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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6053309 No.6053309 [Reply] [Original]

Waiters share your most annoying order to date. This was a function we held and over 50% of people had "allergies"

>> No.6053310

less ingredients makes everything so much easier

what exactly are you complaining about

>> No.6053311


>hurr sum ppl didnt want certain things in thar fud

Fuck you, you fucking faggot. This is why I never eat out and always cook at home, get delivery or pick up, so I don't have to deal with these entitled fucking losers who dropped out or never went to college. Don't like taking complicated orders? Get a new fucking job, you god damn loser. Don't come on the internet complaining about how tough or annoying your job can be.

>> No.6053312

>Oh poor me, the customers wanted me & the kitchen to do our jobs!

I bet they were paying too, the bastards.

>> No.6053313

When they are supposed to be on an alternate drop menu its really frustrating

>> No.6053314


>implying only men are waiters

What about waitresses? What about gender neutral servers? Fucking sexist pig. Check your privilege.

>> No.6053315

Someone's mad. If anybody is entitled it's the morons making those ridiculous orders

>> No.6053316


>that third request

Piss of home and cook your own meal then. Like a proper curmudgeon I tell my girlfriend to either accept something the way it's offered or order something else if she ever floats the idea of asking them to change something. Fuck, I have a low tolerance for this shit, and I don't work in food service, or any kind of service at all for that matter. It's about respecting the effort the chef has put into designing the dish, and the work people have done in prepping it.

>> No.6053317

Obvious samefag is obvious.

>> No.6053320

You need your samefag detector fixed.

>> No.6053321


Maybe some of them have legitimate allergies? Restaurants cater to their customers. They prepare meals the way their customer wants. That's customer satisfaction and a big part of why a lot of joints have regular/returning patrons. You're the entitled faggot. You got a job taking orders and when someone wants a slightly different order you have to come online and cry about it. FAGGOT DETECTED. Get a real job.

>> No.6053322
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>dude comes into restaurant
>orders pizza
>tell him sorry we don't do pizza
>customer confused
>realises mistake
>orders american cheese and tomato bread
Wa La!

>> No.6053323
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>> No.6053324

>entitled morons

The seafood allergies are likely to be real.
The "No beef" is almost certainly a Hindu.
The "No garlic" and the hipster treatise on organic & "cooked at a low temperature" is a fucking prick who should get bent.

>> No.6053328
File: 114 KB, 826x714, fasadffsdfdsff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting style and grammar are exactly the same
>Posts right when the timer was up
>7 unique posters for a thread of 13, 5 and 6 at the time of the post

Yeah, you're a samefag.

>> No.6053330

>Posting style and grammar are exactly the same

Except that's wrong you fucking retard. Seriously, your stupidity is breathtaking.

>> No.6053332

>Gets called on his bullshit
>N-no you're wrong and stupid

>> No.6053333

>Is a retard
>Gets called a retard
>N-no anon, I'm not a retard

You're a retard.

>> No.6053336


I just came in this thread and I'm asking you to please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6053338

Out of the original six posts there were two that were arguing the same thing with the same grammar and posting style [yes it is the same], posted shortly after the timer was up and since the unique posters was 5 for 6 posts that means somebody's posting twice.

You lost, go be mad somewhere else.

>> No.6053343

>with the same grammar and posting style [yes it is the same]

No it really wasn't and you're a retard. Please stop being a retard. If you can not stop being a retard please stop posting, you're a retard.

>> No.6053345

>get a load of this faggot

You don't understand the point of decent restaurants. Go back to shoving more McDonalds and Taco Bell in your gullet and STFU.

>> No.6053354


You're a fucking retard. You literally just got proven wrong via a screencap. If it was samefag it would have been "you" twice.

>> No.6053356


I've never eaten McDonalds or Taco Bell in my life. When I dine out it's usually at restaurants that would cost your entire paycheck for a bottle of wine and appetizer, main course and dessert (I'm a trust fund baby, thanks dad). Go be a fucking moron elsewhere.

>> No.6053363

>I've never eaten McDonalds or Taco Bell in my life.

>> No.6053364

>Customer asks for small amount, shorter sandwich, small portion when ordering
>Go small
>"Oh thats way too much"
>They send it back to be cut down smaller
What in the fuck is wrong with these people? you got a bit more than what you asked for, for your money, you are paying the same and you can take it away for later, i already cut it down smaller for you if you have an exact fucking vision in your head of how small you need your meal to be then come to the fucking kitchen and make it yourself or stop eating when you have had enough.

