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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 500x375, germancuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6044514 No.6044514 [Reply] [Original]

>google "traditional german hamburger"
>get this

Ayy lmao

Germany is a joke

Also, German hamburger is called frikkadillen

Germany is shite

>> No.6044518

looks way better than a "normal" hamburger.
ya fkn pleb

>> No.6044525

I suppose you salivate over hungry man salisbury steaks as well

>> No.6044527

Hamburg is a city in germany thats why you get food pics form that area you dipshit.

>> No.6044562

I salivated over your mums beef curtains last night

>> No.6044573

It looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.6044578
File: 61 KB, 615x400, FrikadellerOnPlate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that looks nothing like a frikadellen. Also,

>traditional German


>> No.6044581

I bet you're one of those americlaps who sees curry and goes "WAHAUOHOHO IT LOOKS LIKE POOPOO!!! EWWW!!!"

>> No.6044599

that looks good. whats the red sauce?

>> No.6044610

agreed. Germany is shit.

>> No.6044627

>a dish looks like runny shits
>you are a pleb for thinking this detracts from the overall appeal of the dish
Impressive delusion.

>> No.6044660

Get fucked, OP. German food is comfort food in all it's glory. People who don't like German food or Germany are always greasy, lazy little slobs. IDK why, but they always are. As a German friend of mine once said to someone, "I want to throw you to ground and piss on your face."

>> No.6044668

Probably some sort of curry ketchup.

>> No.6044675

>proud german defending what appears to be abortion meatloaf and risotto that would make an Italian leap to his death
I really like jaegersnitzel and rinderrouladen but let's face it, a lot of german food is just as shitty as american midwestern.

>> No.6044687


Wouldn't be a German if he weren't referencing watersports I guess.

>> No.6044692

Is human meat a local delicacy in german?

>> No.6044694

>shitting on German food
>shitting on Midwestern food

Face it, bucky, every cuisine in the world has some dishes that aren't very good, and in turn, every cuisine in the world has some dishes that are amazing and unique. You're opinions are antiquated and ignorant.
>Jagerschnitzel and rouladen
Could you be any plebbier?

LOL, true that.

>> No.6044695

Bavarian masterrace here.

First: Fuck "Frikadellen", those are Fleischpflanzerl for gays.

Second: Even if the photograph wasn't shitty with its gray/sepia tones, the food plated there would still, indeed, look shitty.

>> No.6044697


Dude, that's spaetzle. No one is going to take your opinion seriously if you don't even know what the food is.

>> No.6044706

Gravy also looks like runny shit. Yet it's frequently considered to be quite tasty.

>> No.6044710

You're practically making the point. It looks so awful it can be misidentified as any other starch.

>> No.6044715

No, it can only be misidentified by people who have no idea what spaetzle is. It's not the cook's fautl that you don't know what you're commenting on.

>> No.6044718

Yes it is. It's poorly prepared and/or cooked spaetzle. Not my problem it could be mistaken for rice, orzo, or any number of completely fucked small starches.

>> No.6044722
File: 426 KB, 2816x1584, meinburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6044726

Your logic is so flawed. There's tons of foods that appear to be other things or similar to other dishes. Stop trying to justify your ignorance.

>> No.6044739

>german cuisine

no such thing, you are all idiots.

>> No.6044742

Enjoy your mushy, uneven, gravy-soaked "spaetzle".

>> No.6044750

>implying spaetzle is ever "even".

Just stop now, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6044752

i actually cook the majority of the food i eat and that plate of food looks appetizing to me

it's a plate of meat with sauce, spaetzle for starch, and sauerkraut as a vegetable.

it looks like a tasty, nutritionally balanced meal and OP is a faggot who needs his food to look picture perfect like in the ads

>> No.6044757


That's a proposal of marriage in Germany

>> No.6044763

Frikadellen arent hamburgers though.

>> No.6044787

That's not rice you inbred retard

>> No.6044796

>do a shitty job
>it's "rustic", "traditional", or "handmade"
So fucking tired of that excuse.

Also, look at the rest of the plate.
>protein on the rim
>gravy way over the rim smeared
>starch over the rim
>veg in special snowflake container
>parsley that looks like it was slapped twice with a machete haphazardly across the starch
>everything scooted apart
Let's face it, this looks like something you'd find in a run down greasy spoon that only stays in business because the owner has sentimental value for the diner.

