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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 444x390, justin-timberlake-dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5990820 No.5990820 [Reply] [Original]

ALCOHOLICS THREAD - Why can't I stop edition.

>> No.5990821

what are you drinking?

>> No.5990826

its 6:30 in the morning and i've already had 4 beers, tempted to finish off a bottle of vodka.

>> No.5990828

what kind of beer?

>> No.5990835

>fucking need something so heading out to some rathole TAB
thank the corrupt state government for having late night trading for gamblers

>> No.5990836

Are you me? I've got a 1.75 of kirkland vodka next to me

>> No.5990837

Thank you corrupt state government

>> No.5990841

pabst, leftovers from a roommate's shitty party. it's inoffensive so i'm not complaining.
take the plunge.

>> No.5990845
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Wednesday night, just popped a zanny and washed it down with my second bottle of wine.

>> No.5990848

I really didn't want to laugh at that picture, but it's so good.

>> No.5990856

>being so poor you know you won't have to continue your disgusting habit
feels good mang

>> No.5990860

is that a real dead person?

>> No.5990862

Yes. A man murdered a woman and then posted the pictures to /b/.

>> No.5990865

this is the main reason i don't pick smoking back up.

>> No.5990870

should i go get beer?

>> No.5990878

As long as it's not a microbrew IPA, go for it.
>not getting jugs of Carlo Rossi

>> No.5990879

Yes? What time is it?

I will start drinking soon and its 11:20pm tomorrow and Im on vacation now

>> No.5990891


>> No.5990894

morning or evening?
>not keeping a bottle of liquor on your nightstand so you can take a shot as soon as you wake up
>not taking a jamaican shower and pounding a shower beer before getting ready for the day

>> No.5990895

Fucken poser..

>> No.5990901


>> No.5990906


>> No.5990907

are you me?

>> No.5990910

>tfw woke up an hour ago with a bottle of whiskey im sippin and still havent gotten up

im too comfy to get up. i here my dad downstairs smokin pot too

>> No.5990912
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bitch i might be

>> No.5990913

>le meme whiskey
>here my dad smokin pot

>> No.5990930


>> No.5990931
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>I got banned for starting the last /alck/ thread

>> No.5990939

its only half 10 at night and I've already had half a bottle of beer

>h-hold me

>> No.5990941

have a drink - you'll feel better

>> No.5990959

>engaging autism mode because i used a phrase you don't like
sounds like you're the triggered one m8, you'd fit in better than i would on tumblr or reddit where you truly belong.

>> No.5990965

>being this upset

>> No.5990992
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>being upset while drinking

>> No.5991010

tried going sober.. quit after 2 days because life is so fucking boring. how deal?

>> No.5991015

drugs, or a hobby.

>> No.5991018

I started lifting and it help me cut way back on drinking.

>> No.5991026

who /beerbelly/ here?

>> No.5991062


Like crazy. Went from ripped ottermode /fit/ as fuck to 240lbs beer belly over the last 6 years of drinking beer every night until i pass out.

>> No.5991071

What happened?

>> No.5991098

sounds like he drank beer every night until he passed out for 6 years

>> No.5991103


When you're drinking 2000cals a day as well as eating around the same amount, and you have an office job, you're gonna get fat.

>> No.5991104

Drank a 12 pack at work yesterday... spent whole day on 4chins, got about 20 minutes of work done

>> No.5991196

Ur job sounds perfect, wat do?

>> No.5991202

yeah, and when you drink alot you probably end up eating more food than you would otherwise too, drunk munchies and whatever

>> No.5991217

supposedly I manage an entire office in one city for this large corporation

...in reality my city is insignificant, and I am the sole employee

Most of my work is data input, and my bosses think the only way to do it is by hand. I scan the paperwork, use writing recognition software, then copy and paste.

>> No.5991219

also I get shit pay

like sub 40k, so they can suck it

>> No.5991222

Stopped drinking during the weekdays a couple months ago. Feels good but I always come back to these threads to remind me why I did.

>> No.5991247

Wednesday drink time!! Off work until early Saturday morning, any reason i should not be drinking today?

>> No.5991266

I can't think of any.

>> No.5991272

Me neither so fuck it, kicking this party off with an Imperial Stout!

>> No.5991279

Keep on keepin' on, man.

I'm probably gonna crack a beer in an hour or so. Cheers.

>> No.5991290

Cracked an local Winter release stout open, smelled amazing and tased even better. Fucking great drink in the middle of the week.

>> No.5991297

better than the sub 20k i make a year

>> No.5991301

you make less than 9.60/hour?

