make Dinner!" threads a couple of people mentioned Pleb's Kitchen.

I'm glad I finally get to see what they were talking about.

I didn't feel like cooking tonight, pic related.

>> No.6077788

whats that thing in the middle? is it to hold the pizza to avoid greasy hands?

>> No.6077789
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OK, i mixed a teaspoon each water and vanilla with baking soda, and that will go to the side for now.

kek'd heartily

thanks for joining me tonnight, anons. I'm happy people enjoy my useless floundering

>> No.6077791
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It's to prevent the pizza box top from sticking to the cheese

a cup each water and corn syrup in here

>> No.6077793
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It's to prevent to top of the box from collapsing onto the pizza...

>> No.6077794
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Then cup and a half of sugar, and I'll heat and stir it till soft ball (240)

It looks like a dead jellyfish i found on the coast yesterday.

>> No.6077799
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that makes sense. i haven't seen such a thing before.

>> No.6077803

Where do you live?

Nice dubs.

>> No.6077809


thank you

>> No.6077817
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This sure is taking its time. I haven't made candy in like 9 years, but i remember having to move faster than this.

I also have ice water ready for checking texture.

>> No.6077841
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Picking out the funky peanuts. Can you eat them raw?

I won't use all of these. I need a pound, and they're sold in 12-oz packages. Which is dumb.

>all those candles
I think i remember lurking a thread where people were giving OP shit about jesus candles, now that you mention it.

>> No.6077853
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>Can you eat them raw?

Idk but if I were you and I would save the extra and then try to make peanut sauce with them

I have many jesus candles and /ck/ does not like them

>> No.6077855

Yeah, but the texture sucks. They won't make you sick like some other nuts.

>jesus candles
Those things are fucking awesome. They're $1 at Wal-mart, and they last forever. I...I kind of like Christian myth and tradition.

Me and my pops used to make brittle together. Looking forward to this.

>> No.6077862

did you buy that socrates candle

>> No.6077866

only 40 more degrees!


>> No.6077871
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forgot pic

fuck you moot i'm not a robot

>> No.6077876
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I really want to but it seems absurdly overpriced

>> No.6077880

Getting there!

>> No.6077888

fair 'nuff

>> No.6077889
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It's bubbly

>> No.6077907

aaa i can't get it higher than 220

>> No.6077909
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Is your stove cranked up to 11?

>> No.6077913
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Got it to soft ball, and added the peanuts and butter

>> No.6077918
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but i think my thermomiter is broke. I k ow i'm above soft ball.

>> No.6077933
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OK, that was as intense as I remembered it!

Here's the play-by-play
Almost at soft ball here

>> No.6077938
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kept heating it

>> No.6077943
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peanuts were super toasty when i finally hit gard crack

and it tastes fucking amazing

>> No.6077946
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the recipie said it would get foamy after i added the baking soda mix

>> No.6077947
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it didn't mention the entire mix would start rising like a cake

(which i should know, in retrospect)

>> No.6077950
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dem stringsss

>> No.6077954
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And here it is just after I spread it.

still not a robot

>> No.6077963

freeze that shit

>> No.6077965
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Freezer is full of bulk ground meat and taquitos. /ck/ is a slow board, i'll come back when it sets on its own.

Here it is now.

>> No.6077969
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And whisk

>> No.6077971
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Fuck, what am I gonna cook the fish sticks I was gonna have for dinner on?

>> No.6077977

Got a microwave?

>> No.6077986

>microwaved fish sticks

>> No.6077987
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>microwaving fish sticks

>> No.6077992
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>seriously suggesting microwaved fishsticks

>> No.6078029

under8ed thread

>> No.6078038

I have

>pack of firm tofu
>sesame oil
>peppers 'n seasonin's
>green curry sauce
>coconut milk / oil
>frozen tilapia fillets

Can I make some sort of green curry tofu stuff with this or will I just have to eat the tofu raw and cry myself to sleep?

>> No.6078048
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>> No.6078068

good thread pleb, that christmas album doesn't suck either

>> No.6078073
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I think it'll be ready to break in another hour or so.
While I'm attention whoring, here's what i had for dinner. I cooked the fish sticks on a glass baking tray

Not sure why you're asking here, but I'd use the curry, coconut milk, peppers, tofu, and maybe sessame oil to make a curry, and save the rest for another meal.

Thanks, anons!

>> No.6078075
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I'll save you all 5 seconds by posting this reaction now.

>> No.6078097 [DELETED] 
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seriously though, I love pleb's kitchen

>> No.6078154

what in the fuck is that sauce

>> No.6078182

>5 seconds
I stared at it for over a minute and couldn't think of a reaction image or comment.
It's... I mean... wh...
Okay, you didn't even...
It's like, ...