>> No.6053370


You say that like it's so unbelievable.

>> No.6053376

It is unbelievable.
How rich are you?
Did your friends at school when growing up ever tempt you to want fast food?
With how well known it is and how rich you are the have you never tried it, just once?
Can i have money please?

>> No.6053381

It's not that strange. I can count the amount of times i've eaten at a McDonalds on my hands, and I've only eaten at a KFC once in my life.

>> No.6053382


It's not unbelievable, it's just a sign that someone has had little exposure to the world outside his parents' control bubble, probably still school aged. While the intended reaction is obviously "oh wow you must be so rich", in reality for any family above lower middle class the aversion to fast food is more of a political belief than a class identifier.

>> No.6053383


>How rich are you

Total family net worth is about 5-6 million USD. So not extremely wealthy but we have enough.

>Did your friends at school when growing up ever tempt you to want fast food?


>With how well known it is and how rich you are the have you never tried it, just once?

I have eaten fast food a few times. But never McDonald's or Taco Bell. I've had KFC probably 3 times, White Spot if that counts as fast food maybe 5 times, some A&W fries a few times. I eat fast food rarely. I usually cook at home and if I do eat out I go to good restaurants.

>> No.6053388


>, it's just a sign that someone has had little exposure to the world outside his parents' control bubble, probably still school aged.

No. It's a sign that I'm not a fat shit. I have eaten fast food a few times and it's all trash. Greasy, salty, unhealthy shit. It shouldn't even be legal. FYI I am in college studying to get an MD so if that counts as school aged, you're right.

>> No.6053390

Sure, sure you are. That's totally believable from someone who writes such stupid uneducated shit on 4chan. We totes believe you, bro.

>> No.6053392

Define "good restaurants", please.

>> No.6053397


Do you have trouble wrapping your mind around the difference between "I tried it and didn't like it", and "I've never had it even once", mr. pre-med going to be a doctor?

Because I'm thinking maybe you should lower your expectations a little and change your major to criminal justice or basket weaving or some such thing.

>> No.6053400


Restaurants that have been around for a long time,are not very cheap, have a good reputation, dress code, and experienced chef.

>> No.6053402

You done fucked up. Your cover is blown.

>> No.6053404


I've never had McDonald's or Taco Bell once. Maybe you should learn to read. I never mentioned never trying other establishments.

>> No.6053405

well this thread went to shit two posts in from at least one absolute fucking moron. let's bring that back.

>be waiter at standard clapistani japanese/sushi restaurant last year
>taking order for group of 4
>woman in group complaining about gluten free options, turns to me after griping for a while
"i understand you're a theme, but i really wish you had more than one gluten free option on the menu. i'll have the sashimi"
>pic related
"miss, you do realize rice is gluten free"
>360 out of there to the kitchen, tell the chefs this story, laughs had by all.

>> No.6053408

>dress code


no one dining in any place that actually matters could possibly think that a dress code is a prerequisite for good food. look at the list of restaurants with 2 stars or more, only a fraction of them have a dress code.

you're probably extrapolating your experience at mom and dad's country club and assuming actual restaurants are like that.

>> No.6053412


Sure, ok buddy.

Hope your parents aren't too deflated by your future career as an armed parking lot attendant.

>> No.6053415


A restaurant with a dress code indicates a lot. It shows that they want a certain class of people dining at their establishment. Usually if there is a dress code the prices will be higher and the food will be tastier. They don't want old Joe the plumber coming in with jeans and dirty boots for a pint :^). Sorry if that makes you sad. I know you can't afford any decent clothes anyway so you would be barred from trying what real food tastes like. Enjoy shopping at value mart for day old pork =D

>> No.6053417


You seem upset. What's the matter? Stuck at minimum wage? In debt from trying to get that shitty degree?

>> No.6053421

I bet the third one is the kind of insufferable faggot who developed 'gluten allergy' overnight after reading about it on Food Babe or Naturalnews.

>> No.6053422

> It shows that they want a certain class of people dining at their establishment

No it doesn't, all it means is that they want to maintain a certain atmosphere. Joe the plumber isn't going to accidentally walk into marea or 11 madison and ask for a pint, it's not a problem in real life.