>> No.5991324
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because freddie mercury

did this cheer you up at all? if it did you are not dead on the inside yet! that is a good thing....
why you can't stop is because the alcohol releases certain chemicals in your brain that make you have such a good time. this brain region is called the reward center. because now that you are bombarding all your receptors with good times 24/7 they adjust by not interpreting the bombardment of neurotransmitters as good times or at least not such good times

leaving you with a normal times now also being affected by that downwards adjustment leaving your normal times to become sucky times instead.

the only way out is to bear out the suck times enough so that the receptors can readjust and interpret the absolute horrendous lack of good times as a maladjustment and correct themselves upwards

which would result in you having normal times that inst sucky or at least not as unbearably sucky as it is now

also because the normal time has now become sucky times and the good times has become normal times due to your alcoholism (admit it D:< ) you are constantly drinking because as most people you prefer normal times over sucky times

>> No.5991333

Don't do it anon!

>> No.5991339

Why not?

>> No.5991349
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>> No.5991377

>the only way out is to bear out the suck times enough so that the receptors can readjust and interpret the absolute horrendous lack of good times as a maladjustment and correct themselves upwards

Tried doing this with 2 1/2 years of sobriety and it never got better. I'm back on the sauce now. Albeit much less than I was drinking when it all began. I'm still so ashamed.

>> No.5991393

Just cracked my first.

>> No.5991396


I'm a teetotaler. Am I allowed to post here?

>> No.5991403

I guess.

Lay it on me. Why am I wayward an awful?

>> No.5991413

why are you a teetotaler

>> No.5991417


Is that what you kids today are calling closeted bottom only limp dicked fggts?

>> No.5991419

Nah. I've got nothing against you guys.

A few too many dead cousins.

I still use alcohol in cooking. I just don't drink the stuff.

>> No.5991433
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Been on a bender for a week, averaging 2 liters of whiskey a day. Woke up on the floor and I'm shaking uncontrollably, teeth chattering, trembled so violently my leg gave out and I collapsed when I tried to stand.

I'm easily the best alcoholic in south Florida

>> No.5991436

With those symptoms, you best get some more booze in ya.

>> No.5991444

don't worry i did, i still had half a bottle and i'll be of to the liquor store again when i finish it

>> No.5991445

I do it because a good female friend of mine and I enable each other, even though she has a bf already and I respect that. I always imagine hooking up with some girl from the bar but I don't look like Justin Timberlake, so I drink enough until I feel like him. I still wake up as me the next morning, alone and broke.

>> No.5991446

Basically. My friends prefer the term 'designated driver.'

>> No.5991448

We can call you 'power bottom'

>> No.5991453
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This story doesn't end well, friend.

>> No.5991457

I feel safer when the person driving me home is drunk for some strange reason. Sober people seem like cops or evil nazis

>> No.5991459
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I'm cool with that.

>> No.5991460

You have issues.

>> No.5991462

I think that goes without saying

>> No.5991520

Where in south florida? I'm in Fort Myers, If you need a friend to help you dry out

>> No.5991527

My organs are shot, but I'm still not gonna let you harvest them. Nice try.

>> No.5991546

kek, just letting you know you have an option. I'm drinking now but looking to quit again. It would help me out if I was helping someone else out. Good luck to you.

>> No.5991570

I don't know man, I'm on my third whisky sour and I'm feeling pretty good. I do have to shower and hang the laundry and sleep soon, so there's that.

>> No.5991577

everytime i get at least decently drunk i threw up
is there something wrong with me or am i just a huge pussy?

>> No.5991579
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>> No.5991580
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That happened to me twice after making al/ck/ threads so I stopped. I don't fucking understand why they randomly sperg out and delete the threads and ban people for them

>> No.5991584

>reward center
It's like I'm having a violent threesome with my reward center and half a bottle of whisky.

>> No.5991589

What are you drinking?

I had to stop mixing my booze with anything sweet when I turned pro, sugary shit will increase your nausea.

It also takes time to get used to a stomach full of alcohol, you probably aren't a pussy, you just haven't been at it for long enough

Also puking makes you feel a lot better, enjoy it while you still can

>> No.5991603

i used to drink pure whiskey but it got too tough for me now i switched to beer and rarely tequila
sometimes i think that something wrong with my stomach acid cause when i throw up my throat and tongue are burning and teeth got this strange feel when you lick them

>> No.5991611

I find drinking beer a lot more strenuous than other shit. It gives me a stomach ache and makes me wake up way earlier than other alc. maybe it's because of my dark German fraternity past, where we used to down beer and puke as a sort of competitive sport.

>> No.5991613

for some reason beer makes me very drunk very fast and its cheap
dark times

>> No.5991614

Just bought a liter of Russian vodka, what do


>> No.5991615
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I am a teetotaler too but don't use that shit as a means of getting attention

>hai Ima gurl xD xoxoxoxox

you are giving us teetotalers a bad name
also we find the term teetotaler offensive
we prefer to be referred to as soft-drinkers
a small minority also calls themselves soda-poppers

>> No.5991616

>when i throw up my throat and tongue are burning and teeth got this strange feel when you lick them

The last time I puked my vomit was half blood and your own partially digested blood tastes like literal shit. I'll trade you.

