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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 600x411, barclays341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5959871 No.5959871 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ live with eating shrimp caught and processed by slaves? Every time I eat a shrimp I remember the burmese guy who was tied to two different thai fishing boats on the high seas and torn apart as an example to the other slaves.

It makes eating critically endangered bluefin tuna seem practically virtuous.

>> No.5959900

go away

>> No.5959905

What's wrong? Reality too harsh for you?

>> No.5959911
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1800, chuunibyou 3dpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live on the coast.
All the seafood I eat is caught by local fishermen and processed in local facilities.

>> No.5959915

I don't drink beer because Goebbels liked beer

>> No.5959918

Not that I eat shrimp because I can't afford it but I grew up in foster care and have been poor my entire life, so while there are people in other parts of the world who might be suffering to process the food I do eat, I can't prioritize that over my need for sustenance.

>> No.5959919

Same deal with bananas, when you try to unionize in many of those countries your whole family gets killed.

There are so many foods like this. Chocolate is another example, they use child slaves to pick cacao in many parts of the world.

It's really better to not care or you will drive yourself crazy. People suffer for most of the food we eat.

>> No.5959921


You must not live in a populated area. I live on the coast too, we get all kinds of local seafood but we also get imported stuff. The Jamaicans want their kingfish, the Bengalis want their hilsa, the anglophiles want their dover sole, etc. Not everything people want lives in nearby waters.

>> No.5959947

post video faggot

>> No.5959954

I don't eat shrimp tho

>> No.5959959

It tastes better when oppression is involved.

>> No.5959968

>burmese guy

this is the sound of no one giving a fuck


also, I love cheap shrimp

>> No.5959971


I'm with him - fuck off, milk drinker.

>> No.5959983
File: 281 KB, 800x519, rin nakai meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how that's relevant.
You asked me how I feel about eating imported fish, and my answer is that I don't eat imported fish.

>> No.5959988

fish your own shrimp

>> No.5959989


That's not a very convincing trap

In any case, whether or not you live on a coast is irrelevant if that is all you are saying. You can get fish caught in your own country's waters even if you don't live near the water.

>> No.5960004


why do all azn dudes think they can trap?

>> No.5960005
File: 81 KB, 500x750, tumblr_muzqc8QQJV1rqrubuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's relevant because I can verify first-hand the working conditions of my seafood supplier, rather than relying on blurry pictures and hearsay on 4chan.

Also Rin Nakai is not a trap.

>> No.5960020


Oh, I see what you're saying.

Also, I would like to verify first hand the working conditions of her tits, pussy, and ass, if you understand what I am saying. Gotta make sure it's not a dude.

>> No.5960030

>Also Rin Nakai is not a trap.

I don't even know how to break this to you, but please observe the bulge.

>> No.5960035

and this is just the kind of mentality that has plagued humanity for millennia
>i don't care if others suffer so long as i get my own

>> No.5960043
File: 66 KB, 570x814, 1415463962773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only bulge in that image is her huge arms, bruh
get your eyes checked.

>> No.5960056

you're posting this shit from a computer who's microprocessors were probably made by malaysian slaves.

can't have modern life and ethics at the same time.

>> No.5960057


naw bro, there's clearly some funny business going on down there it's just hard to tell with azn's

>> No.5960069


I think the word you are looking for is "whose"

And semiconductor manufacturing has its fair share of human rights issues but they're pretty vanilla compared to tearing apart slaves on the high seas like some kind of medieval spectacle. You can't just pretend these things are all the same.

>> No.5960089
File: 336 KB, 604x800, 330016634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're looking at pelvic fat, not a penis. she's chubby.
seriously, you should be ashamed of yourself.
you've been on 4chan how long, and you still can't properly spot a trap?

>> No.5960095

fuck you, dude. fuck you. you're a piece of shit

>> No.5960104

You sound like those Israel apologists
>Assad gassed a whole city so why are we not allowed to bulldoze a bedouin village that's been here for hundreds of years, throw them in camps, and build a bunch of high rise apartments to be given away for free to Jewish settlers from the former USSR? Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs!

>> No.5960116


All of modern life is firmly rooted in suffering. It's most likely that everything you do or have can be linked, at the very least indirectly, to large amounts of suffering.

Suffering has no value, it is the constant state of Earth.

>> No.5960126


Yes, and? Does that mean we should go around being completely irresponsible, running over homeless people, and kicking orphans in the teeth because their life sucks anyway?

