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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 423x558, Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 11.15.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6043998 No.6043998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog

Monday review is up

Joey seems more depressed than usual. This is probably the least enthused I've seen him ever, he gave it a 5 and there wasn't even one woo.

Why is he like this broeys?
I'm thinking it's some combination of the #TeamDaym backlash, the upcoming holidays, and Ken going back to Canada.

How's the christmas card coming along btw?

>> No.6044011

>the #TeamDaym backlash

The what now?

>> No.6044016

Yeah this one really bummed me out. It's clear he was crying before he started filming and he had to choke back sobs a couple of times.
Should we be worried?

>> No.6044019

Daym Drops put out a video where all the members of #TeamDaym did a food review and nearly every commenter had something negative to say about Joey.


>> No.6044021

>no #TEAMDAYM intro
>looks and sounds depressed throughout the whole video
>gives it a 5/5 but no WOOOWOOWOWOO
Has joey lost it?

>> No.6044023


Oh, I saw that. Thought Joey got kicked out or something.

Yeah a bunch of #KillJoey comments

>> No.6044027

holy fuck

he is still fat fuck but he lost a lot of weight, you can tell by his neck being huge but less huge than it was before

>> No.6044028


Has anyone ever linked Joey to /ck/?

>> No.6044029 [DELETED] 

watch out OP, shithead mods have been deleting joey threads lately, even though he's a FOOD reviewer.
but yeah joey seems pretty depressed in this vid. it might be because it's morning though.

>> No.6044049 [DELETED] 

Yeah, multiple times actually
I've seen

Seriously, it's clear that either the janitors or autistic cu/ck/s have a personal vendetta against Joey.

I've seen reviewbrah and Giada threads stay up far longer that Joey threads do.

>> No.6044100

I love Joey but if he's really trying to lose weight he can't be eating a fucking 800 calorie biscuit thing for breakfast

>> No.6044135
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>How's the christmas card coming along btw?

I just made this.

>> No.6044152

>no woos
>no it swings
>no good vittles
>no uummhhmm...uummhmm while chewing
>very subdued off the hook
>no team daym intro
>seems sad as fuck

They did it....they broke him.. ;_;

>> No.6044273

Why do people like him?
I mean the reviews themselves are alright but everytime he does that fucking stupid high pitched fat voice i cringe so fucking hard.
He's just annoying to sit through.

>> No.6044301

When was the last time Joey said "good vittles gang"?

>> No.6044314

Probably this

>> No.6044403

I like him a lot better this way. He's a lot less annoying and was able to actually watch an entire video of his for the first time.

>> No.6044419

>Eat an 800 calorie biscuit thing for breakfast
>Drink nothing but ice water
>Eat some triscuits and hummus for lunch
>Eat a chicken breast and some broccoli or something for dinner

Uh yes you can

It's called moderation

He can easily eat a 800 calorie breakfast sandwich and still cut considerably.

>> No.6044437

Joey links ck to him.

>> No.6044454

what the fuck is happening with his fingernails?

>> No.6044472 [DELETED] 


He posts sometimes here under the trip Joe

>> No.6044473

No! I miss cartoon character Joey. The hate that came from the daym vid fucked him up bad.

>> No.6044478


>> No.6044479

>800 calories
Holy Fuck...

Looks like he actually enjoyed something about this one

>> No.6044482

Probably diabeters

"Cartoon Joey" is a fucking annoying and juvenile retard. This felt more like an actual food review and less like some fat tard flailing on camera

>> No.6044506

what was the daym vid? i'm not really in the loop on this guy but I've seen a few videos and i just feel really bad for him

>> No.6044511

I live in San Jose, if /ck/ knows/wants I could drop off the Xmas card for /joey/

>> No.6044513

>tfw when the reviews with ken are the happiest he's ever been
>tfw he felt relevant for once
>tfw he gets btfo in youtube comments a couple of days later

>> No.6044533

what the fuck is all of this

>> No.6044588

You better do it

>> No.6044606
File: 84 KB, 420x487, 1415783321705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that unenthusiastic intro
>says he's doing great even though he's clearly choking back tears
>that pure guilt in his eyes as he takes the first bite
>not a single woo, no monkey style or anything
>gives it 5 with the most straight and depressed expression possible
>that forced smile at the end as he turns off the camera to finish the biscuit and sob in his car

Is this the end of Joey? I seriously don't think he'll last much longer. He's a fucking wreck.

>> No.6044608

God damn, those reviews suck ass. Dem chumps need speech class.

>> No.6044625

Here's a little pick me up, gang. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHC9Hmrgkgw

>> No.6044636

The great thing about that video is how they thrown in gross nutella joey for a split second right in the middle.

