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File: 15 KB, 547x478, bottle-vs-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5975523 No.5975523 [Reply] [Original]

my gf says i'm fucktarded, but i just like drinking out of a can more than a bottle. its a better taste to me.

>> No.5975534

Bottle is better, cans leak a tin like flavour into the drink.

>> No.5975540

If you are drinking some pisswater like pbr, bud, coors, ect. Yes cans are better. Real beer should come out of a bottle.

>> No.5975541

Only time I drink from a can is in a swimming pool.

>> No.5975544

your mom leaks a tin like flavor into my dickhole

>> No.5975557

hey, oo, oo, let's get off mom's umkay?

i got off yours last night.

>> No.5975562

I prefer drinking from a bottle, but I don't notice a difference in taste. The only reason I buy cans is because they are more portable.

>> No.5975572


Bottles are for faggots, let me explain.

Two things cause the deterioration of beer, oxygen and light.

Most light is blocked when packaged in a brown bottle. This is why you don't buy beer in green or clear bottles. Of course, all light is blocked in a aluminum can. Simple.

Oxygen causes oxidation, which is bad for beer. When a beer is canned verses bottling there is less oxygen allowed into the container. The space between the lid of the can then between the crown of the bottle.

Cans also cool quicker, are lighter to transport, are easier to recycle, and contrary to what fools believe do not contribute any "tin" or "metallic" taste to the beer.

Here is a quick test. Beer on draught comes in what? A keg, A half, quarter or sixlet. All of those are made of aluminum, the same as a can. In addition, the way the beer gets from a keg to the tap is by way of a plastic tube. Your favorite beer is in direct contact with plastic for a considerable time before it reaches your glass, and I''m sure you have never noticed.

Cans are easily the superior choice, and anyone who claims different is either biased, an idiot, or lying to you.

>> No.5975574

most drink if i can, i prefer to pour it into glass first tho

>> No.5975576

drinkcraftbeer com/editorial/articles/craft-beer-cans-vs.-bottles-is-there-a-difference.html

>> No.5975578

bottles have better mouthfeel if youre not pouring it out

no homo tho

>> No.5975581


also you can't break a can

>> No.5975582
File: 53 KB, 500x397, bulldogofhappiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that just made me crack up XD

>> No.5975587

When I go camping I take cans. Cause you caryr in your pack out there.
But the fuckers always break.

>> No.5975589


but sodas tastes the same in glass and can

>> No.5975613

>This is why you don't buy beer in green or clear bottles

like a thousand brands of beer come in clear or green bottles

>> No.5975616


I most certainly will not

>> No.5975619


>mfw "craft beer" "IPA"

literally are all owned by the big breweries

>> No.5975624


>> No.5975694
File: 88 KB, 260x260, both.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5975728

I prefer cans because slowing cracking a tin and making percussive tune with the nearly cracked opening is one of my favourite things to do.

>> No.5975739

I prefer the can (I'm talking soda because I don't drink anymore) because I don't like to let my drinks sit around for too long. When it's from the can it's more like you're shotgunning. The smaller serving size helps too. I usually get maximum carbonation that way.

>> No.5976560
File: 1.53 MB, 2500x1666, beer kegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon enjoys the hint of metallic and epoxy tastes with his beer

Well, okay. I prefer glass because I don't get any secondary flavors and only the drink itself presents the flavors. Then again, I'm a homebrewer.

While light and oxygen are true, you are really making it sound far worse than it is. The amount of oxygen that gets in isn't standard and changes between bottling companies for both cans and bottles. Light isn't an issue if you don't leave you bottles out in the light, who does that in the first place since warm beer isn't all that great.

As far as temperature goes, bottles stay colder longer for two reasons. One is that glass has more thermal mass and you only hold the thinner section of the neck of the bottle when handling it. So, your body heat doesn't interact with the bottle. Of course both can have insulated beer keepers on them so this is a moot point for heat transfer from your body. But, the bottles still remain cooler longer due to higher thermal mass.

Aluminum kegs? Only if you are drinking cheap stuff. Plastic tubing? Only matters if there's lengthy contact, high acidity, and/or heat. I'm talking days, not seconds.

There's also 100s of beers that come in non-brown bottles. Light is only an real issue with hoppy beers anyway. Beers that get their bitterning from other sources don't have skunking problems from light. Skunking is only a problem for beer left out in light for extend amounts of time, not the 1 hour or so you are knocking them back.