>> No.5991618

sterilize everything

>> No.5991624

what about pain

>> No.5991626

Tell me how much each of you drink every week so I can stop worrying that I'm an actual alcoholic

>> No.5991631
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the last 3 weeks i drank not a drop of alcohol
had a box of wine in my fridge for like half a year not even thought about it once

I am more of a crack-kinda guy

>> No.5991637

>I am more of a crack-kinda guy

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.5991638

not that much anymore, parachuting heroin has helped a bunch.

>> No.5991642

A-are you joking

>> No.5991645

I quit crack and became al/ck/, you're doing it wrong

>> No.5991649

>I am more of a crack-kinda guy

I only smoked freebase cocaine once (for research) and the high was so intense it terrified me. I would never have though a good feeling could be scary, but it overwhelmed me completely.

>> No.5991651
File: 31 KB, 300x470, stock-photo-portrait-of-a-senior-man-annoyed-56679454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crack has been demonized
it is nonaddictive and if you don't mix it with tobacco it won't even affect your lungs.

i have seen lot's of people act violent on alcohol but on crack all you wanna do is eat some candy and play video games

>> No.5991660

>on crack all you wanna do is eat some candy and play video games

Actually on crack all you want is more crack. It's the same with good quality cocaine. The drugs most notable effect is inducing a desire for more of itself

>> No.5991667

>it is nonaddictive

Pretty sure that's objectively incorrect in every way

>> No.5991671
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that is marijuana
>crack is coo

>> No.5991674
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>> No.5991675

It's not that physically addictive, like heroin or alcohol.

People tend to disregard psychological addiction unfortunately.

>> No.5991676

I defy anyone to eat on crack. Doesn't make you violent but might make you want to fuck someone or something you will regret later.

>> No.5991683
File: 400 KB, 1200x675, tumblr_lcb0vgyeqA1qdxd3qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you defy I? it is I who defies thy

>> No.5991685


I agree, all drugs should be legal. If a person wants to fuck up their life it's really just their decision, who is the goberment' to get involved.

>> No.5991689

exacly de gobermen shoo my dare owl bitshness

>> No.5991697

yessir, crack puts your stomach in knots and is an appetite suppressant. Thats why crack heads are skinny (usually, I have met some fat crack whores).

>> No.5991698

>implying a life can get fucked up
I find it hard to understand why mortal beings give a shit about anything but temporary pleasure.

>> No.5991710

All of the crack heads I've met in my life are obese and white. It's counterintuitive, but everything in Florida is crazy.

>> No.5991714

>here's nothing here.

>Are we worthless?

>Recessive genes.


>Salty tears...

>> No.5991716

you mean like the mayor of toronto?

>> No.5991723

True, but I like normal cocaine as much as the next guy, and can totally understand that just because something isn't physically addictive doesn't mean it isn't still really fucking addictive

>> No.5991730

>do you even rift?

>> No.5991733

Yeah but do you hang out with moon crickets? If you did you would have come in contact with plenty of skinny black crack heads.

>> No.5991747

>do you hang out with moon crickets?

There are almost no black people in my town. The few we have are too scared of getting shot by the police to do anything illegal.

I guess the fat white crack head is a regional specialty

>> No.5991755

>There are almost no black people in my town

Thought they were everywhere in s florida

>> No.5991770

I live in a nice part of south Florida. Obviously nice is relative, it's still Florida. But it's a kinda rich neighborhood.

The guy that sold me crack drives the same $150k bmw jay-z mentions in his raps.

>> No.5992326
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About to have this. It's an 8.8 ABV and brewed in Malaysia of all places.

>> No.5992464

>kirkland vodka

C-Costo brand vodka?

>> No.5992472

Post your battle station m8

>> No.5992477


These threads are like /ck/'s mini /r9k/. That's not a good thing.

>> No.5992566
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My body is ready.
>tfw when Virginia doesn't allow private liquor sales
>tfw no liquor at costco

>> No.5992578

>jugs of Carlo Rossi
my wine of choice

>> No.5992595

Constant pressure in the chest. How does everyone else deal with it? I think I might die soon.

>> No.5992599

Is it liver tumors pressing against your lungs?

>> No.5992603

I usually just get fucking horrible abdominal pain. Perhaps all the hard alcohol i consume kills the bacteria needed for digestion?
I then just drink a ton of pro biotic drinks and I'm fine again. Also

>sharp pains thought liver and kidneys like a knife is going through

>> No.5992612

I'm not joking. I can't breathe properly if I lie down. It feels like someone is sitting on me.

I get seriously watery shits but I don't get gut/abdominal pain.

>> No.5992616


>> No.5992621

It's been like this for over a week though. I'm not sure if I am imagining it.