>> No.6044799

Not the guy you're talking to,but what are you critizising right now,the plating or the way the spätzle are cooked

>> No.6044806

The plating and the way the spaetzle was formed. It looks overcooked but it's hard to tell. The entire meal just seems half-assed.

The only nice thing I have to say is that the sauce looks good (though a mess), but that could be because they used powders and pastes instead of making and straining it from scratch.

>> No.6045120

I seriously have no idea what you think is wrong with the way the spätzle were formed... they never are even (unless you buy some prepacked shit)
there is two ways of making them, and both will end up uneven

>> No.6045290

Yeah what >>6045120 said,I agree that the plating is shitty and that the sauce looks like it was made with powder and water,but out of all the things to critize on that plate,the way the Spätzle are formed is not one of them

>> No.6045297

This whole thread is troll bait.

>> No.6045299

Frikadellen is the plural you should use Frikadelle in that case
How in the fuck are pork chops with Spätzle and Sauerkraut the german equivalent to a Hamburger?

>> No.6045307

German food thread? Just had some delicious Grünkohl.

>> No.6045404

That's Spätzle not rice.

>> No.6045515
File: 22 KB, 400x220, OnCorSalisburySteak32oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We call that abomination Salisbury Steak here in the States.

>> No.6045622

What OP posted is not minced meat tho.
Its probably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinderbraten

>> No.6045741

That's clearly sauerbrauten, and it's delicious.

>> No.6045746


>> No.6045847


Sour Brethren

>> No.6045901

> googles "German Hamburger"
> Expects hamburgers made in Germany
OP, you have no idea abouut how search engines and internet technology works. Just sit back and relax before you hurt yourself.

>> No.6045919

Yuropoors are getting mad

>> No.6045974

Fuck the shitposting.
Much love to the US from Germany.

>> No.6046017

Imagine the things that could have been done if the US, UK, and France had teamed up with Germany and started a campaign against the rest of the world. The combined might of the Gauls, the Anglos, and the Saxons would have conquered all.

>> No.6046181

Too bad. But wouldn't happen in any reality.
Back then French military was a joke. Wait, it still is. German military back than was formidable, but is a super joke now. So, no deal in the past and no deal today.

Actually nowadays every European country relies on American military in order to save money. If anyone in Europe takes the ability to defend the country serious, it's Britain. And they're like half-European at best.

>> No.6048125

There are a certain group of nations that speak English and we have a camaraderie, we make fun of each other and banter, but in the end we'll fuck anyone that fucks with any of us.

That's why Britain's immigration policies are so dangerous. It's a danger from within.

>> No.6048132

It's called "Frikadellen" and that pic does NOT show Frikadellen. You are shit

>> No.6048137
File: 35 KB, 550x412, maison-antoine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fricadelle is fucking great. I'm living in the north of france right now, and theres a Friterie walking distance from my apartment.


>> No.6048608
File: 127 KB, 600x450, dsc00979q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga. Glad to see someone else from the north of France. I'm quite partial to the atrocity we call mexicanos personally.
But it doesn't have much to do with what the germans or danes call frikadeller (or stuff like that)

>> No.6048621
File: 112 KB, 590x590, thumb_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bocadio

>> No.6048654

So the french put fries in their sandwiches too? Not just british.

>> No.6048694

Mostly in the north of France. Although to be honest it goes a bit like that :
1) open bread
2) put meat in bread
3) smother in fries

Funnily enough we call it... an american.

>> No.6048701


OMG is dat a McRib with no sauce and pickles?

>> No.6048899
File: 2.00 MB, 164x275, self cleaning toilet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you'll never possess this amount of skill

>> No.6048999

kek you cheeky cunts. As a amerilard I'm not even mad and I respect the french.

>> No.6049104

double dubs confirm our inferiority

>> No.6049280

that led me to this: How to Cook German Food - Schnitzel, Spaetzle, Re…: http://youtu.be/uYV2YfpNMp0

Hilarious. Made my day.

>> No.6049296
File: 243 KB, 1024x682, Hähnchen-Gemüse-Döner-at-Mustafas-Gemüse-Kebap-in-Berlin-1024x682[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here - there is pretty much no hamburger culture here.

The only german fastfood is either Currywurst, Bratwurst or the german Döner.