It's not some big secret that poor people suffer. Maybe this is news to you but it's not news to anyone else.

>> No.5960146


No, it doesn't mean that. There is no meaning to derive from this. It makes no difference whether there is or is not suffering, it just is.

>> No.5960157

> It makes no difference whether there is or is not suffering, it just is.

Whoa man. Like, what if the solar system was just an atom inside a universe, and like, the bigger universe was an atom inside an even bigger universe and like... it went out man, can I get the lighter?

>> No.5960164


Thats a big leap youve made there.

> This industry is doing bad shit!
> Yeah, so are a lot. Thats the nature of the beast im afraid.

Calm the fuck down.

The world is meaningless. There is no god. No one belongs anywhere. Everyone is going to die.

Kick back, smile, read and cook and play videogames, enjoy your life as best as you can, and thank fuck you arent a Malaysian fisherslave.

>> No.5960172


You're the one making wild leaps here

>the people at my local walmart are overworked and underpaid
>therefore who cares if people are literally getting drawn and quartered so I can eat cheap shrimp

Really? That's your argument?

>> No.5960181


This. Unless you grow and raise all of your own food you are guilty

>> No.5960187


that analogy would work if you were buying beer that concentration camp victims were forced to brew.


>milk drinker.

you know, it doesn't make you a tough guy to torment or show lack of concern for the grievances of others, when you do it from a position of relative safety.

makes you an asshole, though.

>> No.5960199

right, but maybe the right answer is not one extreme (not caring) or the other (growing all your own food).

maybe the solution lies in a balance somewhere on a continuum.

Like, yeah, it's too inconvenient to grow all your own food, but you still try to be reasonably conscious of where the products you consume are sourced. Because you're not going to go hungry just because you don't grow your own food and you're aware of what your money supports.

>> No.5960203

>maybe the solution lies in a balance somewhere on a continuum.

That's crazy talk, are you from /b/ or something?

>> No.5960238

Damn that's a sweet pic

>> No.5960245
File: 324 KB, 1067x1600, Iiniku_Ushijima_140413_115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushijima is a QT

>> No.5960259

People who say, "it's either X or Y" are usually the most miserable and ignorant people around.

>> No.5960263


I guess you could call it that, but at that point I hope you farm everything you eat yourself or you don't really have any place saying that. I've suffered more than most, I'm not going to continue to suffer even more because of factors that I can't control.

>> No.5960265

Only a Sith deals in absolutes!

>> No.5960270


srs'ly my dude detector is going off I can't explain it but I know a man when I see one, I mean it doesn't even have thigh highs on.

>> No.5960276

I hope that's not really a woman... man face, weird fucking tits, man thighs, etc

>> No.5960300

>You can't just pretend these things are all the same.

And likewise you ought not to be pretending that tearing slaves apart on the high seas happened any more than once.

There's nothing vanilla about the environmental damage the semiconductor industry causes. And there's little difference between the slave labor in that industry versus the slave labor in the shrimp industry.

>> No.5960301


your intuition is correct, stick with it or one day you'll find yourself leaving a bar half cocked with a real one.

>> No.5960304

>half cocked with a real one
not sure if want

>> No.5960307

Fine with me

>> No.5960337

those are some boots.

>> No.5960552

In my country all of our shrimp is caught here, so I feel pretty neutral

>> No.5961692

>if I don't eat shrimp I'm suffering

>> No.5961708

>when you try to unionize in many of those countries your whole family gets killed.
This is a good thing. It cuts down on the number of fucking communist scum in the world. It's a pity that someone can't track you down through the internet and kill you too.

>> No.5961709
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>> No.5961710

>Edge: the post

>> No.5961712

If that's not a trap, then it should be.

>> No.5961718

>tearing apart slaves on the high seas like some kind of medieval spectacle
Thailand gonna Thai. Just don't buy anything from there, don't go there for tourism, don't support their economy or their military dictatorship.

Most shrimp nowadays is farmed, and you can get farmed-in-USA shrimp if you pay for it. It will also be safer, because the foreign sources often use prohibited fungicides and bactericides to keep the shrimp from dying before they're harvested.

>> No.5961723

I'm quite serious. Fucking union organizers and communists should all get necklaced.

>> No.5961734
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, edgy07-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


careful not to cut yourself

>> No.5961754

The shrimp I eat is processed by machinery in a huge factory, not slaves

>> No.5961830

This troll has the most stamina I've ever seen.

Or this crazy cunt actually believes this shit.

