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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5987514 No.5987514 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/.

How do I eat alone at a restaurant?

>> No.5987522

Go to a restaurant, alone. Eat.

>> No.5987524

Wear a business suit and everyone will think you've been working late and just stopped for a quick meal on your way home because you have no time to cook. Bonus points if you have a laptop with you.

>> No.5987531

Order lots of alcoholic drinks with your meal. The key to this method is not giving a fuck.

>> No.5987534

Have a small notebook and a pen with you and periodically scribble something in the notebook while you eat. The restaurant staff might assume you're a good critic and offer you desert on the house.

>> No.5987538

"Table for 1, please."

alternatively, the waiter might ask first:
"Table for 1?"
then you say:
"Yes, please."

that's it. none of the other patrons give a shit and the waiter will just be glad that only need to carry one thing at a time.

>> No.5987541

bullshit. critics aren't fucking stupid, they use their phones and shit now. Also, all chefs know the best restaurant critics by face and name.

>source: I work in a fucking restaurant

>> No.5987543

Dress like a hipster. Bring a black notebook and #2 pencil. The notebook must have no lines because you don't need lines. Scratch your chin and write pensively. Slam it closed when the waiter hovers too close. Write about the experience of eating alone. Make a quick sketch of yourself sitting at the table. Take pics of meal with open notebook next to it. Eat meal then go home. Post pics here.

That last bit is very important.

>> No.5987544

Take your collection of MLP dolls with you.

>> No.5987545

Due to my work schedule, I have to eat alone almost all the time. Get a seat at the bar, even if you're not legally able to drink alcohol.

Order shit, text or fool around on your phone, chat with the bartender. Frequent the place long enough and you'll make a new friend, trust me.

>> No.5987550

A critic who makes his face recognisable isn't a critic. He's a freeloader wanting a free meal.

Source: Logic.

>> No.5987554

I ate alone at the french laundry, I was supposed to go with my mom, but she felt sick and didn't want to come (retarded) we had had reservations for almost a year

Little did I know that people dining alone are automatically given VIP status and I had the most amazing tasting menu, easily the best meal of my life

>> No.5987560

No critic purposely tries to make their face recognizable, chefs are just smart enough to figure shit out and learn which critics work for which magazine and what they look like and all that jazz.

The only non-recognizable critics are those that are in disguise (yes, this actually happens) and act inconspicuous, which means they're not carrying a fucking notebook and scribbling shit down in it during a fucking meal, or they're just a critic for their shitty 2 follower food tumbler blog thing.

>> No.5987562

wow that is awesome

>> No.5987567

Ok, fair points. But how often does the chef leave the kitchen and wander around the restaurant looking for potential food critics?
I've eaten at many restaurants and rarely have I seen an actual chef.

>> No.5987573


>> No.5987575

Disregard that. I choose the hospitality staff would advise the chef of a potential critic and he would investigate.

>> No.5987576

Chefs don't, but that's why we have our runners and our somms and our maitre d's dude. We become tight with them, and we tell them about the critics, and they inform us of all the shit that's going on front of house.

For example, today we got a table that ordered over $2000 worth of food, which included 3 whole white truffles and a $500 bottle of wine. People that spend that much are automatically treated like VIP customers, however, we wouldn't know that they spent that much on wine or on the truffles if the somm and the maitre d didn't tell us. Because they informed us of the table, we were able to give the VIP treatment, etc. etc.

Chefs will sometimes peek out from the BOH, but mostly we use the runners/somms and maitre d's as our front of house eyes.

>> No.5987579

aw bruh I just wrote out this whole thing tho

But yeah, servers, runners, etc. they're all in on it.

>> No.5987582

Or better yet, actually work in a suit and stop in on your way home because it's 10pm and you cannot be fucked cooking.

I've done this like four times since I got a real job, and it's probably the most grown-up and serious I've ever felt.

>> No.5987587

* suppose

Yup. I suck cocks. Sorry.

>> No.5987592

nah bro it's all good I still love you

>> No.5987645


and pick a nice restaurant OP

>> No.5987661

I personally think if you make eye contact with anyone/everyone there it will be fine. Not making eye contact makes it way more awkward.

>> No.5987668

You've posted this same story in like 3 different threads. Congrats bruh, but don't overdue it

>> No.5987674

>make eye contact with somebody
>feel like I got raped
no thank you

>> No.5987689

I think I posted it in like one or 2 other threads?

