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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 1060x1060, ns-rnc18fz-1cup-rice-cooker-popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6055033 No.6055033 [Reply] [Original]

Why do asians use rice cookers instead of pots? Cooking plain rice is so freaking easy and quick.

>> No.6055048

A rice cooker is even easier.

>> No.6055049
File: 236 KB, 1200x795, kitchen-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they eat rice two or three times per day and they've only got two burners in their tiny kitchens.

>> No.6055059
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itty bity apartment kitchen

>> No.6055062
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like sure you could put a pot of rice on the stove but now what else are you having for diner?
fucking nothing.

>> No.6055068
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>> No.6055070

Because it's Fast ? Automatic ? Consistent?

>> No.6055091

>two burners
Fancy-arse faggot. I bet your loo roll is 2-ply, too, your majesty.
You disgust me with your high-and-mighty two burner hob and 2-ply loo roll. Rich fucks like you should be culled.

>> No.6055266

Dear stupid stinky obese white people: work smart not hard.


All those people whose kids have been pushing your kids out of the magnet schools.

>> No.6055293

>implying a pot is hard
also is it bad im kind of jelly of that tiny apartment?

>> No.6055300


I figured you whites would confuse "volume of work" with "intellectually difficult" since you people sweat and breathe hard just from reading a book.

What I meant was volume of work.

>> No.6055317

Why have a toaster if you have a regular oven too?

>> No.6055560

>volume of work
>literally putting rice and water in a pot and then covering it
Are you sure you aren't the one intellectually challenged?

>> No.6055583

why the fuck cant I make good rice

>> No.6055614

how do you make rice?

>> No.6055627

jasmine rice in a small pot

I almost always burn the bottom a little bit

Ive blamed it on the electric stovetop but starting to think its just me

>> No.6055631

Stir it every now and again ya dingus. That, and turn the heat down once you bring it to a boil.

>> No.6055662



>> No.6055666

i have it on like 1.5 and stir it once

Then all the steam is gone and its all mushy

its like there is no medium

>> No.6055678

Aside from lack of kitchen space, rice cookers are convenient and has a lot of features and settings that a plain stove and pot doesn't. The cooking is always consistent as well, you don't have to watch it, and some even have timers so you can wake up to freshly cooked rice.

Anon, this is kind of like when other people don't understand why coffeefags would spend precious money on expensive equipment just for a cup of coffee.

>> No.6055680

My family would use them and they're not asian. It's easier and the rice cooks more evenly

>> No.6055684


>> No.6055686

>not cooking rice every day
>not also doing other kinds of cooking every day

It's convenience. I tend to cook my night's meal and tomorrow's lunch at the same time so I only need to worry about breakfast next day. If I cook rice in the rice cooker for tomorrow I can boil potatoes or make pasta for tonight. It's like the keurig of rice imo. Or, like a microwave to Americans. Every household has a microwave when you could just use your oven. Convenience.

>> No.6055690

I'm not being facetious here when I post this because I had difficulties with it too. Follow these steps without compromise
>Step 1. Add rice to cold pot
>Step 2. Add desired water (usually 1.5x to 2x volume of water, depending on grain and other factors)
>Step 3. Turn pot to high
>Step 4. Stir every few minutes (usually no more than, say 3-4 times) until liquid comes to boil
>Step 5. Stop stirring, turn the heat to its lowest setting and lid up the pot
>Step 6. Come back some time later (15-25 min or more) and fluff rice with a fork
>Step 7. Serve

It was the cold pot that always got me; used to drop in rice into boiling water and dick around with stirring it then. Now I see how simple it can be.

>Oh, and I use a rice cooker most of the time

>> No.6055709
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Asian here. The answer for this is the convenience of the cooker, and the fact you free up a space on the stove top just so I could cook some other stuff that would goes along with the rice.

The only reason for me to cook rice on the stove is to make these in the cold winter.

>> No.6055717

They eat rice 3 times a day most days of the week. You put rice once in the machine every day. Then the machine will keep rice warm and moist for you for hours.

>> No.6055741

gaijins just don't understand

>tfw steamer insert in rice cooker
>eziest chicken rice of my life
if you add a lot of extra water and keep on topping it up you can make porridge in the cooker too

>> No.6055803

It taste better from a rice cooker

>> No.6055855

>loo roll
Oh fuck lol

>> No.6056460


Beans, vegetables, meat. It's not remotely hard to cook two things at once

>> No.6056543

Mine has a setting to make steamed cakes too. It'd the oddest thing. Also detects water level adequacy according to what sort of rice one is cooking.

>> No.6056546

Have you ever tried the steamed cake function? I usually just get the cheapest ones with just the cook/warm function.

>> No.6056547

because you could set it up before you go to work, and come back home to hot rice without having to wait for it to cook.

>> No.6056557

Can I cook arroz con gandule with a rice cooker?


As a latino I eat rice pretty consistently. Not every day because I'm poor but several times a week. Still use a caldero though

>> No.6056560

Yep. Works well enough. The newer ones pretty much double as a slow cooker for stews, Chinese style soups that takes forever to simmer and a steamer.

The shitty ones are harder to fiddle with do the job of cooking rice well enough. Good for keeping soups and stuff warm over a long dinner too if you're not using it. Just stick it onto the keep warm function

>> No.6056582


>says the malaysian living in bongistan

>> No.6056584


how do you make chicken rice in the cooker? do you just steam chicken breast?

isn't that bland as fuck?