>> No.6044700

They're all shit though, why does everyone dislike Joey the most?

>> No.6044740

His need to dissect his junkfood before eating it drives me insane.

>> No.6044749


He has nutrient deficiency.

>> No.6044758


>> No.6044818

>Watch videos over the next year
>Notice pounds slowly shedding off
>Joey's only meals during the week are those he eats for reviews
>Fasts and lives on ramen/water between videos
>Depression + Cyber Bullying slowly turns Joey anorexic

>> No.6044842

A bunch of losers who have no jobs are hating on another loser? Whoopee.

>> No.6044887

What does Joey do for his real job?

>> No.6044899
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not one wowowowowowo

>> No.6044900
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5 star chef

>> No.6044913


Myself all all the other /broeys/ enjoy his videos where he is silly and fun. Nobody cares about the stupid food review. Is that really what you take issue with? That his fast food item reviews are not thorough enough? I hope he cheers up and we get crazy Joey back reviewing hambeanurgers and going woowoowoowoo.

>> No.6044990

I hope /joey/ gets infected by /pol/. There. I said it. I feel better now.

>> No.6045006
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>tfw no #teamdaym intro

>> No.6045040


I can't watch those annoying chucklefucks. What bad stuff did they say?

>> No.6045052

Moderation is not eating an 800 calorie biscuit you twat.
If thats all he ate the whole day maybe.

>> No.6045165

Moderation is literally not doing the same thing every hour/day and controlling yourself
Look up words before you post you retarded cunt.

>> No.6045268


So is this getting included in the Card, then, or what?

>> No.6045285

Depressing. Hope Joey pulls through.

Months ago he would laugh at all negative comments and go about his business, but lately he's taking every Youtube shitpost to heart. I wonder what changed for him.

>> No.6045326

It's really sad to see adults pick on and poke fun at another adult when he clearly has a problem with his weight. I hope he has very supportive friends and family. Nobody deserves that kind of ridicule.

>> No.6045330

You mean he has a problem with self-control, right? Like I'm a fat fuck, but my weight didn't appear because oh no my weight's acting up guys it's so magical. No, it happened because I didn't control my intake appropriately.
With that said I hope he gets better and feels better, but I feel no sympathy for anybody who tries to take blame away from themselves on an issue like weight.

>> No.6045335


He got kicked off team dayum

>> No.6045347

So what does that mean for him? He still has subscribers.

>> No.6045350


His imaginary cool internet friends doesn't want him anymore. He's probably crushed.

>> No.6045366


Joey never complains or tries to make excuses for his weight. He literally never even addresses it. As they tend to do, trolls have attacked the lowest hanging fruit possible and ridiculed a jolly fat guy reviewing fast food in his car, thus tarnishing the one thing this guy probably finds enjoyment from. Instead of switching to a new video or not watching anything at all, people with even more pathetic lives than Joseph Hernandez take it upon themselves to pick on a depressed fat guy like schoolyard bullies.

>> No.6045372

I never said I hated Joey, just that I hate people who don't take responsibility. Your post sounded like it was saying it's okay to not take responsibility or that it's not his fault, and I think that's fucked up. I can't bother to go out and watch his videos so I have nothing to add to the conversation about how he's annoying or whatever.

>> No.6045383

Did Joey give up on his diet? For a second there he was reviewing healthy-ish fast food and giving you the calorie count.

>> No.6045455

I hope not. Joey mentioned he lost 17 lbs in the comments of a previous video.

>> No.6045488

that makes me so sad :(

>> No.6045549

how are we compiling the christmas cards? does someone want to create an email to send them to? otherwise they're just going to die in the threads. there were a few in the last joey thread. someone also made a thread with a song to sing for joey, plus an email to send your singing to, but that thread died pretty quickly.

>> No.6045576

>his fingernails

>> No.6045678

You guys are asses. He doesn't look depressed, he is more mellowed out which is a vast improvement. I don't know how that Joey's suicidal meme got started.

>> No.6045697

As somebody who has dealt with depression for years, he probably is depressed. It's subtle but most depression is, it's not that full on 'oh god is that person going to kill themselves in three seconds' like you see in movies and shit.

>> No.6045705

Why do people have to pick on people who seem to get depressed easily?

>> No.6045739

>believing everything you see on the internet

>> No.6045756

That's why he needs our support. He has a long battle to fight in order to gain control of himself and reduce his weight to a healthy level.

Bullies are a bunch of chicken shit losers. Joey is on the road to health, he's taking responsibility for his own health but if he doesn't get positive reinforcement in the early days, when results are hardest to see and the road looks longest, he will probably fail.

