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6030671 No.6030671 [Reply] [Original]

Is eggs and milk unhealthy?
I consume both weekly

>> No.6030674

eggs and milk have a lot of sat fat and cholesterol. You don't need that stuff after the age of 21 or so. It's for growing children.

>> No.6030675

I consume ur mom weekly

>> No.6030678

okay, should i continue eating the same moderate amount if im 19?

>> No.6030684

i'd stop eating eggs and stick with low fat milk, for cereal and stuff. But more importantly, don't eat cheese at all. If you don't eat cheese you''ll be better off than most people. It's nasty stuff, health wise.

>> No.6030689

spoonface, pls go

>> No.6030690


>> No.6030814


holy shit you're doing pretty well i reckon

>> No.6030822

Oh wow.

>> No.6030825

Drinking cow milk is generally a bad idea. If you really have to drink milk I suggest almond or coconut milk with no added sugar or agave syrup.

>> No.6030827


we live in a sad, barren world

>> No.6030840

The stupidity is bountiful though.

>> No.6030847

are you implying milk is anything but unhealthy to an adult person? especially milk that isnt even supposed to be drank by humans?

>> No.6030849

Most dairying cultures only ate meat once in a while, usually for celebrations. Most chicken farmers rarely ate chicken, because the birds were too valuable as egg layers.

So from a traditional perspective those who consumed eggs and dairy regularly were mostly vegetarian. Eggs and dairy were their primary sources of saturated fat. That seems to have worked out fine for them.

But if one consumes meat on a regular basis eggs and dairy seem like an unnecessary blast of saturated fat in a diet that already has plenty of the stuff. Traditionally the only people who ate meat AND dairy on a regular basis were the very wealthy. And they were often obese, with gout and type 2 diabetes.

>> No.6030870

milk encourages fat gain and weakens bones in the long run. casein is also strongly correlated with cancer and igf-1 with cancer and premature aging.

eggs cause arterial plaque build up

>> No.6030929


>especially milk that isnt even supposed to be drank by humans?

i want people like this to spontaneously combust

>> No.6030936

so you wouldnt find it strange to feed a human breast milk to a cow or a calf?

>> No.6030937

>muh status quo

>> No.6030940


>> No.6030944


what the fuck is wrong with you


>i am saying something contrary and he's angry at me so he must be angry at me because i'm contrary

it's a shame you haven't been through critical thinking classes but i can forgive you as long as you don't homeschool your kids

>> No.6030948

is that a yes or no?

>> No.6030951


it's a yes

but i deny you the right to use that as a premise for an argument against drinking milk. no. bad moron.

>> No.6030952

There's nothing wrong with either. Feel free to consume both daily.

>> No.6030956

how is it not the same thing though, if we base it around the fact that its just interchanging milk between two kinds of mammals?

also you do you insult everyone in real life as well or is it just here?

>> No.6030957

Maybe he doesn't suffer dum dums very well.

>> No.6030963

you're the one incapable of making an argument you dumb pile of shit
you too

>> No.6030966

>I disagree therefore you are a moron


>> No.6030968

this is pretty sad samefagging :^)

>> No.6030969

As an adult both of those are very unhealthy for you. Even weekly is way too often.

>> No.6030983


>> No.6030999

>especially milk that isnt even supposed to be drank by humans?

>omg living in anything but caves because transforming the earth in places to build houses isn't even supposed to like happen

milk is just food. that has been consumed for thousands and thousands of years. and in america, every few years, food fads switch and people will switch from fat being unhealthy, to sugar, to whatever.

i'm going to consume moderate amounts of milk along with fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. and it's okay if you don't want to but you don't have to be so angry and retarded.

>> No.6031007

No, not at all.

Because cows are mammalian and can drink milk.

Vegan faggots always claim I'm the unhealthiest person ever because I eat potatoes, drink whole milk, and eat red meat.

Yet here I am, just a bit pudgy but strong. And then they're all skinnyfat faggots who die if the wind blows too hard.

tl:Dr. Eat milk and eggs and ignore these gluten is evil tier 'health experts.'

>> No.6031009

im just saying why I dont think its a good idea to drink milk, other anons here posted the chemical reasons, I just added some other principles to it, how did I come of as angry?

>> No.6031011

>vegan detected
>cow milk is bad.
>chemical soy and almond drink is muy Bueno

>> No.6031013

>isnt even supposed to be drank by humans?

Fuck, this is the most retarded argument ever.

