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5995568 No.5995568 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a Starbucks barista anything

>> No.5995575

Why does your coffee taste burnt?

>> No.5995577

are you physically pulling espresso shots on an antique machine?
if not, why do you call yourself a barrista?

>> No.5995584

What tamp pressure do you use?

>> No.5995583

How's that art degree working out?

But seriously, what's the most expensive thing someone ever ordered from you?

>> No.5995586

It doesn't, pleb.

There's more to being a barista than pulling shots on an outdated machine.

>> No.5995593

Market demand.

North American cafe's all over-roast their coffee beans. You want a proper roast you better go to Europe or to a cafe owned by an FOB Italian guy.

Also, when people like >>5995586 say it's not burnt, it's because they likely never tried coffee that isn't.

>> No.5995595

I'm not going to school, actually. I had one customer who came through every day and order two Frappachinos that came out to a little over $17. Mornings, especially weekends though we easily get tickets of over $20 when people get a pastry and a sandwich for breakfast.

A typical drink for myself is usually $9.

Good question. I'm looking now and can't quite find an answer.

>> No.5995602

How about the most calorie dense, disgusting white girl drink you've seen?

>> No.5995609


>not knowing that black ladeez order the most caloriffic disgusting combos ever known to man

>> No.5995613

Starbucks wanted to sound upscale and posh when they are not. Fancy titles are less expensive than producing quality product.

>> No.5995614

Every girl I know gets the season flavor loaded to hell with sugar, cream, and some kind of drizzle.

>> No.5995633

How often a day do your female coworkers get hit on?

>> No.5995637

Damn, wrote a bunch out and 4chan ate my post.

>lady comes in every day
>normal average weight
>be new never made her drink
>caramel frappachino with extra caramel drizzle
>heres your drink m'am
>that's not enough caramel
>im usually heavy handed with that shit
>oh um okay let me remake that for you
>tries again
>thick layer of caramel all along the sides
>still wrong
>another barista takes over for me
>shows me that she likes what i did plus two solid inches of caramel at the bottom of the cup
>mfw we literally unscrew the cap off the bottle and just empty half of it into the cup when we're in a rush
>she's happy with this and sometimes gets it twice a day

>working drive-thru
>i'll have a trenta iced tea
>do you like the sweetener in that?
>how much is usually in it?
>8 pumps of liquid sugar (already disgustingly too much)
>silence for a moment
>can i get 28 pumps
>28 pumps
>are you sure? that's going to be a good inch or two of just pure syrup....
>barista gets to the drink
>anon is this....
>yes, 28 pumps
>you can see hope leaving their eyes as they reluctantly make it
>i hand off the drink and make them taste it before they leave
>this lady is at least 300 pounds
>it all makes sense now
>this is delicious thank you anon!

basically if your drink is so ridiculously gross sounding that the barista thinks it's a joke or a typo, you shouldn't be drinking it. I have tons of fatty drinks like this burned in my mind forever

>> No.5995642

Pretty often, frequently by regulars. I think we milk it so you tip us more.

>> No.5995650

oops, trentas get 7 pumps. mixed myself up because she wanted 28

>> No.5995654

Tipping a fastfood slut? Oh dear me.

>> No.5995655

Why do you even bother commenting

>> No.5995659

Is it hard operating the coffee machine with your little doggy paws?

>> No.5995660

Damn son.

>> No.5995663

How cute are you?

>> No.5995669

hurr durr im edgy i dont tip also god isn't real sheeple

i've gotten better over time but it's really the blender that gets me :<

really cute, can't post a photo though.

>> No.5995673

If you don't want to be a slut just slow down on gobbling the cock with every orifice. Working fastfood won't be something you'll be able to do much about until the Wizard gives you a brain.

>> No.5995674

>former coffee master here.

How's it going? what's your employee number, bro? they break into the 800000's yet?

>> No.5995679

I'm a 195 and they're into the 201's last I checked. It's going okay, actually looking into doing Coffee Master training.

>> No.5995681

fellow coffee monkey anon here do you get to take sandwhiches and shit as well? we have one manager that'll get on your shit if you do but the rest are completely okay with us grabbing anything we want.

>> No.5995683
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>> No.5995696

My first store was totally cool with it, but now there's one manager that lets us eat pastries sometimes and another that doesn't mind if I take a couple expired things at the end of the night.

Are you excited for free food in January though? Grilled cheese for lunch erry day, mmmm.

>> No.5995699

I'd say it worth it, if not just to be all superior and have a black apron. Plus it got me out of doing opening shifts.

>> No.5995701

Oh man, that's legit. Why did they stop scheduling you mornings?

>> No.5995704
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Still waiting on an answer for this.

Also, do you prefer flat or curved?

>> No.5995706

You don't want your sluts becoming fatties. That will drive away business. That man was smart.

