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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6008115 No.6008115 [Reply] [Original]

I think I fucked up /ck/.

My gf and her family came over on sunday for a meal since it's our one year anniversary. Anyway, her family is chinese so I decided i would make authentic chinese food. I looked up some /ck/ infographics to help. I'm really not too up on cooking outside student food but i researched this stuff a lot to make it good

>starter was fried whole crab claws with chilli dip, along with egg drop soup

they didn't even touch the crab claws. i put a lot of effort into the soup, i got some whole grain white pepper corns that i ground myself for it but they just spent most of the starter course splitting up the egg and playing around with the food

>main was kung pao chicken with szechuan shrimp

this one went pretty well to be honest.

desert was probably where i went wrong. my local chinese supermarket had closed for the week because of an accident so i couldn't get anything. i decided to use indian desserts instead.

> gulab jamun with sandesh and a cup of huangjiu (i heard it was tradition)

i get that it wasn't chinese but i followed the recipes to the letter and it was so bad that my girlfriends mom had to be excused to the bathroom. it wasn't even a recipe from /ck/ so it was definitely legit.

>> No.6008125
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>gulab jamun with sandesh and a cup of huangjiu

> serving a MILK BASED DESSERT to traditional Chinese people
> mfw

>> No.6008132

>using a memeresponse
>advice doesn't even make sense

i already fucking pointed out that i get it wasn't authetic

>> No.6008135 [DELETED] 

not your personal blog, faggot

>> No.6008136

Why do people (mostly americans) do this?

Oh you have a people who's from a country of which they know the food better than any other. You cook what you're best at, not what the guest is best at.

>> No.6008138

you didn't ask for advice. you dear-diary'd all over /ck/. you're a fucking faggot and need to get ebola and shit your lungs out your arse

>> No.6008143


>spent most of the starter course splitting up the egg and playing around with the food

Google egg drop soup. That shit isn't made with a whole egg.

> gulab jamun with sandesh and a cup of huangjiu (i heard it was tradition)

What this guy is trying to say is that most asians are lactose intolerant. Also, I don't know indian deserts very well, but the alcohol and milk might have curdled.

Now stop using this as your personal blog and fuck off.

>> No.6008183


If you were the least bit culturally aware, you would know that Chinese people don't really eat dessert and that many of the older folks cannot handle dairy very well. Next time try going for some fresh fruit, you fucking Amerifat

>> No.6008185

>be me
>be chinese
>gf's american family comes over to my place for dinner
>by them all big macs and super-size fries with cokes because they are american and wanted to serve american cuisine
>food is barely eaten, feel really bad
>later in the night my gf informs me that her parents are what's known as "foodies" in america
>mfw they're really just picky eaters

>> No.6008226
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>> No.6008273

>stop using this as your personal blog
Why do people always say this? What are we supposed to talk about? The latest kfc sandwich? The lamest youtube channel? The most obvious bait thread?

>> No.6008275


A lot of people here didn't get a very good education, so reading more than a single sentence or two is stressful.

There was a thread this weekend where some guy was arguing that writing and literature classes were a waste of time for kids. His posts were full of horrible grammatical errors and he was fairly ignorant of what passes for general knowledge in most circles.

>> No.6008390

Ask for advice, don't tell us about your day. No one fucking cares. We don't know you or your slanty-twatted bitch.

>> No.6008425

I'm not OP. Why are you even on /ck/ if all you want to do all day is be mean to people? Why don't you take up boxing instead and work on getting some of that aggression out?

>> No.6008458
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>> No.6008465

4chan is for being mean to people. if you're looking for a circlejerk or a hugbox, go to reddit and/or tumblr.

>> No.6008681

No it's not. /b/ is for that. I'm sorry you're being bullied at school and I promise you that someday when you grow up and pump gas for a living nice people like me will give you adequate tips :)))

>> No.6008692

Not your blog, faggot.

>> No.6008746 [DELETED] 

Stuck up fucking Chink cunts.

>> No.6010267

It sounds like they were trying to assert their dominance over you. Chinese culture is kind of fucked up when it comes to outsiders marrying in.

I'm in Taiwan, and there are a lot of horror stories among expats about the conflicts. They aren't even really "cultural conflicts", they are the result of the Chinese family refusing to follow their own traditions because the stupid foreigner doesn't know what the traditions are and so the Chinese family can make it up as they go along.

Anyway, they probably just wanted to make sure that you were put in your place within the family hierarchy.

>> No.6010273

>latest kfc sandwich
Fuck you this is a CHIPOTLE board you chicken-eating shitweasel. WE WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU IF YOU TRY TO SHOVE YOUR KFC CRAP DOWN OUR THROATS.

>> No.6010283

Chinese here... This guy is about right. Either that or the parents don't like you or think you're not good enough for their daughter.

>> No.6010286

>No it's not. /b/ is for that.
Actually, /b/ is just kind of passively aggressive,
and /ck/ is downright hateful.
For reals.