No food "is supposed to be consumed by humans". Spinach leaves? No, those aren't for humans, they're purpose to to photosynthesize energy for the spinach plant. Almonds? No, those aren't for humans, those are for growing new almond plants. Everything that we humans eat is really "for" something else.

>> No.6031020

Don't forget to activate the almonds before ingestion

>> No.6031021

>how is it not the same thing though,

The reasoning is completely different.

Human milk is impracital to get in large quanitties. It would be silly to feed it to an animal because it's not available cheaply or readily enough to make it a good choice for that.

As for humans consuming other species milk, how is that wierd at all? Everything we humans eat is part of another life form. You say "humans shouldn't drink cow's milk because cow's milk is for baby cows". The problem is that standard eliminates all foods from the human diet, except something created 100% by an industrial process. We couldn't eat anything at all according to this standard, which makes it laughably silly.

>> No.6031024

I walked past the diary aisle earlier, am I going to be okay?

>> No.6031028


Say goodbye to cheese, butter, yoghurt, cream and anything that contains these including ice cream, cake, pizza, whipped cream and so forth, faggot.

Enjoy your milk free life, bitch.

>> No.6031039

This right here, what the fuck kind of argument is "supposed to be eaten by humans"?

>> No.6031040


What's funny is that most of the "milk replacement" products like soy milk or almond milk, etc, are acutally worse for you than milk is. Read labels sometime--the amount of additives, texturing agents, SUGAR, and other stuff they add to it to make it palatable is crazy. It is actually difficult to find a product like that which isn't loaded down with additives.

>> No.6031041

>head in ground faggot
why don't you do some research you coward

>> No.6031045

>how did I come of as angry?
your arguments are cliche arguments of someone who is just angry at milk for whatever reason, and you aren't thinking logically.

saying "humans aren't even supposed to drink milk because it's for baby cows!" means that everything in nature has a purpose set by someone.

saying humans can't drink cow milk because it's for baby cows is basically like saying god made milk for baby cows so humans can't have it.

vegans are literally religious fanatics. there are no moderate vegans. the moderate vegans secretly want gary yourofsky and ingrit newcunt to get nukes.

>> No.6031049

>started researching food regularly over a decade ago

>> No.6031053

>just a bit pudgy but strong. And then they're all skinnyfat faggots who die if the wind blows too hard
Translation: I'm a fatass, and they're of a healthy weight
>muh curves
haha ;)

>> No.6031059

>your argument is bad because i don't have the self discipline to live any other way

>> No.6031065

>there are no moderate vegans.
This is true. But there are many omnivores who choose to live on a plant based diet most of the time, enjoying dairy as a once in a while indulgence instead of consuming 25lbs of cheese a year, like the Average American.

>> No.6031066

nice to see you haven't actually learned anything

>> No.6031077

>enjoying dairy as a once in a while indulgence instead of consuming 25lbs of cheese a year, like the Average American.
25 lbs of cheese per year would be like 1 oz of cheese per day, which would actually be an improvement if people didn't eat a ton of meat/eggs with it too.
nice to see your arguments are just "you're dumb" repeated in different ways you fat sweaty mongoloid

>> No.6031081

>There's nothing wrong with either. Feel free to consume both daily.

...until your heart stops working.

>> No.6031085

>isnt even supposed to be drank by humans

Can we please stop using arguments that claim that humans are "supposed" to do any particular thing? It's idiotic. There is absolutely no intent in nature.

This goes just as much for normal people telling vegans that humans are "supposed" to eat meat.

>> No.6031086

You can eat nothing but wheat grass and quinoa for all eternity for all I care but I wouldn't call that living.

Most of your health is dictated by the genetic lottery anyway. I work out, eat my veggies and fruit, do some cardio and watch my weight. Doing more than that is just overkill.

>> No.6031089

oh teh noes
Do you think it was the milk that killed my 98 year old grandmother?

>> No.6031092

builtfat smashes stringbean 99/100 times in a fight

>> No.6031097

Moderate vegans are called vegetarians, and many but not all of them consume eggs and dairy products.

>> No.6031102

The heart is fed by tiny blood vessels. If those vessels get clogged, heart muscle may die and you could have a hearty attack and die. People often think holistically until some part of their body stops working. Take steps to prevent heart disease now and lay off the high fat dairy!. it doesn't even taste that great, anyway.

>> No.6031104
File: 149 KB, 987x785, mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would make a worthwhile argument, b-but you first ;)
>Most of your health is dictated by the genetic lottery anyway
>still believing this
>m-muh physical violence

>> No.6031106

Short answer, yes.