This table was fucking bizarre though, it's a fun story to tell.

>> No.5987694

Hire a tranny hooker off of craigslist to escort you

>> No.5987710

Go during odd hours, read a book or something, don't look like a lonely tool

>> No.5987750

don't. Remember the old arabic saying-

"he who eats alone, chokes alone."

>> No.5987774

Eating alone is boring. If the restaurant offers it, I choose to get takeout so I can eat at home so I can watch a youtube video or TV show while I eat.

>> No.5987782


>Arabs are so shit at eating they need to bring a safety buddy


Just order and eat your food. Bring a smart phone to screw around on if your terminally add. Do you really think the wait staff and other patrons are laughing at you when you can't hear them?

>omg look at that loser eating alone
>he must really enjoy the food here if he isn't bringing his entourage
>what a fag amirite?

>> No.5989845

>I work in a fucking


>> No.5989854

>Get a seat at the bar,

Best answer here. I do this all the time.

>> No.5989867

You guys say how no one gives a shit if you eat alone but the reality is that they do.

To a degree. It is important that I stress this. They dont care about your life or want to get to know you but at the same time they cant help but find it strange that one person is eating in a place where normally you have more than one person eat.

There will always be someone who will look at you and think to themselves or say to who ever they are eating with why that person is eating alone. Some might actually find it creepy.

>> No.5989869
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Retard - stay at home and eat cereal then.

>> No.5989927

I like to read a magazine or work math problems while eating alone. Reading a book that is hard to keep open to the right place is not so good.

>> No.5989948


Pretty much this. The bartender is basically obligated to be nice to you and will often talk about the food with you. If they like you they might comp you a drink for free :)

>> No.5989951

Back in highschool, popped into a Pho place alone.

Told my mom about it
>"...You didn't go with anyone else? Wow. That's lonely. Sad even."
Thanks mom

Tried arguing about with her, but I realized that I shouldn't give a fuck about what people think I do on my own time.

>> No.5989953

the bartender is being nice because he wants a good tip and wants to relax, not to comp you a free drink. the loner guy eating at the bar may give the bartender the cahs he would've spent on a date as a tip. taking a free drink while eating alone at the bar is the gayest, most effeminate thing i've ever heard.

>> No.5989954

When I was in university and was living on campus I despised my roommates so much that once a week I'd go on a solo-date. Just go see a movie and go to a nice restaurant by myself.

They were so loud, and so annoying...god. I'd probably of eaten a bullet by now if I had not jumped ship asap.

>> No.5989974


>accepting generosity is gay and effeminate

Something tells me you miss out on a lot of things in life with your constant effort to maintain your veneer of 'manliness'.

Refuting acts of kindness because they're 'homosexual' doesn't make you a badass, it makes you a huge cunt.

>> No.5989980


>being this insecure

Eating alone is great. I feel like a king and I'll be honest, I receive more attention from waitresses/waiters than I would in groups. I'd rather eat alone at a restaurant while reading the news on my tablet than eat with my friends who just want to talk about "da big game"

>> No.5989984


in >>5989953's defense, i'm in shape and i dress well and i'm in new york so i sometimes read as gay, which means that gay bartenders are often very nice to me.

>> No.5989999

Acts of kindness? He's the bartender, not the owner! "One on the house" is for regular patrons, a rich guy who wants to try something different but will probably pay soon, or someone who's having a birthday, NOT for someone who's clearly sheepish about eating alone, taking up space at the bar, and being a nuisance with _eating alone at the bar_. If it's a diner, sure, but a restaurant bar? And no, I don't miss out on a lot of things. I do miss out on being so embarrassed about eating alone that I rope a bartender into being my temp-friend because I'm an autistic idiot who can't turn down a free drink when it's offered. You accept everything people offer you, including their cocks? Something tells me you miss out on a lot of things in life, like not being autistic and accepting candy from strangers any chance you get. A lady tonight offered to sell me a beer when I was 15 cents below, even though I am a regular at her store. Know what I did? I turned around, returned the beer, chose and bought the cheaper option instead. Am I missing out on life? I'm missing out on that beer, but I'm not being a "huge cunt."

>> No.5990010

I like eating alone sometimes but it's usually at like Chinese food or something. The trick to eating alone is to not give a fuck what people think and just eat your god damn food. Why would you need this advice? Just eat alone and make some small talk of you want to, who cares

>> No.5990021

you have so few similar interests with ur friends ud rather eat alone at a restaurant lol

>> No.5990023


They are childhood friends. We lost touch once out of high school. I don't even know why I still hang out with them.

