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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6039941 No.6039941 [Reply] [Original]

what are you drinking?

>> No.6039950

>coors light

Same as you - Water.

>> No.6039960

lol rekt

Nothing yet, but probably some hard liquor later tonight

anyone got suggestions?

>> No.6039968

crown royal... that's probably the best ive had

>> No.6039971

I try to steer away from hard liquor anymore though.

>> No.6040004
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Mill Street Cobblestone Stout

>> No.6040009

Sangria for a relaxing night

>> No.6040015

tonight i'll be drinking old crow, one double duckpin ipa, some paul masson brandy, and the girls will be drinking fireball and wine, so i'll probably have some of that too. gonna be a good night, my gf's friend's boyfriend just broke up with her so chances of a threesome are greater than 0, wish me luck /ck/

>> No.6040024

based torontonian

>> No.6040025
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>> No.6040036

>serve cold

>> No.6040064

Hamilton, actually, and just moved from Chicago. I love stouts and it's one of the very few ones I can find at the LCBO.

>> No.6040327

The coffee porter is really nice too.
All their beers are better on tap, but the brewery is stuck in an annoying tourist part of town :/

Have you ever been to that bar Dirty Dog Saloon? It's always being advertised on the radio

>> No.6040488

Strongbow cider. This is the first alcohol i've seen that has a nutrition label.

>> No.6040495

a pint of sapporo before work

and two asahi for after

>inb4 weeb

>> No.6040500

had a bit of bcbs earlier but i picked up a bottle of st supery meritage blanc that i'm excited to try

i also made the huge mistake of picking up a bottle of kressman st emilion, not knowing that it was blended with merlot -- the most useless grape

>> No.6040565

Boulevard Wheat

>> No.6040587

a reasonably priced cabernet sauvignon

it's a little too fruity, i like my wines so dry they scrape my tongue.

on that note i'll take recommendations if anyone likes wine here

>> No.6040612

i'd like to get a suggestion for a true-to-style entry-level cab actually

i'm really stuck on petite syrah and higher-end old vine zinfandels. my deal with the merlots/cabs i've experienced is that there's a lack of mouthfeel to sort of "make up" for how dry they are

>> No.6040625

just tried a cheap one called "FlipFlop" which I thought was awesome. I rolled it around in my mouth a lot. room temperature it's nice and dry and boozy and kind of reminds me of sake in some ways.

>> No.6040629


Meh, I guess you could try one of the big classic labels like heitz or grgich. You seem to be drinking a lot of california wines though, maybe try getting out of the area if you're not liking a varietal. They have a way of giving certain varietals a bad name.

>> No.6040631

Because cider is girl's drink.

That said, Strongbow is really good.

>> No.6040639


>> No.6040646

Heineken. Before anyone jumps my shit about how overpriced and yuppie it is, it's about the only beer left I can find that consistently doesn't fuck with my digestion.

>> No.6040647
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Strongbow is fucking terrible man, no wonder you think it's a "girl's drink"

You should try something not made of weird chemicals, czechoslovakian beet sugar, and apple byproducts. Pic related might be a good start, could even change your view of things.

>> No.6040651

You're right, I've never really had proper cider.

Might try it some time.

>> No.6040731

california did ruin pinots for a long time for me
i can't stand wines that actually come across as sweet or sugared in any way, and cali pinots drink like moscato imo

i am a fan of tempranillo from time to time though

>> No.6040737
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It's good.

>> No.6040755
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Pic related, also Bourbon County

>> No.6040760

strawberry milk

>> No.6040810

Narwhal (Sierra Nevada)

>> No.6040816

Anon, the eternal optimist

>> No.6040828

panglossian, polyanna, DIE IN A FUCKING FIREY DEATH

>> No.6040858


I'm with >>6040327 on the coffee porter, the vanilla porter is crap though. Other than that, I know chocolate manifesto by either flying monkeys or muskoka, and winter beard by muskoka is pretty good too.

Also, I'm not drinking tonight, exams are up and I'm also working tomorrow morning.

>> No.6040860

>tfw you'll never travel through space with some qt3.14 by your side nonchalantly playing PS3

Why live?

>> No.6040863

nigga got bourbon county?

I'm gunna try to find some when I go home if it's still around.

I'm sipping on a 90 minutue IPA right now.

How's the 120? I couldn't drop $11 on a single bottle of beer

>> No.6040931

I found both of those to be lackluster. I liked whatever grapefruit flavored thing I got from 7/11 in Japan, for an alcoholic yet weeby treat.
Currently drinking Southern Comfort 100 proof and Coke. Had the last of some Franzia earlier, too. Not bad, for what it is. It's a nice drunk and decent price.

Boulevard is my favorite. I love the variety packs.

>> No.6041015
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yeah I know what you mean, I don't drink so much california stuff, too many nasty surprises

I am drinking one tonight though, pic related. their pinot is good too and I really don't like california pinot noir.

>> No.6041053
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old fashioned

>> No.6041077

looks good, but like a fucking hassle to clean. especially after a few of those.

maybe i'm just lazy as shit, but I only drink beer and two-ingredient mixers (diet coke and bourbon, usually) cause the last thing I wanna do after getting a little buzzed is be fucked with cleaning up the shit I used to make the drink.

>> No.6041085
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>> No.6041086

>i only drinkbeer and two-ingredient mixers

only when home, meant to include. I order cocktails at bars and restaraunts, or if im at a party.

but making them at home is just a pain

>> No.6041098

Bourbon mixed with orange juice and vanilla ice cream

Soon to be just bourbon as I am out of orange juice.

>> No.6041102

picked up a fresh fifth of jameson

i was really apprehensive about buying it because the only other irish whisky ive had was bushmills and i absolutely hated it. it was so harsh and spicy
but this stuff is pretty mellow

>> No.6041110

I've been to their brew pub in Toronto once and they have so much good shit they don't actually sell anywhere else (near as I can tell). Had two flights to sample as much as I could, and the coffee porter really stood out. Haven't found it again, though (except in like a mixed six pack with other stuff).

Bought two cans of the banana porter, and didn't think it was too bad. Certainly drinkable, but don't think I'll ever buy it again.


Gonna look that place up and see if it's any good; thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.6041121

to each his own, I don't make them all the time, I'll make a manhattan next way more simple

>> No.6041122
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These plus a shot of 151 Bacardi in there.

Too late to buy any booze now but I have a stockpile of those beers and steel reserves.

>> No.6041181
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Adoration Ale from Brewery Ommegang. Pretty good.

>> No.6041193

love ommegang, how is that?

>> No.6041204


Really good. Tastes like Christmas...dark fruits, almost fruitcake-y, and spice.

>> No.6041232
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Deschutes is such a fucking good brewery. Want to try their Obsidian Stout but haven't gotten my hands on it yet.

>> No.6041247

obsidian stout and inversion ipa are the only beers worth drinking from deschutes imo

>> No.6041260


I thought their Black Butte Porter was good too. Not as good as Edmund Fitzgerald, but good.

>> No.6041261

I really like Black Butte Porter and I heard from a buddy that the Mirror Pond Ale is worth trying. Your thoughts on those?

>> No.6041490


Mirror Mirror, The Dissident, and The Abyss would like a word with you.

>> No.6041756

>not liking Chainbreaker

anon pls

>> No.6041869


>> No.6041875

Coors light isn't water.
It's cat piss.

>> No.6041893
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Rolling Rock with shots of this on the side (couple ice cubes).

>> No.6042853
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Guinness Porter West Indies

also the only good thing about Coors Light is the logo on the glasses turning blue when it's cold.