Long answer,



>> No.6031107

Let's start off by pointing out that saturated fat is not a cause of obesity, heart disease, or log term cholesterol increases, dietary cholesterol does not particularly affect blood cholesterol levels, and it's the type of cholesterol in the blood that matters, rather than the amount. As for IGF-1, it is associated with increased risk of some cancers, but a lack of it is linked to a similarly increased risk of other fatal diseases, and regular exercise is far more effective at lowering the risk for those cancers than reducing your dietary intake of IGF-1.

>> No.6031110

>i would make a worthwhile argument, b-but you first ;)
i did, but your argument in return was "you're dumb"

i don't know what to do when someone is so dumb that they think they're smarter than everyone else. there's no point in arguing with someone like this, so i'm gonna go poop and shower. bye.

>> No.6031113

>here's the definitive answer....until we reverse ourselves yet again in a year or two
quack, pls go

>> No.6031115


>if we base it around the fact that its just interchanging milk between two kinds of mammals?

obviously it's the same in that limited respect you shitmuncher. we don't feed cows human milk because we keep our milk for our kids. in what universe would it make sense for us to use that as cow feed? that's an insanely efficient resource for the cows and it denies our children their weaning. none of this has ANY FUCKING BEARING on whether or not it's healthful for us to drink their milk, or for them to drink ours, for that matter. 'it would be weird if you did it the other way round' doesn't address that argument because the issue isn't whether or not it's weird in the first place.


>you're the one incapable of making an argument

no, i just *haven't* made an argument. that gives me a score of zero and you a score of minus ten bajillion, as your argument NEGATIVELY affects your chances of proving your point.


shut the fuck up.

>> No.6031118


insanely inefficient*

>> No.6031119



A veganism advocacy site, now there's an unbiased source.

>> No.6031121

>1 oz of cheese per day, which would actually be an improvement if people didn't eat a ton of meat/eggs with it too.
Exactly. Like I said earlier in this thread, eating meat was something for special occasions in traditional dairying cultures.

>> No.6031124


>Let's start off by being completely wrong about basic medical facts

>> No.6031133


>science says meat, dairy, and eggs are unhealthy
>website filled with hundreds of videos based on thousands of scientific articles says to avoid them and instead eat healthy foods

>> No.6031136


nutritionfacts is one of the most misleading sites on nutritional science i've ever seen bro

>> No.6031137


How so?

>> No.6031150


rampant cherry-picking and a consequent lack of balance for one. it's all one guy who's got a major fixation with veganism and wants to coax everyone onto his side.

>> No.6031158


How do you mean though?

>> No.6031167

How can a discussion be made with someone so willfully obtuse?

>> No.6031170


...what i just said?

going into specifics would take a while. he just presents a huge amount of evidence against wanton consumption of meat and dairy without paying much lip service to moderation, and it misleads people into having fairly extreme pro-vegan viewpoints.

>> No.6031174


How can we have a discussion about what you're complaining about when you can't even get specific enough for us to talk about it? "He cherry-picks and ignores stuff" with no kind of example given isn't a valid criticism, it's just shrugging off information that you don't like

>> No.6031185

you're fine

>> No.6031198


>implying your 'basic medical facts' come from reading studies rather than 'common sense' and received wisdom

Meat and dairy in moderation aren't bad for you. What is bad is excessive consumption of trans fats and carbohydrates, both vegetable products.

>> No.6031204

>muh mom diet advice that took me 10 years to come up with
kikity kek mate

>> No.6031210


It's a vegan site run by a vegan, selecting studies which specifically promote veganism. Of course it's not presenting an unbiased viewpoint, it's raison d'être is to suggest that consuming animal products is unhealthy. What about that is confusing for you?

>> No.6031219


>he just presents a huge amount of evidence against wanton consumption of meat and dairy without paying much lip service to moderation

The fact that you can admit he presents huge amounts of evidence against these foods and that they're bad enough to warrant "moderating" should mean you agree with the guy. He has delved into how much even smaller amounts of these foods can affect health though.