I really don't want to go to the hospital. Has no-one else experienced this sensation?

>> No.5992622

Are you a land whale? Answer truthfully please

>> No.5992623
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>> No.5992640

I'm 6'2 and 270 pounds. I lift though. Not all fat, but yes, I am fat.

>> No.5992666

Ahh ok then fucking lay off the alcohol for just a few days and see what happens. If it keeps happening(without drinking) then see a doctor

>> No.5992671

I drink about 3 bottles of vodka a week sometimes I drink 3 days in a row and I've been doing this since last christmas

do I have a problem and is my body going to start failing soon?

on the plus side its gotten rid of my migraines

>> No.5992672

I also used to get this sort of pain when i was drinking very heavily but i cut down a but and the pain went away.

Drinking a lot will give you watery shits even if you arent a heavy drinker.
The problem is constantly or frequently having watery shits can/may cause other problems for your i testines

I would suggest if its been more than 2 weeks of pain you go straight to your GP or hospital and let the Dr know whats going on

>> No.5992676

>not knowing that it is actually a sleep demon sitting on your chest sucking the life force out of you

Stay menaced, mortalfag.

>> No.5992687

The abdominal pain has only happened a couple times. When it does, I just stop drinking and maintain a healthy died + pro biotics till I'm normal again

>> No.5992690

> mfw cooking while drunk
> master chef mode
> eat my own shitty cooking without a care in the world

Feels good man

>> No.5992692

Holy shit, fucking kekd. Thanks for that.

Why didn't I get a succubus though? That is pretty shitty.

Will try not to drink tomorrow then. Itried not to drink today though. Bah, sorry, I know I am whining like a cunt. Fuck.

>> No.5992709

I know it hard but try to distract yourself with something else. Go rent or torrent some movies then shitpost on /tv/ about them or eat junkfood or some shit. Just go a couple nights without alcohol and if the symptoms persist, see a doctor.

>> No.5992722

No need to say sorry, It's kind of nice being able to talk to people about drinking as I people i know irl are not so easy to talk with about drinking.
Anyway After i felt shitty i didnt drink for 4 days and I had a few beers but now im drinking everyday almost but I have cut down I'd say

>> No.5992738

I'm an alcoholic. I've been sober since 2002. It has nearly killed me several times and I've suffered a brain injury as an indirect result of my alcoholism.

I reached a point where I would try and delay my first drink until as late as possible because I knew that when I started drinking it would only be a matter of a few hours until I pass out, and I didn't want to pass out too early.

On the 30th of December I successfully delayed my first drink until close to midnight and decided to try and go to bed without drinking anything so that I can drink more the next night which was new years eve.
The next day I woke up feeling really good because it was long time since I woke up without a hangover. For the remainder of that day I kept delaying my first drink again, knowing that I would pass out soon after and I didn't want to miss the midnight fireworks. As midnight approached I just kept delaying that first drink. Twelve years later I'm still delaying that drink.

And that's my story.

>> No.5992749

please respond

>> No.5992764

Wrong. Good quality coke, you dont need to keep doing it. Its shit almost everywhere but south america, its the small bit in the cut shit that makes you want more. In columbia, you do a line and your good for over an hour.....you dont think about it. Constantly like you do with the shitty stuff

>> No.5992770

If you have to ask then no,on a heavy night I can easily drink 2 bottles of vodka. 5 or 6 times a week.I literally drink myself into poverty. It's pathetic.

>> No.5992774
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You should go now and buy a 12 pack and drink a beer for all the years you lived sober.

>> No.5992777
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What im drinking currently.... smoking a cuban reject cigar..

>> No.5992779

its getting annoying dealing with everyone giving me shit saying I have a problem. I feel fine, never wake up feeling shitty and it gets me through the day and helps me enjoy myself

I'm sure I've done damage to my liver and I can't wait to get back to lifting again and cutting back on my alcohol intake

I need more alcoholic friends

>> No.5992804

Jesus this so much
I already don't have many friends and no one drinks as often as I do,so i drink alone often and people tend to talk about it in anegative way( I live in a dorm btw) but when i drink I'm bymyself in the common area with my earphones in not talking to or bothering anyone, Its other people who come to me and try to make conversation.

There is one person here who is 2 yesrs younger than me and tells me i should not be drinking so much and its always so whiny and rude,
Where I am right now has a culture of respecting your elders and not telling them what to do, Sometimes I wish i just give em a good back hander to put em back in their place but I could get into trouble.
sorry for the rant
As i said i don't have many friends irl, mainly because im in a foreign country and we all speak different languages =/

I wish i knew more people who could drink like people here on al/ck/holics

>> No.5992832

Ha, I wish! But sadly I don't think I could stop after twelve. Or if I could even get to the twelfth before passing out.