>> No.5990038

>be traveling
>be in New York
>normally no problem in eating alone
>go to some restaurant in Williamsburg
>eating alone, nbd, food is good for the price
>suddenly tap on the shoulder
>"excuse me, are you eating alone?"
>"not to be rude or anything, but do you mind if I ask why?"
>well I'm traveling right now and I don't exactly have friends I can call up and eat with
>"oh that's neat, where are you traveling from blah blah blah"
>invites me to eat with their party
>still talk to this day

>> No.5990049


One day when I was eating alone at a restaurant in Houston, the only white guy in the building, another diner came over and asked what I was doing there.

I told him that I liked the food.

He said okay and went back to his table.

Whenever I went to that restaurant, I always drove around the block first to make sure that it wasn't crowded. I never saw anyone else eating there who wasn't black.

>> No.5990051
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I bet you are just some dumb hunk. That why they came up to you.

>> No.5990055

I ate alone once. Did feel weird til I looked around and saw alot of people doing it. I had a book too so I didn't look too weird.

>> No.5990066

ppl always eat on their lunch breaks, dinner breaks, whatever. when you're an adult, you're allowed to go out to eat without it being a date or special occasion.

>> No.5990073

I mostly eat alone when I do a tasting menu + paring. I fuckin live for those. You get treated fuckin awesome, usually leave completely full and sometimes pretty drunk. Well worth saving for, when it's two or more things get too expensive.

>> No.5990075
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Bring your waifu with you.

>> No.5990076

This is what I thought
I guess it would be different on a Friday/Saturday night. Note to self don't dine alone on weekends

>> No.5990079

>go in
>order food
>tip lol

>> No.5990085

solid advice.

>> No.5990087

get a slow cooker nigger

>> No.5990090

real journalists or yelp lords?

>> No.5990226

>Eating alone is boring


Eating with a crowd is distracting.

>> No.5990234

Chefs are far too retarded to recognize any distinction between a regular customer and a food critic.

Let the jimmies rustle. This is FACT.

>> No.5990268

>even if you're not legally able to drink

Here you can't even sit at the bar if you're under 21. Have to get a table

>> No.5990306

The last time I mentioned this, /ck/ said eating alone is awful because it takes away tips from waiters. They could make more money from the table and it hurts them.

That eating alone should only be done in a rush.

>> No.5990318

I believe it, but if it's NYC the local's words should be in all caps.

>> No.5990322

fuck I'm retarded

this -> 5990318

was in reference to this -> 5990038

>> No.5990327

This. no one gives a fucking shit what you do

>> No.5990335
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Become Goro

>> No.5990339

I like eating alone. There is a cafe next to my workplace that serves nice food that i eat at sometimes.

Some of the other ladies at work are sometimes there and said
> oh Anon! it's soooo sad that you eat alone! We'll eat with you

and whenever they're there at the same time as me, they sit at my table.

Now I can't eat at that cafe anymore.

Feel sorry for me if you must be please leave me in peace. I just want to eat my food. Alone.

>> No.5990341

I once went to a restaurant like that, because someone said it had the best PoBoys in Houston. I was literally the only non-black person there.

>> No.5990362

>be eating alone
>table for two
>someone taps me on the shoulder
>"excuse me, are you eating alone?"
>"mind if we take your chair? We're a party of six but we only have five chairs".
>have to sit there and listen to laughter and cheer while I finish my meal all alone

Eating alone in public is such a lonely experience.

>> No.5990372

When did eating food go from being a basic thing necessary for survival to some sort of way to climb up the social ladder?

>> No.5990401

So long as you don't look like you dress like someone from a flyover state it should be fine

>> No.5990412

How so? Did they order all the expensive stuff on the menu or just alot of stuff. Give the whole story

>> No.5990414

>eat alone w/my tablet
>slow eater
>waitress dumps the check on my table when i'm only 2/3's done with my plate
>continue eating ask for a box for the remainder
>Could I order the ice cream and brownie?
>Waitress has to redo check but not my fault
>Finish eating
>/ck/ bitches that i stole her livelihood because i ate from 730 to 9 and should've tipped more than 15% despite rudeness

>> No.5990429

Is that even translated?

>> No.5990480

How do you manage to fail at this?
There's no shame in it; don't think you're important enough for anyone to give a shit. Sit at the bar, make friends with the bartender. The service industry is chock full of friendly, accommodating people.