Whatever, it's just food!
Hope you enjoyed your fuel!

>> No.6078243

They're as cool as they're gonna get, but a dash tacky. Gonna put them in the fridge for 15 minutes or so, then it's smacking time.

Maranara with cheese.

>Whatever, it's just food!
>Hope you enjoyed your fuel!
That is a refreshing attitude to see on /ck/

>> No.6078262

>Maranara with cheese.
thats what I thought. you disgust me.

>> No.6078276
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It's go time.

Duly noted.

>> No.6078280
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Smashing does not work too well. Scraping and flipping does, though.

>> No.6078282
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Done with pan 1.
The money shot.

>> No.6078284

looks lovely..

>> No.6078288
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Thanks, it tastes good too.

The other pan let go easy as pie.

>> No.6078289
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>> No.6078291

If you're the original pleb where is your whiteboard and hand drawn picture of Sonic the hedgehog?

>> No.6078296
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The whiteboard was my old roommate's. Shit, a lot of things from the old weeklies were theirs, including that plate I was complimented on.

And so on.

>> No.6078299

Can you just use a pen and paper and draw a hedgehog? I miss that.

>> No.6078301
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This is the total fruit of my labors, both pans. Since my friends and family are ravenous vulture creatures, I'll probably make another batch with pecans tomorrow, if I have enough corn syrup.

I'll store it in the fridge tonight and get some pretty tins from the dollar store to put them in tomorrow.

And here's the recipe, if anyone wanted it in more detail.

>> No.6078304

Do you live in Burbank? Your apartment looks just like my old one.

>> No.6078315

>That is a refreshing attitude
Yeah, I get shit on for OC like everyone else.
Making a stew thread tomorrow, but eating frozen chicken strips and fries tonight. Get over it, right?

I've never been a fan, but you almost make me want to make a batch for Jesus' Birthday Party.
Props for using betty cro/ck/er.

>> No.6078321
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Just for you, beautiful.
I only drew sonic on that board once, tho. The other times were just writing.


Cool I'll check it out.
And making candy that's not peanut brittle, like peppermint sticks is a similar method. It's a lot of fun.

While I'm here, I'll add that as much as I would like to do these regularly during the school year, it's probably not gonna happen. I'll try and do them more often, though.

Oh, and I don't namefag outside of these threads, any other Plebs you see here aren't me.

>> No.6078345

>And making candy that's not peanut brittle, like peppermint sticks is a similar method. It's a lot of fun.
Yeah yeah. The first time I made marshmallows I was blown away. Just don't have that sweet tooth anymore. Peanut brittle reminds me of Christmas, and your thread made me want to make it.
>I don't namefag
I don't in my OC threads, and they drop to the bottom pretty fast, without comments. Meh. Still kinda fun.

>> No.6078355

>if I have enough corn syrup
dude just make a regular caramel/toffe

>> No.6078365

>tfw i might lose my sweet tooth one day
What a scary thought.

But what if I want to go to the stores 5 days from Christmas and shank shoppers for simple groceries?

>> No.6078500

>tfw i might lose my sweet tooth one day
>What a scary thought.
Shhhhhhhhh.... It just turns into wine appreciation.

>> No.6078581
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Just because you stutter in real life doesn't mean you should type it out online. You can spare yourself the embarrassment here! Talk about your unnecessary transparency.

>> No.6078583
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Brandy and Sierra Mist on the rocks? Gross.

>> No.6078593

Is there any way to make peanut brittle without corn syrup?

>> No.6078620

cane syrup, beet syrup

>> No.6078628

Is it possible to just make a simple syrup out of water and sugar and use that?

>> No.6078641

You can, but it will be a lot less forgiving. The corn syrup has inverted glucose in it that helps with crystallization/texture.

>> No.6078642

Here. The honey acts as the same crystallization control..

>> No.6078644 [DELETED] 

Or like this, without honey.

>> No.6078645

Or like this without the honey.

>> No.6078658
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Thanks so much! I think I'll be making this for Christmas now.

>> No.6079525
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It was really yummy

fyi the phrase "on the rocks" refers solely to drink that contain only a single type of hard liquor and ice. mixed drinks always come with ice, thusly rendering the "on rocks" specification redundant and sily. if you ordered a "jack and coke on the rocks" for example your bartender would assume that you're a fucking retard who has no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Oklahoma City

I think that a lot of cheap apartments all over the US look pretty similar. I've also been told that my place looks like UK student housing.