>> No.6045766

Did anyone see the recent hotdog review?

This one is pretty good, he actually ate at a place that most of us will never get to eat at so the food was mildly interesting. He also didn't act retarded but seemed pretty okay, probably my favorite review in the last 6+ months.

>> No.6045852

on that yung 5:2 son. Eat whatever the fuck I want when I want too. Ate 2 it's its last night after indian food for dinner. Maintain zen like focus other 5 days of the week having only coffee and very light portions of fruits and vegs. get on this level.

>> No.6045997


My God young highschooler, learn to spell and form sentences before spouting your idiocy please.

>> No.6046236
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Has he given anything a score lower than 4?

>> No.6046261

I'm not gonna like creep on him, but I'd definitely drop it off in a mail box, or leave it on his windshield

>> No.6046267

>not green eggs and ham
cool shoop

>> No.6046272

Glad he got kicked off #teamdaym (#teamlosers)
I hope this fat fucking scumbag die soon and you are all stupid motherfuckers for opening a thread for him every fucking day.

But I'm pretty sure that he opens them himself.

Can't even stand his fucking fat face.

>> No.6046274

Your self hatred is really starting to be dangerous, Joey. Calm down and get yourself another quadruple-down.

>> No.6046320

I think at Wendys they gave him the wrong order once and he gave it less than 4.

>> No.6046345

It totally seems like Joey is reading off a script. Like they told him exactly what to say for the thursday whatever-the-fuck-it-is

>> No.6046407

Yeah its pretty obvious he's reading off notes

>> No.6046435

why do people care about this fat dude? he's reviews are shitty, of shitty food

>> No.6046778

I have screen caps from the last thread with all the well wishes and the OC shoops.

Imma upload them to a Google drive so i can get it done.

Procrastibating like a mother.

>> No.6046818

Joey is love. Joey is life.

>> No.6046857


Thanks. I meant to add in "from your Broeys on /ck/", so if you could shoop that in, that'd be nice. Otherwise I guess I could.

>> No.6046863
File: 211 KB, 958x1000, joey2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here. Or you can just leave it off, up to you.

>> No.6046907

>no team daym intro in the new video
so he officially got dropped?

>> No.6046921
File: 58 KB, 453x1600, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just going to make it from /ck/ and it would be this dude.

>> No.6046956

he doesn't look sad at all. he just looks like he just got up, why jump to conclusions? he is a grown man i am sure he doesn't need you to worry about him

>> No.6047006
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>> No.6047014
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I don't know why the fuck everyone keeps making fun of Joey. Yeah he's fat, annoying, and loves to eat (see again: fat), but at least it's kind of interesting to watch in a weird way.

That other fat white guy on TeamDaym however is fucking creepy as shit. It makes me want to create a new Klan to kill hippies and shit. Holy fuck that guy eats like a homosexual and complains about everything.

>> No.6047053


>> No.6047283

He switched to a vegan diet and hasn't posted in months. probably dead. Joey is still going strong though.
tldr: eat meat.....lots of meat

>> No.6047314

What do you think of people who watch food review videos for fun? Are they autistic?

>> No.6047381

oh god this dude is so gross. he reminds me of the typical redditor.
he's literally slobbering over himself in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEfUSt6t3Ps

>> No.6047436

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this faggot?
Is he a FtM? He looks like a gay woman.
And he's so fucking annoying.
I want to punch his fat fucking face oh god.
The way he blinks and contorts his fat fucking face is rage inducing and those fucking things in his ears are getting ripped out when i see him/her

>> No.6047438

>eat meat.....lots of meat
joey definitely has that covered.

>> No.6047440

>people watch any of these retards


>> No.6047442 [DELETED] 


Me and Daym are talking things over but we'll collaborate regardless of me staying on team daym

>> No.6047474

back to your shit board fake joe

>> No.6047494

> Starts with some pewdiepie screaming shit
> 800+ calorie sandwich
ugh disgusting

>> No.6047498 [DELETED] 


Where does this meme come from?

>> No.6047541 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1897x428, Joey and the X files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when "Joe!" will never put holes in your feet.

Just look up his trip online and you'll see that he posts a lot in /pol/ out of character.

>> No.6047641 [DELETED] 


This has been proven photoshopped

>> No.6047643
File: 2.58 MB, 320x180, InNOutBurger5GuysBurger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love joey

>> No.6047882

>i can hear his voice even without sound

>> No.6047913

Holy shit

>asian and faggot

why so many nignogs?
that second negro seemed fine, the others were fucking awful

wtf is with the cars? don't they have homes?

