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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6030494 No.6030494 [Reply] [Original]

Cheap food shop thread? Post your shopping lists!

I'm a poor as fuck uni student, I've got £25 to spend on an ASDA shop except I've never done one before. I have no idea what kind of shopping list I should make with what I've got.

Any shopping lists you've already made would be fantastic, I'm looking for cheapness here, it has to last 7 - 10 days and I will eat pretty much anything. I'm a novice at cooking but I can do all the basics.

>> No.6030500


You'd be better off at Lidl or Aldi.

>> No.6030501

Start with telling us what, if anything, you have already.

>> No.6030514
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The closest Lidl is an hour walk away and I don't have money to get a bus. Aside from this £25 I am broke until I go home and start working again.

1/2 a tub of butter
1 tin of potatoes
4 cuppa soups
7 boil in the bag rice portions
1/2 a block of cheese
1/2 a tub of gravy granules
several stock cubes

>> No.6030519

Eat like a hippy, mostly. Lentils, rice, pasta, beans, pulses, vegetables, and most of that from tins.

Also, you know, go and read the price labels?

>> No.6030536

Shit son. That's a feast.

Smart price chicken portions. 1.69kg
Sp spag bol, 16p
Sp garlic bread 33p
Sp yoghurt 4pk 33p

Basically stick to smart price products for the majority

>> No.6030539

Well, O.K. You have rice, some stock cubes, and some cheese. The potatoes will do in a pinch but try to avoid boing tinned veg in general because it's expensive; you might be surprised at how long a small bag of potatoes will keep.

Anyway, let's see:

Pasta - I'd go for Fusilli; it's fairly flexible.
Tuna - The Asda Smartprice stuff will do you.
Vegetables - Some carrots, some potatoes, and onion, some peppers
A bag of frozen mixed veg
Some tinned tomatoes and tomato paste. Again the cheapest stuff will do you fine.

You're not even up to £8 with all that so far by the way, so now you can add whatever you want. I'd put some beef mince in there (by a 500g pack, split it in half), some eggs, some basic seasoning. A couple of baking potatoes and some cheap baked beans. A loaf of bread. That'd be about half your budget and do your main meals (you might have to do the same thing multiple times, but hey, you're eating aren't you?)

If you need to cover breakfast; porridge. If you need to cover lunch, stick to basic stuff like a cheese & tomato sandwich.

In reality £25 is a fair amount; if you can't manage 7 days with a £25 budget there may be no hope for you at all.

>> No.6030554

Yeah sounds good, never shopped at an ASDA before so I was worrying what and how much of what to go for.

Yeah I just fried the tin of potatoes in a pan with some parsley and melted butter then had them with gravy, basically all I'm gonna eat today aside from a cuppa soup later.

I'll save the rice bags for the ASDA shop so I can make proper meals with them, thanks for the tips.

Thanks for the help

>> No.6030556

I'll go for these but I need some meat, haven't had any for the last couple of weeks

>> No.6030566
File: 388 KB, 510x383, chicken leg quarters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do britbongs have cheapo leg quarters? this stuff can't be beat at $.59/lb

>> No.6030570

With his budget he can actually buy three decent sized chicken breasts, which would give him three decent proteins (chicken, beef & tuna).

>> No.6030576

Asda actually do 1kg of chicken breast fillets for £3.99 and 700g of mince for £4.00 so I should be ok for meats

>> No.6030582

That's the spirit. Remember, the freezer is your friend.

>> No.6030594
File: 22 KB, 300x224, chicken breasts about to cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood this, why would anyone want breasts over the legs and thighs? They taste better, are more forgiving with cook times, have bones for stock and it's almost always cheaper than breasts. Chicken breasts can end up being dry if cooked improperly, and they're always bland just by themselves.

>> No.6030605

The cheaper ones are much more fatty, 24g per 100g compared to 1.7g of fat on the breast fillets which are the cheapest option for their nutritional value.

>> No.6030608

Because meat is sold by weight, and most people (especially people on a budget) don't want to pay for the weight of the bone that they'll never use to make stock with anyway. Probably.

>> No.6033080

Where the fuck is this

Where I live something like this would be more like $14 or so.

>> No.6033087


thighs are more nutritionally dense than breasts and do not have much more fat, also if you're concerned about the amount of fat in a skinless chicken thigh then there's something wrong with you