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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 416x416, bean-cheese-burrito-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5962081 No.5962081 [Reply] [Original]

Bean and cheese burritos are perhaps the perfect budget healthy meal.
All you need is a crock pot.
Lots of fiber.
Super tasty.
Costs pennys per meal.

Why aren't you enjoying a bean and cheese?

>> No.5962089

it's even cheaper if you grow your own beans, cows, and tortillas

>> No.5962091

Tell me how to make one, I have canned refried beans and shredded cheddar and tortillas but no crock pot

>> No.5962104

Canned refrieds are expensive and not nearly as good.

>> No.5962107

Second for a recipe

>> No.5962111

That is actually a lot more expensive.

>> No.5962114

Its all in the beans. At least 12 hours on low in the crock. Add oil or lard and lots of salt.
Now you control the flavor with type and quantity of cheese.

>> No.5962123

I actually do eat that a lot, but I make a healthier version without cheese, and using corn tortillas

>> No.5962129

Oh and I use polenta instead of beans.

>> No.5962130


What? No, I use beans

>> No.5962134

But you wind up having an almost infinite supply of burrito ingredients. In the long run it's a lot cheaper, almost free, even.

>> No.5962136

No I don't

>> No.5962138

I make mines with a sesame seed bun instead of a tortilla and a hamburger patty instead of beans.

>> No.5962141

>Why aren't you enjoying a bean and cheese?

A bean and cheese what? you seem to be missing a noun there.

And yeah, beans are great. I cook them often.

>> No.5962148

Out west many places just call it a bean and cheese.
Its kids food out here.

>> No.5962150
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He's clearly talking about burrito

>> No.5962159

Really, how do I make one with canned beans?

>> No.5962165

First you must create the universe.

>> No.5962168

First make peace with yourself

>> No.5962172

>american cheese


>> No.5962174

Is your favorite cooking show "weber cooks"?

>> No.5962175

Egg and bean and cheese = perfection

>> No.5962188
File: 150 KB, 700x600, 1414197358099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I never use american.
I like a sharp cheddar

>> No.5962190


>my fancy european cheese is magically healthy for no reason

>> No.5962192

How do the eggs figure in?

>> No.5962195


That just looks like a cheese burrito with some beans in it

>> No.5962198

It might be cheaper. But its really a very complex calculation. It depends mostly on how much you value your own time, how much economies of scale reduces prices of related store-bought goods, the amount of money that transportation costs increase the prices of these goods, the profit margin on those goods, and the start-up costs of such an operation (which could instead be used to invest in something that might give you some other kind of profit).

I am willing to bet that for most people it would be more expensive to start such an operation that it would be to just buy the materials themselves.

>> No.5962201

Yellow cheese is like 80% fat, bro

>> No.5962204

Many cheeses are yellow anon.
Do you mean american cheese with oil in it?

>> No.5962206

Eggs are least expensive animal protein, what do you think we are, /fit/?

>> No.5962208

I'm just saying that there's hundreds of benefits to growing your own burritos over buying them from the store.

>> No.5962210
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>mfw some asshole restaurant neglects to say that their bean and cheese burritos also have onions in them

>> No.5962214

i mean whatever the cheese is in OP, the same cheese they put on nachos and hamburgers

>> No.5962215


And coke has more sugar than sprite

>> No.5962220

That's not nacho cheese its just melted nicely.

>> No.5962222

This meme is actually infuriating to a point where I'm enjoying it

>> No.5962224

Yes but how exactly are you adding them to burritos?
Over easy?

>> No.5962236

Over easy sounds so fucking good in a bean burrito.

>> No.5962244

So? Cheese in general isn't really healthy at all.

>> No.5962249

However you like your eggs done...only you can decide how you like them...

>> No.5962252


Not if you don't want your cows to starve, it's not.

>> No.5962255

I beg to differ anon
low fat cheese like panela and cottage are really healthy source of vitamins and protein
I mean, American cheddar cheese is good and all, but they're more fat than proteins and carbs

>> No.5962260

that's bullshit. scrambled eggs is the only of eggs that should go in a burrito.

>> No.5962262

Nuke them in a tube shape and insert into burrito... done.

>> No.5962274


Cow hormones and casein generally aren't considered healthy

>> No.5962276

Soft boiled sounds delicious and creamy...

>> No.5962278

I am with you anon.

>> No.5962280

what is considered healthy in your book?

>> No.5962282


That's a bit too broad of a question

>> No.5962288

I meant that everything is given chemicals to grow better, be it plants or animals, I'm not sure what you meant with cow hormones and casein not being considered healthy.

>> No.5962303

Cheese is bloody expensive m8
And it's certainly not healthy either
So your proposed meal has failed on both fronts

>> No.5962309

add rice for a complete prtien

>> No.5962321

>american cheese
Looks like cheddar to me.