Besides, which would you rather have in a bar fight? A beer bottle or a beer can?

>> No.5976585


I read that some canned drinks have a layer of some kind of plastic coating the inside of the can which prevents flavor taint.

However cheap beer in cans always has that metallic taste here.

>> No.5976611

Was in the grocery store the other day just browsing the beer aisle with one other melanin-enriched gentleman when all of a sudden one of the bottles sitting on the shelf just fucking explodes.

Never seen anything like it before. It was just sitting there, no one was even within 5 feet of it, and it just popped and shattered all over the floor.

>> No.5976616

I'd like to see some proof of that.

>> No.5976618

No, they aren't, faggot.

The only ones owned by the big breweries are the "Craft beers" that you see in every gas station and bar, like Blue Moon, Bluepoint, or Magic Hat.

>> No.5976642

Bottle master race. It keeps the beer cooler, and you can't beat the crap out of someone with a shitty can.

>> No.5976735

aluminum gives you alzheimer's tho

>> No.5976740


Yeah, and scabs cause cuts.

>> No.5976741

only if you smoke crack out of it :)

>> No.5976743

bottle all the way. cans are retarded and leave metallic smell/taste

>> No.5976744

Because the pool is comparable to the can? Because people piss in it?

>> No.5976748


Probably because most pools have policies prohibiting glass containers on the premises. How is it possible you don't know this?

>> No.5976749

Probably so there is less of a chance of broken glass getting into a swimming pool.

>> No.5976753

>aluminum gives you Alzheimer's tho
I don't think so. Alzheimer's is caused by lack of blood flow to the brain.

>> No.5976799

You're an idiot OP

>> No.5976815

yeah once broken glass is in a pool it usually takes a crane to get them out

>> No.5976832

Cokes and beer, always in cans.
Don't drink from bottles, either plastic of glass.

It's a nursery rhyme for Christ's sake.

>> No.5976837

I got yours off

>> No.5976841

I live in a block of units with a shared swimming pool, drinking from glass is frowned upon in the pool for obvious reasons.

>> No.5976842

Beer: Can/mug
Soda: Cup but poured from a bottle

>> No.5976924


What the hell kind of a keg do you put your beer in?

Anyway, craft brewers use bottles because it's easier to bottle beer than it is to put it in a can. You need an entire canning setup to do cans, but you can see some bigger brewers shifting to it. I only ever get Ballast Point in a can now, for example.

Any metallic taste is purely in your head. Aluminium doesn't leech. It's a better seal and besides keeping the beer less exposed to oxygen, it prevents carbonation from leaking out and the beer stays fresh longer. Why do you think Stone makes such a big deal about it with their Enjoy Bys? Bottled beer just doesn't stay fresh as long as canned beer does, which is why Bud/Miller/etc. love cans because they can sit on a shelf basically indefinitely.

But anyway if you're drinking your beer fresh the difference is gonna be negligible. I'd always buy can over bottle if I was given the option, though.

>> No.5976948

>Why do you think Stone makes such a big deal about it with their Enjoy Bys?

Because marketing, that's why. Cans are much cheaper than bottles to make as well as to ship.

>> No.5976955


Cans require a much more significant initial investment, though, and perception is that bottles are better because good beer tends to come in bottles and not cans.

>> No.5977014

Beer sucks in both a can and bottle.

Pour it in a drinking glass/pilsner glass and pretend like you know how to act.

>> No.5977020

>Cans require a much more significant initial investment,

For a home beer brewer, certainly. But for commercial beer, not really. The cost of the plant that makes the bottles/cans isn't paid by the brewer, it's amorized into the cost of the can or bottle themselves, and if you look into what it costs to buy bottles or cans wholesale the cans are far cheaper. They're also a lot lighter, and also take up less room than a can does. Those factors make them cheaper to ship as well as store.

>and perception is that bottles are better because good beer tends to come in bottles and not cans.

Yeah, that's certainly true

>> No.5977077

>cheap ass can shill spotted
>gives retarded incorrect reasoning and logic

This is exactly what I expect from a canhead alki.

>> No.5977104

Why would you drink out of a can or a bottle? Just grab a pint glass and pour that shit in thurr.

>> No.5977151

I have NEVER had that happen.

What HAS happened far too many times, though, is my bottled beer tasting like metal. Sometimes I blame the rusted cap, sometimes I don't know what to blame.

But I've never had any canned drink taste like metal.

>> No.5978070

I get it :)