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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6006985 No.6006985 [Reply] [Original]

If you're vegan, what are you making for Thanksgiving? Or if you're not vegan, and you're making stuff that happens to be vegan, what is it?

So far I'm making green bean casserole, chocolate pudding pie with Oreo crust and banana cream pie with coconut whipped cream, then mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, a Gardein roast, and probably some rolls. Oh and a Sara Lee Dutch apple pie.

Then I'm gonna pick some more stuff from here but I haven't decided what yet.

>> No.6007002

inb4 shitstorm

i'm not a vegan, and i'm not contributing, so polite sage. I'll be eating turkey for thanksgiving, but no disrespect to you OP. enjoy the holidays!

>> No.6007010

Thank you. :)

>> No.6007651

Wow are there actually no trolls in a vegan thread? Has this ever happened in the history of 4chan?

>> No.6007657

Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Thanksgiving is all about eating turkey with a bunch of dipshits and you vegans have to go and ruin it for everyone.

>> No.6007658

I suppose stuffing is vegan. And my girlfriend is vegetarian so she'll be having tofurky and mashed potatoes made with soy milk and earth balance butter.

Of course there will also be a variety of vegetables.

>> No.6007754


I make vegan stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, sweet potatoes, vegan pumpkin pie/apple pie too, sauteed greens, and some type of protein. Last year I got Gardein Turkey. It was okay.

>> No.6007758
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>> No.6007764
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>> No.6007765

Are you just making the chocolate pudding with water? I'm curious as I've always assumed milk was necessary.

>> No.6007766
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>> No.6007881


I wasn't a huge fan of the Tofurky fresh out of the oven (my omnivorous mother was though), but man it was so good after being in the refrigerator overnight and sliced thinly. Couldn't stop eating it. Was gonna put it in a sandwich but every time I cut a slice I couldn't help but put it straight in my mouth.

Yum. I was considering making some savory sweet potatoes, sliced into disks and baked with Tony's Creole seasoning. But I'm not sure if it's Thanksgiving-y enough so I'll pick something else I guess. I might make pumpkin bread or pumpkin cookies. I've actually never been a fan of pumpkin pie. I wasn't originally planning on eating the Gardein roast but I do love Gardein so I'm happy to try it. I guess I'll see what I think of it.

I'd use coconut milk normally but my brother is sensitive to coconut milk so I'll probably use almond or soy milk. Or if I can find it, cashew milk. And I'm just using a Jell-O chocolate pudding mix since it's actually vegan. But last year I didn't know that so I made my own with corn starch, coconut milk, and chocolate chips I think and it was delicious.

>> No.6007891
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>> No.6007909

This thread was nice for 3 replies, a new record!

Seriously though, my sister is vegan and I was interested to know some vegan dishes to make for her. Shame on me for thinking 4chan had a point besides shitposting.

>> No.6007927

Half of your menu is dessert pie. Vegans don't just have dessert pies, do they?

>> No.6007950

>making stuff that happens to be vegan

Cranberry relish. Grind a bag of cranberries and an orange together with sugar to taste.

>> No.6008005
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>> No.6008040

Not Thanksgiving but for Christmas I have planned:
>Veg pot pies with bourbon glazed carrots and green peas
>Pickled red cabbage and winter-apple salad
>Crimini mushroom sauce
>Roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic
>Lingonberry jam
>Homemade chocolate truffles
>Cinnamon cookies
>Candied apples and nuts

>> No.6008111

Stuff a squash instead of a turkey, I guess. Use a bean-and-bread stuffing. I don't know if one actually exists, mind you, but I'm sure it'd be good because one of the most common vegan foods we eat in my country is bean stew on toasted, stale bread: the stew rehydrates the bread, which turns soft and delicious.
Just please, please, PLEASE don't do the stupid-as-fuck vegan/vegetarian error of trying to veggify a meat-centric dish. Just don't do it. It's never, EVER good. Ever. Tofurkey tastes like a hobo's prepuce.