You'll find a dress code at a traditional place like le bernardin, and people who can afford to eat at 11 madison can also afford to dress well, but it's just an atmosphere thing. Like asking people not to bring babies, or take photographs of the food, every restaurant has a right to discourage unwanted behavior.

>> No.6053426


I'm not the one making up stories on the internet about my lack of life experience and a degree I haven't earned yet (and then recanting them after taking the fantasy too far and getting called out).

Ask yourself why you're so emotionally invested in what anonymous strangers think of your relationship with fast food.

>> No.6053427

>this antiquated bullshit

There are still a few places that require jackets on men, or "no denim", but in most of the industry today, a good restaurant with a deserved reputation doesn't need to specify a dress code, because people will realize it's implied. And of course, if someone shows up in their flip flops and wife beater, the restaurant has the option to refuse service or seat them at the table by the bathrooms. The restaurants that DO have dress codes don't do it because they are catering to a certain "class" of people, they are doing it to try and make them seem more selective of clientele (like places that offer a "VIP Room"), in a desperate effort to make their restaurant relevant. In those cases, it's usually an indicator of bad food.
You really sound like you have no idea what you're talking about and are just parroting what you've heard on old 90s tv shows.

>> No.6053429


I never claimed to have a MD, I said I was studying towards one. I just love coming to /ck/ to blast plebs like you. Enjoy your grease transfusion.

>> No.6053431


Excuse me, could you maybe condense your post into a sentence or 2? I really don't feel like reading all that.

>> No.6053436

No. It's not my problem that you're a lazy ass.

>> No.6053438


tl;dr xD

>> No.6053441


A family net worth of 5 million dollars barely makes you a trust fund babby. You sound like a typical new money shithead.

>> No.6053444


lol poor fag detected

>2012+2 year of our lord jesus christ
>Being poor

>> No.6053446


oh yeah baby trips speak the truth

poorfags getting blown the fuck out

>> No.6053452


> implying

My parents net worth is more than yours. I don't have a trust fund, but I inherited enough money to buy a house in my twenties. Nice try though. Tell your mom good luck with her real estate business.

>> No.6053456


kek no it's not mate.

>> No.6053458

>my dad makes more than your dad

If you ever wondered the average age range of /ck/ shitposters, here's your evidence.

>> No.6053460


We're all 12 here. Fuck off pleb.

>> No.6053462
File: 37 KB, 520x390, 4812473_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wasn't talking about the MD you don't have, mr. never been to mcdonalds in my life.

Enjoy your orthorexia.

>> No.6053463

>go out to eat
>expect short order service at a real restaurant

what the fuck, just stay home and eat your slop

>> No.6053464

>"No garlic"

Might be a Buddhist, some of them believe garlic gives you impure thoughts.

Or a vampire...

>inb4 8spooky5me

>> No.6053466

>muh parents
so you are a poorfag

>> No.6053467


When do you get your food stamps? :^)

>> No.6053469

No. You go to enjoy something crafted and designed to be super tasty.

I can tell your only experience eating out is diners and other short order/quick service establishments

>> No.6053472
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recipes utilizing (organic) chicken cooked at a (low) temperature with the aid of (coconut) oil. Go!

>> No.6053474


>You go to enjoy something crafted and designed to be super tasty.
>Even if you're allergic to what might be on the plate!

>> No.6053475
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ITT: a single angry samefag

>> No.6053478

the sous vide machine is in the shop for repairs, too

>> No.6053479

no one is allergic to food not cooked in coconut oil at low temperatures.

also if you're allergic, don't fucking eat it.

>> No.6053484

patron is also allergic to confit

>> No.6053493

>no one is allergic to food not cooked in coconut oil at low temperatures
next level logic there. can't wrap my brain around it

>> No.6053495


If you're a allergic to the food then surely you ought to go somewhere else that serves food that you're not allergic to.

If you have a real allergy then why on earth would you trust someone to make changes to the menu for you, which may not even be possible (much of the prep is already done in advance). No, if you're allergic you change where you eat, rather than making complex requests of the staff.

>> No.6053496

>let me just ruin this food by removing key ingredients

you are subhuman filth

>> No.6053502


>Because you always have a choice on where your company/family/friend's arrange dinner.
>It's ALWAYS up to you

We got a fucking genius here folks!

>> No.6053505

how do you get:
>let me just ruin this food by removing key ingredients
>no one is allergic to food not cooked in coconut oil at low temperatures

>> No.6053506

>using different words for male and female servers
They're all waiters, just like everyone who acts is an actor. Having two different words is sexist.