The real problem is that any time someone doesn't fuck around and try to make excuses to eat meat and dairy, and instead presents what the science says should be avoided or what should be favored in the diet, it just gets called "vegan bias" so people can ignore it without having to face the facts. A cornell nutritional biochemistry professor does a landmark comprehensive study in China that shows that the more animal-based foods that people eat, the worse their health is, and the response from meat enthusiasts is "vegan propaganda." The president of the country's top rated cardiac care hospital uses a plant-based diet to cure the most common cause of death, and the answer is "vegan tho, don't listen." America's largest healthcare organization recommends a vegan diet to all of their patients, and the response to that is still "but vegaaaans"

You're too biased in favor of meat to look objectively at the data

>> No.6031221

i love nutritionfacts, but you know it's biased, bro. the information is accurate, but he really only highlights data that supports his view of healthy eating. It's misleading through omission mostly.

>> No.6031223

>everyday of the week

>> No.6031224

>The president of the country's top rated cardiac care hospital uses a plant-based diet to cure the most common cause of death
u cuckoo for cocoapuffs, m8

>> No.6031225
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>What is bad is excessive consumption of trans fats and carbohydrates, both vegetable products

>> No.6031228


Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. of the Cleveland Clinic

>> No.6031234


>that they're bad enough to warrant "moderating"

bad in large quantities =/= bad in all quantities.

it is the established consensus that moderating your consumption of meat and dairy is advisable, and it has been that way since long before nutritionfacts.

you're trying way too hard mate. the evidence is heavily in favour of not eating an all meat diet. that doesn't mean it's heavily in favour of eating an all plant diet.

>> No.6031245

And if you need a second opinion you can always ask Dr Neal Barnard. He can give you some pretty good recipes as well.

>> No.6031250
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>thinking you can reliably replace milk with ground nut water

>> No.6031255

>thinking the milk of a 700 pound animal is necessary to your own survival

>> No.6031257

You want to live a long life?

Make money.

>> No.6031262
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Okay, what level of meat consumption do you think is ideal and what data did you use to figure that?

>> No.6031264

go the fuck away, Carl

>> No.6031273

>It is actually difficult to find a product like that which isn't loaded down with additives.

And if you do find one it can barely act as a substitute as they taste nothing alike and behave differently when cooked, aged or processed in anyway.

>> No.6031310

>32 month of diet reduce fat
>32 fucking month

who knew?

>> No.6031319


yea no shit a healthy plant-based diet is going to be better than shoveling down mcdonalds all day

>> No.6031327
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>isnt even supposed to be drank by humans?

>> No.6031335


And part of eating healthy is avoiding meat

>> No.6031338


Not necessarily, no. That was my point. Of course if you eat a healthy diet that avoids meat it's going to be better than an unhealthy diet that includes it. That doesn't mean meat is bad.

>> No.6031343

Want to know what is unhealthy? The average amount of exercise a normal person does.

Cut down on the shit that is obviously straight up bad for you (soda, candy, cookies, chips, ordered pizzas and fast food) and take up a recreational activity that gets your heartbeat pumping and your muscles working and engage in it 3 times a week.

Red meat increases the risk of cancer, sure, don't eat a blue rare steak every day, protein is not meant to be the large portion of your diet anyway, eat plenty of carbs and a variety of whole vegetables and fruits, drink water, keep pouring milk over your cereal in the morning and having soft boiled eggs for brunch, its not going to kill you.

>> No.6031353

I hate every last one of you pseudoscience blowhards. This is a cooking board, you fucking cancerous dipshits.

>> No.6031376


And yet in this case >>6031262 we see that a diet of only plants can re-open an artery, while the director of the study explains in this article http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1520-037X.2001.00538.x/pdf that there's no evidence that a diet including lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, etc can do anything like this.

And the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology points out in this paper that a "vegetarian fruit starch diet" is required to reach and maintain healthy cholesterol levels


>> No.6031700

i didn't even give dietary advice. i just said that using a reason like "it's for baby cows!" isn't a good argument for trying to prove that milk is unhealthy.

kikity check yourself before you kikity kek yourself

>> No.6031714

Joe Rogan talks about that argument in his new special

Humans aren't supposed to fly in airplanes, either

>> No.6031731

>And the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology points out in this paper that a "vegetarian fruit starch diet" is required to reach and maintain healthy cholesterol levels

Well, that's clearly crap. I have my bloodwork done regularly. I eat meat. My cholesterol levels are perfect.

>> No.6031742

so milk is bad because fat is bad is what im gathering itt

What about skim milk then

>> No.6031743

>implying sitting down for a few hours a bit higher than usual is the same thing as eating things to which you aren't adapted

i mean, i still drink milk, but that's a retarded comparison.

