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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6046393 No.6046393 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ i recently found out i have type two diabetes from eating to much sweets and fast food. i was wondering if /ck/ has any health problems from their love of food(s) also healthy diet thread i guess.

>> No.6046397


>> No.6046401

Should have been a robot instead

>> No.6046409

Pepperoni and salami on pizza makes me sweat.

Bacon does not though.

Food allergies: nuts and crab.

>> No.6046437

Go exercise and start eating better. Try to reverse it brah

>> No.6046578

I have a hiatus hernia that makes me feel really sick a lot of the time and gives me acid reflux. So I get ill if I eat or drink anything too fatty, doughy, acidic, spicy, carbonated or alcoholic.

I'll be getting surgery soon to fix it, and hopefully I'll be back to normal after that. But I will have to go for a while on a liquid diet, then up to 6 months on stuff that is easy to swallow.

The surgery involes fucking with my esophagus, so I'll have to relearn how to swallow, and there's a good chance I'll get food stuck in my throat and have to go to hospital for them to fish it out with an endoscope.

Diabetes sucks though.

>> No.6046601

What's your age and weight?
Do you exercise a lot?

I ask because I've eaten junk food my entire life, and I'm basically addicted to sour candy. My diet is fast food, candy, and energy drinks. All day for most of my life.

But I exercise, I'm very active. I'm 28 and still lean, but I have no clue what's going on inside. If I'm developing the Beetus or not.

>> No.6046615

I eat way to much meat and chocolate.
Recently i started to curb the meat and started eating more vegetable and grains - very worried about getting one of those massive pus things on my back or something that rednecks complain about on youtube. Also, I love chocolate so it's easy for me to eat an entire block (roughly 250gram) in an hours span.

I think everyone goes through periods of eating these items too much, just need to know when to stop and cleanse

>> No.6046632

im 31, don't exercise, weigh about 200 (the last time i checked) if you're skinny and active you're probably fine but genetics plays a big part in it. if i were you id go to the doctor or consider eating healthier (if i could go back in time id force a freaking salad down my throat)

>> No.6046635

if i were you id go a few days of eating healthy and than go back to your normal diet. if you notice a huge difference than id make changes in diet.

>> No.6046647

the key to controlling eating is to have set meal times with no snacking. I only eat two times a day. I skip lunch. It's the only way I can control my weight.

>> No.6046815


stop drinking the beetus juice. sugar free/non calorie drinks from here.

stop eating sweets. sweets are a once a day treat, like a dinner dessert

stop snacking. eat three meals a day

eat fruit and veg FIRST at every meal. every meal must have two fruits or veggies and eat them first

have a cheat day once a month. ONE day, during daylight hours, during regular mealtimes. no fucking "24 hours of beetus eating" bullshit.

no pizza.

no hamburgers.

no fast food(subway and chipotle included) unless its a salad and NO DRESSING. vinegar and oil if you must.

exercise 30 minutes a day. just walk until you can run. then run.

break the fatlogic and you can cure yourself.

>fatlogic must die

>> No.6046887

>Pepperoni and salami on pizza makes me sweat.

Mah nigga. Sometimes I get Ham on there as well.

>Bacon does not though.

Agreed. It's good, but overrated. Especially on pizza.

>> No.6046892

>any health problems from their love of food(s) also healthy diet thread i guess.
I hit middle age 50lbs overweight with high blood pressure and high cholesterol because I made decent money in my early 30's, and developed a taste for eating out at good restaurants and drinking too much good wine. Doctor put me on three kinds of cholesterol pills, and two blood pressure pills, and pretty much told me I was on my way to the 'beetus.

I said fuck that. Went through the brutal process of working out (hard) on a regular basis, and changing my diet. It sucked very, very hard.

Now I'm 46, wearing skinnier jeans than I wore at 26. I work out 4 days a week and eat a mostly vegan diet. I still enjoy good wine. I'm off all the pills withe the doctor's blessing, though my blood pressure still runs a little high (prehypertensive) sometimes.

Once or twice a week I go out for a really good meal at a nice place, and enjoy the fuck out of it. The rest of the time I cook vegetable based meals at home, and I've gotten good enough at it that I enjoy much of what I cook at home as much as the heavier, more upscale meals I go out for.

It's work, though. If it didn't give me results there'd be no reason for me to ever lift weights or only eat pizza once a month. I really don't give a fuck about eating healthy or working out. I just don't want to have to take old man pills until I'm an old man, and I won't accept that I'm there yet.

>> No.6047067

My friend has chrons but he still eats like before. he also does not know how to cook.

>> No.6047071


crohn's is different though, and it's not necessarily easy to figure out what your trigger foods are

>> No.6047085
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It's no laughing matter but...

>> No.6047096

well i'm sure if he can detoxify his body he make be able to reverse it. or so i've heard. he is gaining weight though.

>> No.6047113

I started getting pretty painful intestinal cramps and shits after drinking soda and coffee. So I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks. It isn't an a situation where I can never drink caffeine though. I had a Coke this week and nothing happened. Just have to drink them less often than I used to.

No major allergies. Just elephant garlic. Other than that there isn't really anything I can't stomach. I get acid reflux more often than I'd like but I used to have gallstones and I threw up a lot.

>> No.6047162

I'm 5'6 and weigh 185lbs. I tried losing weight last year, got to 160 and couldn't drop any more. I gave up and gained weight again. Not sure whether to try again or not. I've been obese my whole life so it's unlikely to make a difference.

I just want to live 7 more years and then an hero anyways. Maybe if I lost weight and my life became better I'd actually want to live longer and that's not something I want atm.