>> No.5962335


By its nature, dairy products contain bio-available cow hormones that disrupt our own hormone production regardless of how the cow is raised


This, combined with the IGF-1 raising effects of the protein, leads dairy foods to be associated with higher risk of certain cancers


>> No.5962338

Intermittent fasting eliminates all igf1 risk

>> No.5962343


That's a bold claim to make. Eatting shitty food 5 days a week relative to 7 days a week is obviously beneficial, but I've never seen data that says it's better than simply having a good diet to begin with

>> No.5962348

Fasting all but completely eliminates igf1.
Google that shit

>> No.5962351
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>completely elminates igf-1

I... don't think you understand what IGF-1 is

>> No.5962356



>> No.5962365



>These findings demonstrate that, unlike in rodents, long-term severe CR does not reduce serum IGF-1 concentration and IGF-1 : IGFBP-3 ratio in humans. In addition, our data provide evidence that protein intake is a key determinant of circulating IGF-1 levels in humans, and suggest that reduced protein intake may become an important component of anticancer and anti-aging dietary interventions.

>> No.5962379

Why is cheese bad and yogurt considered good?

>> No.5962396


Yogurt is more often lower in fat which confers some health advantage over cheese, and yogurt manufacturers advertise probiotics as a health bonus although that's mostly bullshit. Basically when science started showing that cheese was bad, the industry had to abandon it and focus their efforts on marketing yogurt

>> No.5962405

Newer findings say otherwise.
Also that says severe.
Not the same as IF

>> No.5962412


Cheese is just a lot denser and easy to eat too much of.

>> No.5962417


>> No.5962426


Where are these newer findings? And you would think severe long-term calorie restriction would be even more effective than the concept of intermittent fasting, which only does severe restriction 2 days out of the week and allows basically anything the other 5 days. As it turns out, IGF-1 is linked directly to protein intake, and specifically animal protein

>> No.5962430

"disrupt" is a tough word anon. and that study sucks ass. it's only about 5 japanese people.

>> No.5962434

>Lots of fiber

You sound like my mom when she buys those fiber one candy bars

>> No.5962435


Where do you see 5 people? There were 18, including men, women, and children

>> No.5962436

Bean and cheese is the bomb yo, I get one at every Mexican restaurant and it never disappoints me

>> No.5962447

Does that mean whey milkshakes will not make me manlier?

>> No.5962491
File: 1.54 MB, 376x212, _00000238765876564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bean and cheese burritos are perhaps the perfect budget healthy meal
this sort of this is a bad joke IT MUST BE

>> No.5962509

Stick with tofu
>develop mantits
>muh estrogens

>> No.5962531

I laughed at this with a blocked nose and now i have mucus on my face.

>> No.5962545

estrogen causes cancer
all women should just off themselves immediately

>> No.5962948

I think you mean rolly bean cheeser, as that is obviously what your picture is of.


>> No.5963109

>rolly bean cheeser

>> No.5963148
File: 2.51 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130610_111356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fag doesn't know what a rolly bean cheeser is

>> No.5963159

1. get some huge flour tortillas *corn tortillas do not lend themselves to burritoization)*
2. Open a can of Rosarita refried beans, mix w 2 tbsp H2O, heat in saucepan
3. Heat up cast iron griddle
4. Introduce tortilla to griddle
5. Wait a bit
6. Secure shredded Mexican cheese, ideally the four-cheese blend
7. Sprinkle a heavy smile on the bottom third of the tortilla
8. Slop on a generous amount of hot refried beans
9. Fold up bottom of tortilla
10. Fold in sides of tortilla
11. Fold up burrito, yes, this burns your fingers. Suck it up.
12. Tuck in ends, seal with another sprinkle of cheese. Flip to melt and act as adhesive.

>> No.5963166

>probably doesn't know what "cold on the cob" is either.

>> No.5963180
File: 78 KB, 375x375, _rod4052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you go to college?

>> No.5963191
File: 4 KB, 218x119, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom goes to college.

>> No.5963192

Jesus that guy gives me the creeps.

>> No.5963197

>bean burrito
Am I the only one who finds this disgusting?

>> No.5963201

Did you really need to write this out? You gonna tell us how to boil pasta next?

>> No.5963203

Bean and cheese is a childhood staple out west.
I am guessing your live elsewhere?

>> No.5963207

I use the microwave.
Best pasta ever.
At high altitude angel hair in cold water takes ten minutes more or less.
Usually much longer on the stove.

>> No.5963270


You boil WATER then cook pasta in it. You're probably using too little water in a vessel that's not large enough.

