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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6038667 No.6038667 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite burger/topping?

>> No.6039088

Guacamole. It's rare for me to just get it a fast-food place. But when I make burgers at home it's a nice touch of spiciness.

>> No.6039093

Wow I've wanted another picture of her for years. Thanks anon. Caramelised onions are probably my favorite.

>> No.6039095

Who is "her" and why did you think about this for years?

>> No.6039099

Why is there so much weird shitposting today?

>> No.6039102

Probably because moots ban rampage has driven away all the good posters so all that's left are the dedicated shitposters

>> No.6039108


>> No.6039126 [DELETED] 

She's in my fap folder and every time I see her I think "man I sure could use another picture of her"

No idea who she is though.

>> No.6039246

Not a real person.
Its some kinda Photoshop. That's why its so jarring

>> No.6039255

Guacamole or blue cheese

>> No.6039258

My absolute favorite burger in the world is from a place called the Counter and the burger costs like $15

>1/3 grass fed hormone free beef
>tilamook sharp cheddar cheese
>garlic aioli on top of cheese
>stack of fried onions on top
>satueed mushrooms to top it all off
>all on a delicious oat bun

Fuck, my mouth is watering now.

>> No.6039267

Her name is Jung hye won

>> No.6039271

If I had to eat a burger with only ONE topping, it'd probably be caramelized onions.

>> No.6039414

That's a burger topping?

>> No.6039418


Never been to Thailand have you?

>> No.6039419

I'm a big fan of pastrami and fried eggs on burgers. not necessarily together

>> No.6039441

Pig disgusting Koreans can be a topping if you want to vomit.

>> No.6039456 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 467x700, Jung_hye_won_484572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cleavage might be fake but she is real.

>> No.6039463

How much does it cost?

>> No.6039470

fi dollar sucky sucky ten dolla fucky fucky

>> No.6039498

It costs as much as a bit of rope, a small suitcase, and a gag.

>> No.6039503

Cheese in general, but particularly American or Velveeta slices (not the blocks). Serious answer, too. Not trolling. Grated/shredded Cheddar, Leicester, Caerphilly or butterkäse are each good, too, if I'm forced to nance out about it.

>> No.6039518

Full, absolute fave burger;
>Pretzel bun
>200g beef patty
>4 slices of grilled, thick bacon
>Schwarzwalder schinken, or any German style ham
>sauteed button mushrooms
>caramelized onion
>gruyere cheese

Favourite topping would probably have to be onion, in all it's grillable, roastable, sauteeable, caramelizable, or just raw glory.

>> No.6039555

>raw glory
Stoped reading right there.

>> No.6039601

This is a better looking version of OP's topping


>> No.6039611

Well, it is normal to stop reading at the end of a post...

>> No.6039643

I kept reading there.

>> No.6039789

I am still reading

>> No.6039867

i don't even know how to read

>> No.6039908

Wha? How do you even

>> No.6039973

A good garlic dill pickle or raw onion in my opinion.

>> No.6040011 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 400x266, tumblr_l6h1rcWQBm1qa5dcno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung hye won

Google it

>> No.6040041 [DELETED] 

Why do all asians look same?

>> No.6040051

communism demands conformity

>> No.6040084 [DELETED] 

>Jung hye won
japan and south korea aren't communist

>> No.6040107


>> No.6040120

Every Asian soul yearns to be under the yolk of a totalitarian regime.

>> No.6040128 [DELETED] 

The Japanese don't even believe in voting. It is already beginning.

>> No.6040519

This is what cows milk does to children.

>> No.6040523

Gives them photoshopped tits?

>> No.6041955

>Doesn't know about precocious puberty

>> No.6041976

A fried egg and anyone else who answers otherwise is a tasteless sack of crap

>> No.6042014

>Vegan: M-milk is bad and shouldn't be consumed by children!!!!!
>Sane human being: And why is that?
>Vegan: B-b-b-because it is giving w-w-w-women b-boo-breasts!!! Even children! those poor, sexy children!
Fucking vegans are retarded and also pedophiles I guess.

>> No.6042018

>Sane human being: hormone CAFO antibiotic garbage byproducts are inferior to legitimate dairy and meat products produced via responsible methods
>Carnist: lol at these vegans, if you ate meat you'd be less skinny

Fixed that interaction for you

>> No.6042021

No, the Vegans drink Soy Milk, which, uh...contains significant amounts of Estrogen, thus bringing on precocious puberty.

The Vegans are smug about it though, which is the difference.

