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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 625x501, not cutting along the lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6060821 No.6060821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many femnons are here?

>> No.6060828


also 10/10cheesecaek

>> No.6060829

Hi :3

>> No.6060833

at the moment, 10 femanons, or 3 very fat femanons. you do the math.

>> No.6060844

im a femanon , or i might just be a fat neck beard masturbating pretending to be a femanon

>> No.6060852
File: 470 KB, 2448x2448, sexual urges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought cooking was a female hobby.
Why are there no girls here?

>> No.6060865

Femanon pretending to be a man pretending to be a femanon.

>> No.6060873

You thought wrong.

>> No.6060895

Professional cooking tends to be male dominated, and less serious cooks lack the thick skin required to brave ours, the most toxic of internet communities.

>> No.6060896

at least this 1

>> No.6060899

There are plenty, it just doesn't often become necessary to mention that you're a girl.

>> No.6060902


and if you do, assholes abound to make it a big deal...

>> No.6060906

Female cook here. Love my food, not fat either. (5'9 140) who says all people who love food have to be fat?

>> No.6060911

>tfw no gf that can cook, or any gf at all
bad feel

>> No.6060918
File: 169 KB, 1499x1499, 5e840da970d522e1ee60768f82683e0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a grill btw

>> No.6060919

This precisely, and it's the way it should be. Gender has no meaning on an anonymous image board, and should only be mentioned if it is relevant to the issue being discussed.

Never trust a skinny chef.
have sex with them instead

>> No.6060920
File: 41 KB, 500x410, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf to cook with
>tfw no gf to cook for
>tfw no gf

>> No.6060921


just keep living your life
the more vibrant a self you cultivate, the more vibrant the friends and more-than-friends you attract

>> No.6060928
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>> No.6060929

oh baby, you got a nice (grill) rack.

>> No.6060932
File: 1.22 MB, 1269x670, jar jar binks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+s works on this board
>spoilers don't

>> No.6060936

what if all i want to cultivate is a vagina to stick my dick into?

>> No.6060940
File: 14 KB, 600x329, 1384265676090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no charcoal gf

>> No.6060943

Grill reporting. I enjoy baking over cooking but recently quit my job so im getting back into the swing of hot foods.
Ps. What should I do with some salmon filets for dinner I dont eat fish and need some ideas

>> No.6060945
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Then you should transcend your weak biological impulses and become a creature of logic and understanding.

>> No.6060951

Bake at 425 w butter and herbs/seasonings and lemon, or BBQ sauce

>> No.6060955

Salmon is versatile as fuck; if you have a grill, grill that shit; otherwise poaching it can be delicious. Look at a recepie; Gordon Ramsay has some good salmon ones.

>doesn't eat fish
Find the good fishmonger in your area and fucking start. Fish is so good for you it's unreal, especially salmon.

>> No.6060958

12-20 mins

>> No.6060968

Until the mercury happens.

>> No.6060972


don't do this

don't be a fedorautist

just lower your damn standards

>> No.6060973

Thanks anon.
I just bought some seasonings and one was this fresh Tuscan spice blend, will this work?

>> No.6060974

Maybe if you're eating a fillet of salmon every day for months on end. If you just have it from time to time it's not at all a big deal.

>> No.6060976

sounds gay tbh

>> No.6060981

Mercury only becomes an issue if you eat carnivorous fish, or large fish. Eat apex predators very rarely (swordfish once maybe every 3 months, for example) and moderate your intake of large saltwater fish. Farmed fish are lower in mercury, as are freshwater fish.

>> No.6060983

Yes, butter ontop and lemon slices during to cook with, plus some squeezed on at the end is great.

>> No.6060987

Thanks anon sounds great.
What about tilapia? I heard it was crappy fish but it is pretty cheap or should I stay away.

>> No.6060991

Remember that salmon is a lot like good cuts of beef, in that the flavor you want is already in the meat. Enhance it with seasonings, but don't over-complicate it.

>> No.6060992

It's pretty crappy but once In awhile isn't too bad id assume. Bread it and cook it that way, seasoned cause it tastes like nothing

>> No.6060994

Duly noted.