I work at a hotel, about 40% of our tables were tables for one last month. Take a newspaper, tablet, laptop or whatever the fuck you want. Fucking hell, take a gameboy and play pokemon; nobody cares. If you do play pokemon, people are going to be fucking jealous.

I go out and eat alone all the time, it gives me time away from everything, and to actually enjoy the food without having to concentrate on whichever unappreciative retard you dragged out with you. Also, it means I don't have to share the bottle of wine I inevitably order.

>> No.5990481

I have this happening to me in college. It's just that no one around me is interested in going out to anywhere interesting besides fast food and that one other place in the city.

>> No.5990524

Literally the entirety of human civilization. You're retarded if you think meals have just recently become important for social relationships.

>> No.5990526

You go and you eat.

Take a book if you like.

>> No.5990533


The thing is: Why should you care? Yo are fucking weird, so what? You are there to eat, not make friends

>> No.5990534

Go alone OP
I've worked at different places and never thought wrong of people eating alone.

I mean at most i guess they are working and wanted a meal, infact i prefer serving the people on their own because its less to take to the table and the order is a lot more straight forward as you don't have a million people trying to tell you what the fuck they want all at the same time then complaining when they forgot what they ordered because they was too busy laughing at the such hilarious situation of ordering at the same time as their friend.

Go alone OP, they will like you.

>> No.5990601
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Pull your leg up while eating, keep a serious face and smile only to restaurant employees, stare back at who stares. Pay a humbly big tip. Don't forget to tip fedora to waitress on way out.

Enjoy your loneliness.

lol never heard of this. Definitely meant to be dark.

>Arabs are so shit at eating they need to bring a safety buddy


>> No.5991517

You said at the beginning that "on the house" was for regular patrons. Why turn down a cheaper beer when you say you are a regular in the store?

>> No.5991554

>go in
>order food
>run for it

>much view
>isn't even paying attention

>> No.5991612
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>eating alone
>someone comes up to me
>asks why I'm alone
>say I'm a food critic (i'm not)
>guy walks to the toilets past the kitchen
>somehow the service from my waiter improves

>> No.5991844
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>School curry, milk and a toy
Holy shit he bought his pillow a kids meal!

>> No.5991859

Anon, that image is older than time itself.

>> No.5991864

Welcome to 4chan. Please enjoy your stay. New users are encouraged to read the rules.

>> No.5991874

You realise thousands of business travellers eat alone in restaurants in every city every night? No one gives a fuck.

>> No.5991889

better to eat alone than with another man

>> No.5991900

Are you so insecure with your own sexuality that you can't eat a simple meal with another man?

>> No.5991909

I travel a lot, and its still awkward.

Just eat in the bar. Otherwise eat really early or late, during peak hours everyone looks at you.

>> No.5991956

just look at your meal and dont make eye contact. eat pay the bill and leave

>> No.5991963

It's customary to tip the hostess when eating alone.

DON"T FORGET THIS. She will be expecting a tip immediately after seating you.

>> No.5991967

Thanks, but how do you know how much before you get your bill? i.e. 20% based on what?

>> No.5991975

Usually just $2-3 will do.

Kinda like tipping the delivery boy. He just gets $3-5, regardless of the size of the bill. Works out well for him if the bill is $9. Not so well if the bill is $60

>> No.5991981

How do you do it? A handshake with bill in hand or a traditional Japanese bow with money in your hands.

>> No.5991982

Order 2 glasses of wine, 1 for you and 1 for your dead partner. Look sad when you're eating.

>> No.5991990

I thought you were falling for it....

I was happy

>> No.5991996

I already fell for the tipping the receptionist at the gym on /fit/,

Not really but fun times.

>> No.5992068

If you tip close to 40%-50% of your estimated bill, the hostess will devour your member.

>> No.5992078

And niggers will say thats not racist. Also I'm a Houston fag and never had that happen.

>> No.5992094

underrated post

>> No.5992099

>OP takes his real doll to dinner

>> No.5992100

Bring a notepad and pen with you. Ask questions about the food and the restaurant a critic might ask. Occasionally write things down. You'll look less awkward and you might get better service.

>> No.5992148

jesus what kind of psychotic complex do you have? i shudder to think what your life must have been like to bring about such a warped aggressive view of the world.