>> No.5963409
File: 66 KB, 600x600, gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, let's ditch him and go eat some rolly bean cheesers in my mom's basement

>> No.5963425
File: 5 KB, 225x225, shiggy diggity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow your own tortillas

>> No.5963573

>Anything bread or corn related food


>> No.5963601


What's wrong with whole wheat or nixtamalized corn?

>> No.5963604

he's probably some stupid paleo shithead

>> No.5963610

How much oil. Like a tub of canola oil?

>> No.5963877

Any ideas for a reasonable replacement?

>> No.5963899

Soup beans and corn bread are cheaper and more nutritionally sound.

>> No.5964098

r e a l l l y n i g g a?

>> No.5966313

Cheese is not spensive anon

>> No.5966325

Queso fresco is easy enough to make and doing so is cheap as fuck.

>> No.5966327


>> No.5966335

store brand block cheese costs about $4-6/lb where I live, while chicken drumsticks are $1.5/lb.
cheese is expensive for me

>> No.5966431

good lord! where do you live?

>> No.5967154

Bean and cheese burritos are popular on Indian reservations because government cheese.

>> No.5967174

Because I don't cook, obvi

>> No.5967180

>Everyone calls it a bean and cheese
Yer if you're a fucking retard

>> No.5967182

>Mfw people don't like onion

>> No.5967219

Just a little onion and iceberg lettuce is awesome in a bean and cheese.

>> No.5967222

Give me a veggie burrito with cheese, sour cream, guacamole, broccoli, zucchini, lettuce, onion, tomato, beans, rice, corn, capsicum and mushrooms. Loaded with salsa and hot sauce.

>> No.5967687

Not very earth friendly with all that dairy anon.
Might as well eat a carnist asada.

>> No.5967784

>Out west many places just call it a bean and cheese
wtf are you talking about man,

>> No.5967802

Juveos y frijoles (eggs and beans) is a really popular dish and it tastes really good. Plus it's super simple, super filling and gets you lots of proteins as well as fiber. Add cheese or sallsa or put it in a tortilla or fuck make a sloppy joe style sandwich with it. You pressure cook a bunch of beans, you cook up some eggs, bam, poverty food done right. Throw in some rice if you want some extra filler or whatever, all the ingredients are essentially free so it's nbd mode all the way.

But this is probably a troll thread or whatever so yeah maybe I just got epically tricked.

>> No.5967819

12 hours? you are a huge faggot. Just soak the beans overnight and you can cook them for a few hours.

>> No.5967821


>not enjoying eating a single bean and a slice of cheese

>> No.5967848

huevos motherfucker

>> No.5967877

Sounds like absolute trash, you're doing life wrong.

>> No.5968212

I bet you strain your beans as well.

You know nothing of the bean.

>> No.5968782

>carnist asada

>> No.5968800


Whats wrong with that? I generally soak over night and then rinse before slow cooking.

Speaking of which, how do you get nice flavorful soft beans? Mine always seem to come out bland even if I add a ton of stuff with them and even if I slow cook on low forever they still never come out quite like canned beans do.

I feel like more water might help soften and cook them better, but then flavor is a bigger issue. Do people generally soak, cook to soft, and then cook again with flavors?

Tell me the secrets of the beans.

>> No.5969160
File: 10 KB, 350x180, bluevelvet_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me the secrets of the beans
Add way more salt.
Over cook the fuck out of them
Pressure cooker.
Use only this years beans.
Add fat.
Never , ever drain the beans.
Use pintos, pink or red beans, never kidney.
A crock pot may take up to 24 hrs to get the beans correct.

>> No.5969199

>fry egg
>manipulate into long thin shape while frying
>place in tortilla
>become god

>> No.5969240

small amount of baking soda softens legumes

it'll fizz when it gets hot so watch out

>> No.5969296


But isn't slow cooking them whole without draining going to lead to the bad gas everyone loves?

Adding more salt might not be a bad idea. I just reheated some of the beans I slow cooked with smoked chilis over the weekend and ended up adding more salt and pepper anyways. If more salt will help them cook and soften better as well as help flavor adding more won't hurt too bad.

>> No.5969306

>But isn't slow cooking them whole without draining going to lead to the bad gas everyone loves?

Total myth.

>> No.5970343

Salt must be added while cooking and not at the table.

>> No.5970422


>> No.5970935

>buy a can of Rosarita refried beans
>heat up in a pan with a splash of whole milk
>grate cheddar
>warm tortilla
>make burrito
>use tapatio


Lol @ faggots making beans from scratch to make bean and cheese burritos. Fucking bullshit artists.

>> No.5970946


Seriously. They're rolly bean cheesers, dumbass

>> No.5970996

>splash of whole milk

>> No.5971015

>soaking and boiling beans instead of a opening a can and heating the contents.
Both are equally comparable in effort
>bullshit artist
Ok there, Rusty.

