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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6010107 No.6010107 [Reply] [Original]

best brand of eggnog /ck/??

>> No.6010111
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make your own

>> No.6010120

ur mom gave me some nog m8

>> No.6010121

Once in a while is good to make your own...but time consuming and more expensive

>> No.6010124
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>> No.6010159

This year I'm trying the Founding father's slaving-owing, whore-mongering, Brit-slapping, whiskey-making, wooden-teeth-having nog.

12 egg yolks, beaten
12 egg whites, beaten to stiff peaks
12 tablespoons sugar (Instant Dissolving)
1 quart cream
1 quart milk
1/2 pint Bourbon or Rye Whiskey
1 pint brandy
1/2 pint dark rum
1/4 pint sherry

Let it cure for a five-ish days. It will seperate, mix then serve then fuck.

>> No.6010170
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>12 TBS
>not writing "3/4c"

>> No.6010179

Are there actually raw eggs in eggnog?

>> No.6010212

Yup. The booze 'cooks' it, and kills off any bacteria. ait should keep in the fridge for a long time

>> No.6010221

The chances of getting sick from raw eggs are ridiculously even in the US

>> No.6010232
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>> No.6010246

fuck just their normal milk is fucking good I cant even imagine their egg nog bonering at the thought

>> No.6010259

So what liquor do you put in your eggnog, homemade or otherwise? Dark rum, bourbon, sherry? All three?

>> No.6010264
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Sad but true.

>> No.6010288

Rum or brandy for me. If rum, a dark spiced like kraken.

>> No.6011403
File: 628 KB, 584x260, Eggnog quarts extended_2012_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive tried them all

>> No.6011411

traditionally it's brandy.
dark rum if you want something more colonial.
both is fine, too.

bourbon is also fine i guess but not really.

>> No.6011418

Why is one Golden Eggnog limited edition but the other isn't? Is the carton a collector's item? What is the point of calling it limited edition when eggnog is seasonal? Will eggnog production stop after this season?

>> No.6011496

not sure. i think the quarts are limited edition (seasonal) because ive seen them every year. ive actually never seen the half gallons before so mayb in certain areas they are year round? im not sure why they would be. i know turkey hill and convenience stores in my area sell 16oz eggnogs year round

>> No.6011507

I... I've never tried eggnog.

>> No.6011509

>Grade A Eggnog

Is there a Grade B Eggnog? Like, it curdled a bit so they'll sell it on to industrial users, like they do with misshapen and bruised fruit?

>> No.6011513


Why not just drink Baileys Irish Cream?

>> No.6011553

because that's a cream. you use it in cocktails.

eggnog is a cocktail, you can use bailey's in it if you want but that might curdle the egg with all the alcohol already in it.

>> No.6011556

How sheltered and uninformed and uncultured are you? Do you live in a cave or some weird east European country? Are you underage? Honestly I don't even know how you could possibly not understand.

>> No.6011771


What are you, fucking retarded?

>> No.6011773


>> No.6011775

>Implying eggnog doesn't taste the same as Irish Cream

>> No.6011779

it really doesn't. not even remotely.

>> No.6011783

Uh, no

>> No.6011806

>Damage Control
>Really really bad damage control at that
Just stop. It's okay anon, we won't make fun of you anymore.

>> No.6011810 [DELETED] 

Tastes like memefood that only flyover chavs would drink.

>> No.6011813
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Literally just bought this today. Prefer the taste over Land 'o Lakes or Southern Comfort brands.

>> No.6011827

I have a bourbon/rum/brandy eggnog aging in the fridge right now. Will be done this weekend and I cannot wait.

>> No.6012067

Eggnog for black people exists?

>> No.6012075

>doesn't understand grading

>> No.6012085

>Cream plus bourbon doesn't take the same as cream plus whiskey

Well O.K, because most Bourbon is terrible, I guess. Unless you're trying to claim that Eggnog doesn't just taste of eggy cream.

>> No.6012090

>Egg nog season

God help me I'm going to gain five pounds before it stops snowing.

>> No.6012091

give up.

>> No.6012096

They purposefully made the entire food grading system convoluted and don't teach it in schools so people stay misinformed or uninformed.

>> No.6012098

How many times are you going to be wrong before you quit posting?