>> No.6031748

its what he says in the stand up
Its worded differently
Also he says if you give a dog milk they love that shit. And theyre amazed that it can be cold when its hot outside

>> No.6031752

speaking of dog milk, has anyone tried it?

>> No.6031770

what about donkey milk?

Or gopher?

>> No.6031777
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Googled donkey milk

Found out its also called ass milk. I could go for i nice, cold, frothy mug of ass milk right now if you know what i mean

>> No.6031782

We don't live in a universe build on intentions. Cows milk has many nutrients required by the human body, therefor it makes sense to drink it.

>> No.6031783

Shit. When they said ass milk I thought they meant like in those porno where one girl squirts milk out of her ass into another girl's mouth. I've been drinking the wrong thing this whole time.

>> No.6031928


>And the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology points out in this paper that a "vegetarian fruit starch diet" is required to reach and maintain healthy cholesterol levels

no he doesn't.

>> No.6032126

>implying chemical almond water is natural and better

>> No.6032902


What are your numbers, Captain Anecdote?

>> No.6032928

still wondering if anyone has drank dogs milk.

>> No.6032941


/fit/ would like a word with you.

>> No.6033229
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>acutally worse for you than milk is
>the amount of additives, texturing agents, SUGAR, and other stuff they add to it to make it palatable is crazy
are you fucking stupid? you've never drank anything but milk have you, you american

get a pick of milk, let's compare sugar and fat

>> No.6033249

100+ posts and I bet not one study, let alone a meta study by a recognizable institution

>> No.6033255

>chemicals r bad!!!

>> No.6033256

>that long list of ingredients

>> No.6033259

>most of your health is dictated by the genetic lottery anyway
Fatty detected. Keep blaming your sausage fingers on your "bad metabolism" tubby

>> No.6033263

post milk's nutrition label, I'll get one of that list for you in a bit

>> No.6033264

>there are a lot of things in it so it's bad for you
Whatever helps you sleep at night, fatty

>> No.6033320
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post milk's nutrition label now

>> No.6033327

Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light skim, Omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D & floride or extra dollop?

>> No.6033332
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>ass milk

>> No.6033337

whatever you've got, 1% or 2% ideally as most people probably drink one of those two. has drinking milk made you so retarded you need clarification on this?

>> No.6033342


>Not drinking condensed milk

Fucking peasant

>> No.6033367

Where's the protein? You know, the most important macronutrient for sustaining human life?

>> No.6033374

i have a good nsfw gif about ass milk

>> No.6033378

>Where's the protein?
I'm not veg or so I usually get my protein from meat. also that is a shit excuse for milk being "healthy", there are plenty sources of protein

>> No.6033390


I've got me some delicious whole milk here. At the same serving size we have…

>10g fat
>11.25g carbs
>8.25g protein
>250mg sodium
>B12 185%
>Calcium 75%

A perfect nutritional balance.

>inb4 hurr durr fat and protein are bad

>> No.6033392

Right, like meat.

Should I drink milk to get protein, or should I eat meat to get it?

The answer is obvious.

>> No.6033396
File: 6 KB, 294x171, got milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not snorting lines of powdered mlk

get on my level

>> No.6033397

what are you talking about? I'm not talking about protein, you're talking about protein. I'm saying milk is shit, you don't need to be a level 5 vegan to not drink milk

>> No.6033399

You mean the young asian lass running in what looks like a gymnasium?

One of my personal favourites.

>> No.6033402

>implying that those fat and carbs will ever satisfy a vegan
Apparently it's better to drink almost nothing (water with two types of gum and natural flavour), than drinking something that contains more calcium and proteins BUT contains fat and carbs.

>> No.6033408


>>inb4 hurr durr fat and protein are bad

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America

>> No.6033411

>humanity eats bread, milk and eggs for thousands of years
>has survived thanks to these 3 things
>now it's trendy to hate on them
>blaming milk and not burgers made of cow hooves and chemicals
The suffering is real.

>> No.6033413

you realize the upper cap for adult males on sugar is about 40g per day? with, I'm assuming that's 1 cup, giving you 1/4 of that already how much sugar do you think you're overeating?

>> No.6033422


In other words, "science is dumb"

>> No.6033426


See >>6031106

Cow's milk increases cancer risk, almond milk decreases it

>> No.6033427


Fat and protein don't cause obesity or heart disease, and the consumption of relatively high levels of fats and saturated fats is not correlated with increases in mortality. The main issue is obesity brought on by overconsumption, particularly of foods with a lot of high GI carbs leading to decreased insulin sensitivity. The idea that fats are inherently bad for you has been pretty comprehensively debunked, this is basic stuff.