>> No.6042025

Both of those things are in response to two completely separate issues.

>> No.6042028

Just ignore him anon, he is Vegan and therefore mentally unstable. He probably didn't even know what he was responding to.

>> No.6042032


No, bovine hormones were at one point thought to be related to early onset puberty.

The sane person understands that antibiotics, hormones, and environmental pollution are separate issues. It is the carnist who mixes them all together - any and all critical discussion of agriculture, of any form, is vegan PETA propaganda. Hence, >>6042014

>> No.6042063

Because of Peta propaganda we can't have rational discussions about this kind of stuff. They have muddied the water far too much.
Over the past ten years they have convinced Americans that normal produce is poison.
Soon it will have to be violence ;_;

>> No.6042074

Thanks fellas. Will do.

>> No.6042077

See kids this is why pic must always be related if you don't want your thread turned into a shit mountain.

>> No.6042088


You seem confused. PETA (note the capitalization) stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The vast majority, if not all of their propaganda concentrates on animal suffering. I have never seen anything from them that calls produce "poison" or tells people that milk causes little girls to grow breasts. It's not totally inconceivable to me but I think I know a little more about food than you.

There is a lot of discussion of food safety, health threats from antibiotics, and environmental issues. But PETA has nothing to do with that. PETA is a relatively small organization that gets most of its attention from tricking nubile young women into taking their clothes off and crawling into cages for the delight of the general public. The majority of their operating budget goes to paying lawyers to try to get lenient sentences for those same nubile young women after getting arrested for breaking into their university laboratory and trying to free the monkeys.

It might be interesting if PETA changed its strategy and started asking reasonable questions about food safety. But if I had a choice between manipulating nubile young women into degrading themselves for my amusement, and talking about boring shit like rBGH, I'd pick the women in cages. So you can't really fault them for that.

>Soon it will have to be violence ;_;

It's interesting that you are so ready to leap to violence based on something you know so little about. This is consistent with the carnist position. Unthinking, crude, and quick to attack especially when confused.

>> No.6042099

PETA is a bunch of crazy fucks, not a single non vegan has a good opinion about them.

>> No.6042111


But as I said, they have much less to do with the human side of the food issue than you carnists seem to believe. They are an animal rights organization. Their concern is the suffering of the cute baby monkeys. And yet the carnist's automatic response to any reasonable questions about food safety is PETA PETA PETA, even though PETA has little if anything to say about the topic.

Why do you suppose this is?

>> No.6042273

Precocious puberty is fear mongering created by uneducated anti-sex contemporary puritans.

Girls enter puberty on average at the age of 12 or 13. For certain minorities like blacks and latinos that average is younger. The girl in op is much older than that. She's 23 and the cleavage looks digitally enhanced.

>> No.6042324

P3TA is a juggernaut in the propaganda industry.
They do far more under aliases and viral manipulation that they do above board.

They have had enormous influence over popular culture and thier methods are often so convoluted its hard to see what the goals are.

>> No.6042378

Is P3TA a South Korean all-girl music group?

>> No.6044776


What are the other 2/3rds?

>> No.6044896

I would like to have many sex with that woman

>> No.6045215


>> No.6045266

That's a boy.

>> No.6045306
File: 238 KB, 877x1280, 1413898068745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not.

>> No.6045328
File: 99 KB, 618x416, peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though PETA has little if anything to say about the topic.

Uh huh.


>> No.6045367

No one takes P3TA seriously and that will be our downfall.
They are winning the hearts and minds of children at an alarming rate.

>> No.6045536

Not asians, but korean models actually do all look same because they all go to the same plastic surgeons and shit.
Not even making it up.
(everyone gets plastic surgery in s korea)

best burger topping is avocado btw

>> No.6045633

Awesome, fucking peta girls are probably up for facials.

>> No.6045695

Enjoy your stds

>> No.6045719

I sincerely doubt that the offers are that 'fantastic' at the powertool store.

>> No.6046155

Peanut butter is GOAT

>> No.6046156
File: 46 KB, 448x299, 18a6a2b6a91b2c4a3472e86ab1692472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image.

>> No.6046286

Tomato, sauted mushrooms, avocado slices, fried egg

>> No.6046335
File: 20 KB, 638x547, 1315623340001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your newspeak, we are omnivores

>> No.6046354

>carnist detected

>> No.6046371
File: 828 KB, 700x400, 72_Man_w-SD-200sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant detect something that doesnt exist, friend.

>> No.6046403

bacon too please

breakfast burgers are the best