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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 240x267, Iroh_serving_tapioca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6024884 No.6024884 [Reply] [Original]

Tea thread?
Tea thread.

>> No.6024903

I put literally 5 spoonfuls of sugar in my tea and I don't know how to stop. Not to mention the milk...
>TFW go through drive thru and too embarrassed to order as much sugar as I really want in my tea

>> No.6024914

Why do you even bother with the tea?

>> No.6025014

Drink green tea for a while, force yourself to endure the no sugar, and soon you will start to like it. But if you don't like tea, why drink it?

>> No.6025016

Iroh is based.

>> No.6025044

someone has a tea chart with types and effects?

>> No.6025046
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Who /lemongrasstea/ here?

>> No.6025048

>types and effects

lol. Tea is a beverage. It tastes good. I'm not sure what "effects" you are expecting from different teas?

>> No.6025050



>> No.6025059

i already did that,
i meant something specific about like morning tea, aftenoon tea ecc

>> No.6025061

are you retarded?

>> No.6025063

Its not like tea is a pillar of eastern and western medecine..
Fucking hedonist /ck/ indifferently shoving stuff up its mouth.

>> No.6025065

i meant the quantity of caffeine antioxidant ecc, is it so unbelievable?

>> No.6025076

Beer is a beverage as is red bull, both affect your body differerently.

>> No.6025190
File: 227 KB, 1280x848, puerh-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here like Pu'er?

>> No.6025220


green has less caffeine, black has more

the antioxidant properties are greatly exaggerated

>> No.6025223

Earl Gray masterrace reporting in.

>> No.6025241

It's my favorite kind.

>> No.6025262
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Germanfag here, i got myself some sencha (green tea) from japan. At least they told me thats what it was and i really like it.
But shit is intense, it energizes like hell. Not as intense as coffeine, but more consistent over the day, much better for working over longer periods of time.

>mfw old japanese folks drink several liters of that stuff

>> No.6025264

my favourite tea is the turkish tea

>> No.6025310

I've yet to find a pu-erh whose brew does not smell like fish.

>> No.6025330
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, sheng_shou_puerh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most young or low quality pu'er will be like that, especially if it is a shu pu'er. What color was the liquid, or the leaves, If it was dark like in my first picture, it was probably shu. I also had that problem with pu'er, but then I tried some sheng. You can still get sheng with strange/uncommon tastes and aromas, but they are generally a lot lighter. Only downside is that they are more expensive.

>> No.6025369

Did you just say sheng pu'er is more expensive or did I read that wrong?

>> No.6025383

A sheng pu'er that has been aging for 5 years is going to be more expesive than a shu that has been againg for 5 years, and a sheng that has been aging for 10 is going to be a lot more expensive than a shu. Shu is considered to be not as worth it to age for long periods of time, most people say there is no point past 10 or maybe 15, where as people say Sheng is still young until it is around 20. In the long run, going by the increase of price relative to age, sheng is more expensive, this is an objective fact.

>> No.6025525

Just been to the doctors today and my doctor mentioned something about my liver from the blood tests on a completely unrelated issue.

I used to drink heavily throughout the last 7 years but I've cut down a lot now, I got a bit of a shock but I gotta turn things around.
I know that Green Tea can be good for your liver but I absolutely hate warm drinks.
What's the best way to brew this to drink cold? On a tight budget is it acceptable to put off the shelf green tea bags in a bottle and chill?

>> No.6025574

the tea doesnt shit if it isnt freshly brewed.
Also warm drinking is more healthy for your stomach.
Just get over yourself and drink it warm

>> No.6025607

Ordered one of the sample balls from misty mountain today.
When I get it do I break it up like it was one of the cakes?
First time trying puerh.

>> No.6025632

Nope, the sample they send you is conveniently the amount for one serving, ready to steep as is.

Do you mean Misty Peaks? If so, I feel that is an excellent pu'er to start with. I found it to taste like peaches, plumbs, or apricots, with that pu'er earthy/stone mineral taste. Pretty light, mellow and easy drinking.

>> No.6025657

Misty Peaks, yea, sorry anon really tired lately.
Ordered the sample size, ships out next week I think. If I like it...MIGHT buy a disk. Shits expensive yo.

>> No.6025699

I never buy whole cakes or bricks. I normally just get samples or small amounts, since there is so much of it. Teavivr has a popular pu'er sample pack, and Mandala tea used to have great sample packs but they dont right now. There is also Yunnan sourcing who literally sell hundreds of different kinds.

>> No.6025707

Take away one teaspoon each time. You can deal drinking with only 4 teaspoons right? When 4 teaspoons is no problem, make yourself deal with only 3. And so forth, until you stop. That's how I did it.

>> No.6025719

Eh, would drink if served. Never really craved it though. Maybe it would be best paired with a meal.

>> No.6025728

Black tea, 2 lumps of sugar with a tiny splash of milk. Perfection.

Fuck tea purists, just another example of the elitist snobbery that ruins the simple pleasures of life. Travel around the world and you will see tea prepared in every way imaginable, get over it.

>> No.6026157

Whats a decent oolong that wont break the bank? ($5/2oz at the most)

>> No.6026660

Tell me about exotic teas

>> No.6026666

No. I can't deal with drinking only 4 teaspoons that's the problem.
Tea just tastes too bland without that much sugar. Sugar brings out the flavor

>> No.6026674

Do you even like tea? Sugar doesn't bring out flavour, it just tastes good. You probably just like sugary milk, it's like hot-chocolate without the chocolate.

>> No.6026733

Honestly sweetness does bring out some flavor in tea.
With mint gunpowder, the mint is hardly detectable for me without it.

