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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5999136 No.5999136 [Reply] [Original]

When is this acceptable, /ck/?

>> No.5999145

Anytime. Caring what people think of the way you eat pizza reeks of insecurity. But then again, this is 4chan.

>> No.5999148

always, not getting my hands greasy like you american fucktards

>> No.5999153

Try eating most deep dish pizzas without a knife and fork. Then get back to us.

>> No.5999154

I've never seen anyone use a knife and fork for a sliced pizza. They're used for whole pizzas that are generally only large enough for a single hungry person or for two people to share.

>> No.5999165

It's not acceptable to eat with your hands whenever you don't wish to do that. Maybe you've not visited the restroom to wash up your dirty fingers yet. Maybe you're wearing a tie, or other clothing that costs more than the slice of pizza. Maybe you're in polite company in a sit down restaurant with others who didn't even order italian. Maybe the crust isn't dry but in fact buttery and floppy. Maybe it's so scalding hot, you wish to gently blow on each bite, or use your knife to cut the stringy cheese, rather than your front teeth, thus burning your palate or having that sexy gap in your teeth that can't quite do it.

It doesn't matter, in other words. There's nothing wrong with eating more sophisticated in every single situation. It's only going more barbaric that you'd offend anyone. If you eat with utensils just to be haughty or precious, while you're in an utterly casual setting among friends and wearing grass stained yard clothes, that's a different story, kind of the pinky raising tea sipper type. But, it's not wrong at all to use a knife and fork, ever.

>> No.5999166

its not a matter of caring what people think, its a matter of doing dumb things

>> No.5999170

>he can't eat while wearing a tie

lel, I had a coworker like this once, he refused to wear nice clothes because, in his words, "he's just going to spill something on it and get it ruined"

how disgusting can you be that you change the image with which you present yourself to the world because you're too much of a damm slob to learn to eat like a human being

>> No.5999177

You clearly don't mind doing dumb things. Like caring about things that have absolutely no effect on you whatsoever.

Guess what, I don't care if you eat with your hands or out of a fucking trough. Which is what I assume is the case.

>> No.5999195

Your coworker needed to learn how to use silverware and napkin. Or maybe he needed to stop eating pizza with his hand.

Either way, I think you misunderstood the logic. People who are wearing something they especially do like, have a few little food/etiquette rules that might even be something like not ordering spaghetti, or no oil n vinegar salad dressings, when wearing their favorites. It's just a learn from experience kind of basic skill people pick up once they're past kindergarten. You work around your known defects, like if your feet hurt, stop wearing cheapass shoes with no arch support but look fashionable on the exteriors.

>> No.5999202
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when chopsticks aren't available

>> No.5999213
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>Your coworker needed to learn how to use silverware and napkin. Or maybe he needed to stop eating pizza with his hand.

I eat pizza with my hand all the time, sometimes while wearing a suit and tie. Do you have cerebral palsy or something? It's not hard.

>stop wearing cheapass shoes with no arch support but look fashionable on the exteriors.

I understand if your Rockports are comfortable and you're willing to give up some looks because you don't want to spend over a hundred bucks, but you should understand you have more options than just that if you want both good looks and comfort. I've got a pair of AE wingtips that I wore all day at work, in a suit, on my feet for most of the day, then changed out of my suit at the end of the day into more comfortable clothes, and walked with the same shoes from the Hong Kong Ferry to the top of Victoria Peak. My feet felt great the whole time.

Some of the more expensive brands are even more comfortable, I've got a pair of C&J handgrades that are absolutely wonderful, but I leave those at home when traveling because my AEs (I have five pairs) are my beaters.

>> No.5999219

>deep dish pizza
Thats not pizza.

>> No.5999221

Maybe it's a language thing, or inability to logic.
Not. Everything. Is. About. You.
Stop being so literal and defensive. You want to know why some people don't order mustard on a hot dog, or pick up a fork and knife to eat something acceptable to eaten with fingers, think outside of yourself.

>> No.5999225

It's in the name. But it is more like a casserole. I don't personally eat the stuff, and now that we're on the topic of pizza. Fazoli's! Wala.