I do miss a good red with a meal, though. What I don't miss is waking in a police holding cell.

>> No.5992838

A happy ending
Love it

>> No.5992857



>> No.5992935


>> No.5993019

I used to be an alcoholic. Quitting isn't so bad when you have a hobby.

>> No.5993029

>implying hes hot

>> No.5993031
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sup chaps i am an alcohol too

I drink a lot but never get in trouble. No matter how drunk i get, i stay reasonable and don't start shit. I drink for fun, mostly, and to manage the crippling, crushing depressin that i get when i'm not altering my levels of serotonin. Long, fulfilling life, here i come!

>> No.5993036

*tips fedora*

>> No.5993039

i vaan ahrraldyy se sttraight

>> No.5993042

iuugiiibkbl dsr yrdhjgdyt ty67r75

>> No.5993046

I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm gonna get buzzed beforehand to deal with the anxiety.

>> No.5993048

how are you people drinking on a week night??

>> No.5993053
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easy, they don't have to get up early in the morning

>> No.5993054

last time i did that i ended up getting the job

good luck my frend

>> No.5993057

I stand up and walk to the freezer. After opening the freezer door, I will usually use my hand to grab the bottle. I pour some of the contents of the bottle into a glass. I then mix it with diet soda. At this point, I then proceed to drink the contents. I do this many times until I sleep like a kitten.

>> No.5993076

I advise any drunk to pick up some liv.52 supplements in combination with milk thistle. My liver tests went down a ton while taking that and still drinking the same amount. With that said, quit drinking all together if it gets as bad as it did for me.

>> No.5993093

My doctor just told me I have moderate liver damage. Am I fucked?

>> No.5993096

You're fine so long as you stop drinking

>> No.5993098
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stop drinking lol

>> No.5993100

can livers get better?

>> No.5993103

They will heal, but you gotta quit drinking/fatty foods for it to have a chance.

>> No.5993105

don't listen to those faggots, start drinking more

>> No.5993106

yes. it's a very resilient organ.

>> No.5993108

yea just bought a 6 pack and tonight is my last night. Figured 1 more night cant hurt.>>5993100
I think it can if it hasnt scared to badly, its the one organ that repairs itself ..?

>> No.5993110


i drink 15-20 beers one night a week. will my liver get shot?

>> No.5993113

>Figured 1 more night cant hurt.
Anon, stop.

>> No.5993114


does your liver hurt when you walk around?

>> No.5993115

I did this every night.. 7 days a week,never missing a week. same amount for the last 6 years. Just told my liver has moderate damage,,,so Im in my early 30s. not severe , not minor either. Guess I have to give it up

>> No.5993116

Also, you have to worry about kidneys as well. They don't heal. Honestly, I bet he was just trying to scare you and it's not as bad as it seems. I've been averaging 3/4 of a fifth of vodka for like 5 years. I'm 28 and have a normal liver somehow, but I know it will catch up to me. Also, Beer isn't drinking.

>> No.5993118

no just . right after I drink a beer. and when I lay down. For awhile it was hurting my lower chest though. It could be Im just realizing this,cause I got the news today.

>> No.5993120

we are all different. he might of been, but I doubt it.I just want to know how long it takes to heal? and can I drink again? moderately

>> No.5993136

Nobody here is a doctor, but I hear many months. And for drinking again after that I would think that's on you if you can psychologically can handle drinking in moderation. Also, be careful stopping cold turkey, you can easily die from the side effects.

>> No.5993144
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>tips fedora
>panties drop

>> No.5993244

The mods here are fucking stupid. I got banned for the weirdest shit.

>> No.5993247

Are there any ideal jobs for an alcoholic? I've been NEET for a year now and getting bored, but extreme anxiety and agoraphobia don't allow me to leave the house without drinking first.

>> No.5993249

I'm an alcoholic and I drive a forklift for a living, probably not the best combination but whatever.

>> No.5993250

fun fact: alcohol is the only drug with a withdrawl that can kill you
Brain damage can occur

typing this while drunk

>> No.5993252

Woah they didn't notice at all???

>> No.5993253

what are you, some kinda idiot?

>> No.5993264

Said I'm going buzzed and it hasn't happened yet....

>> No.5993266

youre here!
what kinda job?

>> No.5993268

Technical support lol

>> No.5993272

well just remember to not smell

>> No.5993282

I'm thinking about going to the liquor store to fill up my booze cabinet at home, what are some staple bottles of spirits to keep in your cabinet.

So far my list is:
Bourbon - Makers Mark
Vodka - Russian Standard
Gin - Beef Eater
Rum - Mt Gay

And some stuff like Baileys and Kahlua

>> No.5993287

makers mark is good for mixed drinks
otherwise, not

>> No.5993289

Was otherwise thinking of Bullit or Wild Turkey 101 as bourbon. I finished a bottle of Dickel the other week that I thought was pretty good.

