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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5990218 No.5990218 [Reply] [Original]

my room mate is telling me it impossible to survive $400 a month on food, just food no expenses, because i plan on cutting out my meal plan next semester because it a total shill, convince me i'm wrong /ck/. i'm a /fit/izen as well so i buy no junk food/soda, the worst i get is gatorade, it mainly teas and water.

pic semi-related

>> No.5990228

r u high

>> No.5990230

no, just heavily sleep-deprived.

>> No.5990235

100 dollars a week is easy bro
Canned/Frozen Vegetables
Evaporated/Powdered Milk
Cheap Cuts of meat
Grains/Filler (Oats, Rice of your choice, Lentils/Legumes)
Oils of your choice
That shouldn't be more than 100
if you have leftovers
spend it on stuff like eggs, pasta, cold cuts, flour, sugar
basic stuff

>> No.5990238


Get a slow cooker for batch cooking brotein. See what cuts of chicken or pork or beef are on sale in your market and get those. Buy bulk rice + dried beans for complex carbs. Get veggies on sale as well/in bulk frozen at costco. Splurge on whey.

>> No.5990239

that what i'm thinking, i'm mainly considering chicken breast/rice/frozen vegetables

>> No.5990242

well my parents buy all my whey, i'm a recovering fatty, and they want to see me become an aesthethic god, so they can have grandchildren,

Ty Based Parents.

>> No.5990246


I survived on ~$10/day food budget for a year. This was about a decade ago though. Food was cheaper and the dollar was stronger.

It negatively impacted my physical fitness slightly, but I wasn't careful about what I ate. Basically it's doable but not ideal.

>> No.5990251

image was w lulz

>> No.5990253

invest in stock
vegetable, chicken, beef, whatever (though those are probably the only ones you can find)
maybe invest in some sort of dairy, but you seem to be getting fit, so maybe not

>> No.5990254

i'm currently cutting, so i only buy skim milk it roughly $5 a gallon at a local hess station.

>> No.5990255

I get half that and my freezer and cupboard is always full, learn to not be retarded.

>> No.5990259

Buy some bags of split peas, leeks/onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, whatever you want to throw in it, and make yourself a ton of soup. Also rice and beans it up.

>> No.5990262

Shoo Shoo gains goblins, i need mainly protein plus I ain't into soup, idk if it will make a differene, but i'm also asian, so stir-frys are probably my best, and i like stir-frys.

>> No.5990263

I just said dairy because it's easier to flavor sauces and the like than it is to flavor meat directly

>> No.5990271

Load up on lentils and make curry/wat everyday with basmati/jasmine rice.

>Delicious protein rich filler

>> No.5990272

let me also clarify, that my house hold has a shit load of american spices that we never use consistently, mainly my sisters, so i will be stealing them all, and barely anybody in my househould beside me, my dad, and my mom know how to cook consistently, and they don't use american spices.


>> No.5990273

Your friend is a lazy fucking idiot who prolly can't even make a loaf of bread from scratch. Buy bulk packs of chicken, beef, ham, etc when they're on sale at Wally World. Buy dry beans and rice to go with it. Fix big one-pot dishes like chili, jambalaya, etc. Store ingredients and leftovers in a small chest freezer.

Also, hit up farmers markets for fruits and veggies. Get into hot water canning. A couple day's effort will keep you in good food for weeks.

>> No.5990280
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Have this

>> No.5990285
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And this

>> No.5990298

>>400 a month on food
are you an idiot? do you regularly spend more than this? I dont watch what I eat and I still find it hard to eat 400 dollars worth of food in a month. If you don't buy junk food and premade shit and other garbage and you don't go to whole paycheck theres no way you could be spending 400 dollars a month on food unless you're a competitive swimmer or a landwhale.

>> No.5990377

you can thrive off $90 a month easily ffs, rice is 2100-3000kcals/canadian dollar

>> No.5990389
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>i'm a /fit/izen as well so i buy no junk food/soda

Maybe the /fit/ you browse is different from the /fit/ I browse

>How do you know someone browses /fit/?
>Don't worry, they'll tell you

>> No.5990390

You can eat off 50 - 60 dollars a week with some meat, rice, egg, oats and vegetables easy

>> No.5990405

Holy fuck, I wish I could afford FOUR HUNDRED FUCKING AMERICAN DOLLARS on food a month. I spend $35 on food a week and feel like I'm over spending.

I eat a lot of rice an potatoes.