>> No.6060997

>This precisely, and it's the way it should be. Gender has no meaning on an anonymous image board, and should only be mentioned if it is relevant to the issue being discussed.
Gender is constantly relevant on an anonymous image board and is never mentioned only because everyone is assumed to be male. Everything is filtered through a male point of view.

>> No.6061003

Tiliapia is good, cheap, basic whitefish with low mercury. It needs help in the flavor department but that can be achieved via seasonings fairly easily. No fish is explicitly bad for eating (except poisonous ones, obv.) they are all subtly different, however. Look up a proper fishmonger in your area and corner them for an hour talking about different varieties and how to use them.

To quote a fishmonger interviewed for Gordon Ramsay's ultimate cookery course: "I could feed you a different fish every day, 365 days a year, breakfast lunch and dinner."

>> No.6061006
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>> No.6061018

gender for males is irrelevant if there is no way to mate.
which is the case on an anonymouse thai rollerblading forum.

the default gender assumed is male tho, youre right.

>> No.6061056

I'm a grill. Generally don't mention it as it's a surefire way to derail a thread due to autismos like >>6060919

>Gender has no meaning on an anonymous image board, and should only be mentioned when I finally bust my cherry/get my powers

>> No.6061067

Gave up on the other thread? Still waiting on them floppy fun bags, hun.

>> No.6061069

femanons are easy to spot.

they "think" they fit in, and act and think like males, but they dont.

>> No.6061072
File: 15 KB, 400x224, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, arguing with illiterates makes me tired :(

>> No.6061079

And you shouldn't tell anyone because it doesn't have any bearing on what you say 95% of the time. It's like that one person in class that's always like "Well as a mother..." when that is totally irrelevant to what the professor is talking about.

>> No.6061081

you have misunderstood.

female opinions are irrelevant to males, unless that female could potentially be sucking your cock.

on an anonymous internet imageboard, that means that female opinion does not matter, because they cannot be sucking your cock here.

>> No.6061083
File: 190 KB, 725x483, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking metastasizing

>> No.6061093
File: 110 KB, 500x365, on-the-internet-nobody-knows-youre-a-dog-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody knows who you are
your opinion is equal.

>> No.6061094

that fucking image lol

>> No.6061100

>Arguing with yourself

>> No.6061102

Responses to my posts only ever address me with male pronouns, as do most responses on this and other boards unless the person mentions something stereotypically feminine or outright says they're a grill.
Unless it's relevant to the conversation (as in this case), there's no reason to state one's gender. English tends to use male pronouns as neutral pronouns, most women here recognise that, and most women on 4chan type just like most men on 4chan.
You've fundamentally misunderstood the point of 'no girls on the internet', probably because your entire understanding of the phrase comes from reddit infographics. At least try not to type like you're brain damaged.

>> No.6061105

nice meme.

>> No.6061108

a male can identify a poster as female, even if that person does not reveal they are female.

what the femanons on 4chan don't understand, is that they dont "fit in". they do not communicate, act or think like males.

>>your opinion is equal.
you are confusing "equality" to mean "sameness". it does not. femanons do not act, think or behave like anons.

>> No.6061109

>Responses to my posts only ever address me with male pronouns,

Because when you're talking about a singular person it is correct grammar to only use a singular pronoun. When you don't know the gender of who you're talking to or about you can use either male or female. Both are correct.

>> No.6061111

Jesus dude, you need to go back to /r9k/ and be a mega fedora tipper with your own kind.

>> No.6061115

You are under the ridiculous illusion that many femanons have, that they are the "same" as the rest of the worlds male population.

They are not.

IRL the only reason a hetero male listens to a womans opinions, is if there is a chance she will suck your dick.

On the internet, there is absolutely no reason to listen to a woman's opinion, ever.

>> No.6061117
File: 160 KB, 500x435, 4e2086e3-b4e6-4548-9d56-ad6aa7aa667c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, tell me, what is my gender? :^)

>> No.6061118

But he's a rusemaster. He's above those shit boards and now he's out in the real world baiting replies and chewing bubblegum.

>> No.6061122

Gender-queer ;^)

>> No.6061124

And you need to realise that women are not the "same" as men, nor are their opinions or their behavior.

