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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6011232 No.6011232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can eat literally as much as I want and never get fat

>> No.6011242

>tfw you think you're a special snowflake for being average weight

>> No.6011245

actually, since there are so many obese people, you're not average weight anymore i guess.

keep being awesome, OP.

>> No.6011248

TFW exercising twice a week and watching what I eat still isn't enough. Fuck sedentary jobs.

>> No.6011255
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>tfw I forget to eat

>> No.6011277

>tfw constantly stuffing yourself like a pig until you are uncomfortably full because you won't put on weight and can shitpost about it on the internet

>> No.6011283

only people from flyover states get fat

>> No.6011292

>mfw people think basic caloric and energy law don't apply to them and that they "literally cannot" gain weight

it's cute but it's retarded :3

>> No.6011308

Hi5 bruh

In my case, my body is physically incapable of eating enough food to gain weight. Suck it, n00b, I am higher life form.

>> No.6011309
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>tfw you lose 64 pounds then gain a lot of it back because you think your metabolism is as strong as Superman's penis.

>> No.6011351


Just wait, age will catch up with you

>> No.6011362
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>I always collect what is mine.

>> No.6011430

So what? I eat all the fucking unhealthy fat/sugary stuff and i'm still thin.

>> No.6011447

>those uneducated high school dropouts with their anecdotal arguments thinking that they can't gain weight

Keep eating like shit, it will catch up to you one day.

>> No.6011463

Sorry to burst your bubble calories in/out fag but there are many people like this.
My mom has a friend in his fifties that eats over 6000 calories a day , does no exercise and is thin as a rail.
His cholesterol sucks from so much junk food but that's the only downside for him.

>> No.6011471
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I'm the same way
Being big boned rocks!

>> No.6011475

>any people like this.

There are many people who miscount calories, sure. But calories in/out is not a matter of debate, it's a matter of physical laws of the universe. You might take a physics class sometime, you know?

>> No.6011479

That usually ends in your late 20s to early 30s, just so you know

Same as the "I don't get hangovers" thing

I mean you get something that resembles a hangover at that age, but you won't know what a real, crippling hangover is until you're a bit older

Source: someone who thought he was the special snowflake (note: everybody does)

>> No.6011480

You do not have perfect knowledge of the system in question anon so you cannot claim law of conservation of energy.
Learn to science.

>> No.6011491

He does within reason, faggot.

>> No.6011497
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>My mom has a friend in his fifties that eats over 6000 calories a day , does no exercise and is thin as a rail.
sure he does

>> No.6011502

You're eating too much. It's not complicated.

>> No.6011504

You do know that the sticky on /fit/ is deeply flawed right?

You do understand that nutrition science is pretty laughable and considered very primitive in the world of science and medicine right?

>> No.6011506
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tfw lost 12kg in 2 months for gf then she breaks up with me

>> No.6011510

>implying the digestive system is the same as a pure laboratory sample of some metal that you're testing with a multimeter

Protip: it's not a matter of debate because there is nothing to "debate", instead you do studies.

Even something as simple as not chewing your food can have an effect on the way your digestive system handles the calories. Ever seen the peanuts in your own shit? Oops! So much for calories in/calories out!

>> No.6011523
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>there is nothing to "debate",

puts comma outside the quotation marks and expects to be taken seriously

>> No.6011529

There is someone out there that is getting all the fat you should be putting on. They're gaining weight for no reason at all and they don't know why.

If you ever meet this person, all the fat you should have been gaining will suddenly transfer to you and you'll have an instant, massive heart attack.

>> No.6011545

>instead you do studies.

Exactly. And that's where the calore numbers come from. The numbers assigned to calories in food (carbs and protein = 4 cals/gram; fat 9 cals/gram) are not calculated in a laboratory. They were determined empirically from studying what went in and out of human bodies. They already account for what we humans can and cannot digest. They are called Attwater factors; you might want to read up on that.

>> No.6011568

>Attwater factors; you might want to read up on that.

And you might want to read up on how notoriously flawed that system is anon.

>> No.6011594


I have. It's not perfect but nobody has done any better.

