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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 300x280, brillat-savarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6045004 No.6045004 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: god tier cheese

>> No.6045029
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>> No.6045062
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yay for brillat! also this

>> No.6045115
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>> No.6046617
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I'm probably going to order a wheel of this for people to gnaw on throughout xmas day. Tried it once before and it is damned good, but at about $2 per ounce, this will probably be the only time I'll buy a pound. jasper hill winnimere, btw

>> No.6046619

meant $3 per ounce

>> No.6047093


im into shit like this...so maybe id like it. i mean i love all sorts of pickles and just weird pungent shit i had in china and other places when i traveled so yeah fuck it ill eat maggots

>> No.6047519


>> No.6047527


You do realize it's currently illegal, right? Not because it has maggots in it. Because those maggots can jump several feet in the air when disturbed, and have hooks that will rip holes in your stomach lining if you don't chew them all carefully to the point of death. People have died from eating this.

>> No.6047547

There's a lot of shit I'll eat, but that just seems stupid and dangerous for no reason.

>> No.6047558

>You do realize it's currently illegal, right?
It's not very illegal, they stopped fining people a while ago.
>Because those maggots can jump several feet in the air when disturbed
you mean several inches
>and have hooks that will rip holes in your stomach lining if you don't chew them all carefully to the point of death
this isn't true, they die quickly even if you swallow them whole and they don't have "hooks" that could harm you
>People have died from eating this.
I don't think there are any documented cases. But people have died from eating an oyster or an egg too.

your entire post is hyperbole

>> No.6047600
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, Smoked_Gruyère_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crazy for all sorts of smoked cheese, but sadly there's super shitty selection in my area.

>> No.6047604

humboldt fog

>> No.6047636
File: 27 KB, 534x356, cheddar-cheese2-534x356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Cheddar.

Where they invented the cheddar.

>> No.6047738

this was the best... the regular one is good also.
i like gejtost which is some norwegian caramel cheese. truck with that shit caught fire in some tunnel in norway it burned a long time. tastes really good tho!

>> No.6047741
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forgot pic

>> No.6047764

>the cheddar

I'm not convinced you're a local. No true Somersetian would call it "the" Cheddar.

>> No.6047786
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>> No.6049247
File: 207 KB, 460x460, Boursin-R-Verse-Roomkaas-Knoflook-Fijne-kruiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit of this on a warm toasted bagel is great

>> No.6049574

Hey I'm interested in which is the best book about cheese, encyclopedia style not recipe style.

>> No.6049579
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 800px-Wensleydale_cheese_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cheese in England coming through.

>> No.6049583

Proper Manchego cheese from La Mancha.

>> No.6049589
File: 46 KB, 400x400, herbed-goat-cheese-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chevre has that twang I just can't get with cow cheeses. it is by far my favorite cheese just with a water cracker and some herbs.

>> No.6049611
File: 148 KB, 1200x836, brunost_yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like some of this thing right here<3

>> No.6049976

Okay, I lied. I don't actually live in Cheddar. I just didn't want people to know that I live in Weston. Where they invented the NOTHING.

>> No.6050000
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>Not a single fuck given

>> No.6050004
File: 42 KB, 646x575, smokedgouda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6050015
File: 207 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Jarlsberg_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6050097

I'm french, and my favorite cheese is Le chartreux et le saint Albray, super bon, c'est ce que je prends tout le temps

>> No.6050107

Seconding this, the true king of cheeses (even not smoked)


>> No.6050372
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>> No.6050480
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>> No.6050702

damn, i need to buy this again

>> No.6050736
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le Saint Albray, une tuerie

>> No.6050801
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Essaye ça bro, j'ai rien trouvé de meilleur

>> No.6050802


Fontina is brilliant. Especially on a pizza with mushrooms. Also this >>6049247 is really good with smoked salmon. But I also add it in when I make a grilled cheese.

>> No.6050814


>> No.6050822
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postin again

>> No.6050827

This is better with blueberries in it.

>> No.6050884

Camembert, Brie, Maroilles, Roquefort, Chèvres, some cheeses made by farmers in the countryside...