>> No.5995707

Our machines are super automatic, there's very few stores with traditional espresso machines.

>> No.5995708

Aren't opening shifts better? I mean, you don't have to clean up, and there's almost no customers. At least that's how things were when I used to do this shit.

>> No.5995710

thats weird all the night managers are cool with us taking expiring shit, i can even pass by with another coffee monkey friend and another and grab the expiring shit even if we didn't work closing. and yea my friend told me about that and i was really hyped till he said paninis aren't a part of it, i had the grilled cheese for the first time the other day and i cant say it was my favorite. that veggie fontiago and the turkey bacon/regular bacon are godly though.
we got more than enough sluts at my store, for a 12 or so person staff we have 4 males with one more supposedly coming back.

>> No.5995711

Because half of the thing about being "coffee master" is to show that they have someone there that actually cares about coffee. It is all about visibility and getting people to ask you about the black apron (that says coffee master).

They ended up giving me the 3rd shift to closing. Maybe it's about the area I'm in. San Francisco area is pretty coffee obsessed, and Peets has a pretty big market share up here.

>> No.5995712

Oh. So you use pods?

I've never been to a Starbucks.

>> No.5995713

so expresso machines

>> No.5995714

not the op but at my store the mornings are usually the busiest time, it's like 100 times more busy between 7-1 than it is any other time of the day.

>> No.5995715

I didn't like opening, but the next person to come in is pretty cool, you don't need to worry about setup, and you just sit on the bar and bam out drinks. I actually liked that part of the job.

>> No.5995716

I guess it depends on what you like to do. Opening shifts for my store were 4am so you're exhausted for a few hours of doing nothing then around 7 all hell breaks loose.

I like closing shifts because there's rarely crazy rushes, you don't have to go in until noon or later, you have more time to talk with customers and baristas and I just personally like cleaning, it's an easy routine to get into and you can finish everything hours before close if you're smart.

>> No.5995721

not OP, but it isn't pods, the machine just grinds, tamps, and pulls the shots for you. You still have to adjust the grind though to keep the shots pulling at the correct time though.

>> No.5995723

>itt starbuck slut talk

>> No.5995725

Panini's aren't a part of it? Are you sure cause that fucking sucks. Turkey pesto 4 lyfe.

The beans go in the top of the machine, we have a couple cranks but it's mostly just button pushing and cakes come out into a tray.

>> No.5995727

How often do you sluts talk behind the backs of the other sluts about things you are equally guilty of?

>> No.5995728

that's what my friend who got me the job said, im repping chicken santafe but have you tried the holiday one? I've only had it once but that shit was fucking amazing.

>> No.5995729


Thanx for answering. I'm facinated and will go to my nearest starbucks to watch the process when I get the opportunity.

>> No.5995730

People bitch a lot. I stay out of it, it's annoying. I love when opening people complain about what closers did the night before. We cleaned literally everything and you guys probably won't have customers for 2-3 hours but they act put out if we missed one thing they have to do or they don't like how it was done.

>> No.5995731

not op but most of the sluts at my store like each other, there's just this one girl who they really dislike and make fun to her face and behind her back but she doesn't really understand they're making fun of her.

>> No.5995734

I'm a Peets Coffee and Tea Barista :-)
I'm the one who has to decipher Starbuck talk. IDK WHAT THEY SAYING

>> No.5995737

No, I don't like stuffing or holiday food so it doesn't really appeal to me.

It's not very exciting, but a barista will probably gladly show you if it's not busy. Go late afternoon or evening.

>> No.5995738

This is the same in my store!!!

>> No.5995739

I just saw a Peets for the first time when I was in California. Didn't get anything though. What is the main thing your company is focused on?

>> No.5995741

Ah so instead of attacking each other they have directed that contempt at a scapegoat.

>> No.5995742

A true barista would call it a puck. Just saying.

Also, I know this will sound extremely elitist but I don't think you can call yourself a barista if all you do it pour beans into a machine, press one button, and then collect a puck from a waste chute. Sorry.

>> No.5995744

Annoying, isn't it? Morning people just like the excuse to stand around doing nothing until peak then rush through some drinks and go home. I don't even think the regular openers know how to do everything we do.

>> No.5995748

You realize we do more than stand there and pull single shots, right? Starbucks would never work if we had to grind and tamp each shot. Some days we can barely keep up with demand with three superautomatic machines running at once.

>> No.5995749

>that first story
do you live in new york or is it just comon for there to be one of these ladies at starbucks?
i only had a sample but what i had was amazing, cant stand the cranberry bliss bar though, shits too sweet for my fast ass. the tomato and mozzarella is pretty good though.
i guess, ive only been there for a month and i was pretty shocked when i first heard it since we were hanging out with her but as soon as she stepped away they started talking about how stupid she it.