>> No.6026736

>flavored tea
If it's something like mint why not just put in a few sprigs of real mint?

>> No.6026757

That is not the same thing though. Mint is not tea. I believe they are talking about tea made from the actual tea plant.

For the record, I agree with you. Mint "tea" without sugar is very underwhelming and not enjoyable for me. Sugar does indeed make it taste more minty to me.

>> No.6026780

GUNPOWDER mint tea, not just mint.

>> No.6026798
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How do I begin to brew tea as "hobby", for lack of a better term? Obviously, I drink tea bags and such in the morning, afternoon, and at night, but this strikes me as being sort of lame and plebby. Wat do to make my tea drinking experience more enjoyable as a whole?

>> No.6026806

But the emphasis was on the mint, was it not? Poster did not mention anything about the taste of the actual tea.

>> No.6026822
File: 31 KB, 700x350, twi-255-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly buy a wooden tea tray with slits so it catches some drips and what not.
Then buy a handful of handmade yixing clay teapots made properly paying attention to the temperature it was fired at.
Get a couple of small porcelain cups and either a glass or porcelain cha hai, you'll use this to pour the tea into from the yixing clay teapot into so the strength from cup to cup is uniform.
Then get a tea kettle to boil the water, I suggest hand made tetsubin from Japan. It makes the water taste better. Also get a hotplate to boil the water beside you with your tea set.
Finally get good tea. Oolongs and puers perform best in yixing, remember to season those teapots before use.
This should only set you back ~$2,000.

Or you can just get something like pic related and good tea.

>> No.6026824

just by a tea strainer and hit up literally any hippie store for loose teas
you'll find out what you like and eventually you'll get good at tasting
there are infographics on how to prepare tea correctly

I'm assuming you have a thermometer, if not, get one

>> No.6026835
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Gong_fu_cha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How serious of a hobby are you looking for, this post
is a good example of how serious the hobby can get, even though that anon suggested it jokingly.

If you want to absolute most entry level loose tea, I would recommend David's, Adagio, Upton, and Harney and Sons, if you want to get more into it, then I recommend the following.

Verdant Tea for super fresh Chinese tea - small selection
Teavivre for more Chinese tea - not as good, but bigger selection, some good teaware

Mandala tea for some good pu-erh, pretty good selection
Misty peaks for really good but expensive pu-erh straight from a small family farm in china -super small selection

Taiwan Tea crafts and Beautiful Taiwan for Taiwanese tea.

Den's Tea for a good beginner level Japanese tea vendor
Hibiki-an for more expensive Japanese tea (overpriced tea, great teaware)
O-cha or Yuuki-Cha if you are fine dealing with yen

camelia-sinensis has a huge selection of pretty much everything.

Butiki is also a decent website, cheap, with a big selection, not the highest quality but they have a lot of less common stuff.

Just buy a finum brew basket, a cup, and a thermometer and a bunch of tea from different websites. Find out what kind of tea you like an go from there.

>> No.6026898

I order of words didn't mean much, as I said it was mint flavored gunpowder tea.

>> No.6026903

But you didn't mention any flavor being affected except for the mint.


>> No.6026907

that should be obvious.

>> No.6026925

What is your point?

>> No.6027185

How the fuck do I get used to drinking hot tea? When it's hot I can only take a tiny sip of like milliliters. I need to let it sit for like 20 minutes before I can drink. Is it just one of those things that I eventually get used to?

>> No.6027541

Can one brew black tea and then put vanilla (powder/dust/whatever that is) in it?

Worth it?
Do I put it after I brew it or right before I start, in the hot water?

Lately I'm looking for all kinds of combinations.
Black tea+clover being my currect favorite.

>> No.6027951

Depending on the temp I do that a lot myself.

>> No.6028115

I find Pu'er fascinating. Not good or strong enough to be boring, yet interestingly subtle and complex.

>> No.6028146
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>received 25 year old pu erh as a gift
>too afraid try it in case i ruin it

>> No.6028150 [DELETED] 

He probably meant health benefits, like the higher antioxidant levels in green tea or whatever.

>> No.6028180


I can hardly stand tea with sugar anymore.

>> No.6028193

Does anyone have any suggestions for teas to take on a vacation? I will be in the carribean on a cruise during christmas, and the tea they have on the ship is shit.

>> No.6028198

If you fold the tip of your tongue against the back of your bottom front teeth you can drink tea at a hotter temperature. I'm serious.

Just don't try it with straight boiling water. You still have to wait a bit, but not nearly as long. It works for soups, ramen, basically any hot liquid.

>> No.6028205

You just need to be a real-ass nigga. Quit being a little bitch and do some hood-rat shit. Then boiling-hot tea wont have nothin' on you.

Other option is to coat your mouth with asbestos.

>> No.6028222

My girlfriend just bought me a 130-212 kettle (as in I can set the temp) and also a really nice thermos.

Im not super excited because of how much easier it will be to make my favorite teas and such. Along with the fact I an bring good tea with me to work instead of that bag shit.

>> No.6028236

>not super excited
ur such a stupid-head. ur a big dummy. I don't like u at all.

>> No.6028270

it's been about twelve hours since I last had tea. send help.

>> No.6028278

how do you prevent the tea from oxidizing in the mug on your way to work, and while you wait for it to cool down?

everytime I try to bring my nice green tea to work it oxidizes and turns red and tastes gross by the time i go to drink it.

>> No.6028477

Is it a sheng or a shu?

As long as the water temp is right and you're not under/over steeping it, you can't really fuck it up too bad.

>> No.6028510

I meant I am excited. Not sure why I typed that I wasnt..
I make the tea in a tea pot or a french press in the morning. I just heat the water in the kettle since it has the pefect temp settings and it heats up like... 10x faster than my stove.

