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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6014714 No.6014714 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you use me anymore? ;_;

>> No.6014716

because you're shit and i never liked you in the first place.

George Foreman and i are very happy together, please don't make me file a restraining order.

>> No.6014719

I still use mine

>> No.6014721
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1412400679441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George Foreman and i are very happy together

>> No.6014739

I love the work you do, but cleaning up afterwards is such a bitch.

>> No.6014985

Heh, it's not that hard, simply clean the melted cheese, if any, with a piece of paper while it's still hot.

>> No.6014999
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>using a jorge 4man
>using whatever that thing is in OP's pic

>> No.6015003

>Wipe up hot cheese with a bit of paper

No sir.

Also you really do need to get all the oil and burned bits off, unless you like that rancid taste on future toasted sandwiches.

>> No.6015051

you taste like taste and nobody like you

>> No.6015062

what does taste taste like?

>> No.6015079

Tastes a lot like taste.

>> No.6015091

I hate taste.

>> No.6015093

You're probably tasting it wrong.

>> No.6015097

>2004+10 tasting

>> No.6015132


>taste like taste

>> No.6015135


Nobody likes it.

>> No.6015136


I was just thinking about using this the other day. I have a lot of cheese at home and this might be the best way to use it.

>> No.6015159

>coming out of a toast
I agree on the burned bits, but I normally just dust them off when it gets cold.
I think it's much less healthy to clean it with anything more than a bit of water, do you use soap (detergent, whatever the name is in english) or something?

>> No.6015166

>coming out of a toast

You need to oil it to stop the bread sticking, you silly man.

>> No.6015183

no you don't.
the instruction booklet specifically says not to oil it.

>> No.6015188

I had to leave you at my parents' house, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll come back to visit you at Christmas.

>> No.6015193

>the instruction booklet

As it well known, there is only one model of toasted sandwich maker in the entire world.

>> No.6015221

Again, what? How can it stick? Why should it?
Unless you're using some kind of bread with some obscure ingredient in it, it shouldn't stick. Just try to use it without oil and you will see.

>> No.6015241

Because I put cheese and bread in you and then you heat it up to a temperature hotter than the earth's core, I bite into my sandwich and burn the fuck out of the roof of my mouth.

>> No.6015250

>How can it stick?

By forming a bond between the bread and the sandwich maker. That's basically the definition of "stick", I think.

>> No.6015260

Sure, because the bread is a food that sticks. Either you're baiting and I'm biting, or you're just completely retarded. And I hope for you that it's the first option, because damn, completely is not a strong enough word.

>> No.6015265

the sandwich maker is coated with teflon.

>> No.6015272

Because I have literally one cupboard for all of my cooking shit. One. One fucking cupboard. It already looks like satan's cooking supply tetris hell in there.

>> No.6015300

>Non-stick always works

Is it your first time in the kitchen?

>> No.6015305

>non-stick never works

stop using metal utensils on it.

>> No.6015315


>> No.6015316

When did I say it NEVER works, you fucking retard?

>> No.6015319

You have to admit there's something wrong with your bread, with your sandwich maker, or with you.
Come on.

>> No.6015324

>I've never experienced it so it can't be true.

>> No.6015333

it's fucking BREAD

>> No.6015347

I still have one. Used it last week, even.
It was delicious.

>> No.6015356

sigh nothing inherently wrong, but ...it's me, it's me, not you.I have a modest home, constructed in the "70's.2200 sq ft A gigantic formal living room, used for nothing, but a kitchen the size of a galley on a nuc sub. every inch counter space must be used. forget double door fridge or dishwasher. I personally have been gifted with 3 George Foreman and consider him a good role model and excellent man, but he had to go. along with salad shooters, kourig coffee makers, hamburger makers, Mr tea.. just a simple fact. unless I am willing to blow out a wall and morgatge 40-80 thousand, (which I aint) you learn to live with what you have.nothing wrong with that. some of the absolute worst meals I have endured have come from McMansions with 4 star ranges, some of the best, literally from shacks.I like cooking, and in high school and college, it helped me pay the way. but tis the cook, not the utensil that makes the food. a Gibson, Martin, or Steinway is just a hunk of wood and metal until someone plays it.I like it. less to clean, and I can be freak about that.

>> No.6015359
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It isn't just bread though, unless you're making some really crappy toasties.

>> No.6015362

That is fine. But it is not the bread that's sticking, it's the cheese.

>> No.6015365

When the filling gets all up over your bread and then welds itself to the toastie maker, your bread is stuck. Argue semantics all you like, but you've glued your toastie inside the toastie maker.

>> No.6015370
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Nothing beats this one.

>> No.6015373

>Argue semantics all you like
I was not. I seriously thought you had the very bread stuck to the thing, no cheese in between. Misunderstanding cleared

>> No.6015378

fucking lol I've never cleaned mine. I don't use it anymore though, it served me well and now it has earned its rest on the shelf

>> No.6015381

I think I'm going to get get mine out of storage and experiment. Fruit fillings maybe or christmas leftovers. Gyro meat?

>> No.6015386

That looks much easier to clean. Also you could probably hang it on a hook with other utensils/

>> No.6015391

Yes, It's practical and awesome, also the taste is way better than the electric one for some reason.

>> No.6015408
File: 11 KB, 206x200, 1417010869854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You managed to get melted cheese into your circuitry, then you spitted sparks at me and blew two separate fuses.