>> No.6057947

Why is that sink so huge?

>> No.6057954

>americans trying to teach asians how to cook rice
yeah sure

>> No.6057955



>> No.6057973

Can you put garlic and shit in a rice cooker?
I'm used to eating rice in south florida (latin-american style, think cuban)

>> No.6057997

>trolling this hard.

Comeon. Asians are shit tier other than Nips and you know it.

>> No.6058170


>> No.6058204

Don't eat garlic. It will make you stink of garlic to anyone who hasn't eaten garlic recently. It comes out every pore.

>> No.6058217


>> No.6058221

I didn't watch. Is it just "work smart AND hard :^)"?

>> No.6058224

No, it's about the surge in the demand for skilled trades

>> No.6058351

they're pushing trades too much now though
at least here
I can see the market getting flooded if shit keeps going

>> No.6058355

Pretty much this.

Trades also don't offer much by way of salary growth either and it's tough work. I'll keep my office job thanks very much

>> No.6058358

It's because I can push a button and then go jack off to JAVs for a while and not worry about burning my rice.

Keeps it hot too for when others arrive later. My wife doesn't come home from work until 9pm.

I have dinner all ready for her when she gets home.

>> No.6058359

When you eat as much rice as Asians, it's a lot easier to get a rice cooker that can keep rice hot and ready all day.

>> No.6058361

Do you hand wash all your dishes? How about your laundry? Tools exist for a reason.

>> No.6058365

>Bumi calling others gaijins


>> No.6058370


nice curtains. Enjoy your house fire.

>> No.6058421

even easier with a rice cooker

>> No.6058428

>you should be culled.

you know you've spotted the self-hating /pol/tard when...

>> No.6058429


do you really not eat garlic because of that? shame.

>> No.6058430

The burning is normal. It's because of the burning that many people switched to rice cookers.
Never stir the rice.

Source: Asian living in Asia.

>> No.6058451

>have nice rice cooker
>housemate still cooks up a pot of rice and managers to ruin like half the rice
dont know what to do when someone doesn't understand the fundamentals of cooking yet thinks they do. Like honestly, he thinks the stove just hates him because "it never does it to me". I try to explain to him techniques but he's hopeless.

>> No.6058456

Why do you use a toaster instead of toasting your bread in the oven? Convenience and consistency.

>> No.6058463

keeps the rice hot all day long

>> No.6058479

is rice & rice cookers a meme?

>> No.6058495

Why do East Asians pretend rice is their thing and rice cookers are some kind of meme.

Is this really the 'culture' you picked up from your parents you 3rd and 2nd gen fuckers?

>> No.6058503

Is getting cultured and taught by your parents a bad thing now? Are you black?

>> No.6058506
File: 21 KB, 365x350, 1409891955182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a faggot with no cultural identity would consider rice and rice cookers as 'getting cultured'.

Thanks for confirming my initial post.

>> No.6058509

No prob. Thanks for confirming that you probably don't have any parents worth mentioning or else you wouldn't be mad over rice and rice cookers.

>> No.6058518

>Thanks for confirming that you probably don't have any parents worth mentioning

What does this even mean? Your insults need work.

Regardless, I wasn't "mad over rice and rice cookers", you dyslexic plebe, get your damn eyes checked before you decide to make a fool of yourself.

>> No.6058527

Of course you don't get it. ;)

>> No.6058534

Yes, because the insinuation was absurd.

It seems like you have some growing up to do.

>> No.6058539

Why do whites of non specific background think that green bean casserole with miracle whip is their thing and that microwaves are some kind of meme?

Is this really the 'culture' you picked up from your parents you 4th or 5th generation fuckers?

>> No.6058540

But hopefully not like you.

>> No.6058541


Dear sir, here's how you make rice that you can't fuck up.

>add rice in pan (I presume you know how to wash your rice here)
>add water, the water line is about one phalanx bone (of your finger tip, take the ringfinger) above the rice
>add lid and put that shit on your stove, medium high (don't use one of those lids with holes in them)
>don't stir, don't remove the lid
>once it starts boiling your lid will clatter and foam will come out of the sides
>turn your heat to the lowest and time 10 mins
>after 10 mins turn off the heat and leave it for another 3-4 minutes
>if your rice is still wet you put the lid back on asap and wrap a towel around it thus leaving it for another 5 mins
>this works with just about any rice except sushi rice

source: my Indonesian grandparents who made sure I knew how to do this shit

>> No.6058546

>convenience, set and forget
>they eat rice every fucking day
>saves space on stove, they already need their one or two burners for side dishes
>keeps rice hot for a long time
>more energy efficient

>> No.6058687


>> No.6058703

So is buying McDonald's, fat enabler

>> No.6058839

Why have a kettle when you can just boil water on the stove?

>I mean, except for your shitty American power grid only giving you half a civilised voltage

>> No.6058881
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>tfw burnt rice is a delicacy where I come from
>tfw I can never make it
Switch rice skills with me.

>> No.6058917

Gtfo pleb

>> No.6059010

cause $15 rice cookers aren't the same as $150 rice coolers

>> No.6059052

just fyi, idort is not some funny way of spelling idiot

>> No.6059240
File: 2 KB, 126x108, yfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