>> No.6033432

>I suppose that everyone assumes too much sugar, so everyone should stop drinking milk
You said that, milk gives 1/4. It's not that much, and besides, I try to keep a healthy diet reducing the amount of carbs from other things.

You really should know this already, but this is why people hate vegans. You assume that everyone is a fatass and has a very umbalanced diet.

>> No.6033440


That's an interesting theory you've developed. You should submit it to the world's health authorities and receive your nobel prize for proving everyone wrong

>> No.6033441

>Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light skim, Omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D & floride or extra dollop?

>> No.6033449

not even vegan.

Do you make sure you measure out 250ml of milk and only drink that much a day? I don't think it's wrong to assume that most north americans (I'm NA too, idk about yuro) eat way too much sugar. do you realize how little 1 cup is compared to most glasses? jesus christ drinking milk ACTUALLY MAKES YOU RETARDED

>> No.6033453

>muh organikkk!
that's what you sound like. now go drink your synthetic almond chemical dirt water.

>> No.6033454


Cow's milk contains IGF-1, which can raise some cancer risks, but substantially lowers risks of cardiovascular disease, dementia, alzheimer's, muscle loss, and some other cancers. Your vegan-shill website only looks at the first part of that statement, and thus concludes that milk=bad without looking at the whole picture. Indeed, as people with low IGF-1 levels have a greatly increased risk of cancer too, and that diseases associated with low IGF-1 kill many times as many people as diseases associated with high IGF-1, the answer would seem to be moderation and not following an extreme diet in either direction. What a surprise!

As an aside, doing exercise is many times more effective at lowering your risks for the cancers that a diet high in dairy and meat can cause than cutting back on those foodstuffs. I'll take that option any day.

>> No.6033460

If God didn't want humans to drink milk then why did he create cows?

Check mate athiests.

>> No.6033479


Note in the first study that this does not mean that saturated fats are good for you, just that they're not bad either. It's pretty clear that the best lifestyle is one that follows a balanced diet with plenty of exercise.


>> No.6033488

shit, you're right. brb dumping my almond milk down the sink and going to get groceries

>> No.6033489


>> No.6033528

>Do you make sure you measure out 250ml of milk and only drink that much a day?
At breakfast I use cups which contain at max 200-220ml of milk. If I added more I would spill it for sure.
>I don't think it's wrong to assume that most north americans (I'm NA too, idk about yuro) eat way too much sugar.
I'm Italian, and I don't see how I would assume too much sugar. I don't drink any kind of soda, I usually don't eat cakes or sweet stuff because I don't like them. I use barely any sugar for tea or other stuff. So yeah, milk isn't bad for me, as it isn't for people who eat like me.
>do you realize how little 1 cup is compared to most glasses?
what do you mean?
>jesus christ drinking milk ACTUALLY MAKES YOU RETARDED
Thank you, you're more annoying than any vegan ever.

>> No.6033538

>wanting your kids to go through common core

>> No.6034138
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Leave it to journalism to mislead people. The top link talks about this famous study


Which was so badly designed that Walter Willett from Harvard felt the need to write an article about how misleading the conclusions are. The theme of the study is basically "if you replace saturated fat with trans fat, it's worse for people, so saturated fat is neutral" which of course is stupid.


Also pic related, this prominent low-carb blogger recently died of heart disease and wrote an article referencing this paper as a reason why saturated fats are supposedly benign. If people would actually read the studies instead of just the conclusion text, there wouldn't be so much confusion about diet. Your article also says not too eat too much saturated fat because it can make you obese.

The harvard link I have to disagree on this point that I think is patronizing

>Low-fat diets have long been touted as the key to a healthy weight and to good health. But the evidence just isn’t there: Over the past 30 years in the U.S., the percentage of calories from fat in people’s diets has gone down, but obesity rates have skyrocketed.

If you really need me to go into it, I can show that Americans never followed anything close to a "low-fat diet," and that carbohydrate consumption is the same as it was 100 years ago, but fat consumption has increased about 60%.

>Part of the problem with low-fat diets is that they are often high in carbohydrate, especially from rapidly digested sources, such as white bread and white rice.

Which is another way of saying "because we know you're too dumb to eat healthy carb sources like barley, oats, beans, and fruit, just avoid carbs altogether and eat more fat" which may sound authoritative coming from harvard, but the World Health Organization gives the opposite advice