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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5993654 No.5993654 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5993655

im not a 90 year old woman so no thanks

>> No.5993689

I grew up disliking the taste of fig newtons. So I assumed I didn't like fresh figs. Finally tried one in my late teens and discovered it tastes amazing. Then the next summer my dad chopped down the fig bush to make room for a rock garden and peach tree. Peach tree failed. Rock garden looks nice. I still miss the fresh figs.

>> No.5993694
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>> No.5993711

inb4 fig wasp

>> No.5993746

grew up poor in las vegas, but we had 2 fig trees in the back yard. 1 purple, 1 green. People, fig newtons don't come close. The arabs and greeks ate these things for thousands of years, with good reason. They're fucking good. They look like a frostbitten ballsack, but they taste like what ~I~ imagine the fruit of the gods tastes like. You could eat it every day, and never get sick of it. You can eat them fresh off the tree, or they keep for a week or so in the fridge. mash one with a spoon, and you can spread it on buttered toast for a kickass fast breakfast. Don't be closed-mined bitches and try it

>> No.5993758
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fugg :DD

>> No.5993989
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Fig. 1 - Fig.

>> No.5994001
File: 198 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