>> No.6028535

guys how do you make your tea? the unsweetened tea i make at home is a lot worse than the unsweet tea i get at restaurants. i boil the water in a pot, then place the tea bags in the pot, then let it cool and then put it in a pitcher. Sometimes it's so bad i have to put sugar in it and i really don't like sugar in my tea.

What is the best way to make tea at home?

>> No.6028560

gtfo casual shitter

I brew mine from herbs, I don't buy filthy ballsacks.

>> No.6028816
File: 9 KB, 259x194, Oolong and Puar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are oolong and puerh any good?

>> No.6028819

how long are you steeping it for?

>> No.6028821 [DELETED] 

Tea is for flyover plebs

>> No.6028827

you're thinking of macro beer

>> No.6028841

How does one into /matcha/?

>> No.6028857
File: 59 KB, 500x385, Jpanes-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy good quality matcha, i.e. make sure it's gyokuro and not just ground sencha

whisk it in a small bowl or large cup

>> No.6028866

My favorite tea is the turkish tea

>> No.6028867


>buy good quality matcha, i.e. make sure it's gyokuro and not just ground sencha

Is that avaible online? I don't live near any potential seller

Also, I'm used to green tea, how different is the flavor?

>> No.6029123


Thanks friendly /ck/ anons, you guys have my my first post on this board not shitty in the least!

>> No.6029145


>> No.6029149

>Calls other people plebs
>Doesn't even brew actual tea and just random leaves found in the wilderness

>> No.6029365

underrated post

>> No.6029389

Idk causal foo joy tea bags do it for me

>> No.6029396

Well idk what "vanilla powder" is but if its something like protein powder which is just water soluble then yeah that should be fine. But tbh you'd be better off with vanilla rooibos, or using vanilla sugar (granulated sugar infused w/vanilla beans)

>> No.6029401

*throws dried oregano into a tea bag* *drinks hot leaf juice* AHA CAUSAL PLEBS GET ON MY LEVEL

>> No.6029443

They hated it.

>> No.6029725

Extremely different. It's very... bitter and weird. I love it personally, and it's best with a red bean sweet. You take a bite of the sweet, drink some tea, take bite of the sweet, etc. That way some of the bitterness gets taken off.
I only recommend red bean because that's the way I was taught to drink it. The flavors mesh well, imo.

>> No.6029747

What are you, a German Mormon (gormon)?

>> No.6029839

I recently bought some hojicha, which is roasted green tea. I had never heard of it before, but one of my friends had a foreign exchange student and he drank the stuff all the time.

The taste is fantastic, almost caramel-like, and it's perfect for autumn.

>> No.6029899

Match is the best tea.

everyone else is just drinking hot leaf juice.

>> No.6029922

Can you blame them?
Iroh would never serve some bastard bubble tea

>TFW Iroh will never give you life advice while serving you a cup of phenomenal tea

>> No.6029932

I went to a Chinese restaurant the other week and got black tea, why did it taste fishy/seaweedy? Is chinese black tea different from whatever I drink at home?

>> No.6029946
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i've experimented a lot, from 4 -10 minutes.

I'm also really unsure about the ratio. How much water per tsp. and it's hard because i have a lot of tea and the bags are all different sizes. I also have a couple loose leaf tea.

>> No.6029958

10 minutes...in boiling water? wut

>> No.6029964

idk it's been a while and i'm high right now so the measurements are off. maybe it was 1 - 4 minutes. i can't remember.

>> No.6029967

This is why matcha gets a bad rep; people keep buying the cheap ones and claim that matcha is bitter. If you buy the better grades from most of the sites linked in >>6029145 there should be no bitterness.

>> No.6029971

yes, especially if your black tea is english

>> No.6029972

thanks for the rec, will try

>> No.6029999

Was it pu-erh? That kind of tea often tastes a bit fishy to me.

>> No.6030064

Depends on if you like it. I know people who love it for what it is and others hate it for the exact same thing.

Sounds like shitty tea that's been 'wet fermented'. A quality pu'er should not taste fishy like that.

>> No.6030160

How about you stfu?
And thank you for your opinion, I'll try that.

>> No.6030912

Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile, tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home.....

>> No.6030924
File: 2.99 MB, 480x270, 1355447043376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck you...

>> No.6030928

Just remember friend. It was made to be drank.

>Tfw try to save all my best food for special occasions.
>shit goes stale/mice eat it/roommates eat it etc.
Don't do the same anon, although I'm sure Tea isn't the same.

>> No.6030950

As long as it's from a decent factory and not just 25 year old shitty puerh it just becomes worth more in the long run.

>> No.6031046

I have matcha tea sitting in my tea cabinet at home. I bought it in NYC at Ippodo Tea and I recently found out that matcha goes bad quickly. Is that true? I bought it in june and I havent used much of it, not because I dislike it, but because I wanted to save it for special occasions.

I have about 25-35grams left of the 40gram tin I bought. Do you guys think its gonna go bad soon amd I should just drink up?

I made muffins with it thr other day, they are good. Slightly bitter but very leaf-y in a good way. Goes great with sweet fruits or joney.

>> No.6031075

It doesn't go bad, the flavor just goes flat.

>> No.6031622

Does anyone here have experience with "GABA" teas ?

>> No.6032621

So I should use it all up soon?

>> No.6032692

I'd say 1-2 months is as long as you're going to get out of matcha before it begins to taste very diluted.

>> No.6033763


>> No.6034521


>> No.6034780
File: 65 KB, 820x461, RkASrZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else got a tea advent calender? Anji Bai Cha was pretty good today.

>> No.6034804

damn I'm so jealous

>> No.6034885

Sleepytime Black Pumpkin tea with a bit of heavy whipping cream and brown sugar.