>> No.6053508

there are menu options for everyone

stop talking, subhumans don't get that privilege

>> No.6053509


>> No.6053510

>>It's ALWAYS up to you

Well, if you have a legitimate allergy (or other medical condition) then I would say that yes, it really is up to you.

Your health is not something to gamble with or take chances. If you might die because you ate the wrong food then it's fucking silly to choose to eat somewhere where that is a risk. And if your friends and family care about you, they won't drag to to somewhere that you cannot eat.

>> No.6053512

is this a thread specifically for wait staff?

>> No.6053516

y'all niggas retarded as fuck doe

>> No.6053521

There are no annoying orders, there are somehow difficult customers that tend to become lifelong customers when you manage to make them happy.
also: people that really care about their diet, like orthodox jews, have their own places.

>> No.6053524

slow cooked organic free range chicken quarters, browned in coconut oil and then braised in a warm, creamy semen sauce.

>> No.6053528

>but I inherited enough money to buy a house in my twenties
LOL, do you really think that's at all impressive? You're embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.6053529

>browned in coconut oil

That's not low temperature bro

>> No.6053532

>thinking the silver spoon anon cares if you find his wealth impressive
>thinking your jealousy of his free ride makes him anything but smug

>> No.6053555

Chicken thigh confit in coconut oil cooked for 4 hours at 175 in the smoker. Serve with curry potatoes or some shit.

>> No.6053611

Shouldn't you be on /pol/?

>> No.6053617

"It's unhealthy! I can tell because I heard someone say that once."

All bout Dat portion control bitch

>> No.6053622
File: 272 KB, 564x543, Pizza_bag_product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminine Pizza Bag!

>> No.6053627

Samefag says what?

>> No.6053629

>taking that post seriously
Do you regularly eat foods braised in semen or something?

>> No.6053664


Nah, my point was that the inclusion of a high-heat cooking method spoiled the joke before you even got to the semen part.

>> No.6053702


>total family worth of $5 million +
>not extremely wealthy

Oh please. That puts you in the top 0.2% or so of households by wealth, have a little awareness.

>> No.6053716


Oh that feels nice. Thank you for inflating my ego!

>> No.6053718

Tom Kha Kai. Bonus for added coconut?

Next challenge

>> No.6053749

>mfw my family's net worth is $12 million
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6053758



>> No.6053767

Killing the rich won't make the poor better off.

>> No.6053785

>That third request
This person should be taken out back and shot

>> No.6053801

Ofcourse it will.
If you constantly kill the 1%, eventually the poor will become the rich. For a short while.

>> No.6053819


Well, that wasn't exactly what I meant, but whatever. My family is worth approximately ten times as much as yours, but I like to think that I know that, that I understand the value of money, and that I've never really been spoiled by my parents while I was growing up. I get that I'm really fucking lucky, and pretty much set for life. After all, whatever I do, I'm never going to end up hungry or homeless. Statements saying that a worth of $6 million isn't that wealthy makes me think that you have no idea about the realities of life for the vast majority of the population, that you've never encountered had schoolmates or friends who haven't come from the same wealth that you have, it makes you seem pretty dense.

>> No.6053820

This stuff is frustrating don't get me wrong. The only time it legitimately pisses me off is when the person comes off as dropping obscure allergies just for the sake of dropping obscure allergies. To this day I'm still wondering where the hell someone that came into my restaurant EVER encountered lentil flour in the wild and has an allergy to exclusively that flour...

>> No.6053825

Well honestly that is impressive, who in their 20's a house????

>> No.6053828


Dude, I really couldn't give a shit. Do you think I actually act like this in real life? No this is 4chan, the place of gullible faggots who get angry when someone says something they don't like. I don't go parading around bragging about family money in real life, that's dumb as hell and there is no point in bragging if the money isn't earned myself. I've never been spoiled either and I know that 5 million is a lot of money, more money than most people will make in their lives. That being said, you take things on 4chan too seriously. You continue on like this and you will have a heart attack.

>> No.6053831


who was phone?

>> No.6053840

the orders that just refuse one ingredient is ok, the one that tell you to replace stuff and shit can go to hell, your place doesn't have to carry every ingredients in the universe just because someone want his burger to be sauteed in coconut oil.