Side dishes:
• olive oil garlic mashed potatoes with mushroom stock gravy (or veg stock gravy)
>just steam some taters and garlic then press them through a ricer and whip the mash with a little olive oil for a fattier mouthfeel

• crisp-fried mushrooms
>self explanatory

• collards with Goya-brand ham flavouring packet (instead of salt) and a little liquid smoke
>the ham flavouring has no animal products in it at all, so far as I can tell and PETArded has listed it on its a-okay food list, I hear
• spinach pie
>made with chickpea flour, onions and spinach
• broccoli soup with cauliflower
>made with brocc, veg stock and a splash or schmear of something to whiten the soup a tad; also cauliflower bits floating about in it
• stewed red-and-yellow bell peppers
>in olive oil with garlic and black olives

pumpkin flan made with tinned pumpkin and Goya flan mix, which is another product that's vegan for some reason
>the recipe for pumpkin flan should be intuitive to figure out yourself but if not (or if google fails you in finding one), lemme know and i'll hash one together for you

Now, I'm not vegan. I think most vegans are batshit insane and, honestly, many of you toe the border of being the dangerous sort of insane rather than the annoying sort and are needlessly confrontational and destructive. But you're not, OP. You're pretty okay. So that's why I helped.
Happy Thanksgiving.

>> No.6008126


Awesome, thanks! When the Vegan Revolution takes place and all humans are forced into camps to serve our Bovine Overlords, you shall be spared.

>> No.6008142

Welcome. If chickpea flour is difficult or impossible to find where you are, you can use raw polenta, cornmeal or grits.
Just cook it like you would polenta for frying (look up recipes) and stir in a bunch of chopped up, sautéed spinach and onion and pour it all into a pie plate. As the polenta sets, it will be slicable.

>> No.6008467
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Eat some meat you pansies, humans are omnivores we're made to eat everything that can be eaten.
Eating meat is as natural as it gets.

>> No.6008469
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>Vegan Revolution takes place and all humans are forced into camps to serve our Bovine Overlords

I am bacon, and what the fuck are you gibbering about?

>> No.6008481

You're getting emotional because you don't eat enough fiber.


>> No.6008506

that picture would be perfect if the sodium content didn't look like it would fucking kill me.

>> No.6008511


>> No.6008523
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I am adoptive, yet now exclusive carnivore.
Hunams eat meat. It is part of their nature.
If they stop, they become docile and stupid.
Has happened many times before.
Usually because disease affecting our food species, which they also consume.
Stupid hunams, always overbreeding and mismanaging their food production systems.

>> No.6008537


I think the sodium content would be the least of your worries.

>> No.6008547


>> No.6008571


>he thinks sodium is bad for anyone other the 5-10% of people with shit genetics

>> No.6008589


>he ignores top health instutitions because he read something he liked on an internet blog

>> No.6008591

Give me group 1 elements, for they are high in energy and are prepared to donate many electrons to my cause.

>> No.6008592

>refers to salt as "sodium"
What is your level of education?

>> No.6008618
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Enjoy your osteoporosis, various vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and multitude of other health problems, veganfags.
I hope you've paid your health insurance, though by the looks of things you probably won't need it for quite as long as people who eat an actual balanced diet, rather than adhere to a poorly-disguised famine rationing trendy regime, designed to make your poor bleeding hearts feel better about the realities of our situation.

>> No.6008632

Yeah, heart disease, obesity, hypertensions, etc. are rampant in America because of the increase in vegans

lol noooope

>> No.6008640

Eating at Mcdonald's everyday isn't the same as having a balanced diet dumbo

>> No.6008641
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Tu quoque much?

>> No.6008643

u mad

>> No.6008658

No, I'm not vegetarian. In fact, I am an avid hunter and, to a lesser extent, fisher.

I just don't get upset at people with different eating habits and, as someone who eats what he kills a lot, I have a certain kind of respect for animals and my food. Therefore, I can empathize with the beliefs of vegans/vegetarians even if I see them as being misguided.

I'm also not afraid to exercise empathy or try to see things from different perspectives that I may not agree with, because I understand the importance of abstract, critical thinking. I also don't see different ways of thinking as infectious agents that will change me if I consider them.

>> No.6008659





If you'd like to learn about healthy eating, I'm sure the vegans in this thread can help you out. No need to be tsundere

>> No.6008662
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Probably just looking up "quoque", in the Vegan Fictionary... likely back in a moment full of piss and vinegar, bringing the rest of the vegan paramilitary butthurt brigade. The ones who can still drag themselves into a tired, shuffling kind of imitation lock-step

>> No.6008666

U cosmopolitan and mad

>> No.6008667
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>> No.6008679

Lentil loaf, sweet potatoes with pecans, roasted chickpeas with cranberry-hibiscus sauce, roasted brussel sprouts, and pumpkin pie

>> No.6008693
File: 5 KB, 251x189, DrCoxAintEvenMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The prevalence of osteoporosis (T scores < or = -2.5) at the femoral neck in vegans and omnivores was 17.1% and 14.3% (P = 0.57), respectively."