>> No.5999228

>Not. Everything. Is. About. You.

Perhaps you could apply this thought to your original post >>5999165

You seem quite keen on defending your lack of hand-eye coordination. Not everything is about you. Notice how I expressed that as a standard English sentence. It helps, if you are concerned about "language things".

>> No.5999230

>I know what you are, but what am I? The Post

>> No.5999233


You forgot your google image search of a projector, anon-kun ^_^

>> No.5999238

Do tell, anon. Give us another riveting blog style post. This time about business technology, and presentation hardware.

>> No.5999246


No U

>> No.5999251
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Maybe I don't want to get my hands messy?

>> No.5999259

It's OK if the pizza is a giant, flat bread, flabby type of slice.

>> No.5999358
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>oh yes please give me some

>pic related

>> No.5999529

Pretty much anything you can expect to use your hands while eating.
Like if you're eating at the computer

>> No.5999537
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You wouldn't want to eat a deep-fried pizza with your hands.

>> No.5999538
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wrong pic

>> No.5999573


I even have someone ship it to me in the Netherlands every 3 months!

>> No.5999581

I wouldn't eat that with someone elses hands

>> No.5999590

>eating geasy pizza

Animals have better taste than you.

>> No.5999629

I especially love Irn Bru even though I used to be a man.

>> No.5999688

why don't you just pepper spray your food?

>> No.5999716

If you're queer....literally the only answer. Queer.

>> No.5999765

if your cheese isn't the least bit greasy you're eating tofu mate

>> No.5999951

When you are a kid in the 90's at PH. The pie just got to the table piping hot. You want to speed up the cooling so you serve yourself a slice. Then you cut the slice up halfway to allow the first bites to cool faster due to more surface area in contact with air.

>> No.5999958
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>> No.6000034

>I've never seen anyone use a knife and fork for a sliced pizza.

Try moving out of the trailer park, ad associate with more civilized people.

>> No.6001334

When the pizza is fucking hot and I need to eat it quick so I can leave.

>> No.6001348

I'm not from the US (or Italy for that matter) so without wanting to have people with Italian ancestors jumping down my throat for some perceived slight - in restaurants that serve pizza I have NEVER seen someone use their hands to eat them.

>> No.6001368

Correct on so many levels.

>> No.6001705

Those of you who use cutlery to eat a pizza, when you go to a restaurant and they place a bread roll on the small plate in front of your fork, do you eat that bread roll with a knife and fork too?

>> No.6001741

captcha: thisd naphylt

>> No.6001757


I do it when the pizza is overloaded with toppings

>> No.6001787

>implying there are trailer parks in italy
There might be, but I've never seen any.

>> No.6002286

If you've never chilled a mars bar to within an inch of its life and thinly sliced it, you have never eaten one.

>> No.6002382

deep dish so you dont get meme sauce all over you

>> No.6003114

With a slice? Never.
With a whole pizza? Always. Actually, you'll have to use cutlery because no decent pizzeria will give you your pizza already cut.

>> No.6003140

so, jew york pizza?

>> No.6003191

If I ca fold my slice and the end 'droops' I'll use a knife and fork to eat the end and then go back to folding.

>> No.6003223

I love it when people are elitist about pizza.


>> No.6003228


why are you incapable of differentiating fast food pizza from fancy pizza? is there a specific reason you think they're the same or is it just ignorance?

I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just mystified you lump it all together.

>> No.6003241

if the pizza is really hot, or if there are a shitload of toppings that just fall off

>> No.6003426

Baked-Ziti Pizza

>> No.6003453

>I spread butter on my bread with my hands

>> No.6003934
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>fancy pizza

Capitalism at it's finest. How much do pay for what is essentially sun dried tomatoes on toast?
Have you ever ordered a "fancy" hamburger and eaten that with a knife and fork too?

>> No.6003974

I think a few times I've cut a sandwich in half to make it more manageable, mind you these are amerisized affairs.

And my mom eats her fancy spaghetti (fazoli's) with a knife and fork. She can't eat it unless it looks like it came from a chef boyardee can.