>> No.6050890

I can't eat feta because it looks like nasty smegma

>> No.6050914
File: 144 KB, 600x402, tetilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6050925

We're the only coastal town in the UK that has to have a hovercraft crew in the coast guard because of stupid fucking tourists every fucking year.

>> No.6050928

please explain this

>> No.6050941

Help me into cheese. I still use American cheese (not Kraft, the kind actually refrigerated) for sandwiches because it actually tastes like something and I can't differentiate between anything. Most white cheeses I've tried taste extremely mild to the point I probably wouldn't be able to differentiate blindfolded, such as provolone, muenster, etc. Asiago and Parmesan taste identical to me. Of course there's a few exceptions but this has been the general experience. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6050943

get some cheddar and some brie and give those a whirl

you're too young to drink, right?

>> No.6050946

I've had cheddar. Yeah it is a little distinct but it mainly just tastes like sharper American. Haven't had brie. I've had chevre and it may as well have been standard cream cheese. And no, I can drink.

>> No.6050968

>I've had cheddar. Yeah it is a little distinct but it mainly just tastes like sharper American
no, no it doesn't

m8 something is wrong with you but i don't know what

>> No.6050973


Anon lives in Weston-Super-Mare;

>Owing to the large tidal range in the Bristol Channel, the low tide mark in Weston Bay is about a mile from the seafront. Although the beach itself is sandy, low tide uncovers areas of thick mud, hence the colloquial name, Weston-super-Mud.[4][5][6] These mudflats are very dangerous to walk in and are crossed by the mouth of the River Axe.

Tourists walk out into the estuary, get stuck in mud/quicksand and the tide comes in fast

>> No.6050974
File: 58 KB, 620x388, Parmesan-cheese_2005266b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah it is a little distinct but it mainly just tastes like sharper American
That's because American cheese (the kind that's actually cheese anyway) is usually made mostly from cheddar.

If asiago and parmesan taste the same to you, you may be getting shitty cheese or you just might be too used to the taste of processed crap to tell the difference. Are you a smoker? This could also be relevant.

Try picking up some aged or smoked cheddar, that should be a bit more distinct from American for you. And also try picking up a small block of this stuff, you're looking specifically for reggiano parmesan. It'll seem fucking expensive, but you only need a small block and it'll last you a while, this stuff is flavorful.

>> No.6050978

>going somewhere that actively tries to kill you

i smoke and can taste things just fine, especially cheeses

>> No.6050982
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Cheese of gods

>> No.6050986

I didn't say smoking automatically means you can't taste shit, just that it could be relevant.

Also, the amount you smoke matters and you also probably can't taste things as well as you think you can. Just saying.

>> No.6050995

>American cheese is usually made mostly from cheddar.
Yeah I was aware of that so I was a bit surprised by the other anon's reaction. I'll look into getting some fancier cheddar next time.
>getting shitty cheese or you just might be too used to the taste of processed crap
I'm not a smoker but honestly it might be a little of both of the other things. I don't go absolute bargain bin when I try cheeses but I do try to keep the costs low.

Thanks for the tips. Now I just need to figure out how to use it all up.

>> No.6050999

Dear god, have mercy on me

>> No.6051000
File: 25 KB, 490x327, chimay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, OP

>> No.6051004
File: 142 KB, 498x374, harbison[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jasper Hills' Haribson.

>> No.6051053
File: 2.30 MB, 1936x1710, mont-dor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it some kind of hot cheese ?

>> No.6051064

I'm so happy with the quality of this thread. Yesterday there was a cheese thread on the front page of reddit it was all "cheddah, gouda, smoked gouda, peppa jack, oh year bree." Those fucking wackos don't know any shit about food.
UH LETS RAID /r/food!

>> No.6051088

>>6050000 (dubdubs)
what on earth is that?

>> No.6051094

Smegma is pretty good.

>> No.6051098

> hating Gouda

Negro what's your beef?

>> No.6051123

you are a sick little man.

>> No.6051212

Pleb cheese eater here, what are some good entry level cheeses?

>> No.6051219
File: 4 KB, 145x119, 131097897599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom prefers a ripe, nutty Fumunda.