"This possibility should be confirmed in other prospective studies and tested in a randomized trial."

"Calcium intake was lowest for the vegans and below national dietary recommendations."

"In rural China..."
"Rates of other diseases were also correlated with dietary factors."

>http://nutritionfacts.org *
This is garbage which cherry picks articles which themselves skim actual research paper abstracts.

You can't bandwagon me into learning about "healthy eating" by making the assumption that only certain diets are good. That's a an error in composition of your position. :(

>> No.6008696


looks like her partner used those jug ears for leverage a little bit too often

>> No.6008703

Provide contrary evidence. And please don't just read abstracts; if you can't access entire articles you should stick to getting your data from easily-digestable Cracked.com articles written by, and for, morons.

>> No.6008706


>> No.6008708


Can't blame it on McDonalds, bro. Even in health-conscious communities, we see trends like this


As you go from vegan to lacto-ovo vegetarian to pescetarian to semi-vegetarian and then non-vegetarian, you see rising BMIs and higher rates of diabetes

>> No.6008716
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Can anything be done to get vegans to eat whole foods instead of this shit?

>> No.6008731
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Sweetheart, the burden of proof typically lies with those making claims.
None of the information you've presented is conclusive evidence, and needs no conclusive evidence to the contrary to be questioned or criticised as to whether it supports any position.

Resorting to ad hominem is a sure sign you're losing ground. Maybe instead of attacking my character you could present me with unquestionable evidence in support of your assertions.

>> No.6008743


Now that's some cherry picking if ever I saw it.

>there was no significant correlation between dietary calcium and BMD.

There was no statistically significant difference in bone mineral density even with one group eating half of the other group's calcium intake

And then a "fuck science, next"

>The vegan diet received the highest index values and the omnivorous the lowest for HEI-2010 and MDS (Healthy eating index 2010 and Mediterranean Diet Score)

>in rural china, where animal protein intake is very low
>compared to the United States, where intake is high
>"There was no evidence of a threshold beyond which further benefits did not accrue with increasing proportions of plant-based foods in the diet."

Like I said, if you want to learn about how to be healthy, we can help. Just don't pull that denial shit.

>> No.6008744

1. There is more than one person on /ck/

2. Current evidence shows the "average lifestyle" in America causes premature death and is creating huge social costs. If you can show that extrapolating health issues associated with the average vegetarian to the general population would result in a worsening state of things, go for it

>> No.6008749


Nothing is conclusive, but you started a fight making a bunch of random claims about the deliterious effects of veganism on health, you were provided with evidence that said the opposite of your claims, and now you're telling THAT guy that HE has the burden of proof

>> No.6008750

>I'm not making claims, just going with the status quo, hence I can be ignorant and not have to justify it!


>"There was no evidence of a threshold beyond which further benefits did not accrue with increasing proportions of plant-based foods in the diet."
This statement isn't refuting a vegetarian-based diet, it is actually saying the more plant-based foods you eat the better

>> No.6008758

Current evidence proves that telling anyone that "current evidence does such and such" without providing said current evidence doesn't actually help make your point.

Furthermore, the argument isn't about average American lifestyle v vegetarianism. It's about eating any amount of animal-derived protein v vegetarianism. Arguing against points you've invented and that no one has made does not support your point, either. It makes the inattentive lose track of the conversation and gives the illusion that you're contradicting something when you are, in actuality, evading them entirely.


>> No.6008759

The primary reason these studies find lower BMI's and lower incidence rates of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes is because a diet without meat is lower in calories.
It seems to be not the type of food you're eating, but the amount of energy it contains that makes the most difference to overall health.

>> No.6008764


While I would agree that a plant-based diet is better for long-term weight management, you can't blame problems on BMI either. Like in this study >>6008708

>After adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, education, income, physical activity, television watching, sleep habits, alcohol use, and BMI, vegans (OR 0.51 [95% CI 0.40–0.66]), lacto-ovo vegetarians (0.54 [0.49–0.60]), pesco-vegetarians (0.70 [0.61–0.80]), and semi-vegetarians (0.76 [0.65–0.90]) had a lower risk of type 2 diabetes than nonvegetarians.

Even at the same weight and physical activity level, a vegan has half the risk of diabetes as a meat-eater

>> No.6008774
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>you were provided with evidence that said the opposite of your claims
No I wasn't. If I had been, I would have said "That's interesting. Tell me more."
But that's not what happened. Weak arguments were advanced in support of a problematic belief, and if you're upset that I'm attacking the position, you need to realise this is how things occasionally play out in real life as opposed to inside a hugbox.