>> No.6010299

that's because we're tired (by we I mean the multiple deadend job wage slaves in the restaurant business) of having to deal with idiots at work
we come home and have to deal with people like OP

and you

>> No.6010302

What do you do for living OP and do her parents know about it?

I guarantee you this has more to do with them not liking you than your food.

>> No.6010311

I understand what you're saying dude, but you need to have thicker skin.
This is 4chan

>> No.6010312

/ck/ wasn't this bad like a year ago. I've been visiting this board for at least six years and it's seemed to have taken a turn for the nasty as of late. It's really disheartening. I just want to have friendly discussions about food again...

>> No.6010323

i cringed reading OP.

i don't know why you thought serving shitty faux-authentic chinese food to actual chinese people would be a good idea. nothing you make will be as good as what they are used to eating. the fact you thought an indian dessert would be good because "well it's asian food" is funny though. man you white people are funny sometimes

>> No.6010345

>A white person can never make anything but hamburgers and cheese well

Take your bait to /b/.

>> No.6010356

Nobody enjoys this stuff, it's more of an obligation than anything.

>fresh fruit

>> No.6010389

As I white guy should I stay away from getting with a 4/10 28 yo virgin Cantonese girl?

>> No.6010423

Cantonese people are the worse, well probably next to the Shanghainese in terms of a superiourity complex and snottiness. Well this only really applies to rich families, that emigrate to the west and open successful businesses and think they're better than everyone else. This applies to my family and quite a few others I know of. I'm half Cantonese and half Shanghainese, but know more about Cantonese/HK culture.

>> No.6010436

Apparently ebin Fazoli's memes. Fuck the stupid fucking memelords on this board, sharing a COOKING experience apparently isn't ok but shitposting your gay memes are.

>> No.6011054

Me too. I've been here since 2008 and the idiots seem to have won.

>> No.6011075

It's because you didn't even make a shallow attempt to start a discussion or anything, you just told us what happened and that's it. What do you even want from posting this thread? Your OP doesn't indicate you wanted anything other than just make a blog post somewhere and the only place you could think of was /ck/.

>> No.6011098

Chinese here. Everyone in my family loves crabs. I don't know what's wrong with your gf's family. Although Chinese cuisine differs a lot from region to region so idk

>gulab jamun with sandesh
No idea what this is, but it sounds Indian. Which means it's probably super sweet. I love sweet stuff but most older Chinese people probably don't. Also in reply to >>6008125 I grew up in asia and the only people I know who don't like milk are people my grandparents' age. Even then my grandpa will eat cheese pizza, he just doesn't like dairy stuff. The whole "asians are all lactose intolerant" thing is hugely exaggerated, at least in my experience. A lot of the older folks don't eat dairy that often though, so they might just not be used to it.

>huangjiu not baijiu
Just kidding both are awful. But I never heard of anyone just drinking huangjiu straight... it's usually used for cooking or something.

On the whole I think you did okay OP. Sounds like you made an honest effort and if they're decent people they'll appreciate that.

>> No.6011099

A blogpost is still better than the endless shitty threads about food reviewers and processed foods. People should be posting stuff about what they're cooking and not the same meme crap I see everywhere. If you don't liek the guy's thread just ignore it and it'll die a quick death but if you spam it with shitty comments it's just going top go on and on liek this one. At least you could attempt to use humour. Remember? The lulz? The problem with this board is that there's a load of johnnycomelately twats who don't even know what it's about. Proof of it is the fact that when someone posts a well worn /ck topic an idiot comes in and immediately starts insulting the poster without even knowing the history of it all.

I'm not even OP. I'm not butthurt or anything. I'm just sick of dumb retards trying to ruin the 100% of /ck/ for everyone. All the interesting people seem to have moved on but I can't really find anywhere else to go.

>> No.6011126


My gf is Chinese too (Taiwan) and I have cooked for her family. Some things I have made I just threw together, some things were real dishes. Some things were Chinese-like, some weren't. They should appreciate the effort, Chinese food or not.

I have made them:

-Eggplant Parm (everything from scratch including sauce)
-Plum Chicken Wings
-Scratch-made Shrimp Miso Soup (even the noodles I made myself)

They like to go out to eat so we don't get to cook together too much, and they typically force the leftovers on us. For everything I've made for them, they actively and happily kept leftovers for all but the plum chicken wings, so I know they enjoyed it. Feels good man.

A word to the wise though: they are 100% racist as fuck and if you are not Chinese you will never be good enough. They will learn to tolerate you at best, even if they like you as a person. People from the mainland/Taiwan just can't into their daughters not dating/marrying Chinese. They will always dislike you deep down. Be ready to deal with that shit if you plan to keep this girl. inb4 gtfo /pol/

>> No.6011133
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>I'm not butthurt or anything.

>> No.6012126

>A blogpost is still better than the endless shitty threads about food reviewers and processed foods.
except it's not
especially since your post was just some whining about how you're a culturally insensitive and shitty cook

>> No.6012136

Well apparently OP can't

>> No.6012144

>I'm really not too up on cooking outside student food but i researched this stuff a lot to make it good

Well there's your problem. Just 'researching' a new dish isn't guaranteed to work. You need to cook something you're already good at instead of risking it by being ambitious and trying something you've never done before.