>> No.5995753

Freshness and quality. Beans don't stay in our store for longer than 3 weeks past the roast date. Everything is roasted to literal perfection in small batches. Our coffee knowledge is long and wide haha. Basically our sell.

>> No.5995754

Sluts are all about the drama.

>> No.5995756

omg getting asked if youre new when you work a morning is bs, manager complaining that a trash wasnt taken out is even more bs (I am a shift lead). If something isn't done, it's because I had no time to get it done.

>> No.5995766

That's interesting, I like that.

I don't like a lot of the pastries because I don't have a sweet tooth. Tomato Mozz is my second fave now that Turkey Pesto is a thing.

>> No.5995769

How is the hot chocolate?

>> No.5995773

We make it with milk and a pump of vanilla which is nice. We have whipped cream instead of marshmallows which kinda stinks because it melts. Peppermint hot chocolates are good, so are white chocolate. Salted caramel hot chocolates are godtier.

>> No.5995775

pickins are usually slim at the time of night but we usually save a few RTD items like a salad, a panini or the box sandwiches. there was one time someone over ordered paninis and we had like a whole crate worth about to expire which we could have taken home but the manager who doesn't let us take shit just changed the date on some of them, still got to take home like 4 paninis though.

>> No.5995779

>We have whipped cream
actually i been meaning to ask, do you guys make your own whipped cream? we make it at our store but ive heard other sores have pre made ones.

>> No.5995805

ours we made. I really wanted to take one of them too.

>> No.5995808

yep! i like making it, it's kinda fun. not so much when we run out during a summer frappachino rush though.

>> No.5995813

you can buy a canister online for like $30

>> No.5995814

>salted sweets

>> No.5995817

what's it like having an inferior palette?

>> No.5995821

i do like making it since it lets me just stand around while making it for a bit but i haven't been there at a summer rush yet and i don't think we've run out of anything outside the usually running out of pastries shit.

>> No.5995822

Will you guys hire cats, or is it a dog only institution

>> No.5995825
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>> No.5995826

>vanilla in hot chocolate
Excuse me while I vomit.

>> No.5995832
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most commercial chocolate includes vanilla in the recipe. where is your god now?

>> No.5995841
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Starbucks welcomes everyone

Frappy Hour will come and you will learn

>> No.5995917

Do you have any experience with Clover made coffee? Is there a discernable difference in quality?

>> No.5995946

Why does your coffee taste like shit? Do you enjoy drinking the coffee you produce? Do you enjoy working there? How much cock do you eat per day?

>> No.5995951

What state are you in and how much money do to make before tips (if your location can accept tips)?

>> No.5995964

Was this lady's name Maria by any chance?

>> No.5995966

Does management tell you guys to act like faggots, or is that why they hire you in the first place?

>> No.5995969



lol You pour overpriced coffee into a cardboard cup. You're a waiter or waitress at best.

>> No.5995975

it's counter service, there's nothing to wait.
they're a salesclerk.

>> No.5996169
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>> No.5996216
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Don't try to fancy it up. You're a fast food worker.

>> No.5996232

Salesclerk? More like cashier.

>> No.5996237 [DELETED] 


This. I tip actual baristas, but at starbucks they're just button pushers. I'm not giving you extra so you can burn my milk, you drooling morons.

>> No.5996245

they do at least have to handle food and beverage.
slightly more involved than plain cashier.

>> No.5996254

>they do at least have to handle food and beverage.
So do all fastfood cashiers. Even more so 7-11 cashiers. They are still cashiers.

>> No.5996255


Realistically speaking, are you a real barista if you work in starbucks? from the maybe 5 times i have ever gone in my life to pay the price of a small meal for a coffee it doesn't seem like whoever is behind the counter actually does anything remarkable, it all looks automated.

>> No.5996323

>28 pumps
What the literal fuck

>> No.5996363

the fastfood guy is also a salesclerk.

a cashier is someone who handles cash and cash only. they're the ones manning the checkout of a supermarket or hardware store.

>> No.5996366

wow such late

>> No.5996390

My friend does work for my home town's Starbucks. His job is to usually address IT problems like "computer no turn on, plz send someone" or "computer is slow"

All the joys of all the coffee you want when you're working there as slowly as possible, without actually working for them.
And since I usually rock up in a suit and tie just to chill with him, they think I'm the supervisor and I get a free coffee too.

>> No.5996460
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Are you a good boy? In light of that, are you ready for walkies?

>> No.5996603

In America you aren't a salesperson until you make your living through convincing people to buy things and you earn a commission for it. We don't call them clerks. A cashier's primary duty is accepting payment, but if they need to do minor tasks to get you your goods or services they are still a cashier like the qwikee mart guy filling my slurpie cup or microwaving my food.

>> No.5996612

so i want a iced coffee that is creamy and sweet what should i ask for ?

>> No.5996651


You could just get an iced coffee with white mocha added, and put some half and half in. That's probably the cheapest option too.