>> No.6034939


>> No.6034948

This sounds like a neat idea, are they expensive?

>> No.6035117

what's your preferred brand when it comes to bagged tea?
I like twinnings.

>> No.6035197 [DELETED] 

>ITT: flyover fucks pretend their disgusting flyover bullshit belongs on this board

>> No.6035884

I've opened probably around 10 cans of very high quality matcha by now, and I've noticed that it tastes noticeably less fresh after a week, but still very very good. After around a month or so, they become a lot flatter, but you should've used them all before then.

>> No.6036086

Does throat cancer sound okay to you?

>> No.6036102
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>oh some tea whore wants to write an ode to tea wankery

>> No.6036260

Am I the only one who leaves the tea leavs in the cup then munch on them after I finish to drink?

>> No.6036261

Yes it was about £25

>> No.6036263

I've heard some people do that with gyokuro leaves but idk

>> No.6036267

yeah I eat some sometimes but not the whole lot

>> No.6036305

Does anybody here has knowledge in pairing tea with food? Its been some time since I first heard about it and recently I've been occasionally enjoying some cheeses with my pu'er. It reminds me somehow of wine, which I think is due to tanic content. Anybody into this?

>> No.6036906

is it wrong that I just drink whatever tea with whatever food?

>> No.6038211


>> No.6038739

Aren't there pairings happier than random?

Gonna check what I was told about pu'er and gravelax salmon in a week or so.

>> No.6040273

Have had some very good pu'er (worked for the same company that supplies pu'er to the Chinese politburo) and good gravelax, not at the same time though. Do come back and tell me how it goes.

>> No.6041521

what company?

>> No.6041582

looking at trying out gunpowder green. has anyone else tried it? did you like it? where can I get good gunpowder green online?

>> No.6041602

I like it. tastes like green tea with gunpowder


>> No.6041816

thank you for the imagery anon

>> No.6043582

hell yeah, having a shou right now. 2012 Yunnan Sourcing Cha Tou Sheng Yun
sheng is generally made with better materials. it's almost impossible to find shou made with top materials (bingdao, laobanzhang, guafengzhai)
use the whole thing. i've had it - it's a good young sheng. nothing mindblowing.

i don't think their cakes are worth it at all though. overpriced as hell for autumn yiwu stuff. try Yunnan Sourcing for affordable shit, White2Tea for high-end.

>> No.6043590
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My tea mug is full of cabernet sauvignon. I should probably switch to red rooibos to make the monday morning transition easier.

>> No.6043933

I don't get it, why does everyone like tea so much? Every single time I have tried any true teas all I get out of it is a cup of water that tastes like I soaked some weeds in it and not like some magical beverage of the gods. I don't get it. I feel as if there is some global tea conspiracy and I'm one of the few not in on it.

>> No.6044587
File: 124 KB, 1200x800, gorgonzola-mascarpone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, for instance, is especially great with pu'er (not sure with other teas), highlighting the creamy taste.

I'll make gravelax for next monday, I let you know then.

>> No.6044916

What 'true tea' did you try and how did you prepare it? Start with black teas or a tisane (liquorice is good) if you need something easy.

>> No.6044939

>mascarpone e gorgonzola
oh my

>> No.6045059

>oh my
You have no idea. According to my parents, it's my favorite cheese since, well, the beginning. If I didn't forbid myself to buy some I'd be a landwhale.
>dat creamy/tasty/creamy/tasty layering

>> No.6045066

>Yunnan Sourcing
Thanks, anon.

>> No.6045086

Green tea is meant to be drank warm to hot, depending on the type of leaf.

Black teas can be drank cold, but it really depends on the type of tea - they can be quite bitter cold... which leads to people loading them up with sugar.

>> No.6045088

Chai. Is great.

>> No.6045094

Whatever types you'd like to actually drink anon.

>> No.6045095 [DELETED] 

What's the difference between raw and ripe pu-erh?

>> No.6046629

bitter tea is nasty.

>> No.6046702

Some of the higher quality matcha actually has a hint of natural sweetness to it.

>> No.6046710

So we're not allowed to talk about bubble/boba/milk tea in this thread?

Also what are the ideal temperatures/times for the standard types of tea (green, oolong, etc)?

>> No.6046764

My favorite tea is the Turkish tea.

>> No.6046870

favorite black tea?
best place to get black tea?
best place to get gunpowder green tea?

>> No.6046931


>> No.6047044

holy shit this is perfect. trying a new site and trying out gunpowder great and some golden monkey

>> No.6047122

If you don't drink ice cold matcha from southern Kyoto, you're a tea pleb

>> No.6047228

>ctrl+f lapsang
>not found

What, too dark? It's really good.

>> No.6047281
File: 2.00 MB, 400x292, 1395808977799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

101 dalmations. hot sweet tea & buttered toast by a warm fire.thanks UK. For many things and thongs. nothing special. pot of liptons. fresh bread, bit of butter, peach jam...all is well..

>> No.6047362

>No mention of HIbi tea
You faggots have shit taste

>> No.6047369

Is Hibiki-an any good? Are there better tea websites?

>> No.6047512

It's not bad per se but it's quite strong and smokey. I cook with it rather than drinking it on its own on a cold winter afternoon.

>> No.6047586
File: 35 KB, 264x198, Dilmah-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dilmah
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6049261

where the fuck do I even start? all i've got at the moment is PG Tips

>> No.6049278

has anyone ordered from Red Blossom Tea? i just ordered some stuff there the other day and want to know if i fucked up and shouldve gone somewhere else. only ever ordered from Adagio before and wanted to try somewhere new.