>> No.5992261

If you give a decent tip the servers will make sure to not give you any trouble. Instead of the usual 25% that is common sense for non-shit service you should give at least 35%

>> No.5992274


This, nobody fucking cares. I have to commute so I eat alone all the time since most of my coworkers go get fast food and I'd rather go to some shack that a korean family runs because their food is fantastic and a full lunch is barely more expensive that it would be if I had gone to fucking mcdonalds or whatever with them.

>> No.5992279

At the bar

>> No.5992577

Today I saw a fat neckbearded man sitting alone in a restaurant and eating.

The thing I kept thinking about was not judging him, but rather I was kind of fascinated that nobody seemed to care, and I found myself not caring either. If I was eating alone, I would probably assume everyone was looking at me oddly, but from an outsider's perspective, it was obvious to me that no one cared.

Nobody really gives a fuck, OP.

>> No.5992594

When I use to go to Uni I would have to eat fast food since I had to take the buss. I would think everybody's eyes would be on me, and I would look around everytime I was eating. Soon to realize no one really was watching me they were all doing their own thing. I still get nervous when I eat by myself, but I know most people don't care.

>> No.5992596

Hi, and welcome to the thread. First of all, let me compliment you on your well earned dubs. They're really quite nice. Second of all, I highly recommend that you read the thread before offering any advice. Notably, see the fourth comment after the OP. You'll find that somebody else has already offered the same ill advice and if you follow the chain of replies you'll see how foolish that advice really is. >>5987534

Source: I offered that advice and feel foolish now for doing so.

>> No.5992604

An extension of this: Dress to impress and take a bouquet of flowers with you. Say that you're expecting someone.
Wait about half an hour before ordering and everyone will assume that you've been stood up. The waitress might offer you desert on the house. You can leave the flowers as a tip. Then she might blow you.

>> No.5992626

by stretching out and enjoying the table space and leg room,

>> No.5993065


I ate breakfast one morning at a hotel by myself.

I noticed an attractive girl sitting alone at another table. She was rather welcoming. (This was overseas and she was not an americunt bitch.)

Turns out she was a model who had very lucrative contracts because she was half Japanese and half Brazilian. Stunning - and her ass was definitely Brazilian.

Long story short, I fucked her that night and then a few more in the days and years to come whenever out paths crossed.

Just because you go to a restaurant alone doesn't meant you have to eat alone.

>> No.5993083

What restaurants are these?

>> No.5993090

This is actually a really good idea. I think I'll do this next time, thanks!

>> No.5993128

Just do it.

If you're so uncomfortable, assuming the place has wifi, just watch videos/shitpost on /ck/ from your phone while you do it.

>> No.5993465
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When to a sky restaurant and eat right beside windows.

>> No.5993493

My advice, assuming it's not a shit restaurant and you plan to go there frequently, is to tip double what you normally would. That way the waitstaff doesn't make less money serving you, so they'll give you better service on return trips.

>> No.5993675

>make a new friend
You know they have to talk to you and make you feel good, right? Like how a prostitute isn't a real girlfriend

>> No.5993684
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That's a good idea, I'd never thought of it like that. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.5993686


Sure, but just like a prostitute the relationship might start as a professional service but might grow from there.

>> No.5993692

I'm late, but jesus christ this autism.

>> No.5993698

>returning a beer because you were 15 cents short

lol what the fuck

the hippy farmer at my farmer's market sold me a $15 chicken when I was $5 short. I said thanks and gave him the $5 a week later.

how angry must you be.

>> No.5993715

I fucking kek'd

fucking hell /ck/

>> No.5993719

If you ever go to a low-end sit down restaurant, wear something nice and bring a black briefcase with you.
My bf is a manager at a restaurant and he gets nervous when people with black briefcases show up because he assumes they might be an auditor or an inspector. But this only works for restaurants whose clientele usually aren't business types.

>> No.5993725

lol he needs to calm down

I often have a briefcase, but I'm no big shot. It's just that I have a lot of shit to carry to work, and I'd like to look professional while doing so, instead of using a backpack.

>> No.5993727


he/she said that it only works for restaurants who don't usually have business sort of people at them

but anyway, nobody gives a flying fuck if you eat alone at a restaurant, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.5993734

If you're autistic or self concious about eating at a restaurant alone, go during lunch on a work day.

It's perfectly normal to see people eating alone at lunch because people are on their break from work.

