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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6004375 No.6004375 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't eat honey
>I don't eat cheese
>I don't eat red meat

>> No.6004390

That looks the kind of guy who would eat red meat and cheese. Not sure about honey.

>> No.6004393

That guy definitely eats cheese

>> No.6004396

Now that creepy fat asian I could believe doesn't eat red meat and cheese

>> No.6004408

I know a girl who cant eat meat due to a traumatic experience she has when she was like 4. She is really cool about it though. Like if someone brings her a meat dish she will try the eat as much as she can and then will eat the non meat parts of the dish and offer any of the meat to people she knows love meat.

Met a girl with a honey allergy. I felt bad for her

>> No.6004417

What happened to the meat girl when she was 4?

>> No.6004433

It was a really long story and I totally forget it all but it was something about he brother forcing her to eat raw chicken by shoving it into her or something. She hates talking about it.

>> No.6004445

Siblings can be such fucking pieces of shit. I had an older sister who would try to force feed me things that weren't edible. She's still a piece of shit, even as an adult.

>> No.6004447

>doesn't rub it in everyone's face

>> No.6004453

ugh that sucks. This is why I'm glad I'm the older sibling.

>> No.6004558

is cheese that spoiled milk product that smells rotten

>> No.6004582

Is there any good way to combine the three?

>> No.6004614

>"I don't eat X i can't stand it, I won't try it because it will make me sick"
>I make up a meal containing it, hide the fact that i used it
>They fucking love it and ask for more
>i tell them that i put X in it
>"Oh wow maybe i do like X then"

Picky eaters piss me off so much, When i first met my girlfriend she avoided pretty much everything, over time she eats most of what she "hated" before in every day meals. Why are picky eaters so quick to refuse to try things? to the point where we literally have to force them to eat it to prove that they are just bullshitting for attention and it is actually nice?

>> No.6004648

You are a dick. And I don't want you to take that as a compliment in the way most people like you do.

You suck. You are a shit person. Stop doing that.

>> No.6004671

Thanks for the compliment.


Why would you want me to stop showing my girlfriend that she actually enjoys foods she previously thought she hated?
She is happy i did it, and loves the shit out of onions now. Worst case scenario is that she does not enjoy the meal and i figure she really does not like onions. In most cases i find picky eaters do it out of attention to be unique, yet they literally do believe they dislike that food, once they have tried it in a nice meal they realize they was being stupid and their tastebuds accept whatever food it was they previously disliked. Only thing i do avoid with my GF is eggs, I will never trick her into eating eggs.

>> No.6004677

Wait why is he such a dick?

>> No.6004682

My wife is exactly the same way. She completely wrote off fish until I refused to let up about her trying it. Now clams and octopus are some of her favorite foods.

>> No.6004684

>they was being stupid

I don't want to be a picky eater. It fucking sucks having a shitty diet but I can't force myself to enjoy something that I don't like. Go fuck yourself you tongue rapist.

>> No.6004686

You can learn to enjoy almost anything you pampered little child. I bet dog shit could be made to taste good somehow.

>> No.6004691

Im with you man but i dunno about dogshit

>> No.6004693

Who said you have to force yourself to enjoy something you dislike? That's just you being a complete pussy and being too shy to say "no".
I simply let her try it without "Ihateitihateitihateit" running through her mind as they eat it. And so far it has turned out 100% of the time that she enjoys whatever it is and wants to try it in different ways, It is usually just a small bad incident in the past that turns someone against something. Its not that our taste buds change as we grow up, it is just us getting over that shit, some people take longer.

>> No.6004708

I'm just making a point

I was raised by poor southern Italian immigrants so I think that helped me being less of a pampered little shit.

>> No.6004716


He's feeding people food they specifically told him would make them sick in an effort to "prove" to them they are wrong. One of these days he's going to fuck up and hurt someone.

>> No.6004717

Did they use their superior Italian cooking skills to make good dog shit spaghetti?