>> No.6047951

Someone post the video of him choking on the nutella or whatever

>> No.6047979

He was still getting made fun of and nobody enjoyed his healthy options.

>> No.6048036

I don't know how people can stand Daym Drops. He spent 6 minutes tonguing a veggie sub because it had 'crunchy water'.

>> No.6048890
File: 2 KB, 125x91, 1408577557541s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys don't hate on joey
>proceed to hate on some other guy instead
I don't get it

>> No.6049075

Same reason Michael Brown, a confirmed robbery suspect and thug, becomes a martyr: racism by blacks and hipster whites.

>> No.6049133

>confirmed robbery suspect

I understand the point you're making but you really should have have chosen your words better

>> No.6049205

I hope he doesn't off himself, damn that would be sad, sometimes I feel like he is pretty ridiculous but I wish nothing bad on the guy, and I enjoy watching some of his videos

>> No.6049213

umm after posting this, I stumbled across this...


you can see in the comment section, that's a little fucking odd, is Joey a child molester?

>> No.6049217

Also another thing about his Google+ account, he shares the same video he made like 10+ times

sorta weird, does anyone know anything personal about him like? does he have a wife or kids or anything? I mean what does he do for a living? can he be making enough money on YouTube?

>> No.6049992
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>> No.6050023
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New Review Bros


Taco Bell's® California A.M. Crunchwrap REVIEW!

>No "I'm Beeyyaackkk"
>depressed sounding review
>super quick

also, does it sound like he's choking on his own neck fat when he chews? it bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.6050031

Its not even in full widescreen, like he just rushed it and didn't even care.

>> No.6050035

looks like daym told him to mellow out if he wanted to stay on the team

s e l l o u t

>> No.6050039

I bet that was it, honestly.

>> No.6050050

>youtubers pressure joey to go on a diet
>he caves in, stops being entertaining and eats health food for a while
>youtubers pressure joey to stop being wacky
>he caves in, stops being entertaining and doesn't wowowo or say I'm back anymore

that shitty vid is all that's left of joey

going to rewatch the quadruple down video to get this sour taste out of my mouth

>> No.6050063

We broke him.

>> No.6050065

Just want to let you guys know that this latest review is all your guys fault.there is literally nothing uniquely interesting about him anymore.

>> No.6050067

But all of it was forced in the first place, Anon. That's the point people are making. You don't need to be annoying as sin to give a decent review. He doesn't need to lose all of his personality, but sometimes it gets to ya.

>> No.6050074


he doesn't seem depressed, he just doesn't seem extremely manic like usual

>> No.6050120

I think it's because this was shot in the morning. Sleepy Joe.

>> No.6050203

>Joey: Super kool food reviewer who only plebs and redditors hate
>This guy: Not kool, faggot.

I wonder.

>> No.6050208

I miss "blatantly mentally ill" joey.

Why the fuck did he sound like such a pussy in this one? He kept saying "youtubers" like someone gave him a script and is waiting outside the car with a gun aimed at him.

>> No.6050212

Can someone explain why all these fucking fast food reviewers are in a youtube cartel headed by an obnoxious nigger?

>> No.6050213

Joey shouldn't have to listen to some nignog on what to do in HIS food reviews. daym is a princess burger while Joey is good viddles.

>> No.6050219

Why are you watching fucking fast food reviews for any reason other than to see a mentally unstable failure sink lower and lower?

>> No.6050220

watch the yumbo review immediately after and tell me daym didn't write that review for him

>> No.6050234

I don't know but I speculate that they're just bored.

>> No.6050247

Bumping for Joey.

>> No.6050248

I have two questions is this guy just a rip off of that big black guy that also does food reviews, and why is he never posted about but this guy Joey is?

>> No.6050253

>I have two questions is this guy just a rip off of that big black guy that also does food reviews, and why is he never posted about but this guy Joey is?

The big black guy isn't the only food reviewer in the world, so no. Nobody posts Dayme because he's an obnoxious nigger who never shuts the fuck up and has the palate of a six year old

>> No.6050254

joey has been in the food game long before daym and is an experienced professional chef who is actually knowledgeable about food as opposed to some nigger who just yells about food in his car

>> No.6050270

>/pol/ gets blown the fuck out
>I've never seen so many people call someone a nigger on /ck/ in my life

Just because your board was trashed doesn't give you the right to spread your autist shit to other boards, faggots.

>> No.6050277

You do realize that /ck/ is still part of 4chan, right?

>> No.6050304 [DELETED] 


Good luck de/pol/ifying 4chan; we have cells in every board

>> No.6050312

Wow that was so boring. Come back, old Joey.