>> No.5993756

Do it during the week at lunch

Or at dinner as long as it's a sorry ass non restaurant like Ruth's Chris

Don't ever dine alone between Friday lunch and Monday breakfast. Just don't.

>> No.5993778

Man, I read these threads, and they make me a little depressed. I'm a bartender at a low-end tavern in rural Pennsylvania. Decent money, decent folk. I have a few regulars that come in to eat and drink by themselves. Some are just there to eat and drink and be alone: that's cool, here's today's paper if you'd like it. A few others come in and like to talk to me: awesome, you want to have a sample of this new draft we just got in?

Sure, tending bar is my job. Do I HAVE to be nice to you? Yes, of course. Do I ENJOY interacting with you? Yes, definitely. The people that come in alone to eat are usually the most interesting, and I've made plenty of genuine friendships out of those people (yes, even the ones who just want to eat alone in peace!).

Please don't be afraid or worried to eat alone. I'd like to think that there are plenty of other people in the service industry who would treat you exactly how I treat the patrons of the tavern I work at.

>> No.5993784


Pretty much anyone who is afraid to eat alone is going to be the sort of person who is either so anxious or so socially inept that you won't enjoy interacting with them. I also worked as a bartender for several years, as well as a server, and nobody cared at all if you were there alone.

>> No.5993808

I've been to restaurants where some diners just play with their phones while waiting for the food, so sitting alone and playing angry birds or whatever won't look out of place or awkward.

>> No.5993817

It's an abstract kind of autism.

>> No.5993826

Just do it why fatards are stigmazing going alone to eat? Fuck normies

>> No.5993837
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>eating alone in restaurant
>food is pretty good, plus they have a Valentine's Day special of half off drinks.
>suddenly a tap on the shoulder
>"Sir, where is your partner?"
>inform him that I am eating alone
>"Alright sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave"
>I ask him why
>"Our restaurant has a strict No Singles Policy"
>I remind him that I am a paying customer
>"Sir, I need you to leave now, or I'm getting security"

Jesus Christ, /ck/. I just wanted to enjoy a quiet meal alone to take my mind off of things.

>> No.5993840

sit at the bar ya faggot

>> No.5993846

>at uni
>having a break between classes
>hey mangs, let's go eat subs at that one place I really like
>no bro, we want to eat dicks at the place we really like
>ok, see you for the next class
>go and eat amazing subs by myself
>meet 3 girls
>give them the D 3 times in a row
>have a blast

Some parts of the story might be exaggerated, but still.

>> No.5993852

what fucking place was this

>> No.5993855

His faggot mind. It obviously didn't happen.

>> No.5993858


It was nowhere because it's just meme bullshit.

>> No.5993860

Are you registered as a sex offender?

>> No.5993862

It's a common fake story to rile shit up

>> No.5993881
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>> No.5994191

No you're a faggot

>> No.5994255

I mean, you don't need to drink to not give a fuck, but if you really still have qualms about something so easy as eating alone have a couple of stiff ones and then you have like a 10/10 party on your hands.

>> No.5994707

I always eat at restaurants alone.
And I do so quite frequently.
What, is this a bad thing or something?

>> No.5994708

No it's not.

Autists and Aspergers just have a hard time being comfortable around other people

>> No.5994718
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>The service industry is chock full of friendly, accommodating people.

>> No.5994719
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>this entire post

a pasta is born

>> No.5994752
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1.Go in
2.Get a table
3.Order your food
4.Wait for the food (if you have a book, read it, if you dont have one, use your phone to play some mobile games or whatever).
5.Eat the food
6.Pay for it and tip if you want
7.Get out

7 steps to eating alone in a restaurant.

>> No.5994772

trust me bruh, as a regular at several places over the years, no one remembers if you tip well, just if you tip shitty

>> No.5994801

Go to the bar and eat you fucking assclown. No server wants to wait on one person. If they don't have a bar than get it to go. Stop wasting other people's time.

>> No.5994865

Cool bait, or alternatively get a better job. (^:

>> No.5994922
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>giving a shit what waiters think

>> No.5994938

with a fork
spoon if it's soup

>> No.5994943

>>5987514 (OP)
That's really dumb. If it's slow and no one is there, it's always better to get 1 person, the tip percentage is generally the same(though a lot of people tip higher on smaller tabs), and I've had 1 person tables order more food than tables with two people before. I would also much rather 5 1 person tables than 1 4 person table with fucking children holy fuck.

>> No.5994966

>enjoying the taste of floor on your plate