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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6044701 No.6044701 [Reply] [Original]

is your significant other being unable to cook for you a dealbreaker in a relationship?

like i'm dating this girl who says she can't cook (she can't even cook a tv dinner right), which is where i swooce on in and being able to cook

i ask this as a man looking to know what other dudes or legbeards thought

>> No.6044711

Have dated numerous women who cant cook. Every single one is a terrible experience.

If they're unwilling to even put in the effort to do shit like learn how to cook, they're also unlikely to do all sorts of other things that are simple and the backbones of good habits.

I don't expect someone to cook for me all the time, but I do expect them to be able to do something other than canned store-bought food.

>> No.6044713

Don't expect someone who can't take care of themselves to be able to pull their weight in a relationship.

>> No.6044723

Never had a significant other, but I'm aware of my friends' eating/cooking habits, and it seems if you're unable to cook, you have a shit attitude and work ethic to begin with. That's where the real deal breaker would lie.

>> No.6044747

My wife is a really good cook and I love how she likes to try and experiment and how she likes to buy new things just to have. For example, she bought an asparagus pot because she thought it would be cool.

I feel like I'm the better cook but only because I'm the one cooking most nights.

>> No.6044751


It's nice because I enjoy cooking with my partners, but a lot of women just don't know how to cook.

>> No.6044753

Ability to cook is a good thing to use as an indicator of how grown up/practical a woman is. A WOMAN doesn't need to know how to cook to be a good wife, but a person does need to know how to cook to not be a useless sack of turds.

>> No.6044756

My boyfriend right now can at least cook stuff out of the box but otherwise he's awful

I'm a professional chef though so it makes up for that.

>> No.6044805

I grew up in a middle eastern background, all my aunts and cousins know how to cook. if this get serious how is the mother of your kids not going to be able to feed your kid. also I my mom thought me how to cook

>> No.6044912

What's the story behind the gif? Was he just rocking out to some awesome heavy metal riffs and lost it?

>> No.6045170

Fuck that. "can't event cook a tv dinner" is just willful stupidity. A child can do better.

>> No.6045308

>dating someone you dislike enough that cooking ability has to be a make-or-breaker


>> No.6045322

You don't cook tv dinners. You are reheating them.

>> No.6045329

Where did you find a tv dinner? Those things were cooked in conventional ovens. I thought all tv dinners were replaced with microwavable dinners.

>> No.6045377

I've never been in a serious relationship with a woman who couldn't cook at all. But I have been the primary cook in every relationship I've been in. The last two generations of women have not been brought up to prioritize kitchen skills. They expect more from life than being a housewife, and to them cooking is housewife shit.

My wife is a perfect example. She's actually a good cook, but never made cooking a priority in her life. While she can turn out delicious meals it takes her 1-2hrs to make something I could do in 35min, because she never cooked regularly enough to get the time management aspect of it down. As a result of this I do most of the cooking, since I'd rather not eat dinner at 9:30 most nights.

Getting serious with a girl who doesn't cook means you'll be the one doing the cooking. If you're cool with that it's no big deal. I'm happy to do the cooking, as long as my wife does the cleaning.

A real dealbreaker would be a fussy eater who doesn't cook. Because having to do all the cooking while tiptoeing around all the things someone else won't eat will come soon enough when you have kids. Having to do that shit for someone you're dating is ridiculous.

>> No.6045379

a man/woman that can't cook is either a complete incompetent or it's been always taken care of. Not interested in any case

>> No.6045381

There's a bit of ambiguity in "Unable to cook for you", it could mean anything from "not that great of a cook" to "Incapable of feeding herself". Obviously the latter is a degree of ineptitude that (I hope) most people would find unattractive.

But in a milder case I probably wouldn't mind that much. Last gf was more into baking than cooking, so I did most of the cooking on those "stay in" dates. It'd be fun to date a good cook though, being able to make each other good food all the time.

That said, I'd take a chick who's a crappy cook over a good cook with tastes/preferences that are too radically different from mine. It's bad enough that women tend to be annoyingly health-conscious

Once I actually said the words, "Bitch, get out of the kitchen!". She kind of stood there making interesting face contortions as she decided whether to be offended or amused, it was priceless.