Women are easily identifiable on 4chan, because they think and act differently than the males here.

Face to face, no man gives a fuck about a womans opinion, unless she could be sucking his dick. The same is true on the internet, but here you have to filter the female bullshit yourself.

>> No.6061125

>have sex with them instead
No, don't. They can't afford the extra energy expenditure. You don't want them fainting when trying to move the rondeau full of risotto, do you? Help out those who clearly have the energy to spare and need a release.

>> No.6061126

nope. wanna try again? ))

>> No.6061128


>> No.6061130

you act and think like a femanon or a homo.

whether you actually are that, is irrelevant.
for all intents and purposes, since you choose to act like one, you are one.

>> No.6061131

will you stop pretending to be able to mindread anons if you fail a third time? ))

>> No.6061133

I know, see
>English tends to use male pronouns as neutral pronouns
But I was referring more to the fact that my (and most women here's) typing style does not actually have anything that flags as 'a grill' because most of us have lurked long enough to pick up on the unique linguistic complexities of this laosian lithrography board.
Women here are assumed male just based on posts, but those that type like they're fresh off the boat from tumblr feed into the confirmation bias of lonely robots that "women type a certain way".
Nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.6061134

you are assuming its the same anon responding.

that is another typical femanon/homo trait.
you have difficulty understanding the nature of anon, because you are, by nature, so invested in your own selfishness and "assumptive" and implicative nature.

>> No.6061136

Alright, seriously this time. You have to be Polygender. Anything else would make you CIS scum.

>> No.6061144

>> women here's) typing style does not actually have anything that flags as 'a grill'

there are several.

more significant than "typing style" however, is how you formulate and communicate yourself, how you respond, what you CHOOSE to respond to, and how you subjectively filter and understand what it is that MALES are saying to you.

Do you honestly think you would not soon enough be able to identify a male in a chatroom full of females?

>> No.6061145

did you get cucked recently? so sound bitter and insecure

im just an A.I. trying to pass the turing test

>> No.6061149

>>did you get cucked recently?
>>so sound bitter and insecure
typical attempts to attack masculinity and male sexuality. "slut-shaming". and again demonstrates the kind of hypocrisy the femanons brain practices on a daily basis and which makes you cunts so obvious.

>> No.6061152
File: 697 KB, 1218x1254, StandAloneComplex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just an A.I. trying to pass the turing test

Fuck, the one contingency I didn't plan for.

>> No.6061154


>> No.6061157
File: 828 KB, 700x400, _w-SD-200sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really need to calibrate your samefag detector

>> No.6061160

why does that picture make me think of the inside of a hot wet cunt?

>> No.6061162

made me think of tapeworm eggs in bile

>> No.6061168

>denying it
>same shit capitalization
>same shit grammar
>same 'found on google, fuck changing the filename' images

>> No.6061178
File: 52 KB, 464x336, LOL-Woman-1172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this paranoid
>doing research
>still being wrong
youre not that smart are you?

>> No.6061180

10 years ago, there where barely any.

Now, I think 4chan is about 60/40 male/female.

And it shows in board culture.

The irony in that being that its actually femanons in large parts who are the ones typing all the misogynistic shit against women, AND the misandrist shit like "neckbeard virgin beta" etc, while all the time pretending to be just "one of the guys".

Do you see what I mean?

Over the years, as more and more women masquerade as male under the cover of anon, the amount of cancer has increased directly proportionally.

The influx of women onto the internet is in direct correlation to how cancerous the internet has become.

>> No.6061186

I'm female. Been around since maybe 2007. Back then I was 14. It's pretty funny how no one ever caught on to me being either underage or female.
I always pretend I'm a gay man to avoid conflict.

>> No.6061190

Perfect example of what I meant here:

>>It's pretty funny how no one ever caught on to me being either underage or female.
They where under the mistaken assumption that cunts like you aren't all over the internet spreading your cunt cancer. They where wrong.

>> No.6061192

Look at sites like Tumblr that are predominantly female.

Tell me that shit isn't outright cancerous.

That is exactly the kind of "change" the influx of women onto the internet has brought.

