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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 698x382, Made20bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6005186 No.6005186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literally Reddit: The Food

>> No.6005187

it doesnt have to be...

>> No.6005192

What would the tumbeler the food be? A vegetable? An avocado? I suppose facebook the food would be kale?

I wonder how you teens and twenties will cope when you move out of your little childhood bubbles and discover that people with different opinions exist independently of flash in the pan internet websites.

>> No.6005213

redditor le epic bacon lover detected and confirmed

>> No.6005216

Also, what would 4chan the food be? Chipotle?

>> No.6005222

>implying everyone on here doesn't know this and isn't just snarky and bitter over being miserable for so long

>> No.6005240
File: 28 KB, 500x375, forevercheesepizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would 4chan the food be?
obvious answer is too obvious

>> No.6005248

how long have you been here

>> No.6005251

That bacon looks fucking disgusting there's like no meat. Why would you want to chew on fat.

>> No.6005252

You're not even american, are you.

>> No.6005253

>4chan the food
Yesterday's pizza.

>> No.6005255

Help me understand why anyone wants to eat that shit.

>> No.6005262

It's become the epitome of memefood.

>> No.6005268
File: 617 KB, 1632x1232, proper bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, why not have proper bacon instead with actual meat?

>> No.6005271

Are we shitting on leddit or /r/cooking and the co.?Both are shit (just like 4chin and /ck/) but for very different reasons and to a different degree. Of course the shitty people on /r/all would cook anything bacon in lard and cater it with spam. In /r/cooking you can get some decent advice/recipes but the problem is the voting system doesn't do the whole sub justice. You'd find a very interesting creative thread about a specific dish, but it'll be easily overshadowed by a hundred thanksgiving threads or cooking for a date or the good ol' hai guise i am x years old and i jus started cooking help me bring my water to a simmer. Granted we suffer from very similar and different diseases, but among all these shitposts you could dig deep and find a rough diamond that's worth your time.

>> No.6005272


different ingredients for different purposes

>> No.6005279

You see bacon is fine really, adds something to some dishes, but it's the notion that bacon can go into everything and replaces everything that is disgusting. Sure put a strip or two on a burger, or a grilled cheese sandwich is good, but when you go full EMT you've are edging the memedom

>> No.6005291


What fucking autist thought this up? ITS FUCKING FOOD

>> No.6005296


What confuses me is what happens to the back bacon and belly bacon in places where they aren't the typical bacon. Like, what happens to belly bacon in the UK and what happens to back bacon in the US?

>> No.6005298

actual shit

>> No.6005304


>among all these shitposts you could dig deep and find a rough diamond that's worth your time

I'm not sure about reddit I don't use it. Not because I'm against it, but because of the login. Back in the day there were many boards out there kinda like 4chan, but then most switched to login only and I watched a lot of my old hangouts die. Here there is lots of shit to wade through, but if you have the right boots and enough patience it's worth-while. Well for me anywho.

>> No.6005324

>Like, what happens to belly bacon in the UK and what happens to back bacon in the US?

They still have them, they just call them different things.

Belly bacon is called "streaky bacon" in the UK, and you can buy it at the market or butcher right next to the "back bacon".

In the US we have back bacon too; it's sold as that or as "canadian bacon".

>> No.6005348


>> No.6005383

>still arguing bacon isn't a meme


>> No.6005425

I fucking hate bacon. The smell, the texture, the greasiness, everything. I don't like pork at all that much actually.

>> No.6005451

>everything I don't like is a meme

It's like you don't even want to think like an well-adjusted adult.

>> No.6005464

Forming opinions on food based on social cues is stupid. Having a negative opinion of something because of a food fad or meme is just as bad as only liking something because its fashionable.

>> No.6005473

>still using the word memefood

>> No.6005476

I thought it was recently coined, no?

>> No.6005483


Everyone must have realised how retarded it was fairly quickly then.

>> No.6005498

Tumblr and reddit breathe oxigen
Guess we'll have to die unless you want to breathe "memeair"

>> No.6005506

Hey anooon what is air?

>> No.6005517

Sounds about right

I think american sandwich making would be a lot better if people tuned doen the use of that

I mean, bacon is nice and all, but when you have what ostensibly is a chicken sandwich that tastes like fucking bacon and bread, you probably have a problem

>> No.6005741

Stop going to reddit then.
I never see any of this meme-shit regarding bacon so i can enjoy it without being reminded of whatever it is you have seen.

>> No.6005758

I've never had a sandwich with too much bacon, it's always very little. Maybe it's because i'm not american, i don't know what the sandwiches over there are like.

>> No.6005791

I'm american and I can confirm it's not a problem. Remember that 4chan is full of basement dwellers who think that the grocery store line is where cool hipsters go people watching.

>> No.6005809

>not cup ramen, doritos and mnt dew

Go to any board, ask what they eat while doing whatever they indulge in and you're bound to find those three among the top.

>> No.6005823
File: 65 KB, 800x558, actual bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't bacon, this is

>> No.6005827

Its gotten to the point where I don't order most sandwiches that explicitly say that they have bacon in them, because they put so much.

It might be because I'm a foreigner who barely used to eat bacon back home, but considering I've always loved the stuff, even I am a bit surprised that I've managed to grow tired of it.

I do street photography in Jew York city m8. Just because you have a fucked up palate or a willful ignorance of what's happening in the general world of Americsn cuisine doesn't mean that everybody else suffers from the same problem.

>> No.6005846

OP: Literally the biggest faggot.

>> No.6005855

>street photography
And this qualifies you how? You eat a lot of sandwiches while sucking off nick Wooster? I bet you think wichcraft is haute cuisine

>> No.6005859
File: 58 KB, 387x480, 1416711230846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've actually been quite content lately, yet I still post the same dumb shit.

>> No.6005861

that's ham though

>> No.6005872

>eating while doing other things

Do Australians really do this?

>> No.6005879
File: 50 KB, 600x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some ultimate meme sauce to go with your meme food

>> No.6005923

It disqualified from the "basement dwelling neckbeard" category. Or is basic logic and looking back to previous arguments beyond your limited reasoning skills?

>> No.6005951


So not only did you hear "basement dwelling neckbeard" and think "oh he must mean ME". No, you had to take the extra step of mentioning your esteemed profession of dressing up men in pee wee herman pants and telling them to act casual as proof that you did not literally live in a basement.

But it seems you've failed, young Henri! You haven't addressed your neck hairs, or the floor level on which you dwell! So much for logic.

Also bacon is not a problem, spend less time on social media you turbo NEET.

>> No.6007171

What's a "neet"?

>> No.6007175


A very fastidious kind of person. Kind of like a germophobe, but for 3dpd.

>> No.6007193

Not in Education, Employed or Training

Basically, a leech.

>> No.6007201

Got it. Thanx!

>> No.6007221

Posting in another shitty Zed thread.

>> No.6007414

Where? 4chan, or just /ck/?

And why do you want to know?