>> No.5990415

$400 over 30 days is $13.33 a day

as a uni student, i pretty much did around that without ever subsiding to shit like ramen

ate mostly from dining halls and markets that were overpriced like hell and still spent less than $400 in a month

couldn't cook either since i don't have a kitchen, would've saved so much more money and eaten healthier if i did

>> No.5990420

I feed 2 people on $45-60 a week and it's not according to any info graphics. It's mostly produce, don't even eat pasta, it's pretty healthy. But I do make the occasional pizza.

>> No.5990426

You can survive on 100 dollars a month, you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

>> No.5990427

Pizza is a vegetable, how could it possibly be unhealthy?

>> No.5990432

Definitely doable. Even $50 is not all that hard. Just don't buy a lot of meat OP

>> No.5990440

I just going to pretend you're not being sarcastic.
I use bread flour and not the whole grain stuff because it just does not taste right. That stuff is pretty shitty for you. Even whole grain flour is not really an ideal carb source. Unless it's loaded with seeds and stuff but that only offsets the unhealthiness a little.

>> No.5990456

I survived off £10-£15 a week for a very long time.
I felt completely healthy the whole time, could afford a variety of foods, and would buy things that lasted.

I ate the typical things, pasta, rice, noodles, vegetables, fruits, i avoided buying most meats but if i really felt like some i would go for the cheapest brand of chicken or something like that.

Food is actually really cheap when you try, it's just people are completely stupid and when i said noodles most people would go and buy a fucking pack of microwave noodles then eat 2 packs in a sitting then post on /ck/ crying that life is so expensive and fuck the gov. No when i say noodles i mean a £1 pack of dry noodles, if you are not a greedy fuck that £1 pack will last you 4 meals, cut up and throw some vegetables in with it and you've got something better than that microwave shit.

>only go with the amount you intend to spend
>know what you are looking for before going
>buy big packs of things you will eat regularly
>NEVER buy a brand or something because "it looks nicer"
>Don't snack on your food, plan that shit out so you know when your next shopping trip will be.
>Don't waste money on crisps or soda or any useless shit like that.You want a snack? find the cheapest most filling thing you can and snack on that if you must.

>> No.5990464

where are you OP, I spend like 200 a month on food in america.

im not even trying to live cheaply I just buy whatever I want

>> No.5990465

man I spend like half that on food in a month

what is wrong with you

>> No.5990478
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>before /fit/: date with jessica
>after /fit/: date with jeff

>> No.5990479

I donno a long time ago. I had a afrotc schoarship and worked a bit, meal ticket f 10 meals per week pay was 150 per month not much.butthat was then. now..400/month=100/week food and entertainment.possible but tough. times change Iam happy living with an older puter, tube tv in two rooms.of 3 bedroom home, and no cell shocking you say-no call phone. i aint the president, no need, and i had extended family stay a week and they were amazed I had stuff.. keeping up with the jonesses is a no win proposition. I have a modest paid off home an old explorer food and friends and thankful. many have less and lucky . one bad thing happen,(loss of a job, wreck, mishap) many I know would be fucked. G Patton said in times of peace prepare for war..I am truly amazed by how many manage on so little... priorities. shelter, food then fun Some have priorities confused. we all put our pants on two legs at a time, right?Pardon moi whilest I eat some leftover basgettie and a cheap beer or 3.not poking fun, Ifeel sorry for young people or families just starting out.

>> No.5990484

Nice bait

>> No.5990596

uhhh $400 is hella for food imo
maybe if you're buy fresh vegetables, but literally finding a wholesale or co-op or p-patch in the area could cut that cost (or cheap farmer's markets)
I think it'd be more interesting to see a /fit/ guy go on a 30 bucks a month diet

>> No.5990643


you can live off 4 dollars per week, just buy potatoes and cabbage

>> No.5990672

400 a month is easy. A weeks worth of chicken breast is about 15$, add in some vegetables and get a giant bag of rice and you're set.

>> No.5990674

What's with all the retarded children in college who can't fend for themselves? I feel like you all had shit parents

>> No.5990685

I live on about $150US each month, give or take.

>> No.5990690

Buy bulk rice, dried beans/lentils, leafy greens and cheap meat.
Done dilly.

>> No.5990713

Seriously? I lived off about $150 a month comfortably when I was on my own and my boyfriend and I spend around $400 a month now and he eats like a small elephant. We also live in one of the most expensive states in the US. What is your roommate smoking?

>> No.5990716

I also pretty much only bought fresh fruit, vegetables and meat for myself. I shopped at expensive places like Trader Joe's and stuff. It's just not that expensive to feed one person if you are smart about it and eat healthy.

>> No.5990721

My spouse and I spend about £60-70 a week on food so like £180-210 a month, which is between two people. If two people only need that much a month then one person can easly get by with half as much.