>> No.6049644

Do you guys use a separate thermometer for your water or does your kettle have one built in?

>> No.6049656

i used a candy thermometer once when my kettle was making a particular noise and now i just go by ear.

>> No.6049830
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Every god damn time

>> No.6050114
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Yes, I have a few bricks right now. Got a interesting one that is made just from flowers.

Have you heard of Verdant Tea? They recently had a cyber Pu'er monday. They always have really good stuff. I hear Mandala Tea is good as well.

Anyone here use steepster?

>> No.6050122

I agree with >>6025330
Cheap and badly procsed shu will smell like fish and should not be drank. You just have to search around and read reviews to find a good one. I had an old shu before from 98' and it did not smell like that. Got some from Davids Tea and it smelled like fish.

>> No.6050137

Bigelow is the best. Can't think of a bad flavor from them. Plus based, Constant Comment

On another note, anyone want to post their Puer Bricks?

>> No.6050228

only earl grey just like the captain

>> No.6050300

What is Steepster?

>> No.6050366
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>> No.6051564

I actually have a Pu-erh tea from Upton that they don't even sell anymore.

>> No.6051659

W-where can I find gorgonzola+mascarpone? It sounds like the GOAT cheese.

>> No.6051999

I really want to enjoy tea, but I can't bring myself to enjoy anything other than black/blueberry black/herbals.

And I'm just doing the basics. Ear greys, Chais, Irish Breakfast, white peony, Silver needles, etc. I have a collection and I don't like any of it. (the white teas just taste like leaf juice to me) I've been wanting to get matcha, though I doubt I'll like that, either.

It makes me sad inside. I really want to enjoy teas.

>> No.6052028

>I really want to enjoy tea
why? you either like something or don't. who gives a fuck whether you like it or not? but how don't you like earl grey? also are you drinking them straight or with sugar/honey and/or milk

>> No.6052034

tried it straight.
Straight with various sweeteners
Sweeteners and milk. don't like it.

>> No.6052038

then dont drink it

>> No.6052047

earl grey is pretty much black tea with bergamot

>> No.6052086
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>earl grey with homegrown lemon slices

Too good

>> No.6052099

Do you add sugar to the tea? Sometimes I put a spoon of brown sugar, depending on the kind of tea.

>> No.6052100

if I drink black tea yeah
only with lemon though
pure sugar is nasty

>> No.6052452

if it's good loose leaf, i don't. tea bags i do. i'd probably put sugar in loose black tea, too, since it's basically tasteless without any.

>> No.6052663

I'll put in sweetner if it's black or herbal tea.
Otherwise, nope.

>> No.6052902

Tried some Chinese green tea and it's literally the worst. It's crazy bitter and bags are circular discs which makes no sense.

I do like Bigelow's green tea though. Also, I'm planning on getting a kyusu at some point this month, maybe for Xmas.

I really like this one:

It doesn't seem too expensive either.

>> No.6053108

Depends on where you live, I guess. I'm from south eastern France, near Italy, and you can find it in almost any supermaket cheese section there.
>the GOAT cheese.
It is, my friend.

>> No.6053113

I thought I didn't like tea, turned out I didn't like bergamot. Maybe you don't like earl grey's bergamot. I find breakfast teas a bit harsh. I'd advise to try plain chinese black tea, or go for ceylon.

>> No.6053115

>crazy bitter
try brewing it cooler than boiling water.

>> No.6053116

This is an American messageboard. Cut the faggot shit

>> No.6053124


>> No.6053130

>work graveyard security at a luxury residential high rise
>their lobby has a tea/coffee machine
>have several cups of tea all night long, hundreds of teas to choose from

>> No.6053172

>hundreds of teas to choose from
Little bastard.
I'm waiting for your reviews.

>> No.6053178

White tea makes an excellent ice tea, add lemon, sweeten if desired
Turn them all into iced. Or make lightly flavoured cakes and cookies. I like to make cookies out of shitty chai tea

>> No.6053180

France is hardly near Italy..
Oh man

>> No.6053225

>hardly near Italy

>> No.6053237

Sorry, everywhere in Europe must be a walk around the corner shop!

>> No.6053406

i'm sorry but could you post a pic of this vending machine? maybe google it? I need to see this machine that dispenses hundreds of different types of tea.

>> No.6053414

Google "keurig"

>> No.6053517

Someone on /ck/ ordered a tea sampler from aliexpress a month ago and I ordered the same thing right after they posted... well I just finally got my tea. I'm excited to start trying it out, since I haven't tried most of these kinds of tea before.

>1 . Lapsang Souchong 2 Huang Shan Mao Feng 3 Ripe Puer Lose Tea 4 Xi Hu Long Jing 5 Da Hong Pao 6 Gingseng Tea 7 Jamine Tea 8 Bi Luo Chun 9 Dian hong black tea 10 Black Oolong 11 Mao Jian Tea 12 Tie Guan Yin 13 Dian hong 14 Keemun tea 15 Da hong pao 16 Milk tea

Also picked up 500g of bi luo chun and a couple aged pu-erh cakes that were suspiciously inexpensive.

>> No.6053657

I live in California, near Washington.

>> No.6053665

Especially interested in the Lapsung but if you're unfamiliar with it I guess you may hate it either way

Especially curious about that Milk Tea. All I could picture was that drink with the tapioca balls.

>> No.6053683

>Milk Tea
Is it some wu long which fermentation has been stopped with milk steam?

>> No.6053766
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I'm drinking the Lapsang right now, it's the first time I've tried this kind of tea. I was expecting it to be super-smoky from what I've heard about it. I think this one just has a little smokiness, there's also kind of a roasted flavor like hojicha, but mainly it has a strong sweet plum(?) flavor. It's not bitter, a little astringent. The aroma is really nice but I'm not crazy about the plum taste. I like it, though.