>> No.6053856

It would take about 5 seconds in paint or the editor built into your browser to fake a screncap like that. The guy calling Samefag is probably still full of shit, but i don't understand how these types of screencaps became popular as infallible proof, is stupid.

>> No.6053862

I'll have a reuben sandwich please, no eel!

>> No.6053936

>No eel or anchovies
Either a kid or had shitty parents who let him/her grow up to be a picky eater

>No beef
Just got back from the doctor's office

Liberal, paleo, or Irish Stew Guy

>No garlic
The whitest person ever

>No pork or shellfish
Jew or Muslim

>No seafood
Shit upbringing

>> No.6053982


Sometimes I worry that I've been too lucky in life, and that I don't deserve it, but then I remember that being under 30 and worth over $3 million isn't so bad, and I feel much better.

>> No.6053990

>>No eel or anchovies
>Either a kid or had shitty parents who let him/her grow up to be a picky eater

Could just be jewish. Although I guess you could just say kosher.

>> No.6054001

Why the hell do faggots consider fish NOT meat?

still eating the flesh of fish, it's still meat.

>> No.6054014

Of course anyone who went to school would know that fish is meat. In the literal sense of the word, it is definitely meat.

Contextually speaking, they make a distinction. They KNOW it's meat, but it's different enough for them to put them into separate categories.

For example, people who don't eat meat for ethical reasons. They care about the poor cows and pigs who get slaughtered. They might not care as much about fish, because most fish are unaware of themselves & their surroundings. People who don't eat meat, but still eat fish, are pescetarians.

>> No.6054026

Checked everyone's privilege and this is what I came up with:

People with allergies have the right to pay people to prepare food for them that won't make them uncomfortable or die.

OP has the right to come on ck and bitch about how it is inconvenient for them.

I have the privilege to call out OP as being a massive faggot

>> No.6054040
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this is the same guy ignore him, he is a huge mouthbreathing cock mongler, who obviously loves to tell lies over the internet to soothe his pained bottom.

>> No.6054041

Thank you xir.

>> No.6054197

Thread is completely ruined thanks to trust fund baby

>> No.6054204
File: 72 KB, 900x959, 1412715694533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree I think this man should not be allowed in threads, and if he shows up everyone should just ignore him, its not hard he always posts the same shit, ridiculous braggart claims that have no basis in actual fact, he always claims to have money/be working towards a PHD/MD in a stem field yet whenever asked questions reverts to

>Nuu uhh you're stupid

>> No.6054236

what's this got to do with waiters? do you work for a catering company? surely it's the cooks' problem?

anyway if i was getting paid well enough i would see this as a challenge, not a pita

>> No.6054245

I had a guy come in once and said he couldn't eat anything green because of the medication he was on. I'm sure he just misheard his doctor.

>> No.6054253



>> No.6054256


lol u mad

This thread was a shit idea. Just more assholes bitching about their jobs. Get over it.

>> No.6054294

Yeah this guys right. I used to work in a higher end restaurant in Venice (la) and they didn't play this game. They would flat out tell people who tried to do this "we don't do that here, you are compromising the chefs quality and the restaurants rep by modifying recipes, the dishes will be served AS IS, NO EXCEPTIONS". Really loved that. The look on people asshole faces when they wouldn't get what thy wanted was priceless

>> No.6054425


>manchild detected

I take it your mother always let you decide what you ate as a child instead of making you eat your vegetables.

>> No.6054434


this is a function though, they have to get fed. it's a different professional scenario.

>> No.6054491


I would tend to share in this view. There's a difference between being medically or religiously compelled not to eat things and just being a faddy douche.

In all honesty, I've seen a party of six, four of whom were vegetarian/vegan turn up at a South African Brai restaurant because they "wanted to try it" and then complain, loud & long at the list of options available for those who don't eat meat...

Even in the case of allergies, if shellfish are likely to make you croak, don't appear at a place famous for its oysters and ask to move tables because the steam from the neighbouring table is making your face swell. (Have seen this also).

>> No.6054512

ITT: people discovering that 99% of other people are assholes and people who work in the restaurant bidnet and already knew this

>> No.6054517

I live in one of those corners of Yoorope where an overly picky diner will still be told "sorry, we don't have time to deal with your requirements."

>> No.6054545

I wonder how it's like in Singapore.

I heard that customer service can be terrible, from both sides of the transaction.

>> No.6054552
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>this thread

>> No.6054559
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No, because he/she is not a robot.