We don't buy much junk either, just the occasional snack like a packet of biscuits and everything meal is homecooked (which tbh I think is cheaper than buying prepackaged).

>> No.5990744

I feel like this is a troll thread

>> No.5990798

>survive $400 a month on food

I spend like $75 a month now.



>> No.5991215

>a shit load of american spices

wtf are "american spices"

>> No.5991262

Ground ketchup seed, cheddar weed, lard root.

>> No.5991274


sounds disgusting

>> No.5991567

What are American spices

>> No.5991576
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>before /fit/: Date w/ Jessica!
>after /fit/: Date w/ Jeff!

>> No.5991578

Try living in Canada
2 weeks of food > 400

>> No.5991602

Sorry bruv, don't know that feel. I live in Vancouver and only spend 200 a month, barely even trying. Last time I checked even Toronto wasn't as expensive as here. Where the hell do you live?

>> No.5991605
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>where are you OP, I spend like 200 a month on food in america.
>im not even trying to live cheaply I just buy whatever I want

Came to post this pretty much.

I spend $250 at most a month. That even includes "luxury" items like beer, and nice cheese. Then again I live in Texas where beef, rice, grains, and veggies/fruit are dirt cheap. If I had to, I could survive on $100 a month.

$400 is hedonism-bot tier.

>> No.5991625

wtf, i spend $75/month and its for 2 people

>> No.5991632

I do under $50 for a week of food

>> No.5991639
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What the fuck? I spend 20 bucks a week, maybe 30 if I splurge. What the hell are you buying that's so fucking expensive?

>> No.5991655

I've done the same. Rice, beans, cabbage, and eggs.

>> No.5991657


nah i do 200 a month easy, and i shop at trader joes.

>> No.5992961


Daily cost: $13. That's not too bad if you stick to it. And you can make your own gatorade.

Too bad fit turned you into a fag; I hope you don't plan to cover your retrovirals on that food budget.

>> No.5992975


How do you do $250, $200, $400 a month?

By myself I did $2k+ a month. But I eat out a lot.

>> No.5992977

>browsing /fag/ i mean /fit/

>> No.5992992

been living off $20-30 a week since september. rice, eggs, black beans, lentils, potato, pasta, bok choy

delicious but it does get annoying being forced to always cook food

>> No.5993007


>I eat out a lot

And you wonder why you spend more than $2000 a month. Anything more than $700 is despicable.

>> No.5993140

>Buying milk at a gas station

Jesus Christ

>> No.5993149

>2k a month
That's not possible.

>> No.5993211

I forget about the factory farm-eating twats on here with low food standards and how they skew wage expectations with their shit-tier food choices, but an American who wants to eat a well-rounded, balanced diet with a variety of nuts, variety of fruits and vegetables (not frozen), good grains, good cereals, minimal canned food, CANNOT scrape by with your jew-like $200 a month. Okay, so you can eat decent ingredients for really cheap , but you're eating them at EVERY MEAL?! You know prisons don't even do that to their inmates, right? That's not how adults are supposed to live, and it's nothing to be proud of. Jesus... I'm just sick of seeing my friends either starve and fiend over their tiny container of strawberries, or hate themselves for spending the egregious amount of money it costs to live like a human being.

My best advice is to find the Mexican food stores. I bought about two pounds of persimmons at 99 cents per pound. Throw half of one in with half a peach from the can into my oatmeal in the morning the past week and it's delicious. One Mexican store usually has organic Dole bananas for 49 cents a pound. Their other produce kinda blows, but they've got it with certain things.

>> No.5993280

>eating out a lot

>> No.5995127

>eating out all the time and bringing home top shelf liquor for a nightcap

>> No.5995156

$5 a gallon for milk is too much, where do you live?

>> No.5995193

400$ a month? Is this a caviar, foie gras and truffle diet or something? I spend about 120$-150$ a month without even trying. I managed 60$ in my school years.

>> No.5995197 [DELETED] 


you probably live in the sticks and don't have anything fun or interesting at your stores

I can hit $400 a month easily and I'm not eating luxury ingredients

could I live on $60 a month? of course, no problem. but why?

>> No.5995200

>impossible to survive $400 a month on food
the fuck? I can get by with less than 200$ a month on food.

>> No.5995209

you just spend like a retard, i feed 2 well, for around 200 a month, and I make all sorts of meals, learn to fucking shop for food, how to break down roasts into many meals and other basic skills

>> No.5995213 [DELETED] 

>I feed 2

that's why. with 2, you don't get bored of food as quickly.

I understand how to cook in bulk and all that shit, not everyone is a clueless teenager, captain fedora. I just dislike eating the same shit for multiple meals in a row.

