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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5985645 No.5985645 [Reply] [Original]

How does this pizza look to you, /ck/?

>> No.5985647

Another fucking pizza thread? Looks like Grotto's, a Delaware chain. They were bretty gewd.

>> No.5985653

Affordable and pretty edible

>> No.5985655

my mouth is watering... but only because I'll eat literally any pizza

I give it a 4/10

>> No.5985659

South Jersey?

>> No.5985660

Actually it's Il Mondo in Boston

>> No.5985691

No it's not. I live in Boston, and Il Mondo doesn't use that shitty boxed "spiced mozzarella blend" that OP's pic clearly has.

>> No.5985695

I assure you that's what it is. Check my EXIF data if you don't believe me

>> No.5985700

you're an idiot

>> No.5985701

If you say so... Just doesn't look like any Il Mondo I've ever had

>> No.5985704

I'm not disputing. Reminds me of Grotto's is all. Grotto's is literally assembly line pizza. Nothing original about it. Nothing gourmet about it. I liked it though with boardwalk french fries.

>> No.5985716

New York tentflap is not my style. Neither is Chicago cheesebucket, those two unfathomably seem to be the majority of pizza posted on /ck/.

>> No.5985721
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>paper plates

>> No.5985722

not good at all

>> No.5985745

Bretty gud

>> No.5985752

>the two most popular pizzas in america get posted a lot
gee I wonder why

>> No.5985753

it gives me a feeling of nostalgia for some reason

>> No.5985754

Judging by the drooping tip, your oven wasn't nearly hot enough.

>> No.5985757

>tfw no one ever likes my pizzas and say they are not even pizzas when i post them

Tentflap and cheesebucket pizzas can kiss my ass. I want hearty food.

>> No.5985758

Reminds me of those pizza slices they sell outside the bar at 3am
Just a nice slice of greasy goodness to chow down on after a long night of drinking.

>> No.5985764

Looks like a delicious pie. Big foldable slices are the shit

>> No.5985765
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>cheese and pepperoni flavored wet napkins

I'll pass.

>> No.5985769
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honestly not very good

see how you can still distinguish individual shreds of cheese... that's because it was pre-shredded and coated in starch which is why it doesn't melt properly.. The cheese was also of an inferior quality hence the pools of greece. The pizza is limp which means the moisture content was too high, or the dough was of a low quality, or the oven wasn't at the correct temperature. The pepperoni they used is clearly cut rate and not dry cured natural casing pepperoni but that cheap shit they sell pre-sliced . The crust doesnt look very good and doesnt have the right color implying again the pizza was improperly cooked. I can only assume the sauce is some sugar laden shit tier garbage as well. It probably was edible but i would not pay for it. If you enjoyed it ignore everything i said because it doesn't really matter. its just a slice of pizza after all.

>> No.5985778
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>hence the pools of greece.
You could call it an Odyssey in grease.

>> No.5985796
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Allow me to continue to educate and edify you.

>> No.5985805

4chan filters out the exif stuff.

>> No.5985840

What's wrong with paper plates? If I get pizza slices to go from the local mom & pop joint then they put it on a paper plate or two and it goes into a bag.

Aren't you just the special snowflake, do you want a slice served to you to go on a Tiffany crystal platter? What kind of sbarro weirdo zone do you live in?

>> No.5985844
File: 36 KB, 450x450, img_8310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greasy. Pic is pizza. You need more vegetables on it like pic related for it to be a healthy balanced pizza diet. Real pizza in pic.
Pizza pic.

>> No.5985846

>and it goes into a bag.

Wait, what? You don't eat it when it's hot and fresh? What do you do with it? Take it home and eat it lukewarm in your fat cave?

>> No.5985861

>not realizing that american pizza is infinitely better than the tryhard euro shit

>> No.5985867

Haha damn

>> No.5985866

nah man get the fuck out of here with your shitty as quiche

>> No.5985875

tbh euro pizzas in a nutshell tbh:
>watery sauce
>retard tier cheese placement
>burnt crust

>> No.5985906

I read that whole thing in Patrick Bateman's voice.

>> No.5985949
File: 112 KB, 597x540, are you wanna die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like shit.

Why the fuck anyone stuffs deep fried dough, processed cheese and meats down their throat is beyond me. There is barely any nutrional value, it's just fat, simple carbs, and sodium. Excessive amounts of calories. It's unhealthy garbage.

>> No.5985965

Sometimes I take it home then save it for later, it's easy enough to reheat on a skillet, also I can add my own toppings.

>> No.5985970

>why do people want to eat carbs and fat

Are you serious right now because I honestly can't tell if there's a human being this autistic.

>> No.5985972
File: 613 KB, 1024x636, 1286711972650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of sbarro weirdo zone do you live in?

Upper middle class.

>> No.5985983


Oh, maybe I should have clarified. You see, it's absolutely shit. Simple Carbs, trans fats and an excess amount of the macronutrients that ALTHOUGH YOU MAY NEED, is simply too much and an inefficient meal. It isn't balanced. It's unhealthy and it does not provide you any micro-nutrients either. The quality of the food is shit. Do you really want to eat overly-processed garbage? Do you really think it's a well balanced meal? Sorry your straw-man argument isn't working here man.

>> No.5985988

>wanting all that grease

>> No.5985993

>pools of greece

o i am cookin

>> No.5985994


>ding dong
>"Here's your pizza! That'll be $19.99 plus tip. Also, here is your complimentary china dish set and some silverware!"

>> No.5985996

that's the idea, newfriend ;^)

>> No.5986149

reminds of the incredibly cheap and shitty pizza they'd sell at my cafeteria back in high school. arguably worse tasting than even frozen pizza

>> No.5986171

Dollar slice / 10

>> No.5986176

Nobody likes a drooping tip

>> No.5986186
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>> No.5986583

Then why are you in a pizza thread you fucking stupid nigger?

>> No.5986595


I'm guessing because OP asked a question so he felt compelled to answer?

Also, it seems like he was discussing OP's pizza specifically, not pizza in general. There's no reason why pizza cannot be healthy, but OP's incarnation of it is not--according to that guy, anyway.

>> No.5986645

Pizza looks fine, it's just that I would need several rotations of using napkins to blot the grease off.

>> No.5987074
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>> No.5987115

pretty disgusting to be honest.
also begs the question, where's the toppings?

>> No.5987121

lol'd pretty hard, thanks, i needed a laugh

>> No.5987128

>implying New York pizza looks like that disgusting digiorno bullshit in the pic

>> No.5987216

Like they need to be rolled up and covered in hotsauce.

Homemade hotpockets.

>> No.5987335

I'd eat it.

>> No.5988111

Not him, but damn there's these things called "ovens" you can use to reheat food items and make them crispy. I favor my toaster oven for pizza slice reheating. I can buy a pizza from a restaurant, take it home, put it in the freezer, and reheat one slice at a time in my toaster oven and make the pizza last a week. Pretty nice actually; especially since I like my pizza cooked a bit more than what the restaurants do.

I still prefer making my own pizza though.