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6066328 No.6066328 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any simple vegetarian recipes?

>> No.6066388

I have a great broccoli recipe
step 1: broccoli
plate and serve

>> No.6066390

my carrot surprise is to die for:

step 1: cut green end off carrot
plate and serve.

>> No.6066411

Surprise mix salad.
1. Get lots of varied veggies
2. Clean, chop, mix.
3. Add spices to taste
4. Plate and serve.

May be too complex to your tastes though.

>> No.6066551

mac and cheese
thank me later

>> No.6066557

Cook eggs. Stuff eggs into fish. Cook the fish. Stuff the fish into cooked chickens. Stuff the cooked chickens into roasted sheep. Stuff the roasted sheep carcass into a whole camel . . . now cook to taste.

>> No.6066563

Slice up some zuccini and a green bell pepper, add a sliced tomato some garlic.
Salt and black pepper are good in there too.

Enjoy and thank anon l8r.

>> No.6066593


>> No.6066602

try my signature apple crunch.
step 1: have an apple. make sure it's crunchy!
plate and serve

>> No.6066618

Bean casseroles are fun

Dice onions and carrots, fry with garlic and tomato purée, paprika, coriander, chili powder and maybe a bit of cumin if you feel like it'll.
Chuck in something like three or four cans of different varieties of beans and add Worcester sauce.
Add chopped tomatoes/passata, then veg stock.
Herb it up with whatever you fancy, I use oregano and bay leaves.
Simmer it, add Tabasco if you like.
Season to taste.
It's okay.

>> No.6066639

french fries

>> No.6066668

>Worcester sauce

Not vegetarian.

>> No.6066688

Just checked the bottle. Anchovies.

No Worcester sauce for you then OP.

>> No.6066702

mung beans and soy sprouts stir-fried with tofu in an oyster sauce

>> No.6066719

Define simple, OP.

Or at least give an example with a regular recipe.

>> No.6066729

Mushroom sauce both tastes better and is vegetarian. And this is coming from a staunch omnivore. There's nothing oyster sauce can do that mushroom sauce can't do better. I've used Maekrua oyster sauce for years but switched to some brand of mushroom sauce last year when it was given as a free-with-minimum-qualifying-purchase gift (as is done in most Asian grocers).
Don't remember the name but it's a clear glass bottle with a yellow label and red or yellow tag (don't remember which colour the tag is). I can take a picture of the mushroom sauce bottle when I get start cooking later tonight, if anyone's interested.

>> No.6066774

What I like to make is simple wok
Slice onions, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, etc. etc. any vegetable you like, put it in a hot pan, add soysauce, let it fry for 1-2 mins and bam, you've got yourself a great, healthy meal.

The great thing about vegetables is that the less you do with them the better they taste (at least imo)

>> No.6066776
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> Mushroom sauce both tastes better
that's just, like, your opinion, man

>> No.6066783

No. Seriously. Try it. It's too damned good.

>> No.6066790

you are assuming I haven't for some reason
I have, I think it's nice, I think it's got fuck-all to do with oyster sauce and I also think that sad cunts like you who are always on the lookout for vegetarian substitutes of normal food should just switch back to a normal diet

>> No.6066803

>switch back to a normal diet
Did you miss the part where I said
>And this is coming from a staunch omnivore.
I'm not some queer vegfag, you mong. I don't believe you've had the brand I'm talking about, specifically because I've not mentioned the brand name.

You ever had pork liver with oyster sauce? Try it with that brand of mushroom sauce (when I figure out the name) instead of oyster sauce and tell me that it's not better. I'll tell you the name of the brand as soon as I can. Seriously, it blows all oyster sauce brands I've ever had out of the fucking water.
Or beef in oyster sauce. WAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaay better with mushroom sauce, IMO.

>> No.6066824

I did not miss it, i just don't believe you
To tell me how one sauce is somehow objectively superior to another is idiotic, btw. I want my dish to taste of oyster sauce, I will pour in oyster sauce
I want MSG and a bit of fungal aroma, I use mushroom sauce, or just add MSG and make my own porcini sauce like my nonna used to make
they are not equivalent in taste, they cannot be substituted for one another reasonably in dishes, you're a horrible cook and you probably think Salisbury Steak is one of the high peaks of culinary art
so there

>> No.6066835

>so there
no coming back from this

>> No.6066869


Barbequed pine cones on a stick

>> No.6066874


Grass salad.

>> No.6066981

Confirmed for having never had mushroom sauce (or oyster sauce, for that matter). Neither of them taste or smell much of what their respective names imply. At all.
I'm sorry you feel you had to lie to make it seem like you know what you're talking about but the fact remains that you've just betrayed your ignorance: oyster sauces tastes nothing of oysters and mushroom sauce tastes nothing of mushrooms.
How embarrassing for you.

>> No.6067075

beans and oats

>> No.6069027

veggie soup's pretty simple - veggies, a dab of oil, a strainer or blender (strain for broth, blend for a thick soup, do nothing for chunks of veggies in your broth), water, salt, pepper, spices.

Veg curries are fairly simple as well - similar process. For vegan, use coconut milk or tomato puree... or both.

Variations on ratatouille can be as simple as slicing up some eggplant, zucchini, tomato, peppers... basically as long as you have something eggplant-like, tomato, pepper and onion as a base, you can get away with murder with the rest of it. Traditionally, the seasoning's somewhat heavy on the thyme, bay, marjoram, and basil, but you can play with that too. You can saute things seperately, or just layer them in a pan in the oven, keeping the saucier elements on top to seep down to the bottom.

>> No.6069035

Annie's brand Worcester sauce is vegan. You can find it in pretty much any Whole Foods/Trader Joes/natural food store. It's a really good substitute, too. Tastes nearly exactly the same.

>> No.6069059

Worcestershire. Worcester is a whole different place.

>> No.6069082

>Take whatever veggies you feel like eating (bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli, mushrooms etc.)
>Cut into pieces
>Cut feta cheese into big chunks
>Place peaces in casserole dish
>Olive oil, thyme, salt, pepper, oregano
>Mix with hands like a madman
>Lick fingers
>Place in oven

Quick and easy.