>> No.5995215
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>mfw no one comments on OP's pic.

Agree or disagree it's a pretty funny commentary. It's a shame this sort of stuff won't survive. A whole museum xhibit on internet artwork would be pretty cool.

>> No.5995219 [DELETED] 
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it wouldn't be funny if you weren't familiar with the references

>> No.5997155

let's see. dinner for two is like $120, so do that 17 times a month and you're there. when I cook myself, it's about $60 for two.

>freighters gonna freight

>> No.5997166

I I could live on $100 a month if I had to

>> No.5997197

What the fuck, I go grocery shopping once a week and spend $30-$60 each time. What the fuck are you eating that costs you $400 per month?

>> No.5997198

> if I had to

I don't. Enjoy your bean gruel and pink slime

>> No.5997225 [DELETED] 
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My college roommate and close buddy actually drew that. We both went to art school so he's pretty dankeroo at the internet drawings.

Proof: http://sirartwork.tumblr.com

>> No.5997250

i lcan survive very luxuriously for 100 $ a month:

breakfast: pbj
lunch: sandwich
dinner: pizza

all of the abocve i buy ingridients in buld every 10 days and then i only eat what i need not untill i am full!
only 1 pbj
only 1 sandich
only 1 pizza pie

but i make everything at home so it saves time and money

i dont have time to go out 20 mniuztes to a restaurant, wait for service 20 minutesto take my order for 20 minutes to get my food 20 minutes to get the bill 20 minutes and to go back home 20 minutes

i just make the food and eat
also the price is considerably lower
i couldnt afford to eat any of these things outsude of my home

>> No.5997264

im living on roughly $150 a month

but i also never really have an appetite so it's not too difficult

>> No.5997268

Unless it's a high-class escort you're eating out 2k a month's still ridiculous.

>> No.5997272

this is between two people btw

if you're trying to eat really cheap just don't ever go out to eat, eat sparsely, and cook things that'll last you all week

>> No.5997284

Anon I think he meant for the entirety of the month. Which is disgusting because that means he's eating a 2 dollar whore.

Who was that black pornstar that retired into "escort service" because she could pick and choose from rich executives for a starting price of 25K a day?

>> No.5997289

There's not a thousand day in a month, a 66$ whore more like it.

>> No.5997688


Most of the last year I've been in Miami and DC.

I need to track my receipts down, but it's pretty easy to do when you consider lunch, etc.

It would be worse if I drank. My girl does drink, but rarely more than a glass at dinner.

>> No.5998262

fuck I WISH I had $400/month for food. I spend about $120

>> No.5998266

Shit, I survive on just a bit more than half that. 400 dollars a month should be easy.

>> No.5998269


This would have you set on grain for a good part of the year with 3 people. Pasta is another good choice.

Avoid meats unless they're on sale, if you can't find anything ask your supermarket/butcher if they have any meats on sale. Though generally cutting them out works well too.

>> No.5998294

wow that is just pathetic, and i mean the manlet

>> No.5998314

I feed 2 people high quality and nutient dense food for $250/month.

>> No.5998334

You and your friend are typical flyover plebs

>> No.5998358

For my family of 4 we do like $150 a week on actual groceries.
We buy a lot of eggs, rice, vegetables and cold cuts/cheese for stuff like quesadillas and stuff. Milk and Juices too, at Costco.
One of my favorite things to make is green squash with corn and tomatoes. Just cook it all together till soft. Dont even season it, the corn sweetness is all you need. Maybe salt if you want and some crumbly cheese on top.
Meats we do sparingly, we'll get fish maybe 2x a month and fry it on the pan and put it on steamed rice.
Carne asada once or twice a month to change it up a little.
I myself eat a lot of eggs and rice, and i'll eat out myself maybe once a week.
Eating out is what will fuck you. Sometimes on weekends or when we dont cook anything we'll spend $300 eating out at sit down places. If we eat out it's almost never fast food, which would be cheaper.
This is living in CA. Pretty sure it's cheaper everywhere else. Especially if it's just for you.

>> No.5998409

gas station malk

>> No.5998412

$400 a month on food? You could eat like a king on that budget, are you a fatty, why do you need so much food?

>> No.5998413

Just fucking make stock. It's easy and cheap.

>> No.5998419

>impossible to survive $400

I feel myself and my fiancee on $250ish a month, and that's in Seattle, a fairly expensive area.