>> No.6061194

why did moot have to kill /pol/

now this bitter edgy faggotry is leaking everywhere

leave my normie board alone you repulsive manchild

>> No.6061198
File: 76 KB, 800x502, 1203912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, youre mom is female...

>> No.6061199

>>same 'found on google, fuck changing the filename' images
>actually fucking caring about something as trivial as this

Please go back to your containment board you cancerous neet.

>> No.6061202

i visit /pol/ about once a week.
your false implication failed.

your post is missing a point.

>> No.6061203

>underage b& disguises herself as a shitposter in a board devoted to shiposting

Oh that must have been a real stretch. You must be the greatest thespian of our times. A true acteur.

>> No.6061205

>you repulsive manchild

femanon being misandrist.

>> No.6061206
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 0d1da565a3da3dcac3466e0225768afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tought 3 would suffice

>> No.6061213


>> No.6061229

Yeah I work grill, fry, and saute with a bunch of mexicans, who are all awesome for what it's worth

this is the first thread that i've even done so much as to allude that I'm female because of all the autists who wandered out of their containment boards to look for top ramen recipes


You need to taste your food to make sure it isn't shit. That doesn't mean eating 3 portions of it.

>> No.6061236

>implying 4chan is any better

>> No.6061240

implying 4chan isn't and hasn't always been overwhelmingly conservative

>> No.6061244
File: 120 KB, 425x282, 57321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservatives on a degenerate cantonese hentai videoportal
summerfriends :^)

>> No.6061266

Can I use this thread to get a quick check on the sort of people who lurk here? Please answer the following: I am...

1) An overweight housewife looking for ideas on how to better serve her husband so that he spends more time at home and less time fucking his 19 yo secretary.

2) A fat woman looking for more food to shove into her face.

3) A professional chef (male by default) who accidentally found his way here in a drunken stupor and only lurks to see how the other 99% are living.

4) A waiter who comes here to whinge about their day at work.

5) A marketer who's here to promote a product.

6) A fat wannabe celebrity who takes pride in vomiting on himself who is only here to shill for his youtube channel.

8) An alcoholic who only eats pizza.

9) Someone who can't count and forgot number seven.

10) A massive samefag who pretends to be all of the above.

I think that covers all the bases. Which one are you?

>> No.6061269

There are
you just don't mention your gender outside of maybe some /adv/ threads, but those are shit.

>> No.6061278

you're forgetting the anorexiafags coming here to stare at pictures of food

>> No.6061280

or maybe even 11) someone interested in cooking.

>> No.6061281

3, 9, sometimes 10

>> No.6061282

You didn't count me :(

>> No.6061283

>implying /ck/ isn't full of people retardedly bad at cooking

>> No.6061285

2) tbh

>> No.6061288

That'd be me. Come for the food pics, stay for the banter.

>> No.6061295

number 8 masterrace

>> No.6061299

2 except im bulimic
3 except I quit my job recently
8 except its pizza bagels

>> No.6061301


ayy lmao

>> No.6061318


>debating someone about politics on a bornean geocities hosted puerile flipbook forum devoted to alcoholism and shitposting
It's too late, anon :^) . Any decent culture that /ck/ was had has been purged, and it's a migration board used for shitpositng when someone gets tired of fucking about in /b/, they then move leftward, stopping in /ck/ along the way. /ck/ is in the twilight of its existence.

>> No.6061322

I do this a lot on /cgl/

>> No.6061323

There seems to be a lot of us seagulls on /ck/. Further proof that there's plenty of girls here, I guess.

>> No.6061324

I'm 10, but none of them really

>> No.6061344


3 but woman

>> No.6061362


>> No.6061364

Gender does not matter in an anonymous space. Your gender is irrelevant. You are all genderless for all I care.

Get the fuck out attentionwhores.

>> No.6061366

>implying it wasn't a man who asked this in the first place

>> No.6061370

I implied nothing dickwheel. An attention whore is an attention whore regardless of gender.

>> No.6061371
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>> No.6061373
File: 73 KB, 800x533, 1203687621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just come here to get inspired.

>> No.6061373,1 [INTERNAL] 

posting in epic bread