>> No.6004730

They were wrong lol.

Not literally but yeah pretty much this.

>> No.6004732

Na youre being a pussy. She only claimed it would make her sick because she was being a baby. At least thats how i read it

>> No.6004733


What you're doing is extremely immature. Stop trying to push your views onto adults who know what they like and they don't like. Nobody likes a self-centered person.

And eventually you'll pull this stunt with someone who is actually allergic to a food and they could end up in a hospital.

>muh poor upbringing

Oh so you're one of those idiots. Newsflash: other people were poor too and they bring it up as a means of argument.

>> No.6004736

*don't bring it up as a means of argument.

>> No.6004737
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>I'm from a flyover state

>> No.6004739

Having an allergy and being a little bitch are two different things though

>> No.6004742


You seem like one of those dudebros that will never shut up until someone tries your horrid "creations".

>> No.6004745

How are you going to tell the difference? You can't. You should just STFU and leave people alone.

>> No.6004763

>Only thing i do avoid with my GF is eggs, I will never trick her into eating eggs.

What's so special about eggs?

>> No.6004766

You can tell the difference. People with allergies say they have allergies they don't whine like children.

>> No.6004767


>Pushing views
>Trying to prove them wrong

It can go two ways

1. they eat it and enjoy said food, i reveal it had something they disliked inside, they realize maybe they was wrong about that and begin eating that food and have one less picky food item on their list.

2. They dislike it, and i make them something else, they will never find out what it was they disliked about the dish, but i now know its their taste buds that dislike that food not some childhood memory that is stuck in their mind.

Stop being so buttmad about it, you know there is nothing wrong with it, and i am laughing that you guys are stupid enough to think i would put shit they are allergic to, into the actual food.

I am sorry your mother put you off your greens and now you are a traumatized picky eater that will only eat fast food and candy.

>> No.6004773

I wasn't poor, I grew up in an upper middle class area of western NY.

I am poor now though.

>> No.6004775

No clue, she told me why she dislikes them, it was just an embarrassing moment when she was a kid. someone made a shit tortilla de patata and it made her sick in front of several people.
I feel even if i sneaked them into a meal and she enjoyed it is not the taste of the food but more the texture and traumatic memory that would still make her to try it in future meals.

>> No.6004778

There is a lot wrong with it, and it speaks a lot to you as a person outside of cooking. But I'm done here.

>> No.6004779

Honey is no better than any other refined sugar. Have a banana instead. That other shit isn't healthy either. Nor is "white" meat.


>> No.6004781

*That would still make her refuse to try it in future meals

>> No.6004784

>There is a lot wrong with it
>Does not tell me what is wrong with it
>Leaves after stating that
Yeah i'l completely take your side of the argument on board with that and consider stopping what i am doing.

>> No.6004786

What a soft faggot

>> No.6004791

Bananas are acceptable, but apples are nutritionally superior, besides the tooth enamel erosion.

>> No.6005054

Her father gave her his meat.

>> No.6005074

Honey makes me gag tho

>> No.6005289



>> No.6005710

I assume if you eat any cheese by itself, you are a fedora wearing white guy.

Same with sea salt and quinoa, and having a strong opinion of MSG.

>> No.6005727

Let me guess: American? :^)

>> No.6006305

but i'm mexican

>> No.6006309

what if I'm strongly in favor of MSG

>> No.6006321

>please, nothing containing rye.

>anaphylactic shock, he dies

I seriously want you to kill yourself.

>> No.6006593
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>I care what people think of my diet

>> No.6006644
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My gf doesn't eat meat either, and I think it started out that she didn't like the taste, but now she refuses to eat it literally because "muh animals"
>Her dads face when I literally said "I'm sorry you're wrong"

>> No.6006748

There are people that eat plain sea salt?

>> No.6006772

That's weird. When I hear someone eats quinoa, I assume they're Peruvian.