Your roommate's full of shit

>> No.5998432
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I live on about $50-60 a month for food.
Lots of pasta, rice, beans, steamed veg, bananas, and ramen for when i'm feeling like a lazy shit.
I never eat out, and I never waste money on snacks or bullshit.
Everything in my apartment needs to be cooked before I can eat it, so i'm not grazing all day.
It also helps that I live in flyoverville, bumfucknowhere so the food prices aren't ridiculous.

Its perfectly possible to do it, as long as you're smart with your money.

>> No.5998587

>Lots of pasta, rice, beans, steamed veg, bananas
how can you afford all these rich people foods for 50 dollars a month?

>> No.5998593

/fit/ is fucking stupid.

>> No.5998597

I live on 15€ per week right now.

I don't buy water,
and I don't buy meat.

>> No.5998601

then what do you drink?

>> No.5998610

You know, just from the toilet

>> No.5998612

tap water. Fortunatly, I live in a health resort town right now and the tap water is actually sold as spa-water as well. Perfectly fine. It even tastes good.

I buy juices from time to time, though.

I replace the meat with saitan which I make once per month, then freeze.

>> No.5998618

>Even starting to think $400 isn't enough for a month of food for one person

How much does this person weigh?...

I was living on $50-$100 a month for food for 1.5 people (Feeding my ex at the time when she would visit) + whatever my room mates stole and doing just fine.

$400 is more than the current budget my family spends for 3 people each month and we have tons of food.

>> No.5998626

Are you shitting me? 1 person can eat like a fucking king on just 50$ a week. 100 a week should be a no brainer, especially if you can manage to do bulk grocery runs instead of 4x $50 runs.

>> No.5998639

I'm feeding 2 people with a budget of 1500 dkk or 249.80 US freedombucks a month, be creative and we eat very well. Mind you this is in a scandic country, everything is fucking expensive here.

>> No.5998645

>date with jeff

>> No.5998697

so you basically got bottled water coming out of your tap?

why cant this work for soda and juice?

>> No.5998736

actually, every tap water (at least in germany) is as good as bottled water. It just tastes horrible bc of the metal ions and other shit. I'm kinda lucky to live here.

Maybe you can try to get a filter-gadget or sth for better taste

As for juice, it should be clear why this doesn't work. It would spoil.

I bet, soda that is self-made tastes better and is cheaper as well.

>> No.6000787

in latin america a family of three get their monthly supplies for $100, no fucking joke.

>> No.6000811

You and your roommate should be banned for being flyovers

>> No.6000827

>latin America

I'm there now. This is true, but there will not be protein every day. Lot of potatoes.

However, I have been getting by on about $500 a month here for food. Most nights I eat at a place that has a high-quality Argentine steak, a salad bar, a hot bar of starches, bread and sauced etc. for $15. It's a good deal. Plus lunch and other snacks, etc. it adds up.

However, they have a bazaar-like cafeteria here for locals and you an get a pretty decent plate for $2-3 of pork or chicken and some nice sides.

>> No.6000828

Kill yourself

>> No.6000876

>$400 a month on food

im fat as fuck and spend 200 a month on food. You should be okay

>> No.6001688

nigger, if I can live on $250 a month, you can live on 400!

>> No.6001716

I just dont understand this problem whatsoever.
I live in fucking Norway (the food prices are insane) and I have to cover ALL my expenses save for rent with less than 400 dollars per month. I have celiac disease (aka no cheap pasta or home made bread - "allergy friendly"/gluten free foods are expensive as heck) and eat mainly proteins and fresh veggies and Im still able to live off 200-250 dollars of food. Unless you live some sort of filet mignon only-lifestyle, I dont even know how its possible to spend that much money on food outside of money sucking holes like scandinavia. Literally every country Ive been to have had cheap as fuck food compared to cost of living, especially continental Europe and the US.

>> No.6002227

I'm vegetarian and eat almost nothing but whole foods cooked at home and I live on close to 300/month for 3 people.

>> No.6002231

Your roommate is retarded. You can eat like a king for $50 a week, $40 shouldn't even be a problem.

>> No.6002272

lol, i used to live in an expensive part of california alone spending >$100 a month on food, and most of that money went to expensive craft beer

>> No.6003109

lol, cool story bro.

>> No.6003533

>$400/mo in food

The absolute fuck?

I used to live perfectly fine on a budget of about $150/mo for food how the hell much does your fat shit friend eat that he thinks less than $400 is impossible

>> No.6004070

Did you even read the thread? There were like 5 people that commented on it

>> No.6004097



Buy 3 of each of these. If you can stomach eating the same food every single day, you can live on less than $400 a year.

And remember, the cheapest food per calorie is lard.

>> No.6004103

I really like how the dude in the pic's to-do list changes from "Date w/ Jessica" to "Date w/ Jeff"