>> No.6045398

My gf is a vegetarian and we also have totally different taste in seasoning. This is quite annoying.

>> No.6045414

Sounds like a total refusal to learn how to cook. That just seems incredibly lazy and would turn me off to no end. I had an ex that wanted me to come over because she had failed to boil her potatoes properly and wanted me to cook them for her.
You don't need that kind of dependance on you.

>> No.6045422

Never dated anyone, but I don't think I'd be able to tolerate someone who wouldn't even make an effort in the kitchen. I like cooking, but just about every roommate I've had has been so hopelessly incompetent and unwilling to help out at all, it's infuriating. In my experience, not knowing shit about cooking usually means they don't know the first thing about basic household chores either and were probably pampered by their parents their whole lives.

>> No.6045975
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My 31 year old spouse is just now learning how to cook more than sloppy joes and spaghetti. It obviously wasn't a dealbreaker, but it was certainly a trait I've never liked. Every time I would talk to him about he should learn to cook he had such a defeatist attitude about it, until he watched that movie Chef with Jon Favreau.

>> No.6045979

>until he watched that movie Chef with Jon Favreau.

>> No.6045982

Yeah, I know. It honestly makes me pretty annoyed. Good movie, but what the fuck?

>> No.6045996

>How to cuckold

>> No.6045999

Not a big deal. Cooking is my most enjoyed 'chore'. I hate washing dishes, and she takes care of that, so it's a win win.

It also helps that she's adventurous with food, and will pretty much enjoy any style of cooking I care to experiment with.

>> No.6046001

I'd agree with this, and as a girl, I'd say this applies to men as well. You don't need to be an expert chef, but at least put in an effort. I value creativity so having someone who could go into a kitchen and mess around with ingredients and have fun with it, even if the final product doesn't turn out that great, would be a huge plus.

Not being able to cook a TV dinner would be throwing up some red flags for me, to begin with. When someone can't cook for themselves, not even the most basic of things, it's usually gonna mean either "I go out to eat every day" or "I still depend on my parents/significant other to cook for me". It's a maturity thing.

>> No.6046004


Basically this. Not knowing how to cook is by itself not bad, but it's a strong indicator of undesirable personality traits.

For me, an ideal partner would actually be someone who doesn't know how to cook anything beyond a few simple dishes, but isn't a fussy either and is willing to learn. That way, I can kinda direct them into my own tastes so there's less chance of argument what to make/eat.

I actually learned to be wary of guys who brag about their cooking skills, because it's either completely lackluster or they're so fucking passionate that they'll waste expensive ingredients for one meal or criticize how $5 organic grain fed non-hormone apples are so superior.

Practical cooks are top notch.

>> No.6046012

Time managent is so crucial.

Yes my so can make it taste almost the same as mine but I can do it in a third the time and have most of the dishes done before I put it on plates.

>> No.6046079
File: 276 KB, 518x428, areyouamadfishtoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in grad school and in LTR
>bring lunch to campus with me every day
>usually homemade stuff, sandwiches on homemade bread, chili/soups from scratch, falafel, etc
>flirty girl who sits next to me
>"OMG anon you always have such amazing food, you have to teach me how to cook!"
>"Nah, maybe if I were trying to fuck you, but I'm not. Sorry."

>> No.6046101

Girls who have the audacity to flirt with you first are usually uggs.

>> No.6046104


no, she's actually pretty cute, but like I said, LTR

>> No.6047969

You must be a blast at parties.

>> No.6047973

i want my girlfriends to TRY to cook for me and i also want them to be intelligent, which generally means they have to be OK cooks - if you can't cook you're probably an idiot and if you don't show that kind of generosity to your partner you're probably a dickhead.

that said i generally like to cook more than most people so i'm fine with doing it most of the time. i also like to please people way too much.

>> No.6047988

Being unable to cook was fine. The important thing is the ability to learn. My current partner of 4 years could not cook more than a microwave dinner when I first met her, but now she can often help or make dinner by herself. I still do most of the cooking, since I don't mind it and rely on her to do the dishes. If she didn't have a willingness to help/learn, then I guess it would be a dealbreaker, but mainly because of the wider implications. Who wants to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't commit?

tl;dr ability to learn is most important.