And there are plenty of studies regarding metabolic rates which have found that despite what people claim, are actually very consistent among people.

Faced with that information I conclude that people who claim to be eating 6000 cals a day and not gaining any weight because of it are simply mistaken about how many calories they eat. I have seen that happen time an time again. One of my roomates in college was always talking about how he could eat massive binge meals and never gain any weight--and many times he would indeed devour a massive amount of fast food. But that would be his only meal for the day. And the next he might not eat anything at all. But that didn't register in his mind, it was just "lol eat 8000 cals a day and don't gain weight".

>> No.6011599


Go to Texas.

>> No.6011601
File: 52 KB, 576x418, 1414575582969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw texas thinking it's not a flyover state again

you guys are killing me

>> No.6011602

Texas is a flyover silly billy.

>> No.6011830

I'm pretty sure seeing nuts in your poop counts towards the calories out. There is no debate because calories in/out is how it works. Calories in means how many calories you obtain from the food not how much you Khan down your throat

>> No.6011841 [DELETED] 

Ha! Don't even know how to use an original /ck/ meme correctly, flyover is the home of the Queen and her corgis, Big Ben, and blood sausage. MENEFOOD FOREVER!

>> No.6011844


>The numbers assigned to calories in food (carbs and protein = 4 cals/gram; fat 9 cals/gram) are not calculated in a laboratory. They were determined empirically from studying what went in and out of human bodies.

The concept of a calorie is based on how much energy from fat, carbohydrate, or protein is required to heat water. Nothing to do with the human body. Not to say it's totally useless, but a carbohydrate, a fat, and a protein are not metabolically the same.

>> No.6011859


I'm like this too, I don't want much food so I can eat as much as I want.

>> No.6011872


Then he should see a doctor.

>> No.6011937

No anon. Its very common.

>> No.6011967

No, that's a serious medical condition.

>> No.6011981

Tfw lost weight and became healthy after my gf broke up with me

>> No.6011999


You're right anon, Graves' disease is a fairly common condition.

>> No.6012044

Sigh, no anon, all skinny people who eat massively are not suffering from Graves

>> No.6012060


That's true, there are also other conditions that can cause that.

Unless of course they are athletes.

>> No.6012063
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That happens far to often.

>> No.6012071

They determine the total amount of energy it takes to break a chemical down with heat in units based on heating a quantity of water to a certain temperature. Then they guess at how much of that energy is actual potential energy utilized by the body not in the process of digestion, etc. Basically it is total energy minus a fudge factor which is the value they print on boxes. The concept of viewing the human body as a blast furnace is probably a bit flawed. In today's society what really matters to most is "How much body fat will food create?" Calorie counting cannot give you an accurate picture of that. Nutritional science is more junk and pseudoscience than hard fact.

>> No.6012114


There's some difference in how humans metabolism different macronutrients (the best example being our inability to use fiber as energy for use or storage), but athletes and bodybuilders have been using that model for decades with much success because it's accurate enough to work in most settings, especially when it comes to calorie deficits where macronutrients basically don't matter; starvation is starvation


To use a simplification used for the sake of population-level weight management to say that nutrition science is junk/pseudoscience is some Gary Taubes level of crazytalk though

>> No.6012129

wth is a macronutrient?

When I was learning this shit years ago there were only three nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. On top of that you have vitamins and minerals but only those three are correctly labeled as nutrients at least years ago. This whole macronutrient buzzword sounds like some flying saucer bullshit /fit/ cooked up.

>> No.6012132


Macronutrients are protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals

>> No.6012147
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>being average weight automatically makes you a speshul snowflake among Amerilards

>> No.6012153

But different people have different calories out, no one in this thread has implied that they break the laws of physics.

>> No.6012166

But it is implied when they throw out the figure of 6000 calories. That's just physically impossible and I'm assuming they're having a laugh at everyone responding.

>> No.6012171


Yeah, what the hell kind of metabolic processes could your body be performing to burn 4000 extra calories? That's 2 extra people of stuff your body needs to do to use the extra energy. If your body is that inefficient you have some sort of disease.