>> No.6050323 [DELETED] 


Which is why your shit got deleted before, and it's why your shit is getting deleted again. Every fucking time you faggots get an inch you take a mile on this site. I don't give a shit what you believe in, I don't give a fuck about moot or how his life is going. I just want to learn to cook some tasty shit, and look at food porn. Your bullshit is not welcome.

>> No.6050326 [DELETED] 

>I just want to learn to cook some tasty shit, and look at food porn.

where do you fit that in when you're not bitching and moaning and coming off as big a tinfoiler as /pol/

>> No.6050328 [DELETED] 


You need more aryanism.net, stormfront.org and Kevin McDonald in your life. Read Duke's Jewish Supremacism and report back in the morning.

>> No.6050339 [DELETED] 


I don't know, how about every day I checked out /ck/ before moot started fucking /pol/ and it spread throughout the site. And how in the fuck am I being a tinfoiler when the faggot I responded to was making claims that pol has 'cells' in every board. I don't even think that's true, yet I'm a conspiracy nut for acknowledging their shitposting here? It's off board topic and /ck/ is slow as it is, we don't need fucking /pol/shitters trying to set up camp.

>> No.6050341 [DELETED] 

Aryan was a word cooked up by Iranians thousands of years ago to describe themselves. Greeks came up with the word "white" to describe themselves. Years later blonde, limp wrist Northerners who have won a total zero wars on their own stole it to compensate for their small cocks. The end.

>> No.6050349

Shit /pol/ has started:

>paid shill
>all of the Jewish shit
>day of the rope

Probably more, but either way your shit is nothing but cancer.

>> No.6050350

Would take /pol/ people over SJW anyday.

>> No.6050354


/ck/ doesn't have SJW, but it does have /pol/acks. So it isn't an either or when making the decision of who should fucking leave.

>> No.6050369 [DELETED] 


You people are a fucking joke.

>> No.6050399

Just a request for the next person that starts this thread, could you please use a picture that doesn't ruin everyone's appetite. Maybe a shot of him far away, or a shot of the back of his head, or perhaps just a banner saying "Joey thread" in sparkly letters. Because quite frankly, most of his photos are revolting.

I know that an obese adult man stuffing fast food in his face while shouting retarded shit is a great part of many lives here, so much that it requires a thread to be constantly posted. But please be considerate to other people who might not enjoy looking at this.

>> No.6050419 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about this one?


Cultural Marxist detected


White female democrat spotted

>> No.6050441 [DELETED] 

>complains about nigger
>calling people faggots
Can't have your cake and eat it too, Ja'quan

>> No.6050467


>> No.6050545

This is /ck/ related. More so than your "lel amerikunts so dum amiriteguise" threads.

>> No.6050567

the guy has serious mental issues.
is he likely to top himself?

>> No.6050686

unfortunately a lot of things you'll see in this world will disgust you

I suggest you man up and just take it, Joey isn't even nearly as revolting as something you might see in real life, in fact some might say he's beautiful

>> No.6050705

This video was the reason why I didn't try the pulled pork crap at Wendy's. Every time I see some eatting it I think of this guys face and the nasty remnants of BBQ sauce in the corners of his mouth.
Absolutely Haram

>> No.6050725

There are SJW on /ck/. I've gotten banned twice for calling Adam Richman what he is...a Jew. Well, I might have called him a kike but it was only one post.

>> No.6050753


Nobody gives a fuck about the actual review you dolt. Why do so many people bring this up as their reason for not liking Joey? His appeal is that he acts crazy and super excited about everything and it's fun to watch. Jesus Christ, do you really think anyone is watching ANY YouTube fast food review and making decisions on what to buy/eat? Joey's personality is what makes his videos good and now autistic tweens have bullied him into submission.

>> No.6050776

First you guys rip apart his old reviews for being too annoying, and now you don't like his new reviews for being too boring. What the fuck do you want from him?

>> No.6050778

I just want this dude to be healthy and happy

>> No.6050788
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1297451969777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too man. I want him to find a good woman that supports and encourages his fast food reviews. She can even join him in the car and they can review together. That would probably make him the happiest man on earth. Find love, Joey. It's out there waiting for you.

>> No.6050799

I really want to move to San Jose and just be his friend.

>> No.6050804

Poor guy took those comments to heart. He definitely mellowed out in his recent videos. He doesn't need to be on #teamdaym anyway. Hell, look at ken, he isn't on it and he's popular.

>> No.6050844

What gets me, is that I get the impression that Joey's solace was in his reviews. He made friends on youtube. He was part of a team. He put up with Team Dick because he wanted some companionship.
/ck/. We are his only friends.

>> No.6051128

9/11 Was an inside job - I'm