Fuck off and move to California so you can live at Sprouts and sit on all the phallic shaped boxes in the gluten free isle.

>> No.5961845
File: 117 KB, 546x700, 1412442838858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5961846

>phallic shaped
>not yoni shaped

Heteronormative much? I'd be offended if I didn't feel so sorry for you.

>> No.5961864

What if, by refusing to buy slave-harvested goods, you're just making the slavors mad and and more desperate and then they take it out on the slaves?

>> No.5961915

Hell, I'm /pol/ and I run an Intel system.

I wonder how many of you idiots actively boycot things like shrimp and the like and then tweet on your fucking -Apple products-. Every socially conscious SJW fumbling away on their iPhones!

Are they willfully ignorant or just stupid?!

>> No.5961919

They're stupid, that's why they're SJWs. The only thing worse than an SJW is a redpill.

>> No.5962125

>hello I'm /pol/

Do you hope to get taken seriously with that kind of introduction?

>> No.5962145

I only eat seafood (including shrimp) that was wild caught and processed in the USA. Simple, good for me, good for the economy, tastes delicious, no slaves required.

>> No.5962166

>Are they willfully ignorant or just stupid?!

I think it's the latter. One of my acquaintences is really big into the whole eco thing, but she never looks beyond the obvious. She bought a hybrid car a few years ago and I asked her how she planned on dealing with the 1200 lbs of highly toxic battery in that car once it was no longer serviceable. The look on her face when she learned that yes, her precious prius really does contain a very large piece of hazardous waste, was priceless.

>> No.5962177

Batteries can be recycled.

>> No.5962216

How about you eat some north American. Shrimp then?
Muthafuckin prawns errday up in this bitch.

>> No.5962219

One of the reasons I don't eat animals or animal products

>> No.5962231
File: 32 KB, 435x429, 1400409199415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live on the Texas Gulf Coast, shrimp everywhere

>> No.5962237

Without appealing to emotion and "muh morals" explain to me how slavery is wrong.

Its Darwinism.

>> No.5962619

this is bait

>> No.5962645


Heteronomative? Um, yeah. Yeah I am. Are you not?

>> No.5962647

>female detected

>> No.5962723

those slaves make a living. I don't go out and sign up for Alaskan crab fishing because common sense would fucking dictate that once you're out on the boat you either go with the program or shit gets real, and when you are a thousand miles to the nearest island I'd imagine the slavemasters support the "my way or the highway" style of supervising

>> No.5962725


>Your answer?

>Female, I think its a female.

>And the answer is....BZZZZZZ!!

You are fucking wrong!! Too bad Anon. Maybe next time don't go for the fag answer. Play again soon. :)

>> No.5962887

the tears make the shrimp even more delicious, in fact brb going to buy imported shrimp

>> No.5962959

I don't care if they use netting made from the guts of Chinese neonates. I want my shrimp.

>> No.5962965

>implying a chinese neonate is somehow inherently valuable
>implying any human infant below maybe 6-12 months of age is morally different from a fetus

Are you one of those life begins before conception people? Babies can't suffer, they're basically human shaped lobsters.

>> No.5962968

Spoken like a true woman. Could you be any more of a stereotypical example of cunt culture?

>> No.5963009

I only eat prawns from an Australian prawn farm that is only a half hour drive from here, the wild stocks of Tuna, Salmon, Prawns, Crabs and Lobster are being depleted and they'll be gone before we know it unless you change where you are getting your food from
Look at the fucking dodo, that shit was probably delicious... I can't enjoy a dodo because they were eaten to extinction.
Same thing can happen again, I want people in the future to enjoy a nice fresh prawn.

>> No.5963040

look guys I'm le edgy :^)

>> No.5963084

>entire thread is edgemaster slavery is cool guise if you have a problem with it ur an iphone hippie
>first straightforward completely justifiable point of view
>le edgy


>> No.5963087

Slavery isn't really a "me" problem. I mean, I'm not a slave, so why does it matter?

>> No.5963108

Even if just a sizeable minority of people gave a shit and bought things like fair labor certified fruit and other products can you imagine how much better the world would be? If only a sizable fucking minority. This shows you just how fucking awful and morally apathetic we are as a species. And most people would consider themselves good people. What a joke.

>> No.5963163

Right, the world would be so much better by increasing labor costs / food costs. I'd much rather pay $50 for 5lbs of hamburger rather than the $15 I'm paying now. Let's starve those who just barely getting by now by double or tripling their food costs.