>> No.6008779

>Even at the same weight and physical activity level, a vegan has half the risk of diabetes as a meat-eater
Didn't you get to the discussion?

>"Members who choose vegetarianism are likely to be more compliant with other church tenets and to differ from nonvegetarians with regard to major determinants of type 2 diabetes. This was indeed the case with regard to some factors; e.g., nonvegetarian diets were more associated with black ethnicity, less education, more television watching, and fewer hours of sleep than were vegetarian diets."

>> No.6008781


>If I had been, I would have said "That's interesting. Tell me more."

Obviously you wouldn't, because you didn't. When you could brush off the Cornell China study, one of the most comprehensive studies ever done on diet and human health, because of the line "in rural China," you're not looking to change your beliefs.

Regardless, all you did was make claims and then get mad when science didn't support them

>> No.6008785


Didn't you read my post? Or their adjusted hazard ratios?

>After adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, education, income, physical activity, television watching, sleep habits, alcohol use, and BMI

Lifestyle factors like that are only a problem for raw data

>> No.6008797

>When you could brush off the Cornell China study, one of the most comprehensive studies ever done on diet and human health,

I'll just leave the brush-off to those who've trodden down that particular garden path before: http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/

>> No.6008815
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Okay, you leave your brush-off to a 23 year old paleo blogger with no training whatsoever in statistical analysis, who thinks she understands the science better than the 80-something Cornell University professor of nutrition and his colleagues who performed the research

Here's a video about the China Study and Denise Minger's take on it if you're interested


>> No.6008832



>> No.6008861

People can't criticize a study because it was conducted by someone of respectable age/pedigree from Cornell?

You might as well be religious.

>> No.6008921


I'm just saying Denise Minger doesn't have the qualifications to properly analyze and "debunk" the study.

It's like if we were talking about biology and I posted On the Origin of Species, and your response was a link to a Christian high school student's attempting at proving it wrong

>> No.6008938


Professor Campbell also responded to Denise Minger's criticisms


>A critic's post pointing out some of Minger's errors disappears from her blog, and reappears when the critic starts complaining about it elsewhere on the web. Minger then publicly admits that she could use help understanding Dr. Campbell's research, because she doesn't have professional expertise to analyze and interpret the data she's pontificating about.
>23-year-old Minger lists her educational and professional qualifications on her Facebook page as writer, Catholic school teacher, summer camp instructor, and "Professional Sock Puppeteer."

>> No.6008984

I'm not vegan, but you could make a pretty tasty stuffing.


>> No.6008995


Forgot to add, make some cranberry sauce:

Cranberries, fresh (2 lb.)
Sugar, 2C
Orange juice, 1/2-1C, depending on how thick you like it.

Dissolve the sugar in the orange juice over medium heat. Add the cranberries and cook them. They'll pop as you go. When they're all popped, take it off the heat and chill it. Serve.

>> No.6009215

I'm veg, and I make the entire family feast, this year I'm making:

non veg- Turkey, gravy, stuffing, rolls, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, cherry pie

veg - Spiced Cornbread Loaf, maple glazed sweet potatoes, mushroom gravy, cranberry sauce, apple sauce, veggie tray with hummus, pumpkin pie, mango sorbet

Drinks - Spiced cider, Heineken, Cab Sav

>> No.6009290

Wow he wasted his time responding to this dumb bitch. Internet, man.

>> No.6009321


He probably felt the need to clear things up because the girl's blog was receiving a lot of attention and people not familiar with statistical analysis thought she single-handedly nullified the China study, and he wanted to explain the difference between raw data and data that's had regression models applied to it, which is how you isolate variables and see what really correlates. He was pretty cool about it too, he was just happy to see a young person be so interested in science

>Kudos to Ms. Minger for having the interest, and taking the time, to do considerable analysis, and for describing her findings in readily accessible language. And kudos to her for being clear and admitting, right up front, that she is neither a statistician nor an epidemiologist, but an English major with a love for writing and an interest in nutrition. We need more people with this kind of interest.
>I believe Denise is a very intelligent person, and I can see how she might reach the conclusions she did; this is easy to do for someone without extensive scientific research experience. Having said this, there are fundamental flaws in her reasoning, and it is these flaws that I will address in this paper.

>> No.6009340

I think he was just being nice for politeness sake.