I brewed it 30s/1min/2min at 90C each time. It lost most of it's flavor on the 3rd brew.

No idea, and I can't begin to decipher the calligraphy on the package. I'm guessing it's Jin Xuan/"Milk Oolong" but I don't know.

>> No.6053803

You use the same teabag over and over again? What are you, poor?

>> No.6054354
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Don't buy these guys. They're fucking terrible. I knew it was probably going to be terrible. I feel ripped off and it was only $2. Get the package of disposable tea bags instead.

>> No.6054368

Just get a normal basket filter or better yet a teapot with a filter lining.

>> No.6054385

what if I just want one cup

>> No.6054389

Put the filter into the cup...

>> No.6054392

use a smaller teapot

>> No.6054394

i'm not very into tea but recently i tried my hand at making my own. i use ginger root, anise seed and agave nectar... it's great. just bought some cinnamon to add next time.

>> No.6054400

not tea

>> No.6054406


really? i just assumed that anything left to steep in hot water is tea.

>> No.6054408

coffee is tea now apparently

>> No.6054413


i just looked it up and apparently what i made is referred to as herbal tea.

>> No.6054426
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I use pic related.

What's your problem with tea balls?

>> No.6054428

I have the same one, can confirm it's good.

>> No.6054477

>yfw europe is hardly larger then the US
>yfw your countries are smaller then our tates
Yes, it is near it.

>> No.6054492
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I always take a thermos of tea to class with me
>tfw tea game on point as fuck today

>right amount of tea for the water
>good combo of tea and spice, flavors compliment each other well
>good tea/spice ratio, the tea is flavored without being overpowered
>good amount of sugar, just enough to help the flavor bloom
>good amount of milk, adds creamy feel but no strong flavor
>steeped just the right amount of time, flavor is strong but not bitter
>tea ball didn't rupture when i was running for the bus
Feelsgreat, man.

muslin bags (only use one for each kind of tea you have, and wash them between steeps)>built-in or basket strainers>make-your-own teabags>tea balls>prepackaged tea bags

The clasp tea balls are more likely to leak than the spring-loaded tea spoons, but if your issue is tea filtering through the mesh of the ball itself, then you'll want to get little muslin drawstring bags (pic related, but without the dumb tags) for your tea. Again, make sure you don't mix brews if you use those. Unlike the metal of tea balls or strainers, they'll retain flavor and odor even if washed. I'll use either because most of my teas don't filter through the mesh of a tea ball, so i may as well use them, they take less energy to wash and don't need to be washed as soon as I'm done drinking. What I made today was full-leaf, and a tea ball would hold it fine. But I have muslin bags for several herbal teas I have and Russian Caravan, which I like a very powdery brand of.

Yeah, in general vernacular, tea refers to a specific family of plants, which can be processed in different ways (see follow-up pic) to make teas known as black, green, white, etc. And those can be processed in different ways to make matcha, gunpowder, pur eh, so on, so on.

Anything not from that branch is generally referred to herbal tea, though it can be more specific as well. Like peppermint tea or rooibos. (con't)

>> No.6054498
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(con't) Generally, any kind of tea would involve a leaf of some type, but some herbal blends (like what you made) deviate from that a bit.

And whatever you're making, if you're using a tea ball, remember to use the biggest available one that will fit in your thermos/mug/pot, no matter how much you're steeping. It will brew better if it has room to unfurl and move around in the water.

>> No.6054525
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Is Bigelow pleb tea?

Lemon lift is my jam.

>> No.6054560
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>> No.6054577

Just got my gunpowder green and golden monkey teas delivered today. I like the gunpowder more than other greens I've tried, although it kinda smells like a petting zoo. The golden monkey is really good, really mellow and has little honey notes

>> No.6054609

Maybe I just got a shit brand or something, but I ended up with small pieces of leaf floating everywhere in my tea.

>> No.6054615

don't forget your skittles

avoid cubans with cop fantasies

>> No.6054654

my nigga
the southern style one is great too, or the kiwi - strawberry juice

>> No.6054661

rinse the tea under a small stream of cold water

you should always wet the tea before you steep to allow the tea to unfurl and avoid the shock of hot water hitting dry leaves that can cause too much oil and tannins to come out of the tea, you notice the lighter flavors better this way, its done all over asia as well.

>> No.6054669

finally found the black+white today.
Been too long, sadly was in a can instead of a bottle.
So sugary.

>> No.6054685

who /greentea/ here?

>> No.6054778

Long Run

>> No.6054790

You are scorching the tea.

Pu'er needs water at boiling.

A green tea should be brewed at 75 to 80 or so if you really don't like the bitterness.

>> No.6054818
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Does anyone know what this is/where I can get more? If I am not mistaken, it was sold to me as an oolong, maybe a rock oolong but I can't read Chinese.

>> No.6054822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6054823

Da Hong Pao

>> No.6054829


Whoever sold it to you is correct, Da Hong Pao is a type of Oolong, a very well known type too.

>> No.6055105
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>pour over one tea bag with freshly boiled water
>remove bag after 3-5 minutes
>no string attached to bag

On a different note, chamomile actually calmed my stomach down some

>> No.6055128

Mint tea also is supposed to help if you're feeling nauseous.

>> No.6055161

0/10 b8 m8

>> No.6055421


so is ginger yeah?

>> No.6055481
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For anyone interested and/or lazy

>> No.6057071

what is 'kill-green' ?

>> No.6057298
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>> No.6059292

Comes from a direction translation of the chinese term for this step. Wiki page on this topic says the english word is "fixation"

"...Is done to stop the tea leaf oxidation at a desired level. This process is accomplished by moderately heating tea leaves, thus deactivating their oxidative enzymes and removing unwanted scents in the leaves, without damaging the flavour of the tea."