Dumb ass, typical head-in-the-clouds, liberal retard.

>> No.5963174
File: 89 KB, 600x721, 00454719bbc0d85f28945a87cea61533-merka-lady-consumes-entire-block-of-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh boigahs! the libruls gonna take muh boigahs!

I guarantee your problem is not starvation, buddy. Maybe fewer burgers would mean I could fly somewhere without having you spill your rolls over the armrest every time.

>> No.5963181
File: 75 KB, 640x360, rinnakai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's an MMA fighter you utter dinguses.
she's mannish because she picks things up and puts them down.

your trap detectors are in need of serious calibration.

>> No.5963185


She's also obviously got unusual hormones or she's on the juice.

A woman with normal female hormones can't get muscles like that.

>> No.5963188

God forbid you buy less beef you stupid prick. How much do you really think you're saving by forcing people to work 20 hours for unfair wages? Do you honestly think it's worth saving a few cents at the super market? That's not even why poor people have trouble getting by you fat idiot.

>> No.5963213

I don't give a fuck about slavery or low wage labor. I don't. I care about the well being of my family. If torturing you to death meant the survival of my family, I'd stand with great applause to your painful demise.

And guess what? Most people - whether they admit it, feel the same way.

You are a mentally deranged libtard.

>> No.5963214

>I care about the well being of my family so I feed them $3/lb ground beef

I actually laughed out loud at this. Bravo!

>> No.5963229

Does your dumb ass even know why they sell meat of that quality and price? Because people buy it. People need it. On one hand you weep for the poor slaves and the next you make fun of plebs.

Your ass doesn't even know if its coming or going.

Hypocrite liberals.. Nothing surprising there.

>> No.5963233
File: 52 KB, 620x400, image9-620x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's also quite short, so she looks huger in comparison

>> No.5963241


It's highly unlikely that you're getting anything good quality for that price unless you are buying primal cuts and grinding them yourself.

I don't mean to sound preachy, but your family does not *need* to be constantly eating hamburgers. Billions of people get by just fine without it. This idea that you are not a good parent unless you feed your kids excessive amounts of meat (no matter the quailty) seems to be a lower middle class American obsession.

>> No.5963268

If I buy something, does that mean that's the only thing I eat? How fucking narrow is your brain? I offer 1 single item out of my grocery list as an example and your less than average brain concludes that's my entire diet. My 3rd grade daughter has a better grip on logic than you.

Holy fuck you liberals are dumb.

>> No.5963272

You're kinda retarded, Anon.

>> No.5963273
File: 129 KB, 1030x659, 116427478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a load of this pleb.

>> No.5963284

What the hell are you doing fucking around on 4chan if you're old enough to have children in grade school? I'm honestly scared for your children's welfare.

>> No.5963294

Why do admittedly morally bankrupt people post in threads about moral issues? Just fuck off

>> No.5963301

>people need cheap meat
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.5963308


If your diet is more varied than that, all the more reason to cut it out. There's no excuse for cheap meat. It's repulsive to the senses, it breeds antibiotic resistance, and, contrary to your beliefs, it isn't actually necessary.

>> No.5963432

way to stand up to his argument by attacking some random fact he put in his post. gg anon. gg

>> No.5963440


we don't have the time or resources to give a fuck about every qualm you idiots dig up in this shitty world. reach into your own bank accounts and leave us alone.

>> No.5963454

>implying I give a shit about shrimp

I hope you take care of your kids if you ever manage to breed

>> No.5963482

>Another trafficking victim said he had seen as many as 20 fellow slaves killed in front of him, one of whom was tied, limb by limb, to the bows of four boats and pulled apart at sea
the logistics of that are impressive. you'd have to put in a lot of effort to organize four boats like that

>> No.5963490

With ropes it's not too hard. Any boat has lots of ropes.

>> No.5963527


uh...what? when did i ever say anything about you and shrimp. what the fuck are you talking about?

just stop.

>> No.5963602

You're the one coming in here and shitposting. gtfo if your time is so precious

>> No.5964279

You're right I shall become a vegan.

>> No.5964303


well, I mean when he's standing next to the other manlier dude, I guess he looks more feminine.

>> No.5964333

is he okay?

>> No.5964339

>implying I care about some nigger in burma

>> No.5964442

Then who would you preach your shitty causes to, if we all left? No, I can't do that to you. I care about the little guy. ;)

>> No.5966161

And a lot of those people doing the cacao harvesting don't even know what cacao is used for.