>> No.6048002

Every adult should be able to feed themselves healthy food. She's full of shit if she can't make a few dishes and no, that would be a deal breaker for me.

It's one thing if she wasn't a great cook or she was very limited to a total refusal? That's just stupid.

Also what is happening in that gif?

>> No.6048003


>> No.6048099

I can cook, I just hate grocery shopping. I never have food at home.

>> No.6048139

Life Time Recluse.

>> No.6048170

Long term relationship. It is dating board speak. The only guys who go on those consider themselves "incel," involuntarily celibate. They are so fucked in the head.

>> No.6048191


Loves Torn Rectum, this fggt is trying to tell you that his boyfriend is the top and he has some serious junk.

>> No.6048200
File: 1.50 MB, 800x450, toothpaste.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm fussy but I don't want to date people who are fussy.
>My ideal partner is someone with flexible tastes I can adjust to my liking.

That does sound practical.

>> No.6048210

Question for you guys: What entails "not being able to cook" and "being able to cook"? Where is the line drawn?

>> No.6048219

I'd prefer it if they can't cook. It's my kitchen, and men should stay out.

However, they have to be adventurous enough with food that they're willing to try new things. Not sure if the current guy I'm dating is up for it. He's a real meat-and-potatoes kind of guy--never even had coffee before. I cook a lot of foreign fare and I like a damned good kick of spice. If I make it, he'd better eat it. Well, my last boyfriend started out like that, and by the end of our relationship I had him eating sushi, fruit, vegetables, and anything I put in front of him. "Eat it," and he'd comply. He actually LIKED squid once I made him try it. So we'll see. Not sure I could marry a guy who wasn't willing to eat decent food just because he never had it growing up.

>women tend to be annoyingly health-conscious

Because we love our men and want them to live long, healthy lives. Sorry if you find that annoying, you ungrateful little shit. No husband of mine is going to kick it from a clogged artery at 40.

I use plenty of meats and everything full-fat. I'm not a damned vegan or one of those egg-white-only airheads. Bread, sugar, prepackaged garbage--that's what is bad for you. So if he wants bacon and eggs for breakfast, I'd be happy to comply. Soda is disallowed, white bread is disallowed, fast food is disallowed. So I am fine with guy-friendly foods, as long as they're balanced and home cooked. And lots of vegetables. I don't think that's so bad.

>> No.6048223

>I just hate grocery shopping

I love grocery shopping. I even like just walking around grocery stores. It's super cool to see all the offerings, all the pretty produce and the butcher's corner.

>> No.6048228

>I'm 100 lbs and my wife is killing because she won't allow me to eat. :(

>> No.6048237

>is your significant other being unable to cook for you a dealbreaker in a relationship?
That depends. Anyone over 15 should be able to feed themselves, anyone over 20 should be able to cook edible meals, and anyone over 25 should be able to cook an (edible) meal for friends and family.

>> No.6048238

So much this. I hated it as a kid, but once I got older and began going by myself I loved it. I could spend easily an hour or more just looking around.

>> No.6048249

My local grocery store is full of welfare recipients.

>> No.6048266

I'd like it if we could both cook together, I want to suprise her with good food but I also want her to suprise me.

Definitely not a dealbreaker, but It would be nice to know that if she wanted to treat me to a perfectly cooked steak I wouldn't have to pretend to like it.

>> No.6048300

Is it a walmart or dollar store?

>> No.6048311

please respond

>> No.6048313

Kroger. Also, not enough lights in the parking lot at night and too many shoplifters and muggers.

>> No.6048334

What city do you live in?

>> No.6048336

flyover detected

>> No.6048349

For it to be that bad it is most likely a slum and there are no slums in flyover.

>> No.6048351


>> No.6048370

>mfw all the local niggers usually freqent the more expensive grocery stores because food stamps aren't actually their money so why should they give a fuck

>> No.6048380

I only see niggers at walmart.

>> No.6048387

>not knowing the glorious feeling of white flight
Changed my entire outlook on life, m8s

>> No.6048400

I live in a suburb but the niggers move up from the slums to the slums in the burbs.
>lol blackflight

>> No.6048423

This too. Fucking recession. So many homes on my street went into foreclosure and the crime went up.

>> No.6048430

That's really cute. Do you cook together often?

