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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 900x1263, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5989687 No.5989687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

oh look, it's another Guy Fieri thread

EXCEPT It's him without his blonde tipped spikey dyke style hair cut


I apologize for the buzzfeed in advance. Feel free to post a better site.

Either way the omega of flavor town is upon us. This is the end. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? the spiked hair? the fire shirts? The driving around in a 60s red convertible across the country visiting diners? Was it all an act?

>> No.5989702

Why is his hairline multiple inches lower in the shoop

>> No.5989704

Why is that a vegan? Is that kind of glasses still considered provocatively retro and hip in your area?

>> No.5989750

nobody cares faggot

>> No.5989763


>> No.5989793

yes (I hate buzzfeed)
No idea. It was some cam whore chick that had a hot photo. When I foudn out she was a vegan, i stopped fappin. Still it's a hot pick. Too bad the stove isn't gas.
Not any of these fags, not even you.

>> No.5989809

>First two posts are separated by less than a minute

Go be a retard somewhere else

>> No.5989823

>. When I foudn out she was a vegan, i stopped fappin

This is why you will die alone and lonely

>> No.5989885


>implying I can't live with that.
>implying I can live without a hamburger or steak or even a fucking piece of chicken from time to time.

We're not talking I don't like mayo but she does. We are talking about entire diet and thus essentially way of life. Hell, I don't mind if I end up marrying someone out of my beliefs, or someone of a different race, or even a midget or some shit but I need those shared interests and experiences and thus why someone who is a vegan will never workout and if that is the way the world is turning then I'm glad to be the omega man.

>> No.5989969


I was fucking a vegan for a while in my 20s. It's no big deal. Eventually she gave it up. Stop being such a beta, you don't have to stop eating meat just because some girl doesn't.

>> No.5989978

>electric stove
and we are supposed to take this persons opinion about food seriously?

>> No.5990048

What the HELL is going on with that cabinet?

>> No.5990128
File: 44 KB, 500x387, guyphotoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting unrelated images and linking to an image on another website

Fuck off marketer. The link is just a photoshop

>> No.5990152

lol wtf

>> No.5990153

>not looking at her big tits

>> No.5990157

>2014 almost 2015
>being straight

>> No.5990160

>I apologize for the buzzfeed in advance
Then just post the fucking picture you fucking shill. It's not even a real picture, it's a photoshop. Seriously fuck off

>> No.5990162

Please, I'm bisexual. I don't see a throbbing cock in OP's pic, do you? Hence, I'm hard from the tits.

>> No.5990165

>I'm bisexual
That's not how you spell closeted faggot

>> No.5990170

My fiance and I are in an open relationship and I've dated three guys in the past. Sorry honey, I'm a bit more experienced than you'll ever be.

Maybe you're just a late bloomer, one can hope :)

>> No.5990194
File: 486 KB, 238x155, 205cf8d5-f5e8-437e-9c3a-5718f2085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please, I'm bisexual.

>> No.5990202

ahaha a perfectly paired reaction gif can be a great thing

>> No.5990258

>not looking at her shoes
>not thinking about kneeling down on the dirty kitchen floor to kiss them
>not thinking about then trying to pull out a pan from the cabinet to cook something but the body of it is stuck inside and you're trying to figure out how the pan got there in the first place. Does this cabinet connect to the adjacent one with a door? But then the hinge of the door would be on the wrong side, you just don't get it. Is this a clever mindfuck devised by your vegan mistress to punish you for thinking about cooking some eggs?

>> No.5990756

those glasses are so fucking obnoxious

>> No.5990781

Where do you live?

>> No.5990783

he's right though, they pretty much scream "ohhh look at me I'm so retro"

>> No.5990785

Where do you live?

>> No.5990795

>caring about a complete stranger's fashion choices
>on /ck/

>> No.5990946
File: 66 KB, 500x350, chicago-deep-dish-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to stop being such a beta by calling others beta's to make up for your shortcomings. Clearly you are insecure about the whole thing.

>some girl
No faggot, we're past that. It's some women. This isn't high school anymore. Maybe that's your problem.

Futhermore, while I don't have to stop eating meat because she doesn't, it ruins again the shared experiences. We'll have so much in common when we talk about are soy burgers.

It's a lazy susan style cabinet. They were popular in 1950s homes for having more space in the small post war GI style houses.

NO u.

You're a photoshop. So you can fuck off. Why don't you post chefs with photoshop. Maybe Nigella but with bigger tits.
Gey. You are prolly this guy >>5989969

props on the image. It's perfect.

and if you don't like it, we can turn this into another pizza thread because adoni knows we need another one of thos on /ck/

>> No.5991482

>clearly you are insecure
>5 paragraph essay of defensiveness

lol ok

and no, I'm not the bisexual

>> No.5991661


LIAR! Go eat some more salami!

>> No.5991662


>> No.5991809

Oh no wonder. I went to /fa/ once and it was full of canuck teenagers fapping over trends that peaked 6-8 years ago.

Where I live that's been the default fat chick glasses since mid 2000s. For some reason fat chicks are crazy about beehives and pointy glasses.