That's why.

>> No.6015430
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x1836, 9qjtI8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. I used you to make pancake bites.

>> No.6015594

Is taste /ck/'s "skub"?

>> No.6015606


>> No.6015620

those things make awesome pies

>> No.6015684

What's it called?

>> No.6015687

Jaffa iron

>> No.6015717

Beans meanz lava.

>> No.6015726


One butters the outside of the sandwich before cooking.

Prevents sticking, makes bread golden-brown.

That temperature, though.

>> No.6015735
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Jaffa, kree!

>> No.6015806
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>> No.6016050

I'm not even sure if I have one. I have like 3 waffle makers (3 sizes, 3 thicknesses, 3 shapes) and a grill press I know for sure. Better check...

>> No.6016062

why in the fuck would you make a grilled cheese without buttering the bread or pan?

I would never eat such a thing.

>> No.6016088

I've been wanting a nice pie iron for a long while now.

>> No.6016203
File: 3.17 MB, 3648x5368, DSCN2313a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unitasker Porn or Horror, you decide.

I just bought a new long-bristled brush that looks sorta like a fingernail brush. I got that specifically because these are a pain to clean. I'll probably be knee deep in suds before the night is through. I probably paid a total of $12USD for all the electric stuff you see here from yard sales.

<3 Davidcraft

>> No.6016232

I miss those things.

>> No.6016309

Filling was always too hot.

Biting one end usually meant the other end would burst open spilling hot contents everywhere.

Crust was always horrible.

Could only use standard bread (ie. couldn't use vienna bread, for example)

>> No.6016315

Going out to buy you for my boo tomorrow, you better work and not fuckup because I'll toss your sorry little metal all in the scrap heap if you dick this up buddy

>> No.6016343

>Filling was always too hot.
>Biting one end usually meant the other end would burst open spilling hot contents everywhere.

Patience is a virtue.

>> No.6016363
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boo i love you thank you so much

>> No.6016375

My dad has that same electric wok, bought it new in the 80's. As a bachelor, it was his popcorn popper.

>> No.6016383

What do those iron things on the top right hand side of the rack with patterns in them do?

>> No.6016390



>> No.6016404

I wouldn't have thought cast iron would be the best material to stop heat penetrating another surface.

>> No.6017042

The hot object you set on it isn't red hot. You can set pretty hot objects on most table/counter tops, but if it is too hot then there's a problem. A trivet, metal or not, will give plenty of air space under the hot container or insulate it with solid material. Nether give you problems in the slightest.

>> No.6017045
File: 1.16 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN2315a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, simply grilled cheese sprinkled with PHS, cumin, black pepper, and cayenne pepper using pepper jack cheese. Love those crusty, salty tips.

>> No.6017071

had to move so I gave it away to the nice biddy next door, she always gave me free meals

>> No.6017182

you're a pain in the ass to clean and you always get dirty.

>> No.6017193

>giant, embedded rocks of salt
Please no

>> No.6017201

Because I have a frying pan, and a stove top that don't automatically go from ice cold to incinerator hot

>> No.6017302

That's actually very fine salt powder. It was ground up in a mortar and pestle. It is as fine as powdered sugar.

>> No.6017749

>I wouldn't have thought cast iron would be the best material to stop heat penetrating another surface.

As far as metals go, cast iron actually has pretty poor thermal conductivity, it just holds heat well once its heated up.

>> No.6017752

Cheese and baked bean toasted sarnies are god tier.

However cleaning them is a fucking nightmare and bread slices are never the right size

>> No.6017774

That is a jaffel maker you claplords

>> No.6017785

I know a guy that makes omelettes in these.

I still use mine once a week for toasties

>> No.6017800

Because I should stop being fat. I'll still use you on my cheat days bby don't worry ;))

>> No.6018054
File: 186 KB, 970x1465, john-ratzenberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sperges out with pedantic shit

I bet you hate this age of cellphones with wikipedia access. I bet you were king of useless trivia, "back in the day."


>The traditional device is known as a pie iron, pudgy pie iron or jaffle iron.

>> No.6018081

>Jameel maker

Allright Mohamed, calm down.

>> No.6018127
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Because my stupid piece of shit brother left some cheese in it and put it back in the cabinet without cleaning it and told no one. It was FULL of ants when I tried to use it. Not even joking; there were ants in the heating elements, in the wires, it was awful. Even with a damn good cleaning, turning it on would filling the room with the smell of old cheese and ant genocide.
That was about two years ago, and I've never really felt like I needed to buy another one.

And holy shit, I just realized I haven't had a grilled cheese sandwich at all in the past two years. I feel like that's a problem for some reason.

>> No.6018364

>And holy shit, I just realized I haven't had a grilled cheese sandwich at all in the past two years. I feel like that's a problem for some reason.

Just use a regular pan.

>> No.6018380

I cook my sandwiches on the stove and I put something heavy on top before pressing the ever loving shit out of them

>> No.6018469


but I use you all the time! what the hell are you bitching about?

>> No.6018494

Because you tripped my circuit breaker and I don't want my house to burn down.

>> No.6018559

i feel that

>> No.6018568
File: 31 KB, 451x369, panini grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know if these things are any good?

want something mainly for toasting sandwiches but also the occasional grilling of breakfast meats and vegetables and other things

>> No.6018575

Probably better off with just a flat one, no need for those griddle things.