>> No.5971899
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>grow your own cows

>> No.5971910


Is this an in-line car exhaust burger cooker?

>> No.5971929

>not growing your own cheese too

This pleb

>> No.5971936


>> No.5971994

Can't we keep /ck/ free of anticircumcision propaganda?

>> No.5972038


>> No.5972122

Good cheese is

>> No.5972334

I am so gay for bean and cheese .
So fucking scrumptious.

>> No.5972341

sometimes I cook beans for almost 8 hours in a pot and they're still hard. I don't understand.

>> No.5972368
File: 47 KB, 720x404, twistedonback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you have to put water in it anon

>> No.5972418

Old beans.

>> No.5972419

Do you soak them overnight before you cook them? Are they reasonably fresh?

>> No.5972438

>Feed beans to cows
>Capture the methane
>Free energy

>> No.5972441

I gotta soak these niggas? what the fuck, beans

>> No.5972444

Do you even bean?

>> No.5972467

fuck that

>> No.5972747


helps give it a nice creamy consistency. you could use cream if you want.


one method takes less than 15 minutes, the other method takes at least a few hours or more if you soak the beans overnight.

For a basic meal like a bean and cheese burrito, its not even a contest.

>> No.5973117

Beans need way more than a fee hours if cooking.

>> No.5973145
File: 163 KB, 519x519, Wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ditch the cheese.

Tortilla with beans, tomato sauce, fried garlic and onions and lots of red pepper. Also some cumin and allspice.

Serve with limes.

Sometimes I add some smoked tofu, raw onions or coriander leaves.

If I use canned beans this takes a few minutes and tastes godlike

>> No.5973149

>red pepper

red pepper powder. paprika or whatever you call it.

also good olive oil. seriously I go jaimie oliver on this recipe.
we start with some olive oil, add onions and garlic. Then when we have made the sauce with beans, add some olive oil.
meanwhile rub the tortillas with some olive oil and salt. Add the beans and sprinkle with a little olive oil.

not even joking

>> No.5973164

because my husband has forbidden me from buying and/or ever serving any sort of bean. I love bean burritos with black beans, cheese, and onion.

>> No.5973180

eating beans because they are healthy

covering beans with 5tons of cheese


>> No.5973191

This is not a vegan thread.
Pls go

>> No.5973193

You forgot your meme arrows.

>> No.5973203


Do you think the cheese magically erases the fiber from the beans?

>> No.5973231

i think the cheese magically adds tons of unnecessary fat. 1/8 cup of most cheeses have between 8 and 12 grams of fat. derp

>> No.5973235


So how does that un-do the healthiness of the beans?

Also, if you're worried about a mere 8 to 12 grams of fat then perhaps you might revisit your diet as a whole. If that little fat is a concern then there are far larger issues in your diet than whether or not you put cheese on your tortillas. Either that or you're making a proverbial mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.5973292
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Forreal nigga?

>Heat up tortillas a little in a pan so you can fold them
>Heat beans in pot/microwave until spreadable
>Spread beans
>Sprinkle cheese
>Why am I even typing this?

Underage or retarded?

>> No.5973980

you could use a divorce

>> No.5973987

>So how does that un-do the healthiness of the beans?

It doesn't. It just makes eating a healthy burrito completely pointless.

>> No.5974365

Yeah no. It doesn't work that way anon.
A little cheese does not poison the burrito.
Your vegan worldview is bullshit.

>> No.5974397

Not the Ano n you're responding to, but you are right. Cheese does not poison a burrito. But an application of cheese like in OP's pic disqualifies it as a "healthy" food item.

>> No.5974416

Cheese is perfectly healthy Mr vegan shill.

>> No.5975246

>grow tortillas

>> No.5975254


The verdict that cheese is unhealthy doesn't come from vegans, it's just the result of scientific inquiry

>> No.5975925

Bollocks mate.
Cheese is is an exelent source of protein and and dietary fat.
Go peddle your hippie organic FiOS science somewhere else.

>> No.5975939

>in a bean and cheese
Excuse me, a bean and cheese what?

>> No.5975975

Don't be a thickie.

>> No.5976171

b-b-but CULTURE

>> No.5976184

in a rolly bean cheeser

>> No.5976193

>Cheese is is an exelent source of protein and and dietary fat.
>Cheese is an excellent source of saturated fat, which most of us already consume more of which that we probably should if health is the goal.

>> No.5976201
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>I enjoy telling the lardasses on this board to stop eating tasty food because I'm the worst

>> No.5976212

Fuck that. I'm a fan of tasty food, and I'm a fan of cheese. But calling foods high in saturated fat "healthy" is landwhale logic. They can be part of a healthy diet, sure, but not a particularly large part of it.