>> No.6012169

I will never understand why you would cook your guest's home cuisine instead of your own. At worst, you horribly mangle their traditional foods. At best, you give them something they eat every day anyway.
I just don't understand it.

>> No.6012177


Some people are really picky eaters. There's a lot of Americans that just won't eat foreign foods so you have to make something simple for them.

>> No.6012180

don't invite picky eaters into your home.
ideally cut off all contact with picky eaters entirely, but at the very least don't cook for them.

>> No.6012183

I guess, but even then, there's no real way of telling what this one potential picky eater might not like.

>> No.6012201

Two things OP. I would've sucked your dick if you served me gulab jamun and sandesh that you made yourself. Secondly most asians I know have terrible palates. The epitome of high cooking for them is some sort of vaguely sweet chicken. I don't know about chinese people in China but in the US out of all the ethnicities they take the least pride in their food. Which is funny considering that their food is the most popular in the US by far.

Don't sweat it and keep working towards becoming a better cook.

>> No.6012237

How about you don't 4chan if you don't like people. Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.6012240


Likewise. I remember OC, Verticals, and even with all the troll hate, PHS Guy at least posted a new meal every day. Sure, there was bullshit fast food posts (Oh God, the McRib threads), but we had awesome stuff too.

I miss Heartsonfire. Another year with no Advent Calendar.

>> No.6012244

>Another year with no Advent Calendar.

Why? You too lazy to make one?

>> No.6012254


Do you even know how much work she used to put into those threads?

Hell, I bet you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. Another shithead fresh out of high school who found a board on 4chan that went just slow enough that he could fill some mental quota for being an obnoxious little cunt.

>> No.6012255

I really miss old 4chan.
Like, pre-2010 or something 4chan.
It especially annoys me when people claim that 4chan was always the way it is now. Bitch, are you even aware that a large part of 4chan supported Obama in the 2008 election? No you don't because you came here 2 years ago.

>> No.6012258

generally the chinese are the least picky eaters on the planet

they will literally eat anything

>> No.6012261


/b/ was never good, but /ck/ was. Now it's all gone to hell because some food-inclined retards escaped the monkey cage and latched onto this board.

>> No.6012264

literally every board that's not [s4s] will make fun of you

[s4s] is nice board

>> No.6012265

>are you even aware that a large part of 4chan supported Obama in the 2008 election?

Wow, what a bunch of idiots. Obama is terrible.

>> No.6012270

That's not the point. The point is, what was considered main stream opinions and humor on 4chan then is drastically different from what's considered main stream now, and people pretend nothing's happened.

>> No.6012273 [DELETED] 

Do you missing flyingover to memers or the holidays, snoggin your beantoast and chips, and saying praises to Memefood? Tha's my favorite part of the holidays.

>> No.6012278

Salty Indian detected.
I don't know a single Chinese person that even eats anything Americans consider to be Chinese food (kung pao chicken/sweet and sour) let alone consider them to be the epitome of Chinese cooking. Americans can't get enough of the sugary Americanised Chinese food and it nets Chinese people a lot of money, so why wouldn't they capitalise on it? There's plenty of authentic Chinese food to enjoy in America, but clearly you lack the cultural depth to find it.

>> No.6012293
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Chink here

What the fuck were you thinking

Did you forget about the orange chicken and egg rolls?

Just because you can get it at a fucking panda express doesn't mean it's authentic Chinese food and it also doesn't mean actual chinks will enjoy that shit

>dirty Indian desert for older Chinese people

Did you do any thinking/research at all or did you actually just make this thread to complain?

The funny thing is that I don't know anyone this stupid. My friends who want to cook authentic Chinese food always do research and ask around

You're just a dumbass

>> No.6012302

this thread wreaks of irish stew guy to me.

>> No.6012412


Nobody likes you. Get the fuck out.

>> No.6012484

As expected from white people. That would be like your girlfriend cooking hamburgers and fries for your family.

>> No.6012511

>chinese gf parents.
>makes chinese food.

if they were black would you have started with some collared greens. had fried chicken for your main course. and ended with watermelon? fucking kill yourself you autistic fuck.

>> No.6012536

Actually it's not. Even moot has said many times he doesn't know where this attitude came from. He figures it has to do with newfags coming in and thinking that's just what 4chan is about.

>> No.6012539

why not blogpost? faggot.

>> No.6012549

Only faglords from /b/ and newfucks think nothing has changed. This site is very different now. I remember when /ck/ was actually one of the more friendly boards.

>> No.6012566

i would love that

ru kidding?

>> No.6012567
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>make meal for chinese gf's family
>they don't even touch it
well that's odd, they could go so far as to eat garbage but not whatever you made

>> No.6012814
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It was totally cool man. It's the reason I have a /ck/ mug :3

And even the old forced memes seem endearing now.