>> No.6059325
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>sources are WebMD and homeremidies.web
Drink it because you like it, yuppie.

>> No.6061013

Im completely new to tea and based on this thread which i have just read its extremely thorough. Where can i buy the tea persay? any trusted places you personally shop from?

whats the best tea to start with?
any specific method to brewing tea?
do i need any special tools?
should i drink tea without sugar or will the flavor of the tea help in not needing sugar?
i hate bitter tea from tea bags

whats the difference between tea bags and the tea leafs?

sorry for all the questions, i love tea but i have been doing it the wrong way for so long.

>> No.6061020

>believing this shit

You know what we call alternative medicine we tested and discovered that it worked?


Tea's delicious, but it doesn't have any medicinal properties except for wonderful caffeine.

>> No.6061051

Everything in that post varies by tea. I like a dark black tea with cream, some people drink tea made from hibiscus flowers and dried essence of homosexuality, some people drink shitloads of black tea for caffeine, it varies.

Any decent tea place will have steep times and temperatures listed for all of its tea varieties.

>> No.6061059

Someone sell me on tea. I can't stand the way it tastes in general and I can't drink hot liquids until the point of them being lukewarm

>> No.6061063

Tea isn't for everyone, and if you don't like it you don't. It is sort of an acquired taste, and if you brew it wrong you get either bitter awfulness or lightly flavored water. Go into a tea shop and have them make you a cup before you write off the plant entirely.

>> No.6061080

The gf's Chinese. Not American-Chinese, "Was mildly pissed all day today because of the anniversary of the whole Nanking incident" Nihao Chinese. Her parents gift me weapons grade shit all the time; I'm half convinced it's some for of fruitcake.

I'd like to find something I like, but nothing appeals to me. She even had some shit that was made of entire flower heads that unfurl in hot water. Interesting? Yes. Edible to me? No.

Protip: If a Chinese national offers you "Seafood gelatin", run. Run away.

>> No.6061092

And taste or otherwise, how do I address the whole aversion to hot liquids? I rarely drink coffee, and end up with a scalded tongue or cold coffee for my trouble.

>> No.6061159

I think the trick is trying as many styles and preparations as possible. You may not like vodka, but you may love tequila. I guess my advice is to keep an open mind and explore what tea has to offer.

>> No.6061193

Shit like this makes me wish I had Asian friends. Anyway, just do like >>6061159 says. If you've already tried a bunch and don't like any then you might just not like tea.

I personally drink a lot of tea and most of the time I like it to be just barely hot at around 120F/50C. It just depends on the type and personal preference. If it's good and a reasonably small cup then it will still be hot enough by the time I finish it.

I have no idea what you like so it's hard to recommend anything. I would probably say try a straight Chinese black (red) tea like Keemun. Chinese black teas tend to be easy to brew and they hold up well on their own. You can still sweeten it too if you feel like trying it that way.

>> No.6061945

Hi guys. Pleb here.

I've been drinking tea casually for like 4 years and I want to start making it properly.

Right now that's how I'm doing it :
I buy loose tea in a small shop in town that only sell coffee and tea. The brand is Dammann. I'm not sure how good this brand is but since it's a french brand I don't think you can help me with that… Anyway I buy random green tea with dry fruits and spice and shit but I've read that I should probably not do that since flavored teas seems to be used as a way to cover poor quality tea. Anyway I'm just using a tea ball. I put the tea in the tea ball the tea ball in a normal mug with one sugar cube, I heat water with an electric kettle til it boils then just wait a few seconds before pouring it into the mug.

It's done in like 10 seconds with no fuck given. Where do I start if I want to make proper tea?

>> No.6061957

Assam>Redbush>Earl Grey

>> No.6061963
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>> No.6062269


Travel to Japan and spend rest of your life asking that question there.

>> No.6062282

Japanese just drink their tea at starbuck it won't be any helpful.

Also japanese/chinese aren't the only good tea, I also like the arabic tea. When I went there I drank 3 teas per day, every days.

>> No.6062284

Really? Tell us, Anon!

>> No.6062318
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Well, it was in Tunisia. It was green tea, very concentrated, very sweet and always with mint, sometimes with almonds. The cups are pretty small you could drink it in one shot if you wished to.

>> No.6062505

Is drinking with milk and sugar a pleb way of drinking tea?

>> No.6062508

Is drinking with milk and tea a pleb way of drinking tea?

>> No.6062509

depends on the tea
cheap black tea that you just drink because you're thirsty probably goes okay with sugar but I would never ruin (good) green tea with it

>> No.6063917

Why isn't there a whole lot of activity in tea threads? Is it because people don't like tea here? Or are there more interesting drinks than tea? Tea seems like one of the most interesting and diverse drinks so I have a hard time believing that that's the reason.

>> No.6063929

start the thread with sriracha tea pictures to get some kind of narrative

>> No.6063936


nah it's just a really common thread so a lot of people are too lazy to repost shit that they've posted a million times before

>> No.6063940

just woke up , time for the first can of tieguanyin of the day.

>> No.6063945

all you literally need to know is steeping time and temperature for each different kind of tea , all the other information is superflouos. for example , you brew a green tea at 80° and a black one at 95-100°

you can find all the information here im sure if you ask

second, go and order this tea

drink it once. never go back to anything else.

>> No.6064055

>how it goes
Preliminary report: as for gorgonzola e mascarpone, pu'er seems to emphasize fatty tastes. It works well with the fishy side, but I have to investigate deeper with something sour aside and a stronger brewed pu'er.