>> No.6051455


>> No.6051457

J'tenterai de trouver ça pour le p'tit plateau fromage du nouvel an, merci.

>> No.6053104

I won't let you die. Not before the bad cheese threads die.

>> No.6053146

that looks great... but do you eat the leaf?

i've eaten leaves before so im not sure

>> No.6053156

The one on your pic is a cheese produce only for a limited period of time in France, and it is on the pic not melted, you eat it on bread. You can also put in on the oven and then eat it with potatoes and meat

>> No.6053174
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, morbier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmmmmmm *cheesegasm*

>> No.6053188


i just picked up some old ass cheddar today and dont know what to eat it with.

its really good by itself but i think im missing something. also dont want to eat a whole block of cheese by itself

>> No.6053198



>> No.6053205


holy shit why didnt i think about crackers

>> No.6053223


Be still, my heart

>> No.6053234
File: 13 KB, 300x300, limburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the fuck back the reddit, cancer.

This shit on rye bread is absolutely showstopping. So good. The rye counteracts most of the amniotic flavors of the cheese and brings out a delicate, milky sweetness.

>> No.6053273

I have been really enjoying some pepperjack lately. Does no one else enjoy pepperjack?

This morning I made a ham and egg sandwich with pepperjack.

>> No.6053325

>Mont d'Or
>au lait cru
>i.e. raw milk
Don't harm yourself and just forget about it, America.

>> No.6053942

Swissfag here, my hands-down favorite cheese is a good Reblochon. A good raclette with potatoes on a cold winter night is hard to beat too.

>> No.6055605

not actually cheese

>> No.6055617

People don't realize that a third-tier university in rural Washington state makes the best cheddar cheese in the entire world.

And it comes in a can.

>> No.6055988
File: 12 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pimento cheese is the only answer

>> No.6056052

My controversial view:

Maasdam cheese > Emmental cheese

Does /ck/ agree?

>> No.6056089


I like you a lot

>> No.6056598

This cheese is god-tier. Going to eat some for dinner!

>> No.6057653

saltines, bitch

>> No.6057661

It's in the cheese aisle, and it's made using products of the cheesemaking process, and it's so fucking good that I'm willing to give it a pass.

This shit's better than fudge.

>> No.6058472
File: 71 KB, 600x600, christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time 'o the year again, lads.

>> No.6058727
File: 37 KB, 389x279, Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-13 um 15.26.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bellavitano Rasperry

Also like all sorts of hard Pecorino & Manchego

>> No.6058737
File: 73 KB, 595x595, tmp_9986-3112829185_1_3_xE5TkmO8274604023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Vache Qui Rit if you please

>> No.6058918

>buy what I assumed to be fresh, nice quality mozzarella from local market here
>texture and stretchiness is great
>taste is almost fucking non-existent
Is...is this how mozzarella is supposed to taste? Is a lot of commercial shit just chalked full of other things to make it have more taste...? I don't understand...

>> No.6058923

mozarella itself doesnt taste that much

>> No.6058938

How disappointing. Now I'm not even sure what to do with it.

>> No.6058949

Some of them can survive and you can get a maggot infestation. Which is icky as fuck, but is easily cured with modern antiparasite medicine. It is also dangerous to eat if the maggots are dead because, you know, dead insects starting to compose are full of all kinds of neat bacteria. Living insects are actually really clean things, despite often living in dirty conditions.

Either way, it's pretty tasty and worth trying.

>> No.6059013

I like the looks of these

>> No.6059732


Alternate layers with tomato and basil, top with olive oil and a little salt.

Add to a balsamic tomato salad.

Put it on a pizza.

>> No.6059746
File: 579 KB, 1280x1024, drowninginbalsamico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>6059732

>> No.6059747

>Now I'm not even sure what to do with it.

Tomato, basil & mozzarella salad, with a black olive tapenade.

>> No.6059763


Does it taste like garlic?

>> No.6059812

ya might be a tard.

Mozzarella doesn't have strong flavor on its own, but can be used as a god-tier modifier.

>> No.6059818


>> No.6059886


You can use it to mask the taste of garbage to make it edible. Americans do it all the time with their bread.