That's my favorite thing to do--tho I am a little bit of a micro-manager in the kitchen. Working on toning that down tho

>> No.6048432

>a lot of people just don't know how to cook
fixed it for you

>> No.6048438

They have been doing this since at least 2000 along with the mexicans near NYC.

>> No.6048443


Fuck your wife up the ass while eating a steak. Fish your balls out of her purse and eat some food, spooky skellington.

But seriously man, what the fuck?


I may not get free money from the government, but hey, at least I'm not a nigger.

>> No.6048452

>A real dealbreaker would be a fussy eater who doesn't cook
A thousand times this

I didn't learn to cook to "be a good housewife" or anything like that. I learned because my dad started teaching me at a young age. By the time I was 5 I was making omelettes for the family with minimum supervision because I loved it and it was great quality time with my dad

My little sister *can* cook but she just doesn't like it. If I cook, she'll clean tho so that's fine. She's also slightly picky

But my little brothers are 8 and 10, and they only know how to microwave tomato soup and open a bag of chips. No one ever made them learn, so they have no desire to
>having parents that were 23 when they had you and 35 when they had your youngest brother makes a huge difference
>theyre so lax and tired and busy with their careers now
To top it off tho, my brothers are the pickiest little fucks

I really think the amount you cook and experiment is super related to how picky you. If I didn't try stuff I didn't like, then I would never learn how to combine things. Like, I don't really care for most mustard or carrots, but I will always taste them when they're on my plate and try a few bites with other things to learn why they were put together. I've acquired a taste for so many foods this way

>> No.6048457

My girl kinda sucks at cooking/baking etc. so far. But the important thing is that she tries hard, and doesn't let it stop her from trying again. She works more hours than I do anyway so I'm fine with being the cook most of the time.

>> No.6048465

>absolute basics (as in pleb level)
being able to cook basic meals without burning them or undercooking

able to balance a basic meal (meat, veggie, starch proportions)

>beginner level (but perfectly acceptable)
able to follow a recipe, but not be so stuck to it that they don't stray when they really should

willing to try new things and have them not all turn out perfect, but learning from it

>> No.6048681


More men are cooking now more than women because women are too busy looking for the next cock and gravy train to hop on

>> No.6048711

>obvious b8 is obvious
back to /b/ with you

>> No.6048719

The way I see it, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. If your SO is a bad cook, they better be immaculately clean. If I cook, you clean up. If they have no strong suits, they can't cook, they can't clean (or atleast claim the can't) and they don't pull their weight monitarily, they would not be deemed a good catch. And if they aren't a good cook, or they are not very cleanly, imagine how bad they would be if you added a baby or two, into the mix.

>> No.6048724

Wife is currently in the kitchen making some sort of vegetable soup. She rarely cooks, but I don't want to be stressing her out by hanging over her shoulder the whole time so I'm kind of just letting her go at it. Just taught her which parts of a green onion are usable.

>> No.6049020
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My GF couldn't cook for shit when we met, but we do it together and she is really getting better. It's a lot of fun.

>> No.6049054


>> No.6049063

I'm very controlling of the kitchen space, so I think I'd prefer it. As long as she can cook basic shit like omelettes I'd be set

>> No.6049167

I don't mind cooking, so it's not really a pain for me. Only issue would if they THINK they can cook but can't

>> No.6049229

I enjoy cooking, so I don't mind doing all the cooking, as long as I am not expected to do the cleaning.

As it stands I'm having to gradually coach my girl out of a lot of bad cooking habits picked up from her mother who believes herself to be a fantastic chef because she's spent her whole adult life working either fast food or public school food service.

>> No.6049257

The problem with someone not being able to do something as simple as cooking, is that it means in general they are unable to figure out how to do simple tasks to take care of themselves. I've found that of all the girls I know, the ones who don't know how to cook are also the ones who need help doing anything more complicated than wiping their own ass. Those are the kind of girls who ruin a car because they never think to change the oil after 20K miles.

>> No.6049294

Yes, it's a dealbreaker. One of my favorite things to do with my partner is make meals together - it's relaxing and makes the cooking much quicker and easier, it's a bonding experience, we get a good meal out of it when we're done. I never want to go back to having to cook solo all the time - especially for someone else.