>> No.5993306

OH i meant to reply to this person

I'm on my phone I derped out while doing irl things

>> No.5993308

Don't mix makers mark wtf. If you want to drink whiskey and mix it find some cheap Canadian shit.

>> No.5993317

What are some other varieties of spirits vital to any home bar?

>> No.5993426

This is why mods should be banned for banning people for /alk/ threads.

Comedy fucking gold!

>> No.5993458


>> No.5993483

i rather have a classy drink and a cigarette
than take illegal drugs like marijuana

>> No.5993494

had too much tequila

Any tips for cleaning vomit out of carpet?

>> No.5993503

woolite dat shit

or pour tequila on it

>> No.5993506

the tequila was a present for my newly promoted boss
ill buy woolite tomorrow, i got cornstarch on it now

>> No.5993538

Because I'm trying to dull the pain of my life and escape from my own mind.

>> No.5993552

>drinking your boss's present

wow that is some true alcoholism right there
get help anon

>> No.5993558

it was a celebration! other people had some too. A little bit.
I think I was three shots above him when I left.

I bought two bottles and left one unopened.

>> No.5993566
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aww that actually sounds like a lot of fun. i wish i had a job to support my alcoholism.

good luck on the carpet cleaning!

>> No.5993569

If I want to be able to get to sleep easier, should I become an alcoholic?

>> No.5993571

Well, it was fun until the vomiting. But that was after I got to my dorm. It was mostly just me and my sous who killed most of a bottle though

I dabbed a bit of it with paper towels and put some corn starch on it and left a note telling m y roommates that ill clean it up tomorrow when i get home from work.

>> No.5993582

good story thanks for sharing

>> No.5993600

Inexperienced drinker here, any tips for sobering up?
I work in an about an hour, and we're doing a soft opening

>> No.5993603

I usually drink milk to absorb the toxins

>> No.5993605

almost out of milk, but I'll drink what I got.

Too bad I dont have anything else. Other than whiskey, but that's probably not a good idea

>> No.5993606

There aren't really any tricks to feeling more sober apart from time, temperance or tolerance. If you're hungover at all though, eat an egg however you like, make some hobo isotonic drink (a third tbsp salt, two tbsp sugar pint of water / soda water). That'll at least make you feel better.

>> No.5993607

works for some people but not for me. When I drink I can pass out for about 2 hours then I wake up feeling like I'm on a bad crank high.

>> No.5993608

Im just feeling a little woozy, and I have the slight urge to vomit again, although that's probably just because of hunger, since I haven't eaten anything other than a tiny brisket sandwich

>> No.5993947

>Jesus christ how horrifying
Not really, crack will not fuck up your body nearly as bad as alcohol will.

>> No.5993957

> Also, Beer isn't drinking.
The only thing that matters when judging organ damage is the amount of alcohol getting into your body, and beer does that just as well as hard liquor.

>> No.5993962

>implying anyone cares
Have fun killing your body with two of the top most harmful recreational drugs just because your government told you the marijuaners is bad.

>> No.5993965

Can we stop incorrectly titling these threads? If you haven't been to AA - either out of social compulsion or your own failures - you're not an alcoholic.

>> No.5993968


>If you haven't been to AA

Pretty sure you can only be forced into that cult in America

>> No.5993976

>going to AA is proof that you have problems
It only proves that you are a retard.

>> No.5994008

Yeah. 13$ a handle and it's pretty decent.

>> No.5994078

>tfw I started drinking in between classes

>> No.5994171

Got drunk last night and ate a whole container of gummy vitamins. They tasted like gummy bears. No regrets.

>> No.5994202

>tfw i started drinking during classes

whiskey in an apple juice bottle das it mane

>> No.5994217

Oh, they try. I was sentenced to 3 months of A.A. twice a week (among other things). But seeing how it is anonymous, I forged every signature on the sheet. Fuck that waste of time.

>> No.5994221

I'm too lazy for that

>> No.5994234


If you were sentenced but you forged your signature how do they know you went?

Did they pull that "You must accept you are powerless to help yourself and must depend on a higher power" shit in order to nurture dependency?

>> No.5994257

No no. There is someone at every meeting at the end who asks who needs their court order sheet signed. I lived in an area where the local circuit judge was a former boozebag, so any alcohol infractions resulted in mandatory A.A. meetings. Even if you were also given jail time, loss of license or rehab. He figured it worked for him, it should work for you too.

>> No.5994265


So you didn't even go to find out his name, you just slapped Rusty Shackleford on a sheet for 12 weeks and no one noticed?

What did you do anyway to get sentenced

>> No.5994274
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>Prepare shchi in slow cooker in morning
>Drain bottle of vodka in afternoon
>Serve shchi with sour cream and bread
>Greatest thing I have ever tasted

>> No.5994283

Actually, I went to 3 meetings before I bailed. Different meetings at different places have different people. And they signed my sheet with first name and last initial. So I had friends using different pens make up names to sign with. Not exactly criminal genius, but it worked just fine.