I do not think I would have the patience to tolerate some undereducated moron trying to lampoon my life's work and not even properly trying to refute my data but instead using clumsy math she pulled out of her ass.

It's fucking insulting.

>> No.6009352


He also took some time to respond to Chris Masterjohn from the Weston A. Price Foundation who runs a conspiracy theorist website about cholesterol


>I learned that Masterjohn was a 24 year old 'chapter leader' of WAPF in Massachusetts. He claimed that he was a former vegetarian who nearly lost his life (according to his account) because of his following the earlier advice of John Robbins. He said that he only knew 'former' not present vegetarians and was convinced that every vegetarian would eventually learn the error of their ways. Most importantly, he has had no first hand experience or training in experimental nutrition research and no professional peer reviewed publications
>Masterjohn, for example, claims in his website that, in effect, I am primarily being subservient to the animal rights agenda and more specifically to the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) who according to Masterjohn, are associated with PETA
>I find it puzzling that these critics want to make this point. Much of our earlier—and seminal—research was conducted on experimental animals. This was an activity that does not please the more vocal animal rights advocates, some of whom have pleaded with me to eliminate the animal research findings from my public lectures.

>> No.6009362

Wow Campbell confirmed for being Buddha

>> No.6009588
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>> No.6009621

that pic fingernail looked like blurry, ultra-lubed anal penetration

>> No.6009626

>I'm just saying Denise Minger doesn't have the qualifications to properly analyze and "debunk" the study.
Qualifications are necessary to critique research, that's why science is superior to religion.

You don't seem to understand this. It is the validity of the point itself, not he/she that says it.

>> No.6009634

>Even at the same weight and physical activity level, a vegan has half the risk of diabetes as a meat-eater

>> No.6009638

I'm not him, but you appear to be agreeing with the poster you've responded too.

>> No.6009642

I thought this was fisting.

>> No.6010276

Seitan roast with vegetables (parsnips, potatoes, and carrots with rosemary), green bean casserole, sweet and sour "meatballs" (made from eggplant), steamed artichokes, pumpkin pie from sugar pumpkins from the garden, almond milk ice cream (made from scratch!), mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy with tarragon, and fresh bread.

>> No.6011735

I cook everything normally except for no pernil or turkey.

>> No.6011742


What are you, stupid? Read the package, moron.

>> No.6011760


American Oreos are vegan. If all else fails buy an off-brand Oreo

>> No.6011764

Anyone got a good Mac and Cheese recipe with fake cheese? I want to make Mac and cheese but I don't want my sister to be left out.

>> No.6012786


Oreos are vegan. Where have you been in the last 20 years?

>> No.6012789


If you love your sister, do not feed her vegan cheese. Vegan cheese is from the devil.

>> No.6012800

Part of me is disgusted by the amount of processing must have went into that, but the other part of me thinks that looks like a delicious stuffed slab of meat.

If I ever went vegan or vegetarian I would try to stay away from the highly processed crap just like I do now.

>> No.6012802

Try Chocolate Covered Katie's pumpkin mac and cheese. Shits pretty tasty

>> No.6012807

>shitposting about estrogen when you get estrogen from soy

>> No.6012808


Right? What's the fucking point of being vegan if you're going to eat shit anyway? Way to ruin a great chance at eating nutritious whole food.

>> No.6012894

OP, I understand being vegetarian
but vegan? goddamn son

>> No.6012928

I've been a vegan for 1.5 years, mostly raw and eat super clean if the food I am eating is cooked.

The whole idea of eating a vegan cupcake with loads of sugar, processed flour, man-made eggs and whatever disgusting synthetic colorant in it makes me gag.

Most vegans don't even care about what they put in their bodies, sadly. And many forget about the VEG part of the diet they follow.

That's why I say I eat a plant based diet.

>> No.6012945

The odd thing? Nearly every single vegetarian restaurant I've ever been too has surprisingly few actual vegetables on the menu. It's always tempeh this, seitan that, tofu the other and lolquinoa.
Seriously? I'm not vegan nor vegetarian. I have never been vegan or vegetarian. I will never be vegan nor vegetarian. Nonetheless, I eat a greater variety of vegetables and in greater quantity than every single vegan and vegetarian I've ever known.

That's why I suggested earlier ITT for OP to avoid meat analogues. They almost invariably taste like that unique combination of despair and broken promises many vegan/vegetarian foods carry.
Just eat some fucking greens, for fuck's sake and stop with all that seitanic bullshit.

>> No.6012952


You sound like a lot of fun.