>> No.6064385

Theses don't let the leaves expand properly

>> No.6064755

thanks anon

>drink it once. never go back to anything else.
B-but I don't want to drink the same tea over and over. D:

>> No.6064890

You will not, repeating taste will force you to try new things.
Do be scared of trying new teas.

>> No.6064903

Ni hao, everyone. Thanks for the thread OP. I've been de-toxicating my body for weeks with green tea for months, its really helping me. My sperm count is 3 times the normal human amount, I can meditate for 5 hours at a time with ice in my crotch, and I can stand on my head with my mouth full of water for ages. Tea really changed how I view myself and those around me, the retard fetal alcohold syndrome shit heads who drink coffee. ( I call em Fecalholdecaffers). Thanks for the thread again. Tea Hao!

>> No.6064909

*fecalhol decaffers

>> No.6064944

>with tea

>> No.6064986

>for weeks for months

>> No.6064991

de-toxicating isn't even a thing

>> No.6064995


>> No.6065306

I have no idea what this post is trying to say. Are you sure some other plants didn't get mixed in with your tea?

>> No.6065660
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>> No.6065747

Interesting...what sort of pu'er are you using again?

>> No.6066349

I'm sorry, I cannot answer this question. It's an overpriced dark pu'er I found in a tea store. The only other one I know is also dark, and was found in an organic store. Both are not sold in bricks and the organic one costs 1/3 of the other for no major difference in taste. They are both not fishy at all and once brewed, their teas are redish.

(I have to find other suppliers and other pu'ers)

>> No.6066383

Guess it's not like we do recipes here (since mixing up tea blends with non tea is considered sacrilege, and expensive to do) for one.
That's basically it. Other than steeping, there's nothing much else you can do with it worth talking about.

>> No.6067524

Is Rooibos supposed to smell like the zoo when it steeps?

>> No.6067534

The rest of Bigelow's teas are pretty awful, but I love this shit for some reason.

>> No.6067820

Is twinings a good brand?

>> No.6067872

it was a little more expensive than what i normally get but i tried some golden monkey black tea and it was fucking great. little notes of honey and shit. fucking good shit.

>> No.6067912

Where did you get it? Teavana has it; I wouldn't mind getting some but I don't know what to get.

>> No.6067913

it's african, so yes

>> No.6067916

fuck teavana. i got it from red blossom tea. it's a few bucks cheaper than teavana and its organic. idt teavanas is. idk if that matters to you, it doesn't to me but some people care. harney and sons looks like they have good stuff too, i'm gonna try them next time i need tea.

>> No.6067921

Yeah, my dilemma is that the only tea shop that's close to me is Teavana. They're pretty overpriced too; I can't say I"m surprised though. They're owned by Starbucks.

>> No.6067933

i ordered online. adagio also has some decent stuff.

>> No.6068053

I've got a kettle and one of those strainers that you put tea in and then put the strainer into a cup. Would a kyusu be better? Do I need one of those cooling cups? I've also got a scale that measures in ounces and grams (no decimal place for measuring in grams though). I also have a thermometer for liquids. I'm just trying to figure out if a $40 kyusu is worth it.

>> No.6068526
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My current brewing set-up is a plastic measuring cup with something similar to pic related in it.

Do you think I should upgrade?

What do you suggest getting?

I have fukamushi sencha at the moment.

>> No.6068635
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>got job at tea place that sells over 100 different teas
>super excited to recommend things to customers after memorising the menu
>mfw realise customers never want to try anything new
>mfw constant stream of chai latte orders
>mfw customers that try to order 'a cup of tea' without specifying which tea
>mfw they answer back with 'black' before settling on English Breakfast
>mfw getting customers wanting to order a white tea when they really mean black tea with milk
>mfw the time a girl came in asking for rose tea that was apparently just literally rose petals
>mfw mfw

>> No.6068644
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>> No.6068686


>> No.6068687
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this manga and thread remind me
can dogs drink tea?

>> No.6068746

become a better salesperson duh

>> No.6069158

Get one of these if you plan to keep having fukamushi, get a yuzamashi as well while you're at it.
A nice cup doesn't have to be that expensive either.
Try some asamushi as well, the sae midori on o-cha was very good in my opinion.

>> No.6069178

You can recommend to me, anon.

>> No.6069237

I understand that tea/coffee matters are like this:
in locations where tea is ubiquitos, people are used to cheap lame watered down tea you guzzle as water, and don't consider it special and don't experiment with it a lot and rarely try exotic varieties. OTOH, they treat coffee as rich,flavourful, strong drink served on special occasions, therefore they make it as posh as possible.
In places where coffee is ubiqitous it's the other way around. (everyone from my place who visited U.S. complained about watery sludge they drink all day long called 'coffee'. And at the same time, they are OK with drinking water-like tea at home.

>> No.6069421

damn man
which place do you work at?

>> No.6069621

I don't like plain green tea, but I LOVE green tea flavored things (green tea lattes, green tea mochi, green tea ice cream, ect). How do I make/find green tea that tastes like that? Would matcha? I was looking into it, was gonna try some when I had the money.

>> No.6069641

sencha has almost no caffeine in it... try gyokuro when yourre not poor

>> No.6069670

Buy some matcha and sprinkle it on your ice cream, or use it to make matcha lattes and other things. Matcha by itself isn't sweet.

>> No.6069688

Matcha is what they use for the green tea lattes at Starbucks. You can get these really cool tools to make it. It's a worthwhile investment.

>> No.6069694


A thermometer and a filter jug. No point in getting better tea if you can't control water temperature and water quality.

>> No.6069801

>and a filter jug

I used to have one but stopped using it since water isn't bad where I live and changing filter every X time was expensive.