I got a DWI. One of many alcohol related arrests in my horrible past.

>> No.5994316

That alcohol. That excess vitamin E.
Man you must really hate your liver to go for the 1, 2 punch.

>> No.5994422


>used to get drunk every single night for a couple of months straight
>got to work at 8am nonetheless

I reduced my alcohol consumption to "only when I'm drinking with others"

>> No.5994441

that's really gay and anti-climatic

>> No.5994500

I'm happily married, 4 years, but I'm always the one who would get drunk. hubby barely drinks. when I am drunk I'm such a cunt. anyway found out last November I was pregnant so I stopped drinking. and I'm currently breastfeeding. .. I want alc so fucking bad. but I'm purposely not giving the baby a bottle so I dont get drunk. erg. its been a year. I have 7 months left. then I am getting so fucking wasted.

>> No.5994530

As long as it's not non-alcoholic, go for it.
If you like IPA then ignore this faggot >>5990878

>> No.5995068

can anyone hold my wine drunken hand? im having feelings inside

>> No.5995083
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one time i poured vodka on my dick after a dog bit it
>tfw no infection

>> No.5995090

did you at least take the dog out to dinner before trying to have sex with it?

>> No.5995098

я вcегда хочу еcть щи, но много руccкие люди cказали он плохо. правда или нет?
>tfw изучаю руccкий

>> No.5995100

the dog actually ate my dinner, and bit me because i tried to wrest it away from him.

but haha, a dog bit my penis:

>> No.5995105

I've had 2 sober days, first in probably five years, because I've been so sick with gastro that I can't keep anything down. I've had a fever and hot flushes and I know it's withdrawal mixed in with the gastro. First sober days in years because I've been sick. Fuck.

>> No.5995137
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drinking alone after another day of dish washing to pay for my drinking alone habit

>> No.5995160
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>mfw dry and broke until tomorrow

At least I'll have Smash in 4 hours to distract me. But fuck, 4 hours.

>> No.5995165


>> No.5995167


>> No.5995173


Drink with the cooks. I did dishes on a 6 day/week schedule and was good friends with the head cook. We'd drink til 5 in the morning almost every night

>> No.5995176
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Drink up, only one in ten of you are alcoholics.


>> No.5995177

I work at a hipster vegetarian place and the rest of the staff are 20 something undergrads. I'm in my 30s and in grad school, I grade their idiotic papers and very poor exams.

Other than the fact that there are cute hipster girls around me everyday the job is balls.

>> No.5995178

back on the sauce


>> No.5995181


Same here. Max one night with a drink during the week (I work in a bar so it's pretty fucking difficult) and one day at the weekend. Trying to cut out drinking at home altogether.

>> No.5995185

i am drunk

>> No.5995194

interesting study, thx for linking

>> No.5995242

>What do I buy for my home bar?

Also, unlike >>5993287
said, don't mix Makers Mark, unless you're an idiot

>> No.5995250
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>drunk on a thursday night

a sad life indeed

>> No.5995257

maker's mark is too distinct. just get seagrams 7 for mixing. for sipping bourbon, get four roses single barrel.

also, svedka vodka for mixing.

>> No.5995262

Makers Mark is oversweet crap
I suppose it's passable for Manhattans, otherwise throw it in the trash.

>> No.5995269
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Old Crow is my go to cheap whiskey used for mixing. Titos for vodka... only a few bucks more here and it's one of the best out there, so why not?

Favorite sipping whiskey is Knob Creek, but I still have a bunch to try. Also I know next to nothing about scotch since that crowd seems like a bunch of assholes and I'm just a pleb

>> No.5995273

Everything has its place my friend.

>> No.5995310

feeling shitty today and the urge to go out and get a bottle is so damn difficult to fight right now

but I'm trying to cut back

>> No.5995315

Yes, trash goes to the dump

>> No.5995359

I'm staying sober boys!

>> No.5995391

don't leave us here, alone
we can't make it without you

>> No.5995432 [DELETED] 

Cool, I want pancakes. You fly, I buy?

>> No.5995571

Currently drinking 211 steel reserve. All I could afford till I get paid tomorrow. Just got a job two weeks ago and first paycheck spent it all on beers and going to bars. AT least I don't have to steal from my mom's change jar anymore which is almost empty now. I have to refill it now I know she knows it was me but hasn’t told me anything, it just didn't magically disappear.

>> No.5995668

>Bourbon - Makers Mark

Could at least get some Bulleit instead.


>> No.5995958

Hey, me too. Only because I'm stingy though. Oh and you should prolly go to the bank and get a 100 turned into change for momma.

