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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6050730 No.6050730 [Reply] [Original]


First they came for the wine bars, and I said nothing because I was not a wine drinker...

>> No.6050737

They're stupid niggers chimping out, they really show themselves as what they are, if they tried that crap in most places in the USA they'd get a shotgun to the face.

It really doesn't help their assertions or discussion when they chimp out like that. They're a small percentage of the population and should remember it.

>> No.6050741

It remindes me of those riots in London from two or three summers ago where anarchist instigators were being flown in from foreign nations just to start trouble.

It's the same thing with this shit.

>> No.6052617


>> No.6052641

But /ck/ told me that wine bars don't exist because if you drink anything other then beer, or as I call it "craft beer", you must live in the deep south and be a middle aged woman.

>> No.6053355


God that lettering awful. Inconsistent line width, careless kerning. It's like two different fonts. And the W is clearly and upside down M.

>> No.6053369
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Plus the wine bottles used as decoration. I usually consider that a warning sign that a wine bar is going to suck. It's one thing to have them in a convenient location which happens to be visible, but to just smear them all over the walls like that suggests they are catering to people who think wine is a lifestyle fetish fashion statement, i.e. people who are not actually into wine, but instead, the idea of wine.

They probably have the wine list divided in an asinine fashion like "fruity reds", "refreshing whites", etc.

2/10 would not patronize, this bar is way below my standards

>> No.6053485

>way below my standards

pfffft, you're the same jerk who's shitting up the wine threads all the time? well, fuck you

>> No.6053488


Are you talking about the guy who comes into every thread and says "omg everyone in this thread is an idiot" and then starts accusing everyone of saying shit they didn't say? Not me.

>> No.6053491

>Relaxed around blacks

they deserve it, 100%. reap what you sow etc.etc.

>> No.6053519

>Not me.

Oh well. Anyway, that below-my-standards thing is a bit much IMO. There is a place for 'casually' enjoying wine without going knee deep into Grand Cru and $100 bottles. Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.6053533

any respectable chef would not volunteer his services to a wine bar. He deserved a roughing up.

>> No.6053540
File: 45 KB, 608x480, wouldnothit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just memespeak, calm your tits.

Also you can still 'casually' enjoy wine without drinking fucking kim carford garbage sauvignon or small cute animal memecarmenere, there are lots of $10-30 bottles from small producers that actually taste good.