>> No.6012103

Do they even sell hard eggnog in America? I've only ever had non-alcoholic eggnog.

>> No.6012123


>> No.6012260

Yeah. But depending on the state the hard eggnog would have to be purchased at a licensed liquor store. Most people here just add their own liquor though.

>> No.6012267


I'm sure this does vary based on state, but I have seen it sold at places with just a beer/wine license not necessarily a full-on liquor store. Most of the time it's not high enough concentration to warrant a full-on liquor license.

>> No.6012279 [DELETED] 

Tastiest Memedrink I've ever tried, Flyover shit included.

>> No.6012284

Like I said it depends on state. Some states such as Pennsylvania you cannot even purchase beer unless it is at a liquor store.

>> No.6012403

I don't believe the supermarkets can sell hard eggnog here and the liquor stores lack refrigeration.

>> No.6012441

>I don't believe the supermarkets can sell hard eggnog here and the liquor stores lack refrigeration.
All of this depends on region. I for one have never seen a local liquor store without at least a small refrigerated section.

>> No.6012480

I am in NY so maybe someone can correct me. It has been years since I have been in a liquor store but from what I remember they had no coolers. The supermarkets are allowed to carry beer so I assumed that was why. Looked it up on my supermarket site since I rarely go over to the alcohol when there. They had only soft eggnog.

>> No.6012523


I'm not from NY so maybe things are different there but every liquor store I've ever been to--over multiple states--has fridges/coolers/whatever you want to call them.

>> No.6012524
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This kind is best but it costs a fucking dollar more than the store brand kind so I suffer.

>> No.6012530

The sugar cookie eggnog is fucking incredible.

Does anyone else use eggnog to make lattes? fucking amazing.

>> No.6012538

I'm from New York and almost every liquor store has a fridge. Most would carry hard eggnog seasonally. The Price is high though, it would be more cost effective to buy soft and add your own booze to it.

>> No.6012580

really you just have to make sure that the eggs are fresh, arent covered in crap, and dont have any discoloration to the egg itself.

Not really sure what else could be wrong with an egg to make you sick.

>> No.6012665

What does eggnog taste like guys?

>> No.6012672


>> No.6012685

Tastes like spiced egg custard

>> No.6012776

That's like using the touch test when you're cooking steak. Just because you can't see crap doesn't mean it isn't there.

If you want to live dangerously, by all means, but there's a reason it's recommended that you cook your eggnog base (it gets thicker too).

You could also use pasteurized eggs, or those egg mixes which would save you the trouble of cracking all of them.

>> No.6012864

what kind of brandy is traditional?

>> No.6012878

whatever you've got on hand. even cognac if you want, although that's a bit pricey to be drowning in cream and nutmeg.

really? are we still doing this? there's absolutely no reason to be afraid of eggs unless you're an infant or extremely old. and even then all you have to do is clean the shell, there's no sally monella IN the egg.

>> No.6012895

but if I didn't have any on hand, what would be something good to buy? do they all taste the same?

>> No.6012900

Does eggnog taste of egg?

>> No.6012919

brandy is actually a pretty broad category, but again you're working with cream, egg and sugar here.
whatever you find cheap at the liquor store will work fine.

>> No.6012938

Mayfield eggnog
No pix
Also is it acceptable to drink eggnog on Thanksgiving? This thread has made me want some really bad.

>> No.6012946

you will of course refrain from drinking eggnog until the 23rd of december, out of respect for the Grog Mutiny of 1826.

>> No.6012995

damn I had a feeling someone would say that :(

>> No.6012999

yes. like really sweet egg and cream.
except the kind with nutmeg. then it tastes like nutmeg.

>> No.6013000

Evan Williams.

>> No.6013004

does anyone fucking cook on this board or is it just survey thread and shitposting about chipotle

>> No.6013014

welcome to /ck/

now get out

>> No.6013023

i'm being facetious.
drink it whenever you want, who gives a shit?

>> No.6013025

I feel like a pussy but I can't stand eggnog with booze, it always taste like shit and the booze is overpowering.

>> No.6013035

sounds more like you're drinking shitty nog with shitty booze.

>> No.6013041
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>> No.6013338
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If only I could find my granpaw's eggnog recipe I'd drink that instead