>> No.6012175

Ever notice how it's always old people who make these types of claims. It's almost always for attention.

>> No.6012176

Either you are growing quickly or a pro athlete.

>> No.6012202

>That's just physically impossible
No its not.

>> No.6012236

>The concept of a calorie is based on how much energy from fat, carbohydrate, or protein is required to heat water.

In chemistry class, yes. But the calorie counts associated with food were not determined that way. They were determined empirically, from studying the human body.

Attwater factors. Google it. The numbers associated with food (carbs and protein = 4 cals/gram and fat = 9) came from studying the human body, not from a calorimeter.

No, they do not. Water has nothing to do with it. They fed people and monitored their resipriaton, sweat, poop, pee, and everything else. There was no "guesswork", it came from an emprical study.

Attwater. Google his name. Read the research. Heating water has nothing to do with it.

>> No.6012245

you califags are laying it on a bit thick, troll softer faggots

>> No.6012249

no :)

>> No.6012251

>Attwater. Google his name. Read the research. Heating water has nothing to do with it.

True enough, its not pure quackery but it is also pretty poor science.
As time goes on it is given less credibility.

>> No.6012256


Unless you're a pro-athlete, having a TDEE of 6000 calories is impossible is in a healthy, non-diseased human.

>> No.6012259

I used to be like that. Then I turned 30.

>> No.6012274


My point was to do discuss the validity of the science but to dispel the notion that those calorie figures came from a bomb calorimeter (aka heating up water). They did not; they came from empirical research on people.

As for the validity of his research: sure, it's not perfect, as anyone who reads the wiki article is happy to parrot. But the fact remains that nobody has (yet) come up with a better system.

>> No.6012276

You are make an assertion that is not correct.

>> No.6012283


Can you show me non-anecdotal proof of an adult human who eats 6000 calories a day and doesn't gain weight despite only exercising sparingly? Like, are there any medical case studies of anyone doing this?

>> No.6012285

>But the fact remains that nobody has (yet) come up with a better system.

It is so deeply flawed that in many instances it useless or worse.
Bad data has huge ramifications.

>> No.6012292


Explanation of flaws, please.

I think you're just talking out your ass because it doesn't fit your (incorrectly) preconceived notions.

>> No.6012417

>food labs rely on conversion factors first assembled more than 100 years ago by the agricultural chemist Wilbur O. Atwater, who literally did burn things like beef and corn in a device called the "bomb calorimeter." While today's calorimeters look a lot more sophisticated, Atwater's was more or less a fireproof container sheathed in water and hooked up to a thermometer. He used it, along with a larger device capable of measuring the heat output of an active person, to figure out how much usable energy different foods possess. The idea is that burning, say, a hamburger shows the total energy that hamburger contains, but it doesn't account for what the human body cannot absorb, nor what is used in the digestive process. So Atwater derived a set of tables that specify the practical energy values of different foods, distinguishing, for example, among different sources of protein. The most recent update to the conversion tables was published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1973.


Basically burnt food - fudgefactor = food calories

>> No.6012460

Tfw working two jobs so dont really bike or cook healthy things anymore

Tfw eat only once a day but its hardly ever healthy

Tfw coworker told me earlier I look like im getting big, but it looks hot because she likes a big guy 4 u

I dont know what to feel. gonna start dieting again, id rather be thin.

>> No.6012478


It's not possible in a healthy adult.

>> No.6012505


I love how much bolts&tape technology modern science is based on

>> No.6012507

I'd have to say an adult who sits around and does nothing but consume 6000 calories already fits within at least my understanding of unhealthy.

>> No.6012512

>tfw your metabolism is so shit you gain weight just by looking at your chickens walking around

>> No.6012547


Science is a process. The process of developing a hypothesis, testing it, and drawing conclusions from the data. Perhaps you meant to say that you're surprised at how much bolts&tape a specific *theory* is based on?

>> No.6012556


Yes, that's why I say that it is impossible.

>> No.6012582

don't ever decide to "get healthy" that's when shit will come back to bite you in the ass and you'll balloon up

>> No.6012682

she was into fatties