>> No.5995962

Bulleit's nothin special either

>> No.5996016
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>get job working nights
>continue rule of thumb from working morning job of 6 hours between last drink and start of the shift
>get fired for showing up drunk

uh so this is why office jobs exist, right?

so you can show up at 8am after drinking until 2am and claim you're tired?

Somehow showing up at 8pm after drinking until 2pm is different why?

>> No.5996020

They fired you because you're homosexual not drunk. Lawyer up.

>> No.5996026


markers mark is pretty sweet, it suits it well for old fashioneds and most other whiskey drinks

>> No.5996027

it was "under the table" ;)

>> No.5996040
File: 72 KB, 241x500, oranjeboom-16percent-mega-strength-500ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work nights
>Friday morning
>had 3 Oranjeboom 8.5%
>feeling tipsy
>need to be comatosed
This is the only strength I can physically or googley find, any Britfags (Midlands) know where I can purchase pic related?

>> No.5996059

You just shouldn't show up drunk to your job you fucking retard

>> No.5996064
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>be below 30 years old
>drink gallons of beer and liquior
>still manage to drink more
>be 30 years old
>drink 3 glasses of beer
Wtf is happening to me, /ck/? It stopped being fun now.

Help pls

>> No.5996066

What's the problem? Cheaper to get drunk.

>> No.5996072

Are you just drinking at home now?

Did you used to go out to drink?

>> No.5996076
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>go to bar
>drink 3 tall glasses of beer
>magically wakes up at home
>lost $100
This happened to me yesterday

I don't drink at home anymore. Housemates found me almost naked sleeping on the ground. I did downed a big ass plastic bottle of Popov though.

I think I borked my liver.

>> No.5996117

At least you're alive and well. In some places you'd wake up injured in hospital or find that you've converted to Islam.

>> No.5996190


you did done get roofied.

>> No.5996201
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haha, post pics >>5996076

That way we can tell how low your countries date rape standards are.

>> No.5996514

im sorry you have to live back home anon

>> No.5996548

My friend used to steal his step dad's change out of one of those big fucking water jugs (the ones they turn upside down on those fountain things) so that we could smoke weed.

By the time we graduated high school, the jug went from almost completely full to less than 25% full.

I don't think his step dad ever said anynthing.

>> No.5996841

Your liver may be fucked

>> No.5996847

Serious question: how many of you are overweight/fat because of your over-indulgence?

>> No.5996854

My belly is far softer than ideal.

>> No.5996859

>got home early from school at 11:30 am
>really fucking wanted to go to specs or liquour store
>want to drink and play stupid games
>need to be somewhere at 7-9pm
>decide on coming home instead
Only alcohol in my apt right now is some cream liqueur

>> No.5996866

Went all week without drinking because I felt guilty about getting fucked up at my kids birthday party. Didn't want to be in the same boat this coming monday so I popped an antibuse yesterday to make sure I didn't drink this weekend. I have been in a relapse from nearly 3 years of sobriety. Think this is my first step to getting back on the wagon.

>> No.5996867

God luck and goodspeed.

>> No.5996922

Thanx m8

>> No.5996945

I woke up with a horrible hangover today
I've been getting wasted every day of the week
I really need to fucking stop before I spend all my money on alcohol

>> No.5996946

Is it possible to be allergic to alcohol?
Like I can't take one shot without feeling like shit and getting an instant headache
I don't get the "drunk" feel at all. I just go straight to the upset stomach and hang over

>> No.5996950

Yes it is, but what you're explaining is not that. When you're allergic to alcohol you have an allergic reaction where your face swell up and all that kinda stuff and you could die. If you were allergic to alcohol you would know.

>> No.5997039

weedeater is that you?

>> No.5997055

are you asian

>> No.5997090

That's racist!

Yes. I am

>> No.5997165

dem jeans tho

>> No.5997299
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>tfw cant justify buying anything but this because i know its the cheapest option that i don't really mind

id like to not be drinking something that i know is shit but i dont mind it at all. plus its $12, which is the most i can afford if i want to keep up my drinking schedule

>> No.5997349

rich fuckers binge drink more than those at lower incomes????????????????

>> No.5997355

Alcoholics is there a big difference in drinking when well rested oppose to sleep deprived???

>> No.5997409

i used to work at a liquor store during UG. one of our early AM repeat customers drank 1L of barton's per day. one day he stopped coming. pony up for svedka.

>> No.5998359

downing a bottle of russian standard right now

>> No.5998724

>its not addictive
>it wont hurt your lungs (if you mix it with something that has been proven to hurt your lungs)

kek, the delusion ITT.

>> No.5998789

currently drinking miller fortune and only cuz its got like 7% alc. which is much higher than anything else at the gas station. meeting up w/ a girl later today so i might as well be kinda buzzed, no?
i keep saying ill cut back but i never do.