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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 1024x760, RL-9621.1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5967025 No.5967025 [Reply] [Original]

so /ck/, i just went out into my kitchen to discover something amazing, and thought it would be a good reason to post here for the first time.

I'll greentext it so it's easy to read
>Walk into the kitchen to get banana
>Notice that everything is a mess
>Stove is covered in food
>Sink is full of dishes
(which isn't new. one of the roommates only takes care of his dishes once a week. just leaves em in the sink)
>Notice my 40 year old copper bottom pot i told nobody to use is on the stove
>full of burnt food and my favorite spatula shoved into it
>notice my other good spatula in the sink
>completely melted at the tip
>open my drawer where i keep my good knives
>biggest and sharpest knife is gone
>it's in the dishwasher
>it's slimy and not even rinsed off

i'll continue in the next post. it's not that long of a story.

pic is what my pot looks like, but about 2x bigger.

>> No.5967027
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>at this point i am furious that all my good kitchen things have been used and abused
>confront my roommate
>he acts like it's no big deal and that everything is fine
>ask him what the black shit is that's in the pot
>It was burnt Mac 'n Cheese with Hotdog chunks
>ask what the shit on the stove was
>burnt cheese powder mixed with milk
>He burnt something a child could make with ease
>he couldn't even mix it up in the pot without making a mess
>He set the burner as high as it could go to "cook it faster"
>he thought you had to let it sit for a few minutes to cook after you mix the cheese powder in
>MFW he didn't read the instructions
>MFW he used one spatula to stir macaroni, and the other spatula to mix the cheese powder in with it
>MFW he used a FUCKING SPATULA to stir pasta, when i have proper spoons for stiring pasta that he can use
>MFW he thought he needed to use my sharpest knife to cut expired hot dogs that he claimed were still good
>MFW he didn't even cook the hotdogs
>MFW the bottom of the pot has a large black burn mark on it from being left on the burner on high unattended

I emptied out a drawer in my dresser and am now keeping every single kitchen untensil i own in there, and i put all of the
pots and pans that i own in the top of my closet. almost everything in that kitchen is mine, since i'm the only one in this appartment
that seems to know how to cook.

>> No.5967047

Small claims court. Make him replace what he broke.

>> No.5967064

if that doesnt work
punch him in the face. Make him replace what he broke,

>> No.5967228

>leaving you're stuff anywhere except your room while living with other people

>> No.5967238

Find a better place to live. You can't live reasonably with all your kitchen supplies locked in your bedroom. Also good spatulas don't melt.

>> No.5967308
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My roommate is a huge idiot too.
Fortunately for me, we have an electric range so it's mostly idiot-proof in the sense that it's super hard to start a fire on it. I've also learned from my last pair of roommates not to keep good cookware/dishes accessible.

Though my roommate still manages to fuck up most of the time.
>obese, slobbish guy
>tries too hard to eat "healthy" while actually not being so at all
>always buys things like food from the campus, frozen pizzas, sandwich stuff, microwavable food, or something he can throw in a pan like chicken breast
>I've never seen him actually cook a real meal
>most of the time I just see him order pizza

When he actually attempts cooking:
>come home from outing to see every window open, fire alarm dismantled, vaguely smokey kitchen, grease spatters, sink full of burnt dishes
>ask roomie what happened
>tried to fry chicken breast with my expensive olive oil to be "healthy" and didn't use the frying grease that I actually had out

>be sitting in the kitchen on my laptop
>roomie decides to make his famous ramen with egg
>every time he makes ramen he lets it boil over and it gets the electric burners dirty
>when burners are dirty it smells like shit and I have to clean them
>watch him stare at the boiling ramen until it boils over
>then, and only then, does he decide to turn the heat down
>kitchen smells like burnt dick and sulfur from egg

>sitting in the kitchen with a friend watching something
>roomie comes down to make tuna sandwich
>fumbling around loudly in the drawers
>"Anon where is the can opener?"
>roomie was looking around for the manual one when there's an electric one next to the stove
>"Use the electric one roomie."
>"Where is it anon?"
>"Right there roomie...."
>"Oh...how do you use it anon?"
>didn't know how to use electric can opener
He also does other lazy shit like not throwing out wrappers/dropped food and keeping my dishes with rotten food in his room because he's too lazy to clean them.

>> No.5967419

>>didn't know how to use electric can opener
You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to use one. I grew up with one and had one when I moved out. But then I realized it's a waste of space and bought a handheld can opener.

>> No.5967426

Know how to use an electric but I prefer manual. Still it is better to have a diet that doesn't include canned foods.

>> No.5967449

Apparently, though that really surprises me because I had friends with electric at their houses. And I swear I saw commercials/movies growing up as a kid that maybe featured an electric opener. Still though, it really surprises me that people don't have cognitive abilities to figure out how to use appliances.
My grandma preferred manual because she had a phobia about electric openers. Probably had something to do with a traumatic injury.

>> No.5967458
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I love roommate threads

>autist roomate
>only eats frozen, pre packaged, canned shit
>whatever, his life his diet, idc
>walk into kitchen one day
>can of chicken soup in a pot on the stove
>heat on fucking high
>boiling over
>roommate nowhere to be found
>turn off heat and take soup off the burner
>he comes into the kitchen a few minutes later
>"dude did you touch this"
>"uh, listen... you don't need to put the heat anywhere close to that high for canned soup. you're just warming it up man"
>"I don't wanna get salmonella anon, jeez"
>"... it's pre cooked. where were you anyways, it was boiling over like crazy"
>"taking a shit"

>> No.5967466

> it really surprises me that people don't have cognitive abilities to figure out how to use appliances.
Oh we can play that game. Take the 19th century doohickey and let you try to figure it out. You'll almost always need to be shown how it works. Can openers aren't as intuitive as you are making them out to be.

>> No.5967472

I don't know how to use a fucking electric can opener, and I'm 32. Eat a dick.

>> No.5967482

Take it easy, it's not a big deal. It's a can opener, not an expresso machine.

>> No.5967486

I'm 32 as well and I can but I believe I was shown how years ago. It is pretty simple. I would guess looking up a tutorial video on youtube would be enough to get you on your way if you were inclined.

>> No.5967487
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same roomate:

>doesn't really eat much, really skinny and not uncommon to see him eat like 3-4 chicken nuggets for lunch/dinner
>see women's boots at the door and hear a female voice from his room, guess his girlfriend is over
>boots are kinda huge...
>don't think much of it
>feelin' hongry, go to kitchen
>open fridge
>what the fuck
>I shit you not:
>4 containers of chocolate milk
>package of PIllsbury cookie dough
>sundae ice cream tub
>chocolate syrup
>this kid never eats anything like this
>other roommate comes into kitchen
>show him the 'murrica in our fridge
>"anon... do you think ___'s girlfriend is... f-fat?"
>mfw she never leaves his room
>mfw she leaves to go home while we were out
>mfw we never see her
>mfw we can't just ask our roommate if his gf is fat
>mfw we're still waiting for her to come back just to see

>> No.5967491
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>needs to be shown how to use pic related
Here ya go old man

>> No.5967492

>expresso machine

>> No.5967500

^ Or if you're into traditional.

>> No.5967501

I can use a hand mixer but they tend not to have the torque I need when I use them. The last time I used one it grinded trying to mix cookie dough.

>> No.5968047

I guess I'm the only one who knows OP made the entire story up.

3/10 if you're going to write a story at least make it original.

>> No.5968127

>find grandpa's handmade wooden cutting board, crumbled in the dishwasher
>find grandpa's enamel and cast iron pans in the dishwasher
>my teflon pan in the dishwasher
>my knives in the dishwasher
>scraping burnt cheese off my teflon pan with a fork
>about 10 potatoes worth of peels shoved down the garbage disposal at once
>squeezed lemons and limes shoved down the disposal
>"it makes the kitchen smell good, anon!"
I live with my mom, and if I didn't cook for her, she'd definitely die.

>> No.5968144

>waaaaa someone used my stuff that i told people not to use

Use a god damn hasp and padlock on a cabinet for your food and cooking utensils and use a metal padlocked tool box to keep food in your fridge/freezer.

Jesus fuck, this is Roommate 101 type stuff.

>> No.5968189

I'll never understand you people. If you can't get along, move out. Holy fuck there's only 8 billion people in this world, i'm sure you can find someone suitable.

>> No.5968215

>8 billion people in this world
>tfw there was only around 4 billion people on the planet when I was born.

This makes me feel uneasy.


>> No.5968238

>note: 1950-2010 are estimates and from 2011-2100 are projected populations in the medium-fertility variant.
Basically the whole table is bullshit.

>> No.5968242
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Thanks conservatives!
Odoyle rules

>> No.5968248

The real trouble is bleeding hearts want us to keep giving support to the third world which wouldn't be able to support their populations on their own.

>> No.5968259

my roomate only drinks whey powder milkshakes, apart from when he's sexually assaulting my partner. He's also incontinent and never lifts a finger around the house.

But then he's 9 months old, and we're related so I let him off.

>> No.5968305

>ever using a garbage disposal

Those things were invented by plumbers to print money. I know because I've made hundreds over the years changing them out for people.

>> No.5968324

I don't understand the point of having a blender for your garbage. No home is producing such quantities of food waste they need to save room in their garbage can.

>> No.5968354

It was very common in the 80s-90s to just chuck all organic shit into the garbage disposal unit.

The only thing I can see using one now would be for adding stuff to your methane biogas digestor.

>> No.5968363

>lived during that time
>knew no one who did that
>only saw it in hollywood movies

>> No.5968370

I lived during that time to. It was super common in my area (upper middle class). I know what a spoon sounds like when you drop it in. I saw tons of them rust out. People usually never replaced them though.

>> No.5968380

My mum had a waste disposal in that period (bong here) as it was fashionable. I removed it after I discovered it had been pumping the waste straight onto the floor screed for a fortnight after a pipe broke. I've done a lot of personal care over the year, but no job comes close for unpleasantness as cleaning up two weeks of rotting minced foulness from beneath cabinets.

>> No.5968431
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dont mind me just eating
>deer heart
>turnips n raddish

guess my age¿

>> No.5968437


>> No.5968478

underrated post

>> No.5968527
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>living with grandparents for a while
>Use grandmothers Seasoned cast iron pan
>WTF what's this stuff on it? It's like dirty and shit
>won't come off


>> No.5968543
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>what is a lease agreement

>> No.5968555

Seems like bad roommates are pretty common or everyone is just a whiny bitch. I've only lived with 3 people. 2 one year then one different guy this year. All fine in the kitchen. The worst was some bro frat guy who didn't even know how to use the dishwasher but he never even at at home so it didn't matter.

>> No.5968569

>we have an electric range so it's mostly idiot-proof in the sense that it's super hard to start a fire on it

I lifted up a cast iron skillet today off my electric range, and there was fire. I have no idea what started it. I put the skillet back down and it extinguished the flame.

>> No.5968578

it's easier to peel vegetables into the sink or rinse solids off plates that are gone down the drain.

>> No.5968602
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Not a roommate, but a friend of mine
>Seniors in high school
>We're sitting talking about food in our CISCO class
>"Oh yeah, anon, I just figured out how to make quesadillas on the stove!"
>mfw he used to just put cheese on a tortilla and stick it in the microwave

I died a little inside that day.

>> No.5968616

How do these people survive? It's beyond me.

>> No.5968622 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 640x640, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has non-stick technology changed in the last few years?


This is Jamie Oliver searing a ribeye on his cast aluminum, non-stick grill pan. How does he get away with putting in that much heat into a non-stick pan? I know we don't use teflon much anymore but is there something out there that can withstand this level of heat?

I only sear on my cast-iron, but this would be a game changer.

>> No.5968624


bad roommates are really common, most people in general are just huge pieces of shit, especially young people. I've had my share of disastrous roommates, and I have a very high tolerance for bullshit.


I only cook for two people but it's useful for peeling vegetables, trimmed portions of meat, leftovers if there's either too little leftover to bother storing or it's something that won't reheat well, etc.

>> No.5968632

>Not doing your research.

>> No.5968641
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>walking in on roommate scrubbing my teflon pan with steel wool

>> No.5968645

literally only use it to stiffen egg whites

>> No.5968664

>using teflon
anon... maybe YOU'RE the bad roommate

>> No.5968676

My roommate's pretty good for the most part; only complaint is that he lets dishes pile up way too high in the sink and I'm then barely able to get mine clean because his are taking up all the sink space.

>> No.5968698


Why not just clean them all and not be a lazy asshole?

Instead of picking out every specific thing you used and washing it just take turns doing them all.

>> No.5968707

He's cross dressing m8

>> No.5968711

>take turns
Then you're the only one actually taking turns

Then you try to leave them there and let them do it, and the dishes sit there for over a week, full of chunks and grease and water, until the kitchen starts to smell like sewage

>> No.5968717

>come upstairs to leave
>retard roommates smoking weed, hurrr-ing and durrr-ing together as always
>walk through kitchen towards garage
>smoky, smells like a burning mop
>check oven
>smoldering remnants of one of those stupid fucking totinos frozen pizzas
>yell to roommates about it
>hurr-ing and durrr-ing intensifies

Every fucking time...

>> No.5968721

Because I'm a picky son of a bitch and want to wash my shit myself so I know it's done how I want it. Yes, it's stupid; no, it probably doesn't make a difference whether I wash them or he washes them. Fuckin' sue me. Besides: if he leaves all his shit in the sink for a week now, I have literally no reason to trust that he'll be any more prompt in doing the dishes if he also has mine to take care of.

>> No.5968722

Why would you yell? Just tell them about it. If they don't do it in a few days toss it in their room

>> No.5968725

didn't mean like flip shit yell, more like over my shoulder, "hey dumbass your pizza's done".

>> No.5968727

Maybe it was you who did it and now rationalize that it's other person's fault that you are a dumb motherfucker you piece of shit

>> No.5968836

No it isn't. Go google more.

>> No.5968898

The note was taken right off the table son.

>> No.5968973

> live with this guy for a year in college
> we live in apartments a few miles from campus
> guy never cooks
> rides his bike to campus to eat at the dining hall three times a day
> only food he ever buys is giant jugs of Arizona and french onion dip with ruffles
> waited for him to get tired of that but every week all year, dip and Arizona
> anyways, one week his dad visits
> notices he has no food
> his dad doesn't cook either
> they go to the store and combine their efforts to get food
> they come back
> bought on thing
> a 10 lb bag of frozen chick wings
> not seasoned, not cooked, just 10 lbs of frozen raw chicken
> ask my roommate how he is going to eat that
> he has no dishes, utensils, pots, pans, etc
> "I'll just put them on a paper towel and microwave them"
> try to explain to him that they are raw
> "yeah microwaves can cook"
> can't argue with the logic
> go out to the kitchen a few days later
> see a paper towel with a dozen or so wings on the counter
> wings are pale on the outside
> one has a bite taken out of it
> can see the raw inside where the rubbery outside has been torn away
> roommate didnt even bother cleaning it up
> find myself on move out day throwing away 9 or so pounds of freezer burned wings

I would have shown that motherfucker how to cook them at least if he had asked.

>> No.5968981

>being this ignorant.
sometimes were stuck with people.
sometimes we get along with people on all catagories except one or two.
sometimes we dont have anyone else.
seriously have you never had to share a place with someone?

>> No.5968992

Sometimes you don't need to wait for them to swallow their pride enough to ask. It's not like you weren't aware he had zero kitchen skills.

"Hey, chicken wings! Fucking awesome, there's a game this Sunday, you know how to do (insert whatever here)?"

You both get to eat delicious wings, he gets to learn a little bit about cooking, you don't have to throw out what should have been delicious chicken wings, everybody wins.

>> No.5968997

roommate thread!

>i dont have a roommate
best feelings

I went to see some places when I was looking with 3-5 people in it because rent was cheaper, but all kitchens were like hell on earth, tiny, dirty, burned shit everywhere, some even looked ok but had a putrid smell.

I decided later to rent a tiny ass apartment just for me and it couldn't be any better.

>> No.5968998

One time my roommate made pork ribs in the toaster oven. I also saw my uncle putting butter on a slice of pepperoni pizza

>> No.5969009

Having lots of kids is the typical brute force approach to poverty. Wealth and selfishness and birth control make this unnecessary. Although I agree aid is rarely used correctly.

>> No.5969024

>High School
>CISCO Class
I'm jelly.

>> No.5969134
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>tfw I live by myself

>> No.5969310


hurr, here let me do it for you:


>> No.5969514

It's not that simple you autistic fuck. Many times, you don't know what someone is like until you live with them. The old adage "never live with your best friend" is true for a reason.

If you moved out of your parents basement or were older than thirteen, you'd understand this very simple concept you rapacious cunt

>> No.5969891

>It's not that simple you autistic fuck
sure, I only have my own life experience.

>> No.5969903
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You should never cook anything for him.
Watch him slowly rot away.

>> No.5969920

this. This a million times.
I have always enjoyed living by myself.

Now I'm planning to move and share an apartment with my girlfriend.
Am I making a mistake?
She says I'll have to be the one who cooks. She'll clean the apartment, do the laundry and everything, but she doesn't like cooking she says. (Albeit she actually has some skills at it because she frequently had to cook for others in previous jobs)

>> No.5969927
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Not mine, but very relevant.

>> No.5970102

Electric can openers are a pain up the ass. We had one at work and I always had to fuck with it for five minutes until the damn can positioned correctly. It easily slipped out of position, too, then I had to go through the same process again. We wound up getting a manual and the electric one hasn't been used since. It's a goddamn waste of money and space.

>> No.5970109
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Details from a week earlier, to help me explain my indifference

> Roommate was 20
> Couldn't legally buy alcohol, because America
> I was 22
> Had the house fairly well stocked
> No "get wasted" party liquor
> Mostly just assorted stouts and some flavored stuff for mixed drinks
> In bed one night
> Roommate staggers in, turns the light on, wakes me up (we shared a room)
> He's being helped in by other roommate, obviously drunk
> Other roommate helps him into bed, takes his shoes off
> Drunk roommate is now in bed, laying there with all of his clothes on - jeans, jacket, etc
> Other roommate closes the door and goes to his room
> Turns off the light as he leaves
> Lights are off for less than ten seconds why I hear vomiting
> Oh fuck no
> Run and turn on the light
> Can't see roommate, but I can smell puke
> Look all over, pull the blanket off his bed
> Where the fuck did this guy go
> Then I see it
> Underneath my bed is drunk roommate
> Completely naked, except for one sock, lying in his own vomit
> Again, under my bed
> Somehow, in under ten seconds, he got almost all of his clothes off and army crawled under my bed before vomiting
> Yell for other roommate
> Stick drunk roommate in the shower
> I have to clean up drunk roommates vomit as best as I can, because it's under my bed
> The next morning I get up and walk into the kitchen
> On the counter is an empty bottle of Parrot Bay, coconut rum for god damn Pina Coladas
> I had just bought it the week before when I bought a blender
> Roommate had gotten into it and drank it all
> He laughs it off when I dig into him later that day
> Whatever, not worth it
> When his dad comes the next week, he sees all of the alcohol in our house
> Hear roommate telling his dad "oh, yeah, that's my roommates, he drinks a lot"
> His dad starts talking about how "some people have no control"

So you can imagine I didn't exactly want to cook the guy wings.

>> No.5970129

>points to another table of estimates and projections

>> No.5970137

What a cunt
Any more stories?

>> No.5970142


Don't be so autistic

>> No.5970148

I've had so many shit experiences with housemates, and it always boils down to the kitchen.

I sometimes think I'm just an over sensitive twat, but after seeing some of the laziest shit know to man, then I know its them and not me.

Not a bog deal, but one wanker I lived with was boiling water on full for 30 mins while he had a shower, I turned it off. He then asks me if I'd turned it down because he was heating it for pasta. Fuck you you French prick.

>> No.5970167


I honestly felt sorry for the guy more than anything. His family was a bunch of ultra conservative wackjobs. Example:

> Roommate gets a girlfriend near the end of the year
> First girlfriend he has ever had
> Skype videos his dad to tell him
> His dad's first question is, "how many other guys has she been with?"
> His dad lectures him on the dangers of promiscuous girls and STD's
> Roommate listens intently
> Later talking to roommate
> He tells me he's sad because his new girlfriend is going to France for the summer
> Ask him if they are going to try and stay together
> He says probably not because he's worried she'll come back with "gross European STD's from European guys"
> Legitimately his primary concern

Again, it's hard to be angry with someone who has been fucked with so heavily. Dude was homeschooled and never allowed to do anything growing up. I saw him TWICE throw up just from overeating stuff he had never been allowed to have - the first time was two jumbo boxes of poptarts in one sitting, and the second time was 12 neapolitan ice cream sandwiches.

I have a shit ton of stories about how fucking weird this guy was, if there is interest.

>> No.5970185

When the cats away the mice will play. That's what women do on these trips.

>> No.5970204


>> No.5970213

We divide labour like this and it works well. She doesn't resent doing the cleaning and laundry as I do all the cooking/food shopping. I don't find the latter a chore. I still clean up the kitchen a couple of days a week as we have a young un now and they are messy fuckers.

>> No.5970251

More stories, please.

>> No.5970434

Yes, more please.

>> No.5970466

underrated post

>> No.5970472

Thanks a lot anon for now overrating the post. Only takes one.

>> No.5970495

It's not being a lazy asshole not cleaning someone else's shit if anything they're the lazy asshole for leaving it there

>> No.5970498

You are lazy for needing to live with roommates to make it. Man up.

>> No.5970505

I just turned 19 and I'm in college.

>> No.5970508

My roommate had a girl over one night who decided she wanted some honey dew melon. My roommate makes nothing but sandwiches so is unaware how kitchens work. I hear them looking for a knife and think nothing of it. as they begin to cut the melon I know something is off so I go to the kitchen and they are using my best knife to cut the melon and not using a cutting board. I took my knife out of my roommates hand, put a cutting board on the counter, told him to never touch my stuff, and went on with my life.

>> No.5970510

There are 19 year old self made millionaires. That is no excuse.

>> No.5970513

cutting knife? You chop it with a cleaver.

>> No.5970514
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>Somehow, in under ten seconds, he got almost all of his clothes off and army crawled under my bed before vomiting

>> No.5970565

At home we always used one like on the left, when I moved out I bought the one on the right, and had to google it after fumbling with it for over 5 minutes, failing to figure it out.

>> No.5970578
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Also, only roommate story so far

>get relatively expensive fruit (?) knife
>small knife usually for peeling n stuff, hi-carbon blade
>explain to roommate that it needs to be kept dry
>first time he uses it he doesn't clean it and leaves it on the sink overnight

>> No.5970583

>expensive fruit knife
>hi carbon

Do you swallow or something

>> No.5970584

He means paring knife, let it go.

>> No.5970594
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I said relatively expensive, having used $2 knives my whole life a $20 pretty much single use knife is quite something. But it cuts incredibly well compared to the other stainless shit we have.
Now I just use my (carbon) Opinels, they cut just as well and are a lot cheaper. And I keep them out of the kitchen drawer.
The one he almost ruined is on the bottom.

>> No.5970596

How about sharpening the 2$ knife? Really you are no different

>> No.5970603

I've tried that, and I've tried quite a few of other brands and models, but brand new or (re)sharpened I feel they never cut as nice as the carbon ones.
Might be all in my head tho, but it doesn't really matter anymore.

>> No.5970649

>housemate is foreigner from an asian shithole
>I have a large teflon wok my dad gave me and a small egg pan, also teflon, sorry /ck/ but they were cheap and I'm poor
>housemate uses my pots sometimes, I use his sometimes
>come in one day, catch him using metal utensils on a teflon pan
>tell him not to do that, explain, be pretty nice about it
>happens again a few weeks later
>all teflon pans now scratched to hell
>he frequently leaves my cookware dirty, full of reeking frying oil
>I wash pots of his I use IMMEDIATELY and treat them well
>banged up and chipped dishes that were in the dry rack because he just tosses stuff around carelessly and bangs dishes around
>best bowl is chipped in three places

Luckily all my shit is cheap, but still, god damn take care of other people's shit. He lets me try his cooking so I guess I can't complain too much.

For the record, I hate teflon. If anyone wants to mail me a stainless set, or some cast iron, I'll throw the teflon away this instant. Nothing but trouble.

>> No.5970657

I know. It pissed me off. and his parents bought him his own full set of multi purpose knives, he just doesn't understand what they are for. he doesn't understand how the world works.

>> No.5970660

>>find grandpa's handmade wooden cutting board, crumbled in the dishwasher

>housemate uses my bamboo cutting board
>puts it through dishwasher
>now warped

>scraping burnt cheese off my teflon pan with a fork

Cringed at this. You can feel the ruination.


I barely know what they are and I've never used one. Just put the trash in the trash, why try to put it down the sink? I don't get the purpose.

>> No.5970661

As long as you have roommates don't bother owning nice things.

>> No.5970665

>walk in house
>kitchen is flooded, foamy soap everywhere
>coming from dishwasher
>go to find housemate
>tell him to clean that shit
>he throws a towel on it and leaves it there
>ask wtf happened
>he wasn't using the right type of soap and/or used too much and/or I have no fucking clue
>few weeks later
>happens again

I don't use a dishwasher because they're fucking useless. I own a total of two plates--can't let dishes sit dirty waiting for a full load. Can't wash wood in them, can't wash pans, what use are they?

>> No.5970670

Get a plumber in there to disconnect it.

>> No.5970678

i'm starting to thiink you really didn't know how to sharpen a knife or even polishing it

>> No.5970679

ITT: Passive aggressive betas that can't up for their personal property.

>> No.5970684

Turn the water for the washer off? It's not rocket science

>> No.5970704


Hay, I have that same pot, inherited from my mom, who got it in the 1960s/1970s;

Copper clad stainless steel Revere Ware patent # 2272609 made in Clinton Illinois.

>> No.5970723

>sleeping, school night, 3 AM
>suddenly fire alarm
>jolt out of bed, shitting myself, buck naked
>torn between grabbing my laptop or trying to grab my nicest clothes
>throw closest clothes on and run downstairs
>smoke everywhere
>coming from kitchen
>pan on stove, burned husks of what used to be dumplings/potstickers
>absolutely blackened, pitching off smoke
>open back door, grab towel (solid metal pot), put pan out on cement patio
>shout for housemate
>check out front
>is in front driveway, high as a kite, drunk as a sailor, smoking a cig with some guy
>tell him the fire alarm is going off
>"oh, we were wondering what that noise was"
>drag his ass into the kitchen, bitch him out
>they give me a beer so I calm down
>housemate tries to eat the blackened abortion of the dumplings
>offers me some

>other day
>making soup, house smells like heaven
>housemate wants to heat up a sandwich, decides to use oven to do so
>didn't see, but I come back down 20 minutes later to check soup (simmering like a dream)
>smells like burning, smoke
>look in oven
>sandwich is in oven, no sheet under it, just thrown on the rack
>charred, slopping everywhere
>shout for housemate
>comes over, agonizes over his sandwich
>smell of soup ruined
>having company over
>they probably thought I was the one who burned something
>he never cleaned the oven out
>go to use it two weeks later
>burning, smoking remains of sandwich on bottom of oven
>too late to clean it, was already heated

>don't bother owning nice things.

Pretty much, yeah. At least I have a private bedroom.

>> No.5970726

Or you know help the friend in makiing such foods since you had plans of having friends over? It's not hard

>> No.5970730


Help him reheat his sandwich? I didn't see him put it in the oven, or I'd have given him the baking sheet and told him to watch it, it'd only take a few minutes.

It was a sub, with lettuce and cold meat.

>> No.5970741

>live in dorm with shared kitchen
>kitchen is a wreck most of the time
>there's stoners, girls, and me using it
>stoners wreck the place
>girls clean the place
>always hate cooking there
>either have to deal with talking with stoners or tiptoe awkwardly around girls

Everything change when the fire nation- when I bought a toaster oven.

>> No.5970744

I've had messy room mates but most of them never cooked so it wasn't so many dishes, but this new room mate, ughhh.

> cooks everything in tons of oil on highest heat
> oil splatter everywhere, counters, hood, FUCKING TOP OF THE FRIDGE AND EVERYTHING SITTING THERE
> Uses three or more utensils to stir one or two pots worth of food
>chunks of food flung everywhere, under burner, on the fucking walls
> washes one or two pieces of the insane amount of dishes he makes maybe once a week
> By wash I mean he will slightly scrub the insides of dishes, leaving visible food and grease on the bottoms
> 'hand washes' everything with this technique, won't even rinse dishes off and load the dish washer
> Been in this house for three months he has broken 3 of my plates, a bowl, the top of my cassarole dish
> caught him scraping a fork on my teflon, told him you can't use metal on this
> all of my teflon now is the stickiest useless pans in the world
> anytime people come over he makes a giant meal that somehow always uses every pot, pan, dish, and utensil
>but still isn't enough food for how many people are there.
> hides dishes in his room
> once caught him stirring with an heirloom rack grabber (basically stick with a hook in it, painted throughout)
> fills trash up, takes it out of the bin and just sets it next to the bin, never takes it out, not once.

I've had worse actual room mates but he wins for absolute disgustingness. Also he walks around constantly hocking spit into paper towels and usually leaves those all around the house. His bathroom is atrocious.

>> No.5970747
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I love roommate threads but thank god I don't know these pains.
>roomy and I both cooks
>both have collections of wonderful pans and knives and respect each other's shit
>always cooking quality meals and always get to snag bites of each other's
>we are both going to get see/ interact with Anthony Bourdain tonight

>> No.5970754

But you could have told the person about you being the one in charge of the kitchen

>> No.5970777

Can you get him to leave his stuff on the side instead of in the sink?

>> No.5970786

Pretty great deal tbh.

>> No.5970812

If you have a shitty one.
Mine takes around ~20 seconds to open a can. Yours sounded like a piece of shit.

>> No.5970816

More stories please.

>> No.5970821

I do, and I've had some sharpened by a pro too. The cheap ones really are shitty.

>> No.5970919

A pro? It doesn't require a pro and cheap blades can last months without sharpening

>> No.5970930

I was just trying to see if the problem was my or my friends' sharpening skills. The opinels keep outperforming them even without sharpening, and for their price I ain't gonna fuck around with anything else.
Maybe your cheap blades are better then the ones I get over here, or I'm spoiled by the opinels (they -are- some of the sharpest knives you can get).
Doesn't matter, I take care of my own stuff now, and I'm happy with it. Let my roommate fuck up the cheapest ones.

>> No.5970960

I d'aww'd. Thank you based Anon.

>> No.5970973

>one of the roommates only takes care of his dishes once a week. just leaves em in the sink
Holy fuck my roommate last year used to do this

>walk into the kitchen one morning
>can't fill the water filter, there are too many plates in the sink
>Anon must have gone all Tom & Jerry in the kitchen
>Open the fridge
>Huge pot of some stew or pasta or some shit and another big pot of rice or noodles or what ever
>Buy groceries
>Can't fit anything in the fridge cause Anon has his pots in there holding his 3 cups worth of food
>Ask Anon to clean his shit and move the shit out of the fridge
>put groceries in gf's fridge in the mean time

Fast forward 3 days
>still can't fill my water filter
>food is still sitting in the fridge
>anon is never home, comes home and he's fat so he makes our bedroom smell like a gym locker room
>never drinks water, so his piss is like the color of bourbon and smells rank as fuck
>never flushes the toilet and his highly concentrated piss fills the bathroom with it's repugnant odor
>still all his fucking food in the fridge and dirty shit in the sink

The fucker used to use my spices without asking, too. But that was OK cause he made pretty good food and i'd steal some of his food while it sat there in the pot in the fridge cause fuck him, if he's gunna inconvenience every one with his shit habits then he can pay for it in free food.

>> No.5970975


I did this like an idiot. I used dish detergent. Don't ever use dish detergent in a dishwasher.

>> No.5970994

No, they were made for literally just the small amounts of food stuck to your plate to be washed off into the drain.

You should upend the plate/bowl/pot over the garbage and give it a good whisking before even attempting to use he sink, but a Garbage Disposal is for SMALL amounts of food.

Not fucking potato peels, coffee grounds, and egg shells. Put that shit in the garbage.

>> No.5971021

He made a huge portion of food for his roomate and you don't even do dishes for him? on top of that you complain about everything and still eat and enjoy it.

Why is it that everyone into cooking is just a selfish douchebag? I know at least 3 people like this.

>> No.5971023

Do you know how to read?

I never said he cooked for me. I used to steal his shit cause fuck him for being an inconsiderate asshole.

I'm honestly dumbfounded that someone just called me a selfish douchebag for getting mad that he'd leave his dirty shit around for days at a time.

>> No.5971041
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>one day at home putting groceries away
>since one of my fabric grocery bag beside the fridge tucked away
>as soon as I open the bag a huge plume of fucking fruit flies emerges from the bag into my face
>roommate forgot about a bag of tomatoes he bought a month ago and were left to rot
>fruit flies in my mouth, nose eyes, stumbling around screaming as fruit flies emerge from all my orifaces
>house is literally covered in fruit flies now
>roommate is away for entire weeked
>had to call pest control to rid house of flies before landlord came the next day
I literally coughed a phlegm wad into a tissue and there were like 20 dead fruit flies trapped in the mucus

>> No.5971054

That's what you get for trying to save the Earth.

>> No.5971058

stores around here charge like 25 cents for an plastic bag; fuck that noise.

>> No.5971067

>Actually paying attention to how much bags cost.

>> No.5971077

On average I used to use 5 or 6 plastic bags during a grocery run.

That's almost $80 a year in plastic bags you hyperdunce.

>> No.5971087

You are saving $78 over an entire year. You are insane.

>> No.5971113

So you'd rather just pay $80 over a year for the plastic bags instead of using simple fabric sacks you keep in your trunk?

>> No.5971124

How much did you pay for pest control?

>> No.5971132

It cost me nothing. My roommate put it on his credit card. ($150.00)

>> No.5971140

Still wiped out any savings from fabric bags assuming he is saving as much.

>> No.5971148

lel, I don't give a fuck if my roommate saves money of not.

If you like needlessly waste money on bullshit that's fine. I'm well off financially, just don't feel the need to burn $80 annually on something I can easily avoid.

>> No.5971258

Best thing i've read on here 4chan in a long time
Or worst, depending how you look at it

>> No.5971287

why would you move in with people that you know are going to be bad room mates?

the only time i had shitty room mates was in first year when I didn't have a choice who i lived with.

>> No.5971292

Sometimes you don't know their shitheads until weeks into living with them.

>> No.5971474


Are you me?

>housemate cooks with ton of oil
>oil splashes on walls, floor, shelf, all over stove
>leaves literal pools of oil on stove
>drops ramen crumbs everywhere, all over floor and inside stove
>had to take the top off to clean out ramen crumbs because they kept burning and stinking
>killed all my teflon pans after being TOLD to use plastic or wood ONLY
>leaves dishes of used oil everywhere with a styrofoam plate on top
>stores leftovers in oven or on counter instead of putting them in the fridge
>leaves pizza boxes and tons of trash, never takes it out
>refuses to sort his recyclables, so a few beer cans or a milk jug completely fill our tiny trash bin (it's bathroom size, not kitchen, because free.)

>> No.5971514

>last year, shared suite as a uni dorm, 5 other girls
>huge ass keurig with cup rack, another coffee pot take up most of counterspace
>one bitch kept using my good knife to cut butter with, and then left it dirty just thrown in the sink
>another helped herself to my food and cried like a bitch to the RA when I told her off because I used the c-word and apparently that's the same as holding a gun to her fat, ugly head
>bitch who abused my knife, would make these stinking microwave burritos that smelled like salt and oily asshole, stank whole house up
>had to hold my breath, seriously, it was horrid
>she SMELLED like those burritos, was a pug-faced fat bitch
>told her to pick her trash off the floor, relatively nice and calm about it, and she launched into an hour screaming match at me
>almost got in a fistfight that night, still wish I had decked her
>they would leave multiple pizza boxes everywhere
>open fridge, pizza box falls out
>turn around, pizza boxes covering table
>put box on top of trash can so I'd have to move it to throw anything away
>never took their own fucking trash out
>would put entire shopping bags of their personal trash into kitchen trash, thus filling it, and never took it out
>would act catty, leave passive aggressive notes
>all I wanted was to be left alone, that's it, but holy shit them bitches were nasty pieces of work
>filled house with ugly decorations like crayon drawings THEY drew
>anytime I had someone over, they commented on how ugly that shit was and thought a kindergartener drew it
>had no fewer than FIVE decorative towels in kitchen
>one got dirty once and it was like the holocaust
>one bitch was so fat that she couldn't reach the corner cabinet because she couldn't wedge her ass between the 90 degree counter corner
>gave the cabinet to me

So glad I don't live there anymore. People I live with now may be messy and annoying sometimes, but it's so much better now.


Holy shit I'm mad on your behalf. What a piece of shit.

>> No.5971635

Yeah, I'm very happy with it.
Grocery shopping is also my part, and I'm fine with it.

>> No.5971909

>live with college kids near a very expensive private university
>first sign of how immature they are is the way the kitchen is cared for
>we have a maid come once a week and she spends most of the day doing dishes
>have had to buy dish soap for the past two months
>no big deal
>roomies leave dirty dishes on table
>go through the trouble of making themselves a big breakfast just to leave a yolk-caked pan and crusty plate on the table for days and days
>house is so big, so many people that i don't know who exactly is responsible for this atrocity
>roomie sticks a food-encrusted dirty dish directly into the fucking dishwasher
>after two loads, that shit from the dish is still getting everything in the washer dirty
>one rich kid here solely makes quesadillas on the stove, lol
>that's all he eats, except when he makes a crock pot of beans and sticks garlic in it
>whole house smells like garlic for a day and night
>two days before the maid comes to the house, the entire kitchen and every surface is covered with dirty plates
>roommates stick forks and any utensil into the drawer when it's clearly covered in a white, crusty film
My only idiot move is I tend to horde drinking glasses in my room like a freak.

>> No.5971915

>My only idiot move is I tend to horde drinking glasses in my room like a freak.
I used to do the same shit when I had nasty
roommates. Fuck that, I'm not putting this into the sink and god forbid someone else washes it, cause you know that shits not really clean even after they've "washed" it.

>> No.5972006

Never seen one in real life actually

>> No.5972022

I know these feeling.

I'm so glad I left that horrible roommate behind. She lives on her own, and apparently her apartment is a travesty.

>> No.5972039


Is that sarcasm? Do you have someone else's life experience too?

>> No.5972043
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>> No.5972045


I've done the same thing when I was enlisted. Guy let dishes pile up for a month.
>First two weeks I refused to do his dishes
>Leave for two weeks come back and no dishes had been done

Threw away the crusted plates/cups/utensils, cleaned my nice pots/pans and kept it all locked up in my room.

>> No.5972277


>hearing fire alarm
>actually debating what to grab
>fire alarm actually signifying building burning down when you live in a dorm and/or with roommates, ever

>> No.5972375

what? that must have been a bit surprising.

*SUPRISE!* your stove is on fire

>> No.5972395

ATECH? I had that exact same discussion with a friend of mine in a CISCO class at ATECH.

>> No.5972401


fuck I can't wait to not have roommates. I even like mine right now, but it's always little shit that's not even worth bringing up.

>eats half my oreos even though we don't normally share groceries
>leaves rice cooker out, half full, for days
>asks me to help make complicated food that won't reheat for shit, leaves right before it's done. "well, you can just have more then!" I wouldn't have fucking made it if you didn't ask!

I just want my own goddamn kitchen and enough privacy to fuck without being so paranoid.

>> No.5972452


>"Tell me how special I am. I have a babbbyyy."

>> No.5972532


Yes because I'm not a low income subhuman shit

>> No.5972644

> fruit flies
lower the room temperature.

Lucky you. You will never experience how much not saving the earth will cost. At least not directly.
I don't think humanity will ever get to travel to planets in other star systems or be able to turn Mars into something people can live on.
So I guess in 100.000 years humans will be extinct. Kinda short living race. Intelleigence seems to be a bad model in evoluton.

>> No.5972679

>whites are less than 8% of the earths population
>seriously advocating genocide in 2014

>> No.5972696

You potheads sicken me

>> No.5972739

Did he, or did he just not make them at home at all?

>> No.5972744

don't be a twat

>> No.5972851

>you hyperdunce
I forcefully expelled air through my nose.

>> No.5973245

I don't fucking understand how people just function without being able to do simple household chores/cook to a level where you wont die.
Like I have my days where I'll eat ramen or microwave garbage but that's a choice and not a necessity of living. When I was away at college it was a fucking travesty every day.

>dorm living
>all girls dorm, contrary to popular rumor girls dorms are not fun, nor clean
>go down to the hacienda a few blocks away on my way home, pick up a few things that will keep in dorm
>avoid meat because always green at store but grab some veg that's cheap along with some chicken breasts
>dorm has a kitchen on every floor
>fucking empty always and always semi dirty despite being empty
>shitty stove, sink, half broken cabinets, fridge, not much else
>decide to not be a shit and cook something, it's friday so most girls are gone dorm deathly quiet
>bake chicken with veg I got from store
>chicken breasts, asparagus, a few potatoes, some of those mexican sodas still in the bag
>salt, pepper, garlic powder, misc spices
> not baking for 10 minutes girls start to circulate by door
>chicken almost done, have attracted girls like flies, two hanging right outside kitchen, others hovering around hallway
>go down hall to grab computer because roommate sleeping
> come back to see that girls are pawing around oven and rummaging around in bag from store
>what the fuck
>"why are you cooking that" "can we have some""anon you only made a few!" "what are these?"

>> No.5973299

I think the real problem is High Schools either got rid of home economics class or eliminated it as a requirement, not to mention parents that never make their kids take a turn at the stove or have them do household chores. Seriously, it's almost always kids fresh out of high school or in their early 20's. They do shit like letting the trash pile up or the dishes pile up and they just leave that shit there. It's like they think their parents are gonna show up and take care of it and no matter how big the piles get they never take care of it.
>tfw taking care of the dishes and trash exclusively for months on end
>go on strike
>trash so piled up you can hardly leave the through the door
>moving their pile of dirty dishes to use the kitchen, then putting it back when done
>room mates giving me the stink eye because I stopped cleaning up their shit

>> No.5973362

>looking for apartment
>find one with a huge room for a low price
>its because roommate is lazy as fuck
>i don't really mind washing dishes for just 1 other person, tell him all he needs to do is rinse them out with water for 1 second
>he doesn't even do that
>it slowly gets worse as he brings aged dishes from his room into the kitchen for me to wash
>do lots of dishes before work, all the pots and pans are clean now
>go to work
>come home to all pots and pans dirty and pile of dirty dishes filled with month old food
>this asshole had twice as many dishes as I thought and was slowly getting me to wash them.

>buy new dishes and pans for myself, keep them in room
>move his dirty dishes out of the sink everyday to wash my stuff
>he moves them back into the sink every day hoping i'll wash them
>all talks with him go no where. new plan
>buy plastic shelving unit from walmart
>rig this shit up with a gallon of water on top and a 5 gallon on the bottom
>with this sink in my room there's no reason to use kitchen sink anymore

>he buys subway for breakfast everyday
>he buys pizza or chinese for dinner everyday
>keeps complaining he's always broke
>his car explodes, he has to buy a new one for work
>he moves back home with his parents, leaves all his dishes
>throw them all out but keep all the pots and pans which are kind of nice
>new roommate at least rinses his plates off and puts them to the side in a nice pile

>> No.5973462
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Geez you guys would probably hate me.

>have one plate I eat off of.
>I clean it once a month.
>eggs all day every day
>the eggs start to burn and smoke in the pan when I am finished.

>> No.5973609

>tfw I'm the bad roommate.

I don't know why but everytime I use oil it ends up smoking even though I only use medium heat. Its an electric range.

Is it because it's canola oil?

>> No.5973982

No, he straight-up said he thought the only way of making quesadillas was in the microwave.

I don't even know, man.

Nah, sorry. HS was in Virginia.

>> No.5974232

>had all of my own kitchen wares because of previous bad roommates
>keep them in my room, cleaning/drying then after use and storing them back in my room
>new roommate
>friend from HS
>first time living away from home/not in a dorm
>buys a few hundred dollars worth of pots/pans/utensils/ect.
>rarely washes any dishes
>bitches that I never wash his dishes
>eventually moves out
>still a sink full of dirty dishes
>leave almost $200 worth of new kitchen wares, most having only been used once

>> No.5974348

Well played anon, well played

>> No.5974729

r u grill date me plz

>> No.5974744

canola oil has a smoke point of 400F which is relatively high

>> No.5974871

Was this at UBC by any chance?

>> No.5974876


>> No.5974889

No, sorry I'm a dude. Gage is the only dorm that I know of that has six people per unit so I was just curious. I had my own fair share of shitty roommates when I stayed there as well.

>> No.5974894

sara u fuken bitch touch my spatula one more time i sware

>> No.5975105

dam nigga arizona and ruffles with french onion dips sounds fucking bomb right now

>> No.5975154


>> No.5975182

I was actually kinda the other side of this in school. Not the destroying roommates stuff (not on purpose anyway, and when I did, I replaced it), more the could barely make KD without fucking shit up. He on the other hands was taking the culinary arts program and knew his stuff. He's more or less who taught me how to cook.

That said it wasn't exactly singing and hand holding. While we managed to amicably share the kitchen, he had a _lot_ of drama in his personal life that spilled into the room. There were many weeks where I dreaded going back to the room and dealing with him and/or whatever situation was going on.

>> No.5975241

Does no one just dump their roommate's dirty dishes on their bed anymore?

>> No.5975261


>>his car explodes

I don't know why i laughed my ass off but I did not see that coming into your story.

>> No.5975273

this belongs in a FPS thread on /fit/

>> No.5975746

>two roommates, one same age(23), one two years older
>older one leaves food out, bowls pile up in sink, half eaten shit in the microwave
>offers to share his food the other day and I reluctantly accept because I hate being indebted to people and I've seen his cooking habits before
>offer to let him use my Teflon pan since he's cooking for three and its the biggest pan we have
>go to bed early because I had things to do early the following morning
>rush out the door the next morning without checking the kitchen
>come home that evening
>my pan is still half full of cooked ground beef, looks like someone was picking at it throughout the day
>the tray store beef comes in is still sitting on the counter some 18 hours later
I should have known better.

>> No.5975921

always laptop
gotta save the porn

>> No.5975927

when is the wedding?

>> No.5975930

dont worry dude, you are right

>> No.5975979

You're definitly not alone, OP. American families are producing these idiot, princess , man children at an alarming rate.

>> No.5976007

>Cannot into non-stick cooking

I think you're just a klutz in the kitchen anon.

>> No.5976026

not soon enough...

>> No.5976045


>eggs erryday
>clean once a month

Salmonella poisoning should set you straight one day.

>> No.5976139


>> No.5976931

Really, niggas? Look. Feel. Try. Learn. You have the internet at your fingertips where you can look this shit up, but you don't, even though it would and could, help you. It's your own damn fault. Don't expect anyone to give you pity.

>> No.5976993

>saves $0.17 to $0.21 a day with rotten fabric bags

>> No.5977207

I can open a can with a manual can opener in 10 seconds.

Sounds like that can opener you have is a piece of shit.

>> No.5977216

where the hell do you live that you actually have to pay for plastic bags when buying groceries

>> No.5977227

I know here where I live they will deduct from your receipt for bringing your own bag. Some might see that as them paying for the plastic bags otherwise.

>> No.5977247

>have a big teflon pan for lazy sautes
>over 5 years, not a scratch because i only use soft spatulas and hand wash it with a sponge
>come home from work
>roommate is cooking a steak in the pan
>using a fork to turn it
>he starts cutting up the cooking steak with a knife IN THE PAN
>"what the fuck? you'll scratch the pan!"
>"calm down dude, it's fine"
>"here's a spatula, use that not a fork & knife."
>"ok ok. geez"
>shake my head and go to my room
>find the pan in the dishwasher the next day
>scratches so deep that the teflon is peeling up
that was the last teflon pan i ever owned. cast iron & anodized aluminum from now on.

for some reason, they are scared to use the cast iron for cooking.

>> No.5977254

hmm i've seen only one market doing that, even then they let me get plastic bags, to either separate things inside the fabric bag or carry extras that dont fit it (i have one "green bag" just because its quite big and its easier to carry one big bag than several small plastic bags)
feels more like a marketing play "here come buy with us we give you a discount"

>> No.5977261

I think I once heard in California they might charge you.

>> No.5977332

>ex gf warmed everything in the microwave
>even fucking hot chocolate
>so ignorant that she claims I must be from the 70's for boiling my water
>that rage when she tells you she boils water in the microwave
how the fuck do people become this stupid
[/spoiler]it's the parents[spoiler]

>> No.5977340

boiling my water over a stove top i meant

>> No.5977368
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>Be at friend's house years ago
>Sleepover party guys girls
>Probably 12 people, some i don't know
>Midnight some of them crave tater tots
>They preheat the oven for like 20 mins
>Open oven
>His family stores all their pans in there
>including many teflon pans
They just took them out to cool. Did that ruin the teflon? like 350-400F for 20mins

>> No.5977375


I used to live with a cunt like this.

>> No.5977376

Sprouts deducts a nickel for reuseable bags. A nickel is a nickel.

I sometimes just use the clear bags (free) to hold multiple things.

>> No.5977380
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>not boiling water in the microwave to create superheated water

don't be so smug, boiling on the stove is almost as retarded. you should use an electric water boiler for the highest efficiency/speed.

>> No.5977393

don't have one m80

>> No.5977402

electric kettles are pretty cheap.

>> No.5977423

probably $5 at a garage sale and you clean them with citric acid powder mixed into the water.

>> No.5977432

Thanks guys, is /ck/ always this helpful

>> No.5977435

hey. we weren't the one bragging about how smart they were for using a stove.

>> No.5977444

wasn't even bein sarcastic, and huehue, wasn't bragging just figured most people use a stove over a microwave

>> No.5977455

I don't usually boil water but a tea drinker left an electric kettle here I sometimes use.

>> No.5977459


>> No.5977486
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>girl roommate's bf buys steel wool to "clean the gunk off our pans"

>> No.5977494

Here's the bill for the pans girl roommate :^)

>> No.5977495
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>> No.5977503

no one does this, and it's your*

>> No.5977516

This is why you avoid having roommates OP. Alternatively keep your pots in your room, I had a friend that was unfortunate enough to have roommates and that's what he did.

>> No.5977519

Nope, they bake teflon at 400C

>> No.5977520
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>try to make breakfast one morning
>someone dropped a whole butter and didn't bother to clean it up

>> No.5977527
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>fat roommate's gf uses the grill

>> No.5977536
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>average state of the kitchen after fat and his gf try to cook pt.1

>> No.5977540
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the raw chicken on the counter was room temperature by the time I saw this mess

>> No.5977542

Christ, m8.....

>> No.5977545

i hope those are your/the house cats

>> No.5977579

Holy shit. I think I would have got into some shit with them by now if this is the level of crap they are trying to pull

>> No.5977590

>chicken on the counter

Did they still eat it?

>> No.5977596
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>live in a decently large rented house
>split rent with my friend, everything is well
>friend moved out after 3 years for a new job
>need a new rent paying roommate
>friend tells me he knows a girl from school looking for an apartment
>she seems nice enough, i agree to let her live there and pay rent
>everything seems fine, until i went upstate to visit family for a week
>i come back and theres no power, kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes, sleeping bags on the floor from strangers, cigarette burns in my leather couch and new rug
>all my good kitchenware including some well maintained stuff from my grandmother i use has been sitting in a sink and actually started rusting
>go out back to my favorite grill and find its full of empty pizza boxes she tried to burn up
>start calling her and her phones turned off
>she took all the money i left for power/water/gas and the only thing she left was dirty shit stained panties in my bathroom sink and a warm fridge of spoiled food

Long story short, always screen potential roommates and make them sign a contract.

>> No.5977605

Fuckdamn, how do people not known that you keep forks and knives OUT of a teflon pan?! My mom yelled if we even pointed at her pan with a fork...
Then again, my roommate had no clue either. But after seeing him poke about with a fork in our most expensive pan I told him if I caught him doing that again he's paying for a whole new set, hasn't happened since.

>> No.5977641
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doesn't room temperature raw chicken sound delicious? :^)

>> No.5977655
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heres what was in that pot by the pizza box.

>> No.5977657

>Move in with a coworker and his wife
>She slowly becomes more of a hippie
>Starts turning our house into a commune
>Work 12 hours a day
>Come home to usless people lounging around the house talking about astrology
>Kitchen is always a fucking wreck
>I refuse to clean up their messes
>I'm paying my share of rent
>They accuse me of not helping out around the house because I don't do their dishes despite the fact that the husband and I are the ones paying for the roof over their heads.
>One of them drove my car without my permission while I was away because it was "communal property"

Moved out as soon as a I could and lost a good chunk of money voiding my part of the lease. Fuck hippies.

>> No.5977682
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Now I happen to think some of the electrical codes can be a touch overzealous, but... a strip plug hanging beneath the sink? Where the water splashes? Really?

>> No.5977696
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gotta make sure those wet dishes have all the power they need

>> No.5977706


How can people live like this? I know everyone has different personalities, but rummaging through garbage just to find a fork or something would get really fucking annoying.

>> No.5977718

im so sorry anon

>> No.5977728

Based on that campy, po-dunk ass country plate, I'd say 40s.

Off my /ck/, Eenis.

>> No.5977737

Does it even matter at this point? /ck/ loves to hate on people who cannot cook, especially roommates. This is a thread archetype.

>> No.5977740


>> No.5977759

or heaven forbid you have some cool pint glasses, and someone decides it's not clean enough and takes a brillo pad to them

>> No.5977788
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they got to the point where they were just buying paper plates, plastic forks, etc. which led to a whole new problem in the form of the trash filling up twice a day and fat roommate thinking taking the trash out meant setting it out back where their shitty dog could get it

>> No.5977901

Seems like there's a silver lining.

>> No.5978014

>she left was dirty shit stained panties
That's pretty hot. I would give them a whiff and have a fap after all that rage I would have.

>> No.5978016

>living with roommates ever

>> No.5978029

w-why do you still live with them?

>> No.5978034

I feel sorry for the earth knowing that disgusting fat fucks like this are inhaling greasy shit and creating unbiodegradable waste and the only thing they will ever contribute to society is diabetes and strokes.

>> No.5978054

>I emptied out a drawer in my dresser and am now keeping every single kitchen untensil i own in there
good move, consider using a safe or other locked compartment for your nicest cookware

>> No.5978060

This, although I'm sure it's quite simple; just never been lazy enough to want to use electric over manual. And I've no interest in ever owning one.
>uses counterspace/cabinetspace

>> No.5978062

Why am I not surprised that the electric can-opener Internet defense force doesn't know how to spell /espresso/?

>> No.5978064

I don't anymore. they're all gone now. fat roommate and his gf moved into a motor home in his parents yard where they lived happily ever after for all of a month before their toilet blew up and ruined everything

>> No.5978097

what is it?

>> No.5978122

To be fair, you should have been keeping all your good stuff in your room the whole time. My gf is studying cooking, and she won't let any of her housemates anywhere near her good equipment. She doesn't even tell me where she keeps it.

It sounds like a hassle, but it avoids lots of issues. Be smarter next time OP.

>> No.5978162

UBC fag reporting in

>> No.5978227


I was gonna say, not a jury on earth would convict you, anon.

>> No.5978383
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Things like this make it hard to keep faith in the human endeavor