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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 600x333, selling-donated-canned-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6020048 No.6020048 [Reply] [Original]

Had a profitable thanksgiving, can't wait till next year easy money,selling donated food.


>> No.6020053

chinks are so opportunistic and greedy

>> No.6020168

That one woman looked a lot like lady chinkey eyes from a few years back.

>> No.6020170

They should make a show called chinks gone wild.

>> No.6020210

SF is one of the most despicable places on this planet

>> No.6020280


I used to run a few booths at a flea market and eventually I would tell the chanks to just keep stepping. Four or five of them would crowd my table, blocking it off from everyone else, not letting others pay, then they would start haggling over nickels and dimes. Holding my table for ransom essentially.

I'm not running a charity, I get up @3:30 on my days off to load the van, set up tables in the dark at some creepy derelict drive-in in the ghetto, freeze my ass off, have to hold my piss until 2pm because I don't have anyone to watch my stuff. No pity on chanks insisting they pay 20c on the dollar, my suspicion being they probably have a table elsewhere reselling the item for full price.

>> No.6020302

Chinks even look like human insects, don't be suprised they are void of all morals

>> No.6020348
File: 83 KB, 604x602, pixie_strenght_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women are so hot though....
Wat do?

>> No.6020395

who cares, i used to buy food from those chinese people, its still cheaper then the store

>> No.6022423

I wouldn't want these turds around my food. One Chinese take out by me was on the news, they got caught dumpster diving for spooler vegetables from the dumpster of the grocery next store next to them. I'm picturing them poking their heads up with those beady little rat eyes and a look of "wut, m8?"

I was at a"nice" sit down place once. A group of 8 had just finished their meal, coughed up probably $140 to pay (not including the mandatory 20% tip the greaseballs added to the bill and guarded the exit to make sure there was no dine & dash).

Soon as they left the entire kitchen staff came out of the back, sat down at the table, and finished eating the food, off the same god damn plates.

I can't bring myself to believe that they can do this kind of shit, with a straight face, apparently no idea there is nothing wrong about it... While at the same time, expecting they would toss out spoiled food, NOT serve food that had been dropped in the floor, or otherwise extend to the customer any such privilege they wouldn't extend to themselves.

>> No.6022448

>they got caught dumpster diving for spooler vegetables from the dumpster of the grocery next store next to them
The produce that get's thrown out in grocery stores in most industrialized nations is still good anyhow, for the most part. Good for them.

>> No.6022454

I'd say good for them if they were eating it but they aren't and probably would refuse. They're selling it for the same price as if they had bought it and not telling people where their food came from.

>> No.6022513

does this video not work for anyone else? just this one.

>> No.6022514

What people don't know won't hurt them.
If they start making people sick then its an issue

>> No.6022571

Seems to be all the old folks. Not sure if Cantonese...

>> No.6022839

people behaving badly huh
show the shit wall street bankers do or even politicians actually anything that isn't mickey mouse bullshit
taking free food and selling it as if its so bad get real faggots this shit is going down in plain site these guys are not behind walls with hundreds of mercenaries protecting them or hiding behind unscrupulous laws
the real shit that should hold ones attention is not this minor type of unsavory actions

>> No.6022958
File: 75 KB, 960x720, popbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