>> No.6054586

>entitled fucking losers who dropped out or never went to college.

You sounds like an entitled faggot how needs to be set on fire and beaten.

>> No.6054592


I hope you get murdered by a pack of niggers.

>> No.6054605

>this many people biting such low quality b8

I had to double check to see if I was on /tv/.

>> No.6054611

You sound like some rich Indian cunt faggot shitface.

Go away curry monkey.

>> No.6054618

>My mommy and daddy have more money than your mommy and daddy, na na na boo boo

>> No.6054634


You have a containment board. Take your "edgy" racism elsewhere

>> No.6054636

>Butthurt Samesh detected

>> No.6054653


You have a gun to put into your shit mouth, please do so.

>> No.6054665

Lol. Guns are banned where I'm from because I live in a civilised country. Also you post like you're cognitively challenged and your shits all retarded

>> No.6054675

You can stop baiting now.

>> No.6054688


It is working.
I am enraged.

>> No.6054700
File: 81 KB, 960x694, 10505607_789052977813640_7399690437991527108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guns are banned where I'm from because I live in a civilised country.

>> No.6055287

>adolf hitler
>barack obama

This is what right wingnuts actually believe

>> No.6055299

>Doesn't like slimy fish
>Paleo fuccboi

Seems pretty standard

>> No.6055825

>>No garlic
>The whitest person ever

I'm paler than milk and I love garlic to the point where I'll just eat raw bulbs because why not. So why does no garlic = white person?

>> No.6055868

And the fact everything has been prepared well in advance

>> No.6056111


Guess what? I am Indian xD and I am buying your entire country.

>> No.6056201

You're a special snowflake, that's why. It also has a lot to do with upbringing.

A lot of white people are aversive to garlic due to how it smells, and how strong it tastes.

You'll also notice that a lot of Asian cuisine uses fistfuls of garlic, while a lot of European cuisine will use like 1/8 of a teaspoon of garlic powder at most. British cuisine has a reputation for being bland for a reason.

Incidentally, a lot of people consider Italians to be "less white" than others, and look at their food; they use generous amounts of garlic.

So if someone has to go out of their way to request no garlic, chances are they are some honkey-ass motherfucker who normally eats steamed carrots and plain grilled chicken breast.

>> No.6056390

>A lot of white people are aversive to garlic due to how it smells, and how strong it tastes.
A lot, maybe, but most, no.

>> No.6056400

>A lot of white people are aversive to garlic

I fucking love garlic.
My favorite breakfast dish is scrambled eggs with garlic and pork sausage.

2 eggs, 1 pork sausage.
Eggs are seasoned with salt, pepper, and 2 cloves of minced and browned garlic.
Chop up the sausage and fry it with the garlic, then toss in the beaten eggs and whip like a disobedient slave and remove from heat.
serve and season with salt and pepper before eating.

>> No.6056406

My mum recently found an old cookbook in the attic that had a recipe that called for garlic. It had a footnote saying something like "People with refined western palates typically do not like much garlic due to it's strong taste and smell. Take care to only use 1/4 to 1/2 of a clove in your dish to keep it edible"

>> No.6056425


>being worth...

So you have money to your name that you didn't earn and if it was taken away you'd have no real skills?

Yay, I guess.

>> No.6056448

>TFW you roast a head of garlic and just squeeze that shit directly into your mouth

>> No.6056466


>It's about respecting the effort the chef has put into designing the dish, and the work people have done in prepping it.

It's not an art exhibit, idiot, it's the service industry. You cook what your customers want to eat

>> No.6056474


Are Italians not white people?

>> No.6056488

You do know that, if it's a proper sushi restaurant , the rice will contain gluten because of the vinegar mixture?

>> No.6056499

>You cook what your customers want to eat

Yes. And for some customers, that's a fancy presentation with classy decor. (While for others it's a greasy McPatty loaded with wilted lettuce and fake cheese)

>> No.6056510

>A lot of white people are aversive to garlic due to how it smells, and how strong it tastes.

Yes, just look at those well known black countries France & Italy. You wouldn't get that if those guys were white.

>> No.6058450

>no garlic

>> No.6058728


>British cuisine has a reputation for being bland for a reason.

and yet british people fucking love garlic heavy food and generally prefer to eat it over their own.

like i can see the geriatric aristocracy complaining